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Student Pre-Philosophy Statement Assignment

Christine Phan

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 203: Introduction to Special Education

Dr. Dale B. Warby

August 29, 2023


Pre-Philosophy Statement

When we think about becoming a teacher, we instantly think about the impact we can

make on students. In life, it is important to understand who you are as a person, and what you

believe to be real. These values are important because it would dictate how you feel and how you

act when you are facing a situation. These values hold no less in the profession of teaching. My

goal is to become an education teacher in Special Education, as well as Prek-5th, and by taking

this course, I aim to learn how to communicate and try to understand children with or without

special needs.

My philosophy of education is an inclusive one. I believe that every student/child bring

different strengths and weakness to the table, and it is important to evaluate their growth. All

children are unique in their own personal way and believe that children should have a stimulating

educational environment where they are able to grow mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Oftentimes, I would notice that children with special needs would not be given the correct

approach which makes them act out of proportion. As a future education teacher, I want to be

able to make a change in my future classroom, make a positive impact on my pupils, and strive

to become the teacher that my pupils will remember. I hope to take the experience and learning

material through my education courses to provide a consistently safe and welcoming

environment for all my future pupils.

Before I started college, I was always asked “What would you like to be in the future?” or

“Where do you see yourself in the future?” and every time I was asked those questions, I would

recall responding to becoming a nurse or a teacher. When I was asked the reason why, I would

always remember when I first started Elementary School. I remember starting Kindergarten and
my teacher Mrs. Wokersham was so warming. I remember I was this shy little girl who was just

by herself, and nobody would really talk to me. I remember one day going to school and she

welcomed her students with a welcoming hug and a big smile. When we had free time, she

would put us in different groups throughout the day for everyone to feel welcome and not feel

like they were in a diverse learning environment. She made all her students feel special in their

own way and for who they are. Since then, I had this feeling inside of me that when I grew older,

I wanted to become a teacher and impact my pupils the same way she did to me. After High

School, I started my first college, I intended to become a Registered Nurse, to help people, care

for their needs, and support them. Once I lost my grandpa in 2018, I was conflicted if I wanted to

still major in nursing or switch my major to becoming a teacher. When I did switch my major to

become a professional teacher, I remember that moment as the reason why I wanted to major in

teaching and it was to impact children/toddlers, especially kids with intellectual disabilities.

Teachers who educate young children are like being a role model. Teaching children in

the community offers the students some guidance in their lives and sometimes being the first

adult in the child’s life to motivate them gives them an interest in their goals and stimulates a

feeling of happiness and joy. Educators also teach the students to take on responsibilities for their

learning as they attend school while encouraging them to use their voices and come out of their

shells. As I become a teacher, I want to be able to show my students how to make sense of the

world, while being able to express their ideas in a peaceful environment and be who they are,


Teachers or future teachers teaching in the education field should know that there are

several skills and knowledge that I firmly believe should be possessed. For instance, the ability

to adapt, be compassionate, have practical knowledge, excellent listening skills, be creative, be

patient and trustworthy, and professional work ethic. These skills and knowledge can help

teachers be able to work with their pupils to accommodate their needs and be patient with the

students as they learn to be independent as they move on in their lives. As a future educator, I

believe that it is important to obtain these skills and knowledge rather than walking into the

education field with nothing. In addition, as part of my job, I would cooperate with my future co-

workers because I believe it would benefit me while giving me insight and more knowledge on

the topic as I carry them throughout my life.

These philosophies would guide my teaching in the right direction as I make sure my

pupils feel comfortable and excited to learn. The philosophy that I would value in my classroom

can be applied and utilized anywhere outside of school grounds. In my role as a teacher, it is

important to bring a positive attitude to the classroom while impacting my pupils in a positive

way, just like my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Wokersham. She inspired me so much that I was

able to become the person I am today and believe that I can become a great teacher just like her

one day. The learning course and materials that I am taking throughout college can provide me

with a better understanding and how I am able to impact my pupils in a positive way and take the

knowledge I learn and implement it into my future careers.

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