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Week 5- Short Assessment

Read and analyze each question. Answer each item briefly but concisely. Submit it in a google
doc format.

1. What were Rizal’s reasons for traveling to different places like Europe, Asia, and America?

Jose Rizal, a prominent Filipino nationalist and polymath, embarked on a series of journeys
across Europe, Asia, and America during the late 19th century. These travels were driven by a
multifaceted purpose, encompassing educational pursuits, a secret mission to liberate the
Philippines from Spanish tyranny, and a deep desire to understand and improve the conditions of
his homeland. The reasons behind Rizal's travels to these different regions and the significance
of each journey in shaping his role as a national hero:

Europe: Education and Liberation

Rizal's journey to Europe in 1882 had a primary goal: to complete his education. He sought to
acquire knowledge and skills that would empower him to contribute meaningfully to the
betterment of the Philippines. However, there was a clandestine motive concealed beneath this
pursuit. Rizal had a secret mission, one that would eventually define his legacy. He aimed to
observe the lives, cultures, laws, and governments of European nations. This covert agenda was
in preparation for the liberation of the Philippines from the oppressive grip of Spanish rule.

During his European sojourn, Rizal traversed several countries, from Singapore to Sri Lanka,
Italy to France. In Madrid, the epicenter of Spanish influence, he delved into medical studies,
philosophy, and letters. Later, in Paris, he specialized in ophthalmology. These educational
endeavors equipped him not only with knowledge but also with the intellectual tools needed to
address the plight of his countrymen.

Asia: Exposing Exploitation and Cultural Exploration

Upon returning to the Philippines, Rizal presented his findings on the exploitation of tenants by
friars, which infuriated the religious authorities. Facing their demand for his exile, Rizal left for
Hong Kong, marking the beginning of his Asian journey.

In Japan, he immersed himself in the study of Japanese language, culture, theater, and martial
arts. Although tempted to stay, his unwavering commitment to his homeland compelled him to
bid farewell and continue his mission.
America: Observations on Progress and Inequality

Rizal's voyage to America in 1888 took an unexpected turn when his ship was quarantined in
San Francisco. Nevertheless, he seized the opportunity to explore various American cities,
including Reno, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Chicago, Albany, and New York City. During this
time, he was deeply impressed by the natural beauty, industriousness of the American people,
and the material progress of the nation. He also recognized the opportunities available for
immigrants to uplift their lives.

However, Rizal's keen observations did not shy away from critical assessment. He highlighted
the stark lack of racial equality in the United States, underscoring the challenges faced by
marginalized communities.

2. Cite some of the benefits that Rizal attained from traveling around the world.

Jose Rizal's extensive travels around the world yielded a plethora of benefits, and among
them was his significant role in paving the way for the Philippines' independence. He acquired a
well-rounded education, studying medicine, philosophy, and letters in Europe, which armed him
with knowledge and skills to lead and inspire others. His exposure to diverse cultures broadened
his horizons and nurtured a cosmopolitan worldview, which allowed him to engage with
international communities advocating for freedom and self-determination. Proficiency in
multiple languages facilitated effective communication and enhanced his writings, which played
a pivotal role in spreading ideas of independence and social justice. Rizal's observations of
different political systems informed his views on governance, inspiring him to become a leading
voice in the Philippine reform movement. His travels enabled him to connect with like-minded
activists, build an international network of supporters, and raise global awareness about the
Philippines' struggle for independence. As a result of his tireless efforts, he not only contributed
significantly to the intellectual and ideological foundations of Philippine independence but also
inspired and mobilized generations of Filipinos to actively work towards achieving it.

3. Do you think Rizal was successful in attaining his significant missions from his travels?

Yes, Jose Rizal can be considered successful in attaining his significant missions from his
travels. He achieved a comprehensive education during his time in Europe, excelling in fields
such as medicine, philosophy, and letters. Although his secret mission to prepare for the
liberation of the Philippines from Spanish rule was not realized during his lifetime, he gathered
valuable insights into governance and reform through his observations of European cultures and
governments. Furthermore, Rizal's writings and advocacy played a pivotal role in raising global
awareness about the Philippines' struggle for independence, mobilizing support both within the
Philippines and internationally. His intellectual legacy, embodied in his literary works and
nationalist sentiments, continues to inspire and influence the Philippines to this day, solidifying
his success as a national hero and a symbol of the country's enduring pursuit of freedom.

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