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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Vitali District/Quadrant 2.1


Quarter 4, Week 6

I. Learning Objective/s:
At the end of 45-minutes discussion, the Kindergarten-Coralat pupils
will be able to do the following with at least 80% level of proficiency;
a. Identify the number that comes between (MKC-00-5)
b. count numbers from one to ten
c. Recognize the order of numbers.

A. Content Standard:
The child demonstrates an understanding of concepts of size, length, weight,
time, and money

B. Performance standard:
The child shall be able to use arbitrary measuring tools/means to determine
size, length, weight of things around him/her, time (including his/her own

C. Lesson Integration: Numeracy and literacy

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Numbers in Between
Reference: Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit
Materials: Visual aids, worksheet, incentive chart, solving sheets
Value Integration: Develop child socio-emotional and communication skills

Learning task
III. Procedure
A. Preparation(indicator #4 manage classroom structure)(indicator#5
manage learner behavior)
1. Greetings
Good Morning Children! (Good Morning Teacher Rose!) Okay,
everybody please stand up for our opening prayer. Let us check
the attendance first before we are going to proceed with our
lesson. By the way, are you ready for our discussion? (Yes
Teacher!) Very Good! Before that, what will you do if your
teacher is discussing in front? Yes anybody? (Listen) okay very
good! What else? (Sit properly) okay that is correct. Now, how
about if you want to answer my question? (Raise our right
hand) Okay good! Now, let me see if you are ready. Sit
properly and we will sing action song entitled “10 little
One little, two little, three little penguins,
2. Motivation (indicator#3
Four little, five little, six applied range of teaching)( indicator
little penguins,
#4 manage Seven
classroom structure)
little, eight (indicator
little, nine #6 used differentiated
little penguins,
Ten approach)
little penguins.

Class do you know what’s on the board? (Flag) do you know why there is
a flag in front? (No teacher) okay, this month is June. The month of
June we are celebrating our independence day.
Class do you want to play? We will call our game “Flag raising”. I have
here three flags this flags represents your three groupings. If you are
going to participate and behave, while we are having our class your flags will
be raise higher whose group will reach the finish line will earn a reward. So
are you ready?-At the end of our class we will count who among of you will
be given a gift. Do you want to know what is inside this gift? (Yes teacher)
Therefore, you better behave and participate let’s get started.

B. Presentation
1. Modeling(indicator #2 used a range of teaching strategies that
enhance learner literacy and numeracy skills)(indicator #1 applied
knowledge of content across teaching curriculum)

Let us look at the numbers first. Then we will count.

“I have here 3 sets of numbers.

Set A Set B

Set C
Okay now what can you observe about numbers. (They are group into
three) very good! We will count these sets of numbers. What number that
comes in between one and three? (Number 2) very good! What number that
comes in between four and six? (Number 5) What number that comes in
between seven and nine? (Number 8) okay correct! Our lesson for today is
Numbers in between. We are going to learn how to identify number that
comes in between two (2) numbers. Counting numbers is a basic
Mathematical skill that will help you recognize the order of numbers.

2. Guided Practice ((indicator#3 applied range of teaching)( indicator

#4 manage classroom structure) (indicator #6 used differentiated
developmental approach)

Do you want to play a game?

Let’s have an activity called “tsu tsu numbers” I have here a train, what
you are going to do each group will be given a train and write the missing
number to complete that comes in between in each train and connect the train
to make the sequence number.

3. Independent Practice
We will have one more activity. “Number trucks” Count the number
and write the missing number that comes in between. (Each pupil will be
given worksheets).
C. Generalization
What do we do if we want to find the numbers in between? (We are going
to count the number sequence) Very good! By counting the number sequence, it
will help you to identify numbers in between two (2) numbers. Counting numbers
is a basic Mathematical skill that will help you recognize the order of number.

D. Application
Directions: Write the missing numbers that comes in between.

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Write the missing numbers in between to complete the
number order.

V. Assignment
Directions: identify the number comes in between in each train.

Prepared by:

Mary Rose A. Coralat

Kinder Teacher

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