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Kashmir's natural beauty reminds one of heaven

I had heard a lot about Kashmir, . therefore we made the decision to

visit Kashmir. We took a 2.5-hour flight from Mumbai to Srinagar. I
was tired at the beginning of the journey, feeling as if I had no
energy left and I didn't believe that I was travelling to Kashmir, and I
slept on the flight but as I arrived at Srinagar's airport, amd when I
felt the cool wind in the air and I knew that I was indeed in
Kashmir .After some time, the car we had reserved for our trip
arrived, and we proceeded to one of Srinagar's most stunning and
well-known locations, the Twilip Garden.

Upon entering the garden, the scenery there was particularly lovely
because it was early in the morning Then we arrived at the garden,
which was filled with vibrant flowers, many of which I had never seen
before. I felt so good after seeing the garden's vibrant flowers, and as
I strolled through it and enjoyed the wind, I wanted to stay there
forever. After visiting the garden I was super hungry that the insects
in my stomach were dancing so we chose to eat Maggie . And went
to the nearest food stall and ordered our Maggie, eating Maggie in
the frigid mountains hit a different vibe. After some time our Maggie
arrived. When I first tasted the hot, flavorful Maggie, I thought there
was nothing finer. We then proceeded to travel to the houseboat.

When we arrived at the location of our houseboat, we had to cross a

small river in individual little boats that each had four seats. I was
afraid while sitting on the small boat, but as we approached the
larger houseboat where we would spend another day, I became calm
after observing the clear water nearby. At the same time, though, we
were feeling cold. We decided to take a short nap because everyone
was exhausted, and then in the evening we went on a water ride.
Descriptive writting

While on the water ride by Shikhara boat, we came across many

shops and saw the people selling burned panner and mushrooms, so
we stopped there and tried them.
The people over there were friendly and humble, and they
immediately handed us our plate of burnt panner Mashrom chilli
potatoes and hot chutney. Which was spicy and sour The properly
burned mashrooms had a mirchi and blackpeper powder coating that
improved the flavour of the mashroms and panner. I was taking in
the most breathtaking view of the sun setting, the pinkish hue of the
sky, and the cold breeze blowing around.
We returned to the houseboat after watching the sunset, and as it
was getting dark outside, we sat on the couch outside of our rooms
to enjoy the fresh air.
After some time we went into our rooms and slept.

The following morning we woke up got ready, and travelled to

Sonmarg. As we entered Sonmarg, we noticed a lot of snow all
around us. Once we arrived, we went to a location where the area
was completely covered in snow Therefore, to prevent everyone from
feeling cold, we were provided with suitable gear. The attire consisted
of large, warm, waterproof boots
I was eager to trek up and see the snowy mountains after donning
those because I had never seen that much snow in real life

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