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Learning is a process which never stops.

One is learning continuously at every stage of life and it can

never be limited by the resources at hand instead it is meant to be experienced. Thereby, I believe that
comparatively one could make most of it outside the classroom than in a classroom. To Validate my
viewpoint, I will be talking about the Practical engagement, Efficiency and the way creativity is enhanced
by learning outside.

In a classroom a child is limited by the books and syllabuses. One feels more burdened by these
resources and most of the time is not able to grasp the real concept of how thing works. Students are
completely dependent on the Hypothesis and are confined within the vicinity. Outside, however they
come across a wide range of details, this makes them more observant and therefore they can acquire
more practical skills and knowledge. Scientific studies also suggest that daily – life examples can induce
immediate learning in one’s mind. Newton was not in a classroom when he discovered gravity. It was an
apple that evoked this theory in his mind.

Learning outside the classroom lasts longer as one is more conscious outside. It makes learning more
relevant. One is not just sitting, trying to memorize something from the books instead the get a more
transparent image of the key ideas behind which can be implemented by them in their future, while
they are out in the real world. It has been surveyed that most of the students do not even remember
two -third of their syllabus after graduating. All this learning is applicable only if one has the main key
ideas at the back of their mind.

Conventional Teaching is limited whereas outside students get real exposure, and their minds work
accordingly. More of creativity and imagination is nurtured in their minds. They get a clear vision of
their interests and are motivated to work on them. All the experiences influence their overall personality
positively. It encourages them and their ability to think critically. Besides their Problem-Solving and
Decision-making skills are developed.

Making students learn outside the classroom might be a challenging task due to numerous
distractions that may interfere, still Not only can learning outside the classroom lead to a deeper
understanding of challenging concepts, but it also provides a context for learning in many areas.

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