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act up | behave badly or not work as it should

2. back down | admit you are wrong or that you have lost a fight or argument
3. back out (of) | decide you are no longer going to participate in sth
4. break out | start suddenly and get out of control (war, disease, violence, etc.)
5. bring about | cause sth to happen, especially a change in sth
6. bring forward | change the time of a planned event so that it happens earlier
7. bring up | take care of a child until adulthood | mention and start talking about sth
8. brush up (on) | practise and improve a skill, especially one that you haven't used in a while
9. bump into | meet sb you know unexpectedly (also run into)
10. call for | demand or deserve a certain type of action or behaviour | publicly ask for sth to happen
11. call off | cancel a planned event
11. call out | bring public attention to sb's unacceptable actions or behaviour
13. carry on | continue doing sth

14. carry out | perform or execute a task

15. catch on | become popular or fashionable

16. catch up (with) | reach the same level or pace as sb | meet and talk about your news with sb

17. catch up (on) | spend extra time doing sth you have not been able to do recently (work, sleep)

18. check out | look at or examine sb or sth that may be interesting or appealing to you

19. cheer up | | become happier or make sb feel happier

20. clear up | clarify sth for sb | become brighter, less cloudy, etc. (weather)

21. close down | close and stop operating as a business

come across | find sb or sth unexpectedly

23. come across (as) | make a particular impression on others

24. come down to | depend on or be essentially about a single important point (also boil down to)

25. come down with | become ill from sth (a cold, flu, etc.)

26. come up | appear or present itself, especially unexpectedly
27. come up with | think of or produce sth like an idea, plan or excuse
28. crack down (on) | start dealing with bad or illegal behaviour in more severe way
29. cry out for | clearly need sth as a solution
30. cut down (on) | reduce the amount of sth you consume or use (also cut back)
31. cut out | eliminate sth from your consumption or routine
32. cut out for | naturally able for or suited to sth (especially jobs)
33. do away with | remove sth completely or put an end to sth
34. do up | repair, redecorate and improve sth old
35. end up | find yourself in a place, condition or situation that was not planned or expected
36. fall apart | break or collapse into pieces, either physically or emotionally
37. fall behind | not be able to maintain the same level or pace as sb or sth
38. fall for | be deceived or tricked by sth | fall in love with sb
39. fall through | fail to happen (plans, arrangements, deals)
40. figure out | succeed in solving or understanding sth
41. find out | discover a fact or piece of information
42. get across | succeed in communicating an idea clearly
43. get away with | escape blame or punishment for bad actions
44. get back (to) | return to a place (esp home) or to sth you were doing | reply by email, phone, etc.
45. get by (with) | survive or manage with the amount of sth you have
46. get down | make sb feel unhappy
47. get into | become interested or involved in sth
48. get over | feel happy or well again after an unpleasant experience
49. get round to | finally find time to do sth you have not done yet
50. go off | become too bad to eat or drink | stop liking sb or sth | to sound (alarms.)
51. go through | experience sth difficult or unpleasant | look at and examine sth carefully
52. grow apart (from) | become less friendly or emotionally close as time passes
53. grow on | become more appealing or interesting to sb over time
54. hang on (to) | keep or continue to have sth | stop and wait for a short time (also hold on)
55. hold back | prevent or restrict the progress of sb
56. hold up | delay or block the movement of sb
57. keep up (with) | keep the same level/pace as sb or sth | continue a course of action | keep informed
58. lead to | begin a process that causes sth to happen
59. let down | not help or support sb as much as they had hoped or expected
60. look after | take care of sb or sth
61. look forward to | feel happy and excited about a future event
62. look into | investigate or try to find out more about sth
63. look up | search for and find a piece of information in a book, database or online

64. look up to | really admire or respect sb

65. make out | manage, with some difficulty, to see, read, hear or identify sth or sb

66. make up | invent a story, excuse, lie, etc. | constitute or form parts of a whole

67. make up for | compensate for sth lost, missed or deficient

68. mess up | | make a mistake and do sth badly

69. miss out (on) | | miss the chance to do sth you may enjoy

70. narrow down | reduce the number of possibilities or choices

71. pass away | die (used when you want to avoid saying 'die')

pass out | to faint or become unconscious for a short time

73. pay off | bring good results or success

74. pick up | answer a phone | go and collect sb or sth (especially in your car)

75. point out | bring attention to sb or sth

76. put down to | explain the reason for sth or attribute the cause of sth to sth else
77. put off | delay doing sth or postpone sth | discourage sb from doing sth | distract sb
78. put on | dress yourself in sth | apply sth to your skin | switch on sth | gain (weight)
79. put up | provide sb a place to sleep at your home
80. put up with | tolerate or endure sb or sth
81. rule out | decide sth is not a possible, suitable or desirable option
82. run out (of) | | finish, or use all of sth so that there is none left
83. settle down | begin to live a quiet life in a place | become quiet, calm or orderly
84. settle in | start to feel comfortable in a new job, home, etc.
85. show off | act in a way that tries to attract attention or admiration
86. soak up | aborb and enjoy sth that exists around you
87. sort out | organise or put things in order | deal with sth or sb successfully
88. stay in | not go out and stay at home instead
89. stick to | continue doing sth despite difficulties
90. take after | look or behave similar to an older family member
91. take in | pay attention and understand sth | go and see (landmarks, sights, views)
92. take off | suddenly become very successful (ideas, careers, products)
93. take on | accept a task or responsiblity | hire sb for a job | compete against sb
94. take up | start a new hobby or activity | use or fill an amount of space or time
95. turn down | reject an offer or proposal or the person who makes it
96. turn out | happen, develop or end in a particular way or with a certain result
97. turn to | go to sb for help, advice or support
98. turn up | appear or arrive unexpectedly
99. work out | do hard, physical exercise | end in a successful way | solve or calculate sth
100. work on | spend time producing or improving sth

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