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Exercises 1



The family is a basic unit of the society which consists of the husband, wife and their children. Each of these
members has their assigned roles and responsibilities. Within a family, everyone assumes these roles. Talking
about these roles and responsibilities, it is important to note the following key points:
a. One of the most important responsibilities of a family is raising a child. It is the most challenging
responsibility because the child has to be raised from childhood till he/she is old enough to take care
of him/herself.
b. The family is also expected to educate and transmit the societal norms and culture to its offspring and
also give them a position or status in life.
c. The family provides emotional, psychological moral and material support to members.
d. The family has to ensure provision of Physical security in terms of food, clothing, shelter and other
needs to its offspring or other dependent individual members of the family e.g grandparents. However,
tradition still believes in assigning specific roles to each family member.
e. Family members must live together in peace and harmony. To achieve this, each member of the family
must be aware of the duties and responsibilities expected of him. He should be able to do his work and at
the same time be willing to do it. The distribution of household chores depends on the age, sex, and health
of every member.

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the activity the students will be able to:

1.identify the different role of the members of the family;

2.recognize the importance of each role as a member of the family;
3.appreciate the functions and purposes of each family member; and
4.perform each duty as a member of the family.

Activity 1

Identify your family members in your home and write each of their function.
(Include everybody living in your house) If you need more space, just add another paper. (5 points each)








Activity 2

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Having a Family of your own in the future, what might be your plans and how are you going
to function as one of the member? 20 points-(write as much as you can)


Activity 3

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Paste a picture of each of your Family member and describe each of them. (This activity is 30 points.)






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