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16 Game 1: von Scheve — Teichmann Itis better to submit to the pin - a temporary inconvenience — than to prevent it by a move that loosens the position of the pawns defending the king and weakens the structure per- manently. Playing h3 or g3 after cas- tling creates an organic weakness that can never be remedied, as a pawn once advanced cannot retreat, and the position, once altered, can- not be restored. The pawn that has moved forward itself becomes a tar- get for direct attack, while the square it guarded earlier (here it is g3) be- comes a landing field for the en- emy’s troops. “You should never, unless of ne- cessity or to gain an advantage, move the pawns in front of the castled king,” says Tarrasch, “for each pawn move loosens the position.” Alekhine expresses it even more strongly: “Always try to keep the three pawns in front of your castled king on their original squares as long as possible.” Black can now speculate on break- ing up White's kingside by remov- ing the h3-pawn, even at the cost of a piece. The recapture tears open the g-file and exposes White’s king to attack. This plan is of course not to be put into action until more pieces are brought into play. 9 aw The knight swings into the fray with an attack on the e-pawn. The move is excellent and con- forms with a useful general princi- ple: Develop with a threat whenever possible! Remember that to meet the threat the opponent must drop whatever else he is doing. 10 dxeS White exchanges, and opens up lines for his pieces. Unfortunately this reacts in Black’s favour, in ac- cordance with the rule in these cases: Open lines are to the advantage of the player whose development is su- @xe5 (D) Much stronger than taking with the pawn. The knight on e5, beauti- fully centralized, radiates power in every direction (something a pawn cannot do). The disappearance of White's d- pawn has benefited Black’s bishop, hidden away at a7. Its range has been extended, so that it now controls the whole of the long diagonal leading to White’s f2-pawn — and the king is just behind the pawn! What shall White do now? He has done nothing to relieve the plight of his e-pawn - it is still attacked by one of Black’s knights, while his bishop is threatened by the other.

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