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12:29 PM 3/6/2023

Bet he used google translate to write that in Crimean Tatar...

12:30 PM 3/6/2023

All as usual Mr. Zelensky , Western Support is unwavering and in variants , make good use of the heavy
toys we are sending ya...

Still looking what this old siberian bear is up to.

12:31 PM 3/6/2023

Anything close to a flying toy they say is by late 2024 , crash course could make that sooner...

U r gonna send brght and willing people will ya not?

Depending on Battlefield situation do not expect any sooner than 2025 or 2026.

Always pending on depending.

12:33 PM 3/6/2023

This Russia of theirs may be isolated but that will not take forever and they count on her fortunes to
bend wills.

People may get hungry , things may stall , they are not going anywhere.

And seeing Russia as Milosevic's Yugoslavia is a no pointer.

If it their ass on the line and in person they gonna use the damn thing even if it means that it will
explode in the silo rendering Russia to a wasteland.

Puffing this Nuclear Dragon where possible to the West of Europe and the Western North American

See it as a souvenir...
Making your own grand child seeing better with 5 eyes instead of 2.

And distorting evolution for the next 20k years to the point of fracture.

12:38 PM 3/6/2023

Old NATO loves doggie style as always , licking his new master's hand , always watchful to reprise the
good old teuton and frankish days of kings ,

Always so willing to ride a fine young bitch's ass even if she happens to move her shiny tail for some
other dog.

Old NATO has this wolf howling for over 12 months , old NATO does not bark unless his master tells him
to , instead the Sheep barks in the Scythian lands , the Sheep

has strong back legs , has already broke enough tankish tooth , and has made this wolf's arrogant nose
to bleed more than anyone would expect.

Scythian Sheep is asking for hawks and eagles to get the wolf.

Wolf has other wolfs in the myst and the forest honey , ready to tear each other apart should power
starvation becomes more apparent.

They will all fall and tear the sheep apart , and they may scream patriotism and for fucking mother russia
while feasting.

And even one NATO's hair would make them happy and more willing to move west.

I am not scared precisely , i am listening that is all.

Fear keeps sheeps like me at bay.

I am a nuclear sheep electrifying the geopolitical atmosphere & ILL legally this is why it is not easy to
touch me...Unless you want to go radio and active...

12:51 PM 3/6/2023

Bakhmut bashmut says nothing to me it is about russian moral , generals and related want to show
anything to Kremlin.

Tatar ethics say if you are no good , your are not fired , you are sent to siberia , poisoned , utterly
defamed , gone gone gone...
So much for Russian Patriotism...And as for Inspiration...

Oh my...

12:54 PM 3/6/2023

Human is a beast in his own right.

Immitating moves and thought to elude a hostile force is one thing.

Keeping this that way , negates options , human options , the right to be humane , and you become

In a human jungle a siberian wolf...

The poor thing.

I can not even call him an endagered species!

12:59 PM 3/6/2023

The laughter over John the golden mouth is utter as always ,

An indirect say on how the elites as they arose after 500 AD used this final writing ,

You have the lord all giving , making miracles (effects sound and visual and even body made for) the
people in awe , growing desperate to believe ,

The people are not hungry because they are not hungry , the people do not thirst , the people do not die
but go to heaven should they believe in

their lord's grace , and if EVER god forbid shit gets all the way to loose!

We all lose , mutations are apparent , frankly what john describes as a foreseer is a system to mind fuck
first and subdue in this chaos and even prevail against

this satan , though vague , that precise , the man was indeed , I CLAIM , the emperor's advisor , he
officialy put him in exile to clear up his mind.

And you never ever know perhaps he did meet Mr. God and really saw what he wrote.

From all people i may interprete his writings under these circumstances , but i deny my arrogant self to
deny this was not yours truly a man of god.
And like Mose's 10 commandments , the seal was broken and broken over again...

To see if there is god after all.

And unless you almighty human are not scared shitless , there is no god , you are the boss.

1:04 PM 3/6/2023

This Scythian Sheep , is harvesting Apsynthus from Kornobyl , It has a jewish face yet atheist / secular ,
this beast of war coming straight from the big

mountains in the east as a messenger of a new upheaval , wondering the fallen kingdom of the Golden
Elves , still having his ass kicked yet waiting

somehow when the Western Alliance will anyhow give up or provice wrong council , or provide non
necessary tools meant for guardians not sheeps ,

The sheep was found as assumed to have an iron heart , a strong will which is odd for a sheep even of
this genetics.

And as always the apocalypse...

Perhaps this is why they are orthodox after all...

Fuck Shiva and Oppenheimer when he saw the big light...

Fuck the destroyer of these worlds...

I am a john fan!

ME ME ME! Long live ME!

1:09 PM 3/6/2023

You know what before having my ass blasted and go to hell (For Sure) i will beg St. Peter to get an
autograph from this John.

Shit man!

Man really wrote stuff!

Man was digging to power all the way to imperia!

1:11 PM 3/6/2023

There is no WWIII!

There will never be WWIII!

Closest thing to WWIII were Cuba and the Damansky islands.

The 1980's afloated that combined with technology comes even more unpredictability!

In plain words not even those REALLY calling the shots were certain how and where and when they
would get away with this!

Broken Arrow along with the 1979 invasion in Afghanistan only pile up on the miscalculations!

1990 was more than demanded since the paper tiger would point to more false regimes , and with
young generations and progress all over they could not

keep up.

It was not only Chernobyl , not only Soviet Machine Failures , not only good old corruptions and mouth

Russia has made a sacrifice to this regime of things.

Now this Russian Leadership is fucking it up that bad , it may take Russia 2 decades to return if ever to
these circles of trust.

Current Putin Leadership makes sure it will take longer , practically they liquified whatever happened
after 1991 , so they are going BIG or so they said like 12

months ago.

Effectively it is Romanov's Russia , where is Potemkin Uprising and all the rest.

Parallels all over...

And in the end it is about kiss assing.

Kissing a fine girl's ass because in a while or a while ago you were kissing this bad ass!

1:19 PM 3/6/2023

There is and most probably will never be a WWIII at least in the sense a WWII occured.

Even with sanctions , even by lowering official relations , the current global environment of relations is
that complicated who ever triggers this

situation is like playing in the dark!

Take a potential skirmish between US-Pacific Allies and China - Russia - North Korea , this may give a win
to the US and allies but the losses may push

The democratic regimes to reform to a potentially more favorable position to the more permanent ones
in Beijing and Pyong Yang!

That does not provide a loss either!

Again long term may prove China to go further South , assimilate the philippines or establish a leader of
their likings.

It is about democracy!

A potential serious skirmish should demand whoever is implicated to stand down , always counting on
the fact this west of things is taking full responsibility

for the loss , would Beijing give up in that sense?

The imbalance depending on the skirmish aka "small full blown warfare" may force US and allies further
attack on chinese mainland and even retake North Korea.

The temporary momentum to denounce old signatures and even finally re unite Korea and even give a
sweet come back for Japan!

Using Nuclear or similar weapons is the easy choice...

In an intercomplicated world as it comes the dark irony is having over 8000 nuclear weapons waiting for
retirement yet still some old monster still screaming

on his death bed that these toys can do the trick!

3:41 PM 3/6/2023
Western Assistance towards Ukraine shall remain unprecented and stands unwavering compare to this
Russ Phone Old Bad Wolf.

10/3/2023 4:24:25 PM

*Message to Ukraine*

10/3/2023 11:52:46 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Well Sir ,

Mr. Lavrov recalled to my memorabilia how his Soviet Colleague and Spiritual Russ Phone Predecessor
must have felt with the "There are no Soviet Missiles in Cuba" in this 1962 UN Pharmaceutical and highly
Nuclear Event with that "Empire of Lies" thing for a remark back then.

I guess these days anyone would insist in a similar event no matter the 4K or 16K analysis the image is
'photoshoped' and of course who ever is not with us is against us THUS he is lying.


Yes , there are missiles in Cuba targeting 48 out 50 US States and half of Latin America...

No they Don't...

Yes , they exist...

No they Don't...

Here...Pictures of Soviet Missiles in Cuba captured a few hours ago...

They Exist? I would not know...

Someone missed the opportunity updating you fully no shameful doubt. I guess...
And Round and Round it goes.


Take Care


Slava Ukraina.


You are supposed to say in utter Silence "Slava Russia".

Anyways Take care.

10/4/2023 2:13:49 PM

Time and Timing , Time and Timing , Tik Tok...

They seem in this here to count on the fact 3 powers combined will never break what i have been
proposing the last 10 years over , the Waterwall , As for the Varangians , i advise you to pay attention to
eastern Siberia.

I noticed they noticed you are advancing your "defense" spending and you also called a nationwide
nuclear emergency.

For old times sake i presume , it has to be bringing nice memories making a species once hiding in holes
to survive an asteroid over 75 million years ago , redoing the whole process in this glorious 21st Century.

For the sake of McArthyism and the 1950's and long live Elvis (Never liked a song of his) all i can say is...

13 million square km...

If Kremlin is what you need Kremlin is what you can get.

You will be the...Vatican of Secularism Dash Stalinism Dash Communism Dash Neo Imperialism , having
Caviar for Free and Speaking English with Russian Accent and of course the ladies , the ladies , the

How to inspire future Russ Phone Princes of Darkness to harness and re establish this Empire of Lies.

English vs Russian + Chinese + Korean North Accent...Is this all about after all?

And never forget the Commonwealth the eternal Ying and Yang and Kama ever Sutra?

Never forget Multiculturalism the vastness of the African Deep Drums.

Empire of Lies.

Welcome to this Truth...

You also maintain this Empire of Lies.

You Seek First in IIIrd Rome while never Second in Washington D.C.

10/4/2023 2:21:50 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

I am a man full of fear.

Am i an asset to ya?

I exist the way i know and some Intel knows all ever the place playing games of the mind using shrinks
only for you to prove prowess , pride who is to be put in place , for how long , directly or indirectly , who
is to be condemned in his own conscience first , who is to be lost or lose , who is to rise to fame and who
is to be forgotten , who is to be a saint , who is to be memorized as the devil for all to see , the right , the
wrong , the dreams never ever coming true , false dreams coming false , and always pulling sentimental ,
mental or psyche and genetic based strings pushing or "guiding" the fracking race or tribe or ego
forward or backward.
You want to launch WWIII and 6500 nuclear weapons but not mention my name and why i am typing
and this message to ya?


I am scared now...

I hope that stick in my head really tells you that...

Ever heard WIFI? How about Satellite connection? Cells? SIM Cells?


May God Save the United States of America.

10/4/2023 2:32:16 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

The mouse that roars.

Funny movie laughing already on 10 years of Cold War , was more a flop i guess common folk did not get
the meaning while those on top of whatever had to respect free speech while walking on toes waiting
the adherence and the movie never really sold.

That of course before Dr. Strangelove and Fail Safe.


Enough Dark Themes messages for one day , i have to study MS Access and see what i can do with
Libreoffice Base.

Take care...

Do not forget...


Me western , you Eastern...

It will be just like the old times...



10/4/2023 3:14:38 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

It has to feel a Draculian nice to own a National Flag and actually never fought or believed in what this
Banner , this piece of cloth preserves.

It does not differ much from ΙΧΘΥΣ what in the catacombs the Christians wrote in Greek to make these
Romans conclude this is only some chicken scratch not worthy mentioning.

Sir , should an American Soldier knock Kremlin's Door would you jump out of the window all i am

Someone , anyone misunderstood as a Western Soldier or a CIA Agent?

Unfortunately in 2 years , your fame in the west is that buttered someone would consider you one more
butter soldier.

I think it is a good sign we know each other.

I relieve you as a man of courage , not the best when it comes on how to handle a fine lady , you are
most probably an inspiring warrior especially in your intel ranks and for a good reason , i do not reach
the fact you can intrigue the same effect on the regular army or have a sincere talk even with upper
military personnel that you have selected.
And presuming , finally , you have chosen this napoleonic campaign , it is nothing more than a
confirmation keep saying like a good old mandra while your "pal" Mr. Trump owned the Oval Office :
"Crimea is Russian"...And Sir please step down while you still can.


Crimea is Ukrainian , if ever.

And yes they are getting the Jet Fighter Planes you name them.

From Boeing to Raytheon to Lockheed , to you name it how can i possibly?

May long live the Special Op , May Long Live...


10/4/2023 5:18:59 PM

His Granppa spit blood and gone through hell and became a hellknight in his own right and might to
reign over Berlin.

The Tosc Genome may stand but i see nothing more to inflate it than good old madness.

Or good old ego.

Your Predecessor Sir , Resorted to Czar's Mother Russia to keep his favorite Stalingrad alive and kicking.

I sincerely hope you are not befalling in tactics relic as they derive from the nazi and the stalinist soviet

I hope these devils and fallen angels are lying.

10/4/2023 10:04:36 PM

Don't do this , leave children as they be...

It has to do with you and me.

Whoever is over 21 is yours and mine or so i say and you listen.

If you like playing angels and devils so am i.

Or so i say...

Nuclear what?

I heard you had soldiers under nuclear testing to check resilience and cohesion.

You people...


You are becoming more and more what Lenin saw himself , an elite back then sticking to the 19th
Century not changing one thing , him with his mathematics and statistics alone , self exile in Finland
(YOUR turf back then) trying to intrigue a farmer who could not write his own name.

And then YOUR Stalin took over...

And the fall out began.


Long Live Trotsky!

May God Save The United States of America.

10/4/2023 10:11:39 PM
*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Russia is to break in at least 4 big parts , assuming them governors agree.

Ukraine which you still see as a province is to take all the way to Novaya Zemlya OR SO I SAY.

No UN can save you , no 6000 over nuclear weapons.

I am trying to save the American Lands by hardly extending how they saw Alaska , in order for them to
respect accords you seem to be forsaking.

I am looking east of Kolyma River , with a clear eye on the closed sea looking japan from up north.


Har Har...


Where is your great 13 M SQ KM Russia now?


Take Care.

10/5/2023 4:22:58 AM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

I only wonder after 200 years should this cuckoo species survive on Mars or Sirious Stars how primitive
we may look.

All we have to do is think of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky or Jules Verne and feel stupid the same for now.
No need for any future generations tell us anything.

10/5/2023 3:15:53 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Sir i think , should the statements are true , that "After Ukraine is Berlin" does not differ much on how a
Byzantine Emperor made similar remarks after 1260 AD when the Greekish yet Typically Romans of the
East recaptured Constantinople , now Instanbul.

The Leader of those times made an impression mostly in what was known as the Byzantino Grekish Dash
Turkic World , if we include the Sultanate of Rum more like a union of Byzantine Greeks muslimized and
the turkified and western turks.

The Impression was the recapture of all lands all the way to Dounav River , and Minor Asia , and of
course a projection of power as it has been with Justinianus and heraclius , both brilliant emperors
mainly the first with his wife theodora a...Pericles of the Golden Age of the Eastern Roman Empire
providing many necessary arguments for kingship and aristocracy along with picking the right military
men for the job done.


This is the 21st Century.

A year ago you were walking on a thin line , now it seems you walk on it drunk or lost in space and we
pretend the rest all over you have not fallen.

I insist about elections in Ukraine but a Pro War successor has to take over , yet to confirm with Western
Demands, you know as i do nothing is free in this waterworld.

Ukrainian Bravery is astounding and an example to us all , these guys play better when in defense and
rebel against this empire of yours , toys of ours do the trick faster that's all.

Take care.
10/7/2023 7:43:02 AM

Sir...I hardly believe he blew himself up , cause A. Russian Ladies are among the finest examples of
Caucasian Beauty (So killing a beauty is killing part of the Russian soul if we follow the Pushkin Doctrine)
B. Your Chef was a womenizer or so i heard C. It is that unexpected to conclude that he got drunk and
was packed with D. Who will believe ever that after the closed Siege of Moscow you did not decide that
your ex pal should be removed from office? 2nd Time is a Charm? 3rd? 4rth Perhaps? Maybe you should
send him a dagger in his birthday Brutus Caesar friendship alike...

May Bogu bless his Merk , Elitist and Patriotic(???) Soul.

Next in...

10/7/2023 7:58:52 AM

Sir i still recall when i was playing Warcraft III the word 'bs' that was for backstabbing.

It was fun on fun , i once won a game while backstabbing i even provided info on what my
partners were building i also sent a complaint why while bsing i could not share resources with
the enemy team.
As you may understand making friends with this tactics was not an easy thing to do , you see
Warcraft III managed like so many games including football and basketball to turn people
nuts...RELAX it is a game!
Indeed i had a helluva co player he was level 20(!) this dude in a 4x4 game managed to control 3
races and i was backstabbing "as usual"...
I even tried to attack the rascal but he obliterated me in an instance!

Later on after winning the other 4 guys single handidly he messaged me : 'Don't do that again
that was not funny' , i replied it was fun and for the experience , i frankly congratulated him in all
humility i even kept the replay BUT later on i somehow lost it.


Slovakia seems to be reentering the Russian Sphere of Influence while keeping the official status
intact , Turkeye after Turkeyyeah (Yeah Right) we can backstab ya , we have the right to see
what you are doing , we have the right to veto , we have the right to do whatever we
want and of course should the old west say anything at all we are resisting what Iran calls the big
satan...Blah Blah Blah Blah...People of faith Christians or Muslims , go not against the...Faith if
you dare...
What kind of BS is that after all? THEY ARE BACKSTABBING!
Difference is this is not a game , most of the accounts agree both Ukraine and Russia have lost
about half a million soldiers , kids whose their problem was that they are on conscription!

Western support towards Ukraine is unwavering , i am in favor of Elections and with Mr.
Zelensky stepping down and...playing the wise man's role for years to come a shadowy president
so to speak.

I am in favor of the 3rd Option , i think turning this to a big stalemate and something for
Kremlin's Generals to teach as a painful lesson in their academes of all superstar tacticians is
better , i am not implying you have to concede lands , all i am saying is perhaps you should
draw a line mazzino style or zigfried alike rebuild economy , bring people back , make an uber
army Israel alike and mod Weapons systems and of course become a NATO linked ally but not a
full NATO member BUT a Full EU member.

So...They are backstabbing...Jesus...

Welcome to Geopolitics...


Probably were also Warcraft III gamers as well...

They wish.

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