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Translation Task (2)

Spain is becoming harder to govern. Is this the future of our divided poli8cs?

María Ramírez

Three months aDer a general elec+on, aEempts to form a government have so far failed – and
hos+lity between par+es is moun+ng

The July general elec+on in Spain saw a welcome collapse in support for the far-right Vox party –
it was evidence, many said, that the rightward driD across Europe could be defeated. Three
months on, Spain is s+ll without a new government. The deadlock could be broken before the
year’s end, and for now, a new elec+on seems unlikely. But recent scenes in parliament bode
ill for whoever is running the country in the months ahead. Spanish poli+cs today is in a state of
blockage that reflects the reality of its propor+onal vo+ng system and an increasingly polarised
public sphere. Is it surprising that there is a growing public scep+cism towards poli+cs and a
diminished interest in the news?
Overall, the July elec+on delivered a stalemate: neither of the two biggest par+es won enough
seats to form a majority government. The conserva+ve People’s party won the most votes and
seats in the elec+on, followed by the centre-leD Spanish Socialist Workers party. But even if
either joined forces with their natural allies on their right or leD, they would s+ll fall short of the
176 seats needed for a majority in the 350-seat parliament.
This scenario is now a feature of Spanish poli+cs in the aDermath of the financial crisis, which
fragmented the country’s poli+cal landscape and led to the emergence of new par+es and a
new genera+on of poli+cians. Since 2015, forming a government has required assembling a
complex alliance, oDen with smaller, mostly regional par+es.

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