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Gerodias ,Krystal Clydel A.

BSED- Social Studies 3

Arts Appreciation


Artist : Kim Aldwin Villa

Medium : Acryclic on canvas
Size : 3’’ x 3 ’’

As we move in the direction of the location where the art exhibition was held. When
we got close to the stage, this piece of art caught my attention. It didn't just have
exquisite craftsmanship that astounded me; I was also emotionally attached to it. I
was reminded of my deceased grandfather when I saw the painting titled "Elder"
since I grew up with my grandparents on my side. Whilst elders are the most
priceless, honest, and pure human beings. We can learn a lot from them, and their
viewpoint will help you come to many life-changing realizations and bring you
completely back to reality. That's why I didn't think twice about picking it out of all of
those lovely pieces of art. I commend the artist.

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