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1st Prep.

Grammar (Revision) answers

1. The children are playing outside now. (every evening)
The children play outside every evening.
2. Tom usually (drink) coffee, but he (not /drink) tea. (correct the verb)
Tom usually drinks coffee, but he doesn’t drink tea.
3. I am doing my homework right now. (in the afternoon)
I do my homework in the afternoon.
4. She never likes football. (not)
She doesn’t like football.
5. Tina usually (cook) dinner in the evening. (correct the verb)
Tina usually cooks the dinner in the evening.
6. Grandpa is sleeping now. (at 8 o’clock)
Grandpa sleeps at 8 o’clock.
7. I don’t eat spaghetti. (never)
I never eat spaghetti.
8. The plane to Manchester (leave) at seven. (correct the verb)
The plane to Manchester leaves at seven.
9. They want to buy pizza. (now)
They want to buy pizza now.
10. He writes a letter to his pen-friend every month. (at the present)
He’s writing a letter to his pen-friend at the present.
11. We (eat) our dinner at 9 pm. (at the moment)
We are eating our dinner at 9 pm.
12. Mary listens to music in the morning. (these days)
Mary is listening to music these days.
13. She usually reads the newspaper in the morning. (now)
She is reading the newspaper now.
14. We go to the club every Friday. (today)
We are going to the club today.
15. I (fly) to Finland tonight. (correct the verb)
I am flying to Finland tonight.
16. The little child (cry) all the time. (correct the verb)
The little child is crying all the time. (annoying action)
17. He smokes and his health (become) worse. (correct the verb)
He smokes and his health is becoming worse. (changing situation)
18. George often has a bath at night. (When..?)
When do George often have a bath?
19- Mike eats corn-flakes for breakfast every morning. (What..?)
What does Mike eat for breakfast every morning?
20- The teacher is writing examples on the board. (Where….?)
Where is the teacher writing examples?
21- Tom is watching a film now. (What…?)
What is tom doing now?
22- He brushes his teeth twice a day. (How….?)
How often does he brush his teeth?
23- My father takes me to the circus once a month. (Last Saturday)
My father took me to the circus last Saturday.
24-Mom is buying some popcorn and orange juice now. (the other day)
Mom bought some popcorn and orange juice the other day.
25- We usually laugh at the funny clowns. (yesterday)
We laughed at the funny clowns yesterday.
26- I visited my cousin. (Who..?)
Who did you visit?
27- They swam in the ocean. (Where…?)
Where did they swim?
28- They covered their eyes because they were scared. (Ask a question)
Why did they cover their eyes?
29- When she was a child, she lived in a small village. (used to)
When she was a child she used to live in a small village.
31- When he was a young man, he enjoyed playing basketball. (used to)
When he was a young man he used to enjoy playing basketball.
32. In ancient Rome, wall paintings were a popular form of advertising. (used to)
In ancient Rome, wall paintings used to be a popular form of advertising.
33. Before she learned to read, her parents read stories to her. (used to)
Before she learned to read, her parents used to read stories for her.
34. Before he came to Ankara, life was cheap in Turkey. (used to)
Before he came to Ankara, life used to be cheap in Turkey.
35-European drivers find it difficult to (drive) on the left when they visit Britain.
(get used)
European drivers find it difficult to get used to driving on the left when they visit
36. See that building there? I (go) to school there, but now it's a factory. (used to)
See that building there? I used to go to school there, but now it's a factory.
37. She often drove to work in the past. (would)
She would often drive to work in the past.
38. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I (finish) late. (be used to)
Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I am used to finishing late.
39. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new
house! I will (never) all that noise! (get used to)
I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles from our new
house! I will never get used to all that noise!

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