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REPOMPO MW 12:00-1:30

Steam Inhalation as a COVID-19 Therapy

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide, causing significant
morbidity and mortality. While vaccines and medications are important tools in the fight against
the virus, there are also non-pharmacological interventions that can help in managing the
symptoms of the disease. One such intervention is steam inhalation.

Steam inhalation involves breathing in water vapor through the nose and mouth. It is a
common home remedy for respiratory infections and is believed to help loosen mucus, reduce
inflammation, and ease breathing. In the context of COVID-19, steam inhalation has been
proposed as an adjuvant therapy to help manage symptoms and potentially reduce the severity of
the disease.

Steam inhalation may have some potential benefits for people with mild respiratory
symptoms related to COVID-19. By inhaling steam, the airways can be moistened and soothed,
helping to reduce symptoms such as coughing, congestion, and sore throat. Additionally, steam
inhalation can help loosen mucus in the airways, making it easier to cough up and clear out of
the body, which can improve breathing and reduce congestion.

Here are some steps to follow when performing steam inhalation:

1. Boil water: Start by boiling a pot of water on the stove or in an electric kettle. Make
sure you have enough water to last for at least 10 minutes.
2. Transfer the hot water: Carefully transfer the hot water to a large bowl or a wide-
mouthed pot. You can also use a humidifier or a steam inhaler, which will have a
chamber for water.
3. Add essential oils (optional): If you want to add essential oils to the steam, do so at this
point. Some popular options include eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender. However, be
careful not to add too much, as some essential oils can be irritating if used in excess.
4. Position yourself: Place your face over the bowl and drape a towel over your head to
create a tent. Make sure the towel covers the edges of the bowl to trap the steam.
5. Inhale the steam: Close your eyes and inhale the steam deeply through your nose for 5-
10 minutes. If the steam feels too hot, wait for a few seconds before resuming.
6. Take breaks: Take breaks as needed, especially if you feel lightheaded or
uncomfortable. You can also lift the towel to let in some fresh air.
7. Dispose of the water: Once you're done, dispose of the hot water carefully and wash
the bowl or pot thoroughly.

It is important to note that steam inhalation is not a substitute for medical treatment, and
it may not be suitable for everyone, especially for people with asthma or other respiratory
conditions. While it may help alleviate symptoms, it is not a cure for COVID-19. Additionally,
steam inhalation can cause burns and other injuries if not done properly. It is important to follow
proper safety precautions when using steam inhalation, such as using a towel to cover the head
and maintaining a safe distance from the hot water. If you have any concerns, it is best to consult
with your doctor before trying steam inhalation.

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