Exam Speaking

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Hello! My name is Karina, I am a student of the Escuela Superior Técnica SENCICO.

I was born on December 4, 1999 in Arequipa, I am 23 years old.

I like painting, dancing and in general everything that has to do with art. I studied Art
Education in Fine Arts, so I am a teacher.

Why I decided to study "Interior Design"? because I like to solve problems of well-
being of an interior space, functional and aesthetic aspect.

In my free time I like listening to music, swimming and watching series or movies on
Netflix. In the first semester of the race I came out in first place with Nicole.

I studied French in high school. Years ago I traveled to Chile and this summer vacation I
lived in Lima. My younger sister lives in Lima. After college I wanted to go live with
her, so I plan to go there with my mom.

I worked as a sales promoter for a well known company.

In the future I see myself with my interior design company together with my partners.

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