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Shiela Rose M Dela Cruz

BSED 2-2
VED 6 Module 2
Activity 1: Read
Read, Highlight, Define, Answer
1. Read the article which can be accessed on the link below.
 Done
2. Highlight the words which you don’t understand yet or which struck you most.
 “Mytho-poetic”
 "Imaginal method"
 "Swimming upstream"
 "Rowing against the current”
3. Define or describe the words using any dictionary or the context of the text.
 A Mytho-Poetic Perspective of Transformative Learning, A philosophy of
imagination challenges exclusive reliance on rational and conceptual modes of knowing
and learning and the technicism and literalism they foster. A philosophy of imagination
"places the image over the concept, the speech over the argument, and the mythic
divination over the fact" (Verene, 1981, p. 30). When speaking about imagination, image,
the imaginal, and fantasy, we use these terms not in the sense of imaginary, fictive, or
otherwise unreal, but as "the central importance of imagination and insight in all our
thinking and knowing.... our means of interpreting the world...also our means of forming
images in the mind" (p. 140). Images are the way in which we perceive, see, and come to
know ourselves and the world. They play a critical role in making sense of our
experiences by allowing us to find value and meaning in them (Hillman, 1989, pp. 21-
22). Fundamentally, understanding flows from images and not rational categories. As
Moore (1992) suggests, "We have a longing for community and relatedness and for a
cosmic vision, but we go after them with literal hardware instead of sensitivity of the
heart" (p. 208). "Thinking" our way through this mind-body split is, according to Moore,
part of the problem and not a resolution. He suggests another possibility, one in which
imagination connects us, through its images, in a deep and profound way with the depth
of our being. This is the path of soul or mytho-poetic consciousness. The "text" in adult
learning represents a potential for connection with and nurturing of soul, of deep
imaginative approaches to understanding ourselves and our relationship with the world.
The psyche or soul is central to understanding who we are as persons and as a society.
Soul manifests itself in consciousness as a search for meaning in life. Moore (1992)
suggests that "Tradition teaches us that the soul lies midway between understanding and
unconsciousness, and that its instrument is neither the mind nor the body, but
imagination" (p. xi). It is not a thing but a quality of experience - of life and of ourselves.
Soul has to do with heart, depth, relatedness, depth, and personal substance. Hillman
(1975) suggests that "the word refers to that unknown component which makes meaning
possible, turns events into experiences.... soul refers to the deepening of experiences....the
imaginative possibility in our natures, the experiencing through reflective speculation,
dream, image, and fantasy -that mode which recognizes all realities as primarily symbolic
or metaphorical (p. x). The mytho-poetic perspective places primary importance on
recognizing and understanding the images which populate and animate consciousness.
These images represent gateways to the unconscious. The self is understood and
experienced as inner entities which seem to have a life of their own, such as "intentions,
behaviors, voices, feelings, that I do not control with my will or cannot connect with my
reason" Hillman, 1975, p. 2). There is an aspect of myself that is ambitious, wants to
achieve, be famous and respected by my peers. This is the keynote speaker, the well -
known author who monitors his book sales almost daily. There is another aspect of
myself which is troubled with this person, finds him ego-centric, self-centered, and not
terribly sensitive. This is the monk, the one who wants to go about his work quietly and
thoughtfully, living simply and close to the earth. These are examples of the "selves" that
call my psyche home.
 Imaginal education is a whole-person approach to life and learning that can be applied
to any subject matter. As an alternative to the present-day functional emphasis on
intellect and pragmatism, it creates a way to recover the dimension of meaning in the
learning process, resulting in deep purpose and motivation. It aims to release the
boundless potential of an individual, or the members of a group, so they can act
creatively in their situations. People are assumed to be capable of operating intelligently
and are given tools and practice that enable them to do that. Learning is seen as a life-
long, every moment reality, including all dimensions of a person’s life. The method is not
expensive, but it does take an investment of thought and energy.
 swim upstream (third-person singular simple present swims upstream, present
participle swimming upstream, simple past swam upstream, past participle .
(idiomatic) To opt for a difficult course of action when a simpler or safer alternative is
available; to make an unwise decision against sound advice
 swim against the current,
to go against or disagree with a prevailing or popularly held opinion or perspective; to act
or behave contrary to the majority of others.
4. Answer the following 5 Qs:
 What is the purpose of the author?
The purpose of the author of the said file is to discussed what is
Transformative Learning and the Journey of Individuation, boyd's view of
transformative education, the importance of images, working with images,
But the main focus of the discussion, or in his file is the transformative
learning that Over the last 20 years, transformation theory has deepened
our understanding of what it means to learn in adulthood. Collectively, the
work of Paulo Freire, Phyllis Cunningham, Laurent Daloz, and Jack
Mezirow, among others, addresses the sociocultural and personal
dimensions of transformative learning. Dominant views of transformative
learning emphasize rational, cognitive processes related to critical
reflection. An additional perspective on transformation, however, has
emerged, led by Robert Boyd and his colleagues (Boyd 1989, 1991; Boyd
and Myers 1988). This work focuses on deeper emotional and spiritual
dimensions of learning that many have suggested are underdeveloped in
dominant conceptions of transformative learning (Merriam and Caffarella
1999). This Digest summarizes and expands on Boyd's notion of
transformative learning, discussing the role of image, symbol, ritual,
fantasy, and imagination in transformation.
The purpose of the author is defined and discussed clearly what are the 6
stages of behavior change, he stated that It's during this period that many
people become discouraged and give up on their behavior change goals.
The keys to achieving and maintaining your goals are to try new
techniques and find ways to stay motivated. Change might not come
easily, but psychologists have developed effective ways to help people
change their behavior. Therapists, physicians, and teachers use these
techniques. Researchers have also proposed theories to
explain how change occurs. Understanding the elements of change, the
stages of change, and ways to work through each stage can help you
achieve your goals.
 What are the questions at issue?
In the transformative learning article, I notice that there are questions and
issues, which just simply solving the questions, what is transformative
learning? what are the effects of transformative learning in our lives? what
is Boyd’s transformative education and how does this being connected to
transformative education? and what is the importance of transformative
learning and how does this is being connected to values education?
In the six stages of behavior stage, I notice questions and issues in the
 Readiness to change: Do you have the resources and knowledge to
make a lasting change successfully?
 Barriers to change: Is there anything preventing you from
 Likelihood of relapse: What might trigger a return to a former
 Stage 1: Pre contemplation, If you are in this stage, begin by
asking yourself some questions. Have you ever tried to change this
behavior in the past? How do you recognize that you have a
problem? What would have to happen for you to consider your
behavior a problem?
 Stage 2: Contemplation, you may view change as a process of
giving something up rather than a means of gaining emotional,
mental, or physical benefits. If you are contemplating a behavior
change, there are some important questions to ask yourself: Why
do you want to change? Is there anything preventing you from
changing? What are some things that could help you make this
 Stage 6: Relapse, the key to success is to not let these setbacks
undermine your self-confidence. If you lapse back to an old
behavior, take a hard look at why it happened. What triggered the
relapse? What can you do to avoid these triggers in the future?
 What are the facts and evidences presented in the article?
Jung (1921, quoted in Jacoby 1990) defines individuation as a "process by
which individual beings are being formed and differentiated...having as its
goal the development of the individual personality"
The mytho-poetic view relies on images and symbols, the language of
poetry. In this sense, this view complements the idea of perspective
transformation as described by Mezirow (1991) and Cranton (1994).
Boyd, R. D. "Facilitating Personal Transformations in Small Groups
Boyd, R.D., and Myers, J. G. "Transformative Education." international
journal of lifelong education 7
Clark, M.C., and Dirkx, J. M. "Moving Beyond a Unitary Self: A
Reflective Dialogue."
Cranton, P. understanding and promoting transformative learning.
Dirkx, J. M. "Nurturing Soul in adult learning." in new directions for adult
and continuing education.
Dirkx, J. M., and Deems, T. A. "Towards an Ecology of Soul in Work:
Implications for HRD." in academy of human resource development 1996
conference proceedings.
Hollis, j. The archetypal imagination.
Jacoby, M. Individuation and narcissism: the psychology of the self in
jung and kohut.
Kritskaya, O. V., and Dirkx, J. M. "Mediating Meaning-making: The
Process of Symbolic Action in Transformative Learning."
Merriam, s. B., and caffarella, r. S. Learning in adulthood: a
comprehensive guide.
Mezirow, J. Transformative dimensions of adult learning.
Moore, t. Care of the soul: a guide for cultivating depth and sacredness in
everyday life.
Nelson, A. "Imaging and Critical Reflection in Autobiography."
Scott, S. M. "The Grieving Soul in the Transformation Process."
Sells, B, ed. Working with images: the theoretical base of archetypal
Ulanov, a. B. Religion and the spiritual in Carl jung.
In stage 1 of 6 stages of behavior change, if you are in this stage, you may
feel resigned to your current state or believe that you have no control over
your behavior.
In stage 2 of 6 stages of behavior changes, many people never make it past
the contemplation phase.
In stage 3 of 6 stages of behavior change, For example, if losing weight is
your goal, you might switch to lower-fat foods. If your goal is to quit
smoking, you might switch brands or smoke less each day. You might also
take some sort of direct action such as consulting a therapist, joining a
health club, or reading self-help books.
In stage 4 of 6 stages of behavior change, For example, many people make
a New Year's resolution to lose weight and immediately start a new
exercise regimen, embark on a healthier diet, and cut back on snacks.
These definitive steps are vital to success, but these efforts are often
abandoned in a matter of weeks because the previous steps have been
In stage 5 of 6 stages of behavior change, during this stage, people become
more assured that they will be able to continue their change.
In the last stage of 6 stages of behavior change, while relapses can be
difficult, the best solution is to start again with the preparation, action, or
maintenance stages of behavior change.
 What are the assumptions and implications?
The assumptions and implications in the two articles that is presented is
when we really applied it in ourselves, when we really adopting and using
it in ourselves. The purpose of transformative education is to empower
learners to see the social world differently and through an ethical lens, so
that they will challenge and change the status quo as agents of change,
while the purpose of the six stages of behavior change is to change
ourselves if we observe that there is something off in our behavior and
attitudes, like change for the better and not for the worst, changing
ourselves is to be the best or better version of ourselves.
 What are your new concepts points of view?
From my way of thinking, I learn new things because of the two articles, I
realized something that pang in my heart. In the transformative learning, I
realized that we have to adapt the changes in our social world. Students
and educators can create meaningful relationships through transformative
learning, in which the educator makes a difference in the lives of the
students while also feeling a difference in his or her own. For older pupils
to absorb new ideas and concepts, transformative learning theory is
extremely significant. Educators can incorporate this type of learning into
their classroom in a variety of ways, including: Allow children to learn
about new perspectives by providing them with opportunities to do so.
In the transtheoretical model, I realized and learn new things like the
importance of it. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) provides a
framework for both conceptualizing and measuring behavior change, as
well as supporting personalized and adaptable promotion techniques. The
Stages of Change model has been shown to be a useful tool for
determining how people change their behavior. Initially, people are
frequently anxious or unwilling to change, but they gradually acquire a
proactive and determined approach to modifying their behavior.
Activity 2
Pair and Share
Work with your buddy/buddies and share your answers and reflections. You may share any
insight which emerged during your Watch A Video moment. You may share via telephone or
any mode of communication. Write a note highlighting your learning and share it with your
My partner or my buddy in our module is Ms. Cherrilyn Galvez, We shared our ideas,
thoughts, opinions and reflections, through online. Like having conversations in
messenger to chat and video call. We have same thoughts in some things in the modules
but there are different thoughts of us too. We have the same thoughts, ideas and opinions
in the videos that we have been watched, which is the desiderata poem and the video clip
of story of gratitude. We have different understanding and thoughts in the transformative
learning or education and in the transtheoretical model or the six stages of changing
behavior, but it is not a totally different, it was just, there are some parts that we have
different opinion on it but we respect each other’s opinions since it is based on our own
understanding. In conjunction with us, studying this module, the module 2 which tackled
about self- actualizing transformation is fun and hard, the reason for this particular
occurrence is we say that it was hard because there are some words and phrases that we
don’t understand so all we have to do is to have a differ searching, browsing and
understanding through the help of the internet or the technology. We say that it is fun
because, we can relate to the changing behavior, all of us will come to the time and point
that we will have to change our behavior which we experienced it until now.
Activity 3: Reflect
Journal Writing
Continue writing on your journal notebook with date and time. Write any reflection or insight
or question which have surfaced during your learning process. Write as well the insights you
have gained from this lesson and the challenges you have figured out.
October 11, 2021, Monday, But I write this journal of mine, Friday, October 15, 2021,
4:10 pm. This was the day that module 2 being discussed and explained especially the
videos that is being inserted in the module 2 that was required for us to us. There are
things or new things that I learn, new definitions and some words that I am not familiar.
In transformative learning, I learn that, it cultivates the knowledge base, skills, attitudes
and values that seek to transform peoples mind sets, attitudes and behaviors that, in the
first place, have either created or exacerbated violent conflicts. It makes the learners to
adapt the changes in the social world. In the transtheoretical model or the six stages of
behavioral change, I learn that it helps or it is effective to understand how the changing
behaviors of a person go. In the two videos I’ve been watched, The desiderata and the
story of gratitude, I’m going to explained what I’ve learned in the Desiderata Poem since
I explained in the class what I’ve learned in the story of gratitude. So, from my point of
view, Desiderata is, fundamentally, advice about how to live a happy and contented life.
Everyone can benefit from the counsel contained in the poem. The lesson is essentially
about how to go through life joyfully, contentedly, and with a clear conscience. The
poem is about how to conduct oneself in the best possible way in order to achieve these
goals. It speaks of remaining calm, being polite, listening to others' points of view,
avoiding quarrels and those who like to start them, and how to be assertive but non-
aggressive in sticking to one's principles. We must be careful not to compare ourselves to
others because doing so will result in either vanity or dissatisfaction with our own life.
Rather than continuously looking ahead to the next goal, we should take time to
appreciate our accomplishments. Advice on how to stay calm in the midst of everyday
life and how to practice stillness. Maintain a positive relationship with others without
sacrificing your personal values or aggressiveness. Even if you think someone is dull or
ignorant, you should be respectful and attentive to them in your interactions with them.
Every individual has the right to be heard. People who are noisy and aggressive should be
avoided since they may disrupt your equilibrium. Comparing yourself to others is
counterproductive because there will always be those higher and lower in the pecking
order/moral stakes. As a result, any such comparisons are likely to result in pride or
animosity. Simply take pleasure in your life's accomplishments and whatever plans you
may have for enhancing your own personal development. Whatever job you have, cherish
it and give it your all, since it is better to be employed, no matter how menial the labor,
than to be unemployed. Be thankful that you have a job. When doing financial
transactions, be cautious because many people will try to deceive you. Despite the fact
that there are many con artists and fraudsters, don't forget that there are still many
excellent people with high moral standards. Heroes can be found in all walks of life.
Don't pretend to be someone you aren't or to have feelings you don't. Most importantly,
do not pretend to love someone when you do not love them. However, never
underestimate the power of love, which can endure even the most dreadful of situations.
Allow the wisdom of the older generation to guide you. Develop a strong character to
help you overcome adversity, but don't imagine horrible things that will never happen -
you may be thinking of such things because you are weary or lonely. Don't be too harsh
on yourself. You are a part of a vast cosmos, and you are just as vital as any other
component. You may not realize it, but the cosmos is pursuing a pre-determined and
correct route. Embrace the existence of A creator, or a greater power than humans, or
whichever 'Him' you believe. Maintain a clean conscience. Despite all of the horrors that
occur, the planet remains lovely. Maintain a positive attitude and, above all, make an
effort to be joyful.

Activity 4: Respond
This part is your take home test. Make a resolution, weaving your learnings from the
videos. Indicate by highlighting the changes in behavior that one must have as Values
Educator. Find out how to create a creative resolution. Make a Resolution on
“Manifested Transformed Behavior” based on the short videos.
 Transformative learning is the expansion of consciousness through which an individual
can question themselves about their own feelings, beliefs, assumptions, and perspective
on their purpose. Individuals who are undergoing such a transformative process are
believed to completely rewire and transform their beliefs, assumptions, and experiences
into brand new expressive perspectives. As a theory, transformative learning is an act that
individuals conduct in order to be more self-motivated, self-governing, rational,
collaborative, and empathetic. Essentially, individuals often develop the ability to reflect
on things that they may have taken for granted or were not quite aware of in the past, and
have made conscious decisions about it. Transformative Learning Theory, this theory
results in changes to viewpoints, expectations, and assumptions after a transformative
experience or situation. Jack Mezirow initially developed this theory. He left us with the
transformative theory he developed back in 2000. He began this theory in 1978 while
studying adult women that chose to re-enter higher education. Through his initial
research and further study, he was led to conclude that individuals do not apply old ways
to new learning situations; instead, they find the need to acquire new perspectives
towards something to understand the change in an event better.
 To be a values educator is not just easy, honestly, before I choose to take this major in my
course, I think of it deeply and carefully, values education is not just about teaching
students’ behavior and valuing education. Values Education is also about applying the
changing behavior in yourself, if you enter this kind of major as your course, you have to
be prepared on the changes especially on yourself. After I watched the videos or the short
clips that is inserted in the activity and the article in the activity, I realized some things.
As what I’ve said earlier, I think deeply and carefully when choosing this major in my
course, some people called me rule breaker, honestly, most of the rules, I don’t follow it,
I want to live on my own, I want to do things I want as much as I don’t hurt people, I just
want to be me, but the rules won’t allow me to do it, so that sometimes I break it.
Reminiscing in the past makes me realize before entering being values educator. I know
that being a values educator will change my behavior, my attitudes. I’m a rule breaker but
not to the point that I disobey my parents, no its not like that. I realized that if you want to
be a values educator, change the behavior that is against as a values educator. It is true
that we deny that there is no problem in our behavior, but as time pass by, we realized it.
A values educator should have Honesty, hard work, respect for others, cooperation,
compassion, and forgiveness in their behaviors. Changing your behavior is like knowing
yourself, knowing your limits. I changed my bad habits, behaviors and attitudes after I
take the course values educator, it is not just for myself too, this is also for my future and
for my family. If you want to be a values educator you should prepare yourself for the
changes you will have, for the changes you will faced and encounter and applying it.
 Manifested transformed behavior, from my thinking, it is about showing the changed
behavior of yours and resolution is to do something, so it means do something on how
should people do in their manifested transformed behavior, what should they do. To show
the change behavior of yours, first you have to confirm it well and clearly if you really
changed the old behaviors of yours. After realizing that you really changed the old
behavior of yours, influenced the others. Don’t be too selfish when it comes to changing
especially in personality, influence the others, encourage others to change their behavior
if you notice something wrong in their behavior. Don’t talk to them harshly when you
want them to be influenced, don’t be too frankly. Talk to them politely, explained it
clearly. Influencing the others is like helping others too. Try to convince them that
change for the better not for the worst, transforming your personality into a better one is
like having a good future.

Critical Thinking Corner:

 How does one go through a change in behavior? (Write an essay in 500 words)
As far as I’m concerned, from my way of thinking and from my point of view, a person
will experience a changing of behaviors is depending on the situation. Personally, I
honestly believe that people change when they are hurt, when they realize something in
their life or the other people make them change. People won’t change their behavior
without any further reasonable and explainable thoughts. People won’t choose to change
their behavior without having self- realization. A motivated individual (based on
pleasure/pain, hope/fears, or social acceptance/rejection), who has the ability to perform
the new behavior, and a trigger to initiate the change are all required for successful
behavior change. Triggers are external or internal factors that remind an individual to
make a change. There are quotes or saying when a persons changed their behavior like,
“Change for the better and not for the worst”, “Because of you, my life has changed,
thank you for the love and the joy you gave”, “A change in the behavior begins with a
change in the heart”. People changing behavior is not that easy than we thought, it is not
just a snap like when you want to change, you just change your behavior quickly. To
change your behavior properly, It will have process, plan and action. You will have to use
your critical thinking to change your behavior properly if you want to. Changing the
behavior of yourself is not an easy decision, the reason for this occurrence is, it is talking
about yourself, changing your behavior is similar to changing yourself. You have to make
a decision whole heartedly and clearly. A person will change their behavior through a
plan, process and action. Plan, you have to plan, what should you do to change yourself,
start to have a self- reflection and self – actualization, why do you want to change your
behavior, what was the reason, is there any person behind it, is changing of your behavior
is what makes your heart happy and make your mind peaceful? It is just tried to ask
yourself about changing your behavior. In process and action, this will be the time that
you will start to change the behavior of yours, it is not just about forgetting the old
behavior of yours, the old behavior of yours will become a lesson and inspiration and
motivation of yours to start a new behavior. Start to loving yourself more, embracing
every part and every small detail of yours, be good and kind to everyone, try to be more
mature and understand things in the world. Change your behavior step by step, it is not
just forcing yourself, it will need a lot of time. Once you change your behavior
successfully, it was like changing yourself and having the best or better version of
yourself. But if the time comes that your old behavior will come back again, just repeat
what you have been go through before, if you are tired of repeating again and again, then
rest, don’t give up, giving up on changing of your behavior is like giving up of your life.
Don’t change your behavior if it is not to be the better and best version of yourself.
Change your behavior first, not your mind sets. 'Acting your way into new thinking' is far
easier than 'thinking your way into new actions.' In the long run, recurring and consistent
performance outcomes from behavior change will lead to long-term changes in how
people feel, think, and believe. How we act is shaped by our thinking. You can't make the
same mistake again because the second time you do, it's a choice, not a mistake.
Allowing the actions of others to disturb your inner serenity is not a good idea. One thing
I am certain of in this life is that terrible behavior is really not recognized. A change in
behavior begins with Jesus changing our heart.

Some basis and reference of mine:

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