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ASSIGNMENT 4 (Culture): Using the information provided below, carefully observe and evaluate the culture of the

school where you are assigned to observe. Remember you are evaluating the school for its educational culture, place of
learning, sense of safety, invitation for learning, promotion of self-actualization, development of values and socialization.

Physical Characteristics: Look at the physical areas of the school to determine atmosphere, comfort, and feelings the
school creates for students in the educational setting.

1. Consider the school property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees, parking lot,
crosswalks, gates, signs, and symbols. >>>

The school property is not fenced around, and the parking lot is in the front of the building.
There is a playground to the left side of the property and there is a drive-through to pick up
students on the right. Behind the school near the playground, there is a field in the back. In the
parking lot, there are several trees.

2. Next, explain the interior of the school: halls, floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall colors and
decorations and entrance security. >>>
The school hallways were filled with the pupils’ arts and crafts. Some areas were posters of
books and there was also a small glass shelf with books inside. The doors were burgundy red,
and they swung open from both sides.

Culture of the School: Read, listen, and observe to determine the climate, values, and atmosphere within the school.

1. Consider the factors of school culture (climate, mood, tone, standards). Describe how you felt visiting the
school, walking down the hallways and inside the classroom. What do you think student feel regarding this
school’s culture? >>>

As I was walking down the hallway, I felt enjoyment in the air. Kids are ready to start school
and learn with their peers. I think the student feel regarding this school culture as happy
because everywhere I turn, I see kids enjoying their time with their peers and laughing.

2. What is the school’s motto? How does the school demonstrate the motto? Give examples. >>>

3. Did the students, teachers and staff seem friendly, happy and approachable for students, parents and
visitors? >>>

The teachers, staff, and students all seem very friendly to visitors who come to the school.
They make the visitors feel welcome.

4. Look at the formal practices: School bell schedule, and the grouping of students. (ie. grades, block
scheduling, periods). Does the school use inclusion, or a pull-out program for special education students?

The school where I did my observation was more of an inclusion. I went to observe a pre-k and
what I learned during my visit is that teachers who teach pre-k work with students with
intellectual disabilities and without and they help students learn and if they help identifying kids
with intellectual disabilities to know where they can place the pupils.
5. Compare and contrast current school cultural environment with school historically. >>>

The current school's cultural environment has new programs and opportunities that are
being developed. The school also enhanced technology to support the students
learning, such as PBS Kids learning, ABC learning, and much more, compared to school
in the earlier days, there was a standardized test that was given to students.

Culture of the Classroom: Observe and listen to the interactions between students, students and teacher.
1. Does it appear that students feel safe enough to ask the teacher questions?. >>>

After observing the students, I feel like the students feel safe and confident on asking their
teachers questions.

2. Evaluate the interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness, distribution of power, tone,
frequency and reinforcements. >>>

The interactions between the teachers and student are important and their tone with their pupils
make their pupils feel like they are in a safe environment and know that they also have adults
who care for them when they are not around their parents.

3. Evaluate the level of student participation in the class. Who participates? Who does not? How does the
teacher response to student comments? >>>

After my initial visit, the teacher I had visited had 11-12 students in the class and most of the
students would participate in the class. Out of 12, about 7-8 students participated. The teacher
responded to the students with politeness and caring. The teacher would also cheer the pupils
when they are participating in the class activity.

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