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Adaptability: 40 Useful

Performance Feedback
Adaptability: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive
change and motivate your workforce.

Adaptability is the ability to cope with and adapt to unexpected situations in any environment
and staying connected with a great attitude.

Adaptability: Exceeds Expectations

 Easily adjusts priorities, activities, and attitude to meet new deadlines and information
and to achieve objectives

 Plans ahead, but always has an alternative option in case things go wrong or unexpected

 Thinks quickly to respond to a sudden change in information and draws conclusion from

 Anticipates and responds with energy to new challenges, the unfamiliar and the urgent

 Takes new challenges and looks for a new way to solve problems at short notice

 Quickly bounces back from setbacks, and maintains a head high positive attitude

 Thinks of ways to make changes work, rather than identifying why changes will not work

 Shows initiative and self-reliance when making suggestions for increasing the
effectiveness of a changing environment

 Not frightened to improvise. Can comfortably move into action without a plan and plan

 Keeps an open mind and shows willingness to learn new methods, procedures, and
techniques that embrace change
Adaptability: Meets Expectations
 Incorporates feedback effectively and deals positively with praises and criticism

 Understands, negotiates and balances diverse views and beliefs, particularly in

multicultural environments, to reach workable solutions

 Pushes aside the work planned for the day to respond to an emerging problem

 Encourages others to take the initiative when new projects come along and to quickly
adapt to situations

 Offers to cover the responsibilities of a colleague while he/she is on vacation

 Shifts attention to a client entering the facility even though immersed in detailed task

 Volunteers to take the lead for an important presentation when a colleague comes down
with an illness

 Works overtime to help a colleague meet a deadline for a certain proposal

 Tailors a sales pitch to meet unique needs of a certain client

 Surveys clients about their experience with the company and modifies service delivery
based on the findings

Adaptability: Needs Improvement

 Gets overwhelmed when multi-tasking. Feels overloaded when juggling several tasks or
when under pressure

 Not able to stay poised and calm when presented with a dilemma or a sudden troubling

 Does not show confidence when working with teams or clients that may have a different
way of thinking

 Tends to be so consistent following own job description thus being resistant to change

 Always late in executing a new plan or project and neglects tasks that need priority

 Rarely helps other colleagues to accomplish tasks that require meeting deadlines
 Gets easily depressed when things go wrong or projects do not work out as expected

 Hardly attends training, workshops or any other research-based activity meant to increase

 Adapts well to small changes, but struggles when there is a larger issue that affects the
whole office or department

 Shows reluctance when asked to take over others in the same office or department when

Adaptability: Self Evaluation

 Do you prefer an environment with a structured routine or one with new experiences?

 Can you describe a project or situation which required you to remain open-minded and
flexible in order to succeed?

 Were there times you had to take in a new task when you were still heavily involved with
another one?

 If you were given a new project to lead without prior knowledge, what steps would you
take to tackle it?

 What is the biggest change you have dealt with and how did you cope with it?

 Can you think of a time when your task or project suffered a setback? How did you react?

 Is there a time you had to adjust to a colleague's working style or technique in order to
meet a deadline or achieve an objective?

 Give a situation where you had to present to a group of clients with little or no
preparation. What challenges did you face?

 When have you been forced to attend to an emergency in an unusual way and what was
the outcome?

 Can you describe a situation where you had to move into action without a plan when
solving a difficult problem?

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