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British Army OTC final exam question and answer (SAVE)

1. If a personnel leaking in the BA group chat or other related groups, I would probably ignore it.
Because what would happened if you click the link and it might've gonna take you to the other
website like for example, a fake robux giveaway or a fake Discord nitro? Sometimes people fell
for it and for me, I will gonna ignore the link and block the person who was sent for me or in the
British Army group chat. But if the documents were like OTC documents, IFD phase 1 documents,
and something like that, I wouldn't mind and also ignore them. Cheating is very bad and it
probably gonna send some answers not only that just like notes or hints. I do not want to cheat
because probably it doesn't help your brain or not getting that knowledge because of the
information that is in that document. For example, a person leaking a document like RMP phase
1, phase 2, and UKSF's tryout guide. If I see one of those, it doesn't give you much knowledge.
You may get much knowledge because someone needs to explain it in much detail using the mic.
Because as the instructor told me, a microphone always does give you good learning and good
communication skills. But my final answer is, no. Still wouldn't do it because of what I said, it
does not give you a good knowledge of that document, and still, the person who sends it to the
BA group chat would be kicked out and report it to the BA moderations team.

2. If my Company Commanding Officer is offline, I would tell the Company Executive Officer to
continue handling the Company. But if the Company Commanding Officer is more inactive and
didn't ask permission from the Commanding Officer or the Executive Officer, I would tell the
Executive Officer first that our Company Commanding Officer was inactive for a very long time.
But if the Executive Officer wasn't online in 12+ hours, I would contact the Commanding Officer
of the regiment and tell him that our Company Commanding Officer. But if Commanding Officer
says "proof?", I would try my best to gather all evidence. for example, how long was he in
roblox? Let's say it was like 48 hours, and how long was he online in discord? Since I cannot tell
because there was no duration of time but I would still guess it because of the status "offline".
And for like example, his status was offline and didn't announce something on the
announcement channel in that company for 2 days. That's all information I have or evidence that
I have. After all the evidence that I gathered, I will send it to the Commanding Officer. And if the
Commanding Officer will DM the Company Commanding Officer and Didn't reply for 12 hours or
more, I think that the Company Commanding Officer will be demoted and the Company
Executive Officer will be hired as the Company Commanding Officer. And if the old Company
Commanding Officer was still offline and is not in any staff position, he will most likely get Officer
Purge or the Chief of Staff will rank him down to OF-1 or OR-2, and the Regimental Sergeant
Major or future rank will gonna exile him and blacklist him for a few months or week or a year.
Depends on how inactive he was and wasn't told permission by the RSM that he would go
inactive for a very very long time.

3. If my Company Commanding Officer is offline, I would tell the Company Executive Officer to
continue handling the Company. But if the Company Commanding Officer is more inactive and
didn't ask a permission by the Commanding Officer or the Executive Officer, I would tell the
Executive Officer first that our Company Commanding Officer was inactive for a very long time.
But if the Executive Officer wasn't online in 12+ hours, I would contact the Commanding Officer
of the regiment and tell him that our Company Commanding Officer. But if Commanding Officer
says "proof?", I would try my best to gather all evidence like for example, how long was he in
Roblox? Let's say it was like 48 hours, and how long was he online in Discord? Since I cannot tell
because there was no duration of time but I would still guess it because of the status "offline".
And for like example, his status was offline, and didn't announce something on the
announcement channel in that company for 2 days. That's all information I have or evidence that
I have. After all the evidence that I gathered, I will send it to the Commanding Officer. And if the
Commanding Officer will DM the Company Commanding Officer and Didn't reply for 12 hours or
more, I think that the Company Commanding Officer will be demoted and the Company
Executive Officer will be hired as the Company Commanding Officer. And if the old Company
Commanding Officer was still offline and is not in any staff position, it will most likely get Officer
Purge or the Chief of Staff will rank him down to OF-1 or OR-2, and the Regimental Sergeant
Major or future rank will gonna exile him and blacklist him for a few months or week or a year.
Depends on how inactive he was and wasn't telling permission by the RSM that he would go
inactive for a very very long time.

4. I think this is pretty necessary at all times to get their quota. I think all recruiting staff or other
ranks was doing this for their own benefit. Maybe because they have other stuff to do or they
are just very busy? But enough of that here is what I do, I would tell them what was his
username, what rank was he holding right now, and also what was his username to contact his
RSM "Regimental Sergeant Major". Once he answers all questions, I would screenshot his
username, and let's say for example that he was a recruiting staff, I will tell the recruiting staff
(The person who was hosting and kicking recruits) and say "Are you kicking recruits to get a
faster quota?" If he replies with "no", it would be easily guessed that he was lying very much.
Once I DM'ed that recruiting staff I will contact his Field Commander that he was kicking recruits
for a free and faster quota. I will tell the Field Commander that his recruits were is (name) and
the Field Commander gonna contact one of his recruits. If his recruits were out of reach like for
example "offline" I would just send the screenshot of all information he was saying and let's say
he was also disrespectful and was not being a mature person. Once I told the Field Commander
all the information and also understands me, He would automatically be fired in the position he
was holding by reporting this to the staff log in the "First Infantry Forces" (Since because this is
my current position). How it works is, for example, Fire Request, Firstly his username, BA rank, a
current position he was holding, and proof of course. Once the Chief of Staff react to the log the
person who was a recruiting staff was fired. That's all information I have in my opinion since this
was my first time answering this question and never did I ever see this kind of situation. This
does not look very respectful from any recruiters who were new in the British Army or is not in
any regiments at all.

5. Firstly I would not interact with my friend at all and step back, I would gather the actions he
was doing and screenshot what he was doing. Say for example, RK'ing a recruit and abusing the
command for fun because of that. Once I have all the information I have I will be contacting the
BA moderation team and send the picture of what scenarios he was doing. If they don't have
anything to do with that, I would contact the SIB, "Special Investigation branch". My first step is
to find the application form report for the SIB. Always follow all the steps on what the questions
say like Name, Officer rank, Picture for proof, explain what stuff he was doing in Sandhurst, and
all other types of information. After all the information has been sent in the application form
report, you may gonna submit it and wait until one agent of the Special Investigation Branch
gonna see it. After they seen it they will contact the Chief Of Staff to either BA wide blacklisted
this player or my friend, Remove his rank and make him into OR-2 or remove all his regimental
rank, and his officer rank, and make him go back to OR-1 and finish your Basic Military Training
AGAIN. And also the regiment his in will mostly get blacklisted for a month or permanent
blacklisted from the regiment. It's all up to the Commanding Officer. I would never do such a
thing in British Army and would never gonna forgive my friend for all actions he did and for being
too disrespectful to the British Army community.

6. Chain of Command is a rank structure is probably one of the easiest or efficient way to handle
things or any issues or concerns in the group. It is also very useful to contact a staff by using the
Chain of Command, and if that staff was offline or he was very busy, you will go to the next rank.
The reason is to why they add this command is to know on what job they are doing or what they
been provided to. For example, a person who was random killing recruits for no reason, first
thing you need to do is to go to the first rank of the Chain of Command which is the Recruiting
Staff or the Academy staff. If those ranks were offline in 12 hours+ you may go ahead to the next
rank structure which is the Department Staff or Company Staff, if this ranks responded to you,
then you may no longer gonna contact the next staff after the Department Staff or Company
Staff. It is one of the features that all British Army personnel and also Officer to use this
command which is the Chain of Command.

7. Microphone Usage, one of the most imporant thing to do and is also known to do for the
Officer's and enlisted staff members. Microphone is very important to have it so that the recruits
can understand very well and to have good learning knowledge. Example, let's say that you are
in different languages and you don't even speak english. That's why British Army requires you to
have your microphone so that you can have good communication skills and to have more english
accent and also have good grammar. Even if you have are a mic shy, or really messy background
noises, you would still need to talk your mic. Because if you will type in keyboard, most likely you
will be getting bad grammar and when I join the British Army for the first time I had really bad
grammar and no first capitalization letters like that. It wasn't really great at all and I was too
embarrassed because my friends laughing at me at my bad fluent english. But when I was a staff
member and was starting talking to my microphone, I was getting more motivational because my
english speaking became good and some of my friends liked my story because of my good
grammar and my good sentences. But few punctuation marks but still never give up and always
learn more english words. That's why microphone usage is very important and you should
always speak in your microphone so that you will be having a chance that you can have a good
communication skill and faster learning. So that whenever you are applying for OTC which is
Officer Training .and like you are in Phase 4 which is interview. Most likely that you are gonna
pass because of your good knowledge and sense of learning and also that the course instructor
can understand you very well because of your very good english accent.
8. It is very important to have admin regulation because what will happened if you are like a
recruiting staff and having all admin levels, basically you are admin abusing, and why? because
sometimes when players get all admin levels they will admin abusing and always get replied "just
for fun" and get banned. That's why there are different admin levels so that players can't have
that much commands at all, you can get other commands but it is mainly use for whenever you
are hosting something like tryouts, events, and other things to do when you need a quota, that is
the important thing to do about admin regulations. There are some rules about the admin levels
like for example, ":watch:" you can also use this command BUT, only if they're rank is lower than
you. But if they are higher than you like Commanding Officer then you are not allowed to watch
them, basically it means that you are watching them without getting told to or not getting
permission by the Commanding Officer. If you do watch them, there are consequence's like
Punishment Training or worse. Another example is ":bring", yes you are allowed to bring
someone but for only main reason, number one, tryouts yes are permitted to bring someone if
you are hosting a tryout, number two if they died you can bring them because you are permitted
to do so and only do it whenever you are hosting events or tryout, if not then you most likely get
reported or if you are bringing someone like higher ranking than you like Chief of Staff, you might
gonna have a bad consequence's maybe you will be exiled or blacklisted permanently in the
regiment you were in. That's why it is imporant to have admin regulations and so many people
or staff personnel won't admin abuse in Sandhurst British Army.

9. By showing an activity within one's regiment is to host events all the times. I would gonna fire
all the staff who were very inactive and who are very disrespect to any personnels. And if I were
a Commanding Officer I would hire a staff member who are always very active and exceed their
quota by hosting a event but not very much because I don't want them to stay in the game too
much because I always wanted them to spent more time in their family and their real life
business. And no, I don't only hire people who are very active but also very mature, disciplined,
and also have leadership, and have different strength that they have in real life and also in game.
I've been dreaming myself that I wanted to become Field Commander or Field Officer, and since
if I became one of those rank I would literally change everything on that company, since it's like
for example, the documents are now old, and the phases became much easier to new recruits. I
would change everything so that all the documents and the handbook would likely to be more
fun and understands it really well. And also to make it harder for the new recruits meaning that
they would though that joining that regiment is impossible or that regiment is very fun and it is
very recommended to join it that's why I would try to accomplish it. I would try my best to make
it more strict and more mature person, staff is a role model meaning they will handle things that
they were handed to and that's why if I get to become a commander, I would choose the people
who were trying their best to be one of the best people in the regiment. Even if I am not a
Commanding or Executive officer, I would still maintain the VC activity and make sure that the
regiment is not very inactive also wanted to help with any problems that probably gonna happen
in that regiment. Staff does not meant to host events only but to help other personnel in all BA
servers so anything have no problems at all that's why the regiment need more staff and to let
them spread out like 2 of them will host and 2 of them will be the one who will log that's the
thing I would like if I am a future high rank.
10. If I were Commanding Officer in OTC, I would make them active and host many phases as
much as they want but you must host 2 phases, if any instructor wanted to host more then I will
be more impress of their hardwork and probably gonna switch them to a new position. When I
became a high rank I would add more Head Course Instructors, because when I was monitoring
the Officer Training Corps, I see some HCI are mostly not inactive in that specific times and
sometimes they get online even if it's midnight in their timezone. What I wanted to do is to find
a more active person and always online on that specific times, people who weren't online at all
the times doing some OTC stuff like writing something on the Final Exam Feedback, I'll probably
gonna give them chance because, imagine they didn't ask permission and just went offline
straight away, that means that you are becoming a course instructor for a no reason at all. That's
like you are wasting anybody's spot. What I want is if that they are offline and didn't finished
their quota for a day, then I would give them a fire warning, why? Because officer cadets are
waiting for a new phase and since it is your timezone and didn't host at all even just 1 phase still
be getting a fire warning. That's why I don't hire course instructor who is lazy enough and don't
get up to host a phase. And also when I become a future CO of OTC what I want about the
admission form is review the Officer Cadet's answer in one day maximum, not two days, that's
basically means that you are wasting that Officer time that's why I only wanted the admission
form to be reviewed in one day maximum. And a another thing, if they can't send their
admission form on their application form just announce it on the Admission Form Channel and
say "People who can't send their answers in the google application form just DM an HCI for your
answers". I don't want to send it using google docs because what if they don't know how to use
it and probably they gonna messed up their answers, that's why I want them to send their
answers on discord to one the Head Course Instructor.

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