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Good afternoon everyone, I am going to discuss about the case of People VS Daniel which became a

landmark case in the history of polygraphy. On September 30, 1965 about three o clock in the afternoon
Margarita Paleng, 13 years of age a first year high school student of Baguio Eastern High just arrived in a
city of tublay in a dangwa bus, the accused, Amado Daniel a co-passenger followed her to her boarding
house and succeeded in having a carnal knowledge by threatening her with a dagger. The victim lost
consciousness and when she recovered he was already gone, when her father visited her the following
morning she told him about what happened and they immediately go to baguio general hospital to get
her examined after that they proceeded to police department and then she was examined again. It was
found out that there was a recent defloration according to the medical report. The victim then filed a
complaint accusing Daniel of rape, on Daniel’s defense he stated that the two of them were already
acquainted since 1963 and occasionally rode a bus together, he said that Margarita gave him consent
during that time and in fact it was actually the second time that it happened to them the first time
occurred in a shack where he promised her that he would marry her to his surprise she filed a complaint
against him. He then voluntarily submitted himself to a lie detector test with the NBI and the result
favored him when he was asked if he forced margarita in to having sexual intercourse with him, he
answered no which came out as truth on the lie detector test. Now, did the court accepted it as an
evidence? The answer is no because even tho the polygraphy test favored him, the court didn’t think
that it was credible since emotions of the person can be manipulated on Daniel’s case, it was done when
the trial was over so he has nothing to fear, he was not also confronted by the victim so naturally his
reaction will remain normal and unaffected so the polygraph machine cannot detect it therefore it was
rejected by the court and according to the medical report of the victim, she was virgin when it happened
opposing the claim of the accused that it was their second time with that, Amado Daniel was found
guilty of rape.

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