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Chapter 11 Part.

Answer the following questions:
1. How did Portia feel when Bassanio arrived in Belmont?
She was very pleased because she remembered him from his last visit. She
was certain he would be brave to choose a box.

2. “I don’t want you to go. Please don’t choose a box yet.”

Portia said these words to Bassanio when she tried to convince him not to
make his choice and stay with her for two months before choosing a box.
She was afraid that he would choose the wrong box then he would never be
able to marry her. She tried to delay him from making his choice.

3. “It speaks more than all the gold and silver in the world”
Bassanio said these words to Portia when he chose the lead box.

4. What was Bassanio point of view about appearances?

He believed that outer appearance doesn’t usually reflect what’s inside as
people always agree with those who speak well but they say foolish things
and people who seem brave are really cowards.

5. “Everything and I am and everything I have is yours.”

Portia said these words to Bassanio after choosing the correct box so he
should be her husband and then the palace, the servants , Portia and her
money would be all his.

6. How did Portia react when Bassanio chose the right box?
She was very pleased. She told him that she an everything she
owned would be his. She also gave him a ring as a symbol of their
love and asked him not to give it to anybody or lose it.
7. What was Portia’s reaction when she heard about Antonio’s
She told Bassanio that Antonio was a good man and he should give
him sixty or hundred thousands pound. She told him to go to
Venice immediately to save Antonio.

8. What did Salerio tell Bassanio?

Salerio told Bassanio that Shylock would refuse to take
money from Antonio or his friends. The date was due and
Shylock insisted to take the penalty.

9. “It’s the law. If the duke doesn’t agree with the law,
people will no longer do business with people from
Venice.” Comment
Antonio Said these words to Salerio when Salerio told him
that he didn’t think that the judge would agree with Shylock
to take the penalty. Antonio told him that the judge had to
apply the law.

1. Portia was very pleased to see Bassanio and afraid that he may
choose the wrong box.
2. Bassanio chose the lead box because he believed we shouldn’t be
tricked by appearance.
3. Bassanio found Portia’s Picture in the lead box.
4. Portia gave Bassanio a ring to be a symbol of their love.
5. Bassanio promised Portia that the ring would not leave his finger
till death.

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