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Alright, given that you have the function as:

y=arccos ⁡( e − x ) + arccos ⁡( e −x )
The derivative will involve the chain rule and1the derivative

of the inverse trigonometric
function. The derivative of arccos ⁡(u) is − ⋅u , where ′
u is the derivative of u with
respect to x . √ 1− u 2

Deriving the Given Function


Given that the function
consists ¿of2two
1 −x
⋅ − identical terms,
√1 − ( e −x 2
y=2⋅arccos−⁡(xe− x )
it can be written as:
⋅e ⋅(−1)

′ 2e
y ¿
Differentiating y with respect to x : √ 1 −e −2 x
y′ ¿
2e − x
√1 − e e−2x

(multiplying by 1 in the form of e x /e x
y′ ¿ 2 x − 2 x 2 x (since 1=e0 )
√e − e ⋅ e
y′ ¿ 2x
√ e −1

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