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Forgiveness and Love: Life Essentials

1 Let's Discuss These Interesting Questions!

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1 Do you think forgiveness and love are important in life?

2 How do you usually deal with conflicts in your relationships?

3 Can you think of a time when you forgave someone or someone forgave you?

4 Do you believe that forgiveness is always possible?

5 How do you show love to the people in your life?

2 Let's Tackle These Conversations!

A I'm really sorry I was late for our meeting.
B No problem, it happens. Just try to be on time next time.

A I made a mistake on the report. Can I fix it?

B Sure, go ahead. Let me know when you're finished.

A I promise it won't happen again.

B That's good to hear. We need to make sure it doesn't.

A It was my fault that the project didn't get finished on time.

B Don't worry about it. Let's just work together to get it done.
A Please forgive me for forgetting your birthday.
B Of course, I forgive you. Let's celebrate now!

A I don't want to blame anyone, but the printer isn't working.

B Let me take a look. Maybe I can fix it.

A I feel guilty for not finishing my homework.

B Don't be too hard on yourself. Just try to do better next time.

3 Can You Match These Words to Their Definitions?

1 mistake a feeling sad or distressed because of something that has
happened or been done
2 apologize b taking responsibility for doing something wrong or making a
3 sorry c feeling responsible for doing something wrong or committing
a crime
4 my fault d an action or decision that is wrong or incorrect

5 guilty e to express regret or say sorry for something that you have
done wrong
6 forgive f to hold someone responsible for something bad that has
happened or was caused by their actions
7 won't happen again g to stop feeling angry or resentful towards someone who has
done something wrong and choose not to punish them
8 blame h a promise that the same mistake will not be repeated in the

4 Time to Discover Some Interesting Facts!

1 Saying "I'm sorry" can reduce stress and lower blood pressure.

2 The word "apology" comes from the Greek word "apologia" meaning defense or
3 Japan has an official national apology day on November 22nd.
4 In ancient Roman times, it was seen as a sign of power to refuse to apologize.

5 Researchers have found that receiving an apology can improve trust and closeness in
6 Not all languages and cultures have a word for apologizing.

7 Over-apologizing can be a sign of low self-esteem or a way to seek reassurance.

8 Some companies have trained their employees to apologize without admitting fault to
avoid lawsuits.

5 Explore Quotes from Famous People!

Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
- Benjamin Franklin

Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong and the other person is right. It just
means you value your relationship more than your ego.
- Mark Matthews

Apologizing is a good thing, but it's important to make sure you're apologizing for the
right thing.
- Joanna Gaines

Apologizing is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. It shows you have the
courage to admit when you're wrong.
- Unknown

Apologizing doesn't mean that you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means
that you value your relationship more than your ego.
- Unknown

6 Let's Warm Up with Some Lead-in Activities!

Lead-in activities:
1 Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Give each group a scenario where
someone needs to apologize, such as accidentally breaking a friend's phone or forgetting
a loved one's birthday. Have the groups come up with a script for a sincere apology using
language from the song lyrics. After a few minutes, have each group present their apology
script to the class and discuss the language used.
2 Play the song for the class and distribute the lyrics. Instruct the students to read the lyrics
and identify any unfamiliar words or phrases. Have them work in pairs or small groups to
discuss the meaning of the unfamiliar language and how it relates to the theme of the
3 Ask the students to imagine that they are in a situation where they need to apologize to
someone. Have them write a letter of apology using language from the song lyrics. After a
few minutes, have the students share their letters with a partner and give feedback on the
language used.

7 Have a look at these awesome collocations!

1 to say sorry

2 to get angry

3 to do well with apologies

4 to run out of time

5 to need one more shot

6 once or twice made those mistakes

7 to need second chances

8 to let someone down

9 to spill the truth

10 too late now to say sorry

8 Get Creative with Your Writing!

Writing tasks:
1 Write an email to a friend explaining why you can't meet them for dinner tonight. Use the
target vocabulary to explain that you ran out of time and need to apologize for letting
them down.
2 Imagine you accidentally spilled a secret to someone and now they're angry with you.
Write a text message to them using the target vocabulary to apologize and ask for a
second chance.
3 You're writing a review of a restaurant you recently visited. Use the target vocabulary to
explain that although the food was good, the service wasn't and you needed one more
shot at a better experience.

Target Vocabulary:
to say sorry, to get angry, to do well with apologies, to run out of time, to need one more shot,
once or twice made those mistakes, to need second chances, to let someone down, to spill the
truth, too late now to say sorry
Correct Answers
3 Correct Answers:
1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 g 7 h 8 f

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