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Case studying is a widely acknowledge and effective method of learning in the college

undergraduate level classroom. It provides us with a practical approach to understanding

theoretical concepts and allowed us to apply the knowledge in real world scenarios Through the

analysis of complex cases, we are able to develop critical thinking skills, solving abilities and

gain deeper understanding. One of the key advantages of case studying is the opportunity, it

provides for us to engage actively in the learning process. Traditional lecture base teaching often

fails to let students actively participate and apply their knowledge. However case studies allow

us to work on real or hypothesis scenarios allowing to critically analyze the situation and propose

potential solution or strategies. This active engagement helps to develop a deeper understanding

of the subject matter and facilitates the retention of knowledge. If we students who self test often

while learning by ourselves may be able to learn more, at much less experience, than we might

by just learning this matter time and time again. Integrating more regular classroom

experimentation into the class will improve our education and encourage retention of material

long after the teaching has finished.

Submitted by: Julie Ann Dequit BTLEd-IA3

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