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Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)

Caribbean Studies IA

Research Statement: To what extent does the use of technology by teachers affect the
learning process for students at Immaculate Conception High School of ages 16 - 19?

Name: Jamilia Morgan

School: Immaculate Conception High School

Candidate Number: 1000512433

Centre Number: 100051

Year: 2019-2020

Territory: Jamaica

Teacher: Mr. Pitter


I would like to thank God for helping me mentally and physically during this process. I

would also like to thank my family for providing support and all the necessary tools needed

to complete this assignment. Secondly, I would like to thank my teacher for guiding me

throughout this process which helped greatly in my understanding of the project. Lastly, I

would like to thank the respondents and members of the institution where the research was

conducted in offering their time to allow me to carry out my questionnaire successfully.

Table of Contents

Title Pages

Introduction and Purpose of Research…………………………………………….... 3 - 5

Literature Review…………………………………………………………….……….6 - 10

Data Collection Sources……………………………………………………….……11 - 12

Presentation and Analysis…………………………………………………………...13 - 23

Analysis of Data…………………………………………………………………….24 - 26

Discussion of Findings………………………………………………………………27 - 30


Recommendation…………………………………………………………………….32 - 33




Appendix A..………………………………………………………………………...36 - 39

Introduction and Purpose

Theme: Technology

Topic: The effects of technology on the learning process

Statement of Problem: To what extent does the use of technology by teachers affect the

learning process for students at Immaculate Conception High School of ages 16 - 19?

Dependent variables: The learning process for students at Immaculate Conception High

School of ages 16 - 19?

Independent variables: The use of technology by teachers

Hypothesis: The use of technological devices by teachers positively affects the learning

process for students.


Advancements in technology over recent years have generated a change in the methods of

achieving productivity in the classroom. It is utilized by teachers in the classrooms in various

forms slowing eliminating prior teaching methods in order to save time and to allow for

convenience in the education system. Technology has become the way of the 21st century

and the future, therefore it has been integrated in many organizations and corporations. In

particular for this research, it has captivated the education field hence the effect on the

learning process for students will be explored as it has hindered productive and effective

learning in the classroom. There are numerous reports by students that the heavy reliance on

technology has negatively impacted the learning process as it has become more difficult for

them to grasp various topics in subject areas due to the sole use of technology by teachers in

the classroom. It has been relayed by student peers that technology is teaching and not

assisting which poses a significant problem hence the topic is being researched. The purpose

of the research is to provide alternatives which will lead to an environment in the classroom

in which technology is a tool utilized by teachers and does not displace teachers in the

classroom. Limiting the negative impacts on the learning process and educating teachers and

students alike as how to appropriately assimilate technology in the classroom effectively.

Value of the research

This research will be beneficial for the faculty members at the Immaculate Conception High

and many other teachers at various institutions. It will educate teachers about effective

teaching methods that do not heavily rely on the use of technology, which may affect the

learning process for students. This will be achieved by analysis of the sample group in every

aspect of how technology has impacted the learning process in their experience and carefully

comparing with existing literature on this topic. Focusing deeply on the use of technology in

a responsible and adequate manner as to not deplete the quality of learning for students in a

classroom. Overall, teachers will be able to achieve both quality and convenience in the

education system. The research however may lead to underuse of technology by teachers

hence eliminating efficiency and convenience in the classroom.

Research questions:

1. What are the main technological devices used by teachers in the classroom?

2. What are the factors that affect the learning process for students due to the use of

technology by teachers?

3. What are the major effects of the constant use of these devices in the classroom?

4. What alternatives can be put in place to remove the heavy reliance on technology by

Technical Terms:

❏ Assessment - systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the

knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs and improve student


❏ Education System - The education sector or education system is a group of

institutions (ministries of education, local educational authorities, teacher training

institutions, schools, universities) whose primary purpose is to provide education to

children and young people in educational settings.

❏ Learning Process - A process that people pass through to acquire new knowledge

and skills and ultimately influence their attitudes, decisions and actions.

❏ Productivity - describes various measures of the efficiency of production.

❏ Student-Teacher interaction - can be defined by shared acceptance, understanding,

affection, intimacy, trust, respect, care and cooperation.

❏ Technology - machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific


Introduction & Purpose – 5/5

Literature Review

Over the past few years there has been a tremendous growth in the utilization of

technology, which is represented in various organizations, corporations and specifically for

these research schools across the regions. The introduction and utilization of technology in

schools has directly impacted the learning process in the classroom both positively and

negatively. Therefore, this literature review serves the purpose of providing information on

the extent to which the use of technology by teachers affects the learning process for students.

According to the online newsletter obtained from the Jamaica Information Service (J.I.S)

which was written by Rochelle Williams and posted in October of 2017, the Minister of

Education is encouraging educators to increase the utilization of technology in the classroom.

Former Minister of Education, Ruel Reid, stated “Quality education is hardly possible in the

21st Century unless it is supported and grounded in access to, and productive use of

information communication technologies.” The government has put methods and projects in

place that have and will continue to make information communication technologies play an

immense factor in the learning process for students. These main technological devices that

play a role in the learning process include projectors, speakers, tablets and computers

(Williams, 2017). This information is beneficial and valid for this research as it covers an

important aspect of the research objectives. It is stated that the quality of learning will be

increased and it will be more effective for students. It is expected that the learning process

will significantly improve, allowing students to better grasp the material being taught which

will in turn help them to apply knowledge in tests and exams. Therefore, this is a valuable

source for the research as it covers aspects of the research objectives and provides context to

technological devices as a tool in the classroom by teachers. It is however recognized that a

disadvantage of this source is the lack of depth regarding the impact of the use of technology

on the learning process and the insufficient statistics regarding the topic.

On the contrary, major disadvantages however are arising due to the major utilization of

technology by teachers according to the Caribbean educational research journal entry entitled

“Teachers Preference and Use of Educational Technology in classrooms” published in

September of 2014 and written by Agbatogun, A., Ogunyemi, B., & Omoniyi. The journal

entry explored the negative effects differing from the newsletter which will be discussed

further. This lag has been attributed, among others, to poor infrastructure that supports

technology integration, misplacement of priority by political leadership, inadequate

knowledge and skills for technology deployment, and teachers’ poor attitude and beliefs

about technology integration (Agbatogun, Ogunyemi & Omoniyi, 2014). This explains

another aspect of the research objective, as to the pressing factors that play a role in this

situation. Consequently, school success is largely measured by learners’ performance in

pen-and-paper tests and teachers are under pressure to cover topics of the overly packed

curriculum, resulting in heavy technology use to promote learners’ understanding. Research

findings suggest that teachers in these times focus less on interactive teaching-learning

activities that enhance learners’ abilities to transfer knowledge gained in the classroom and

more on using technology to rapidly cover a syllabus which negatively impacts the learning

process immensely (Agbatogun, Ogunyemi & Omoniyi, 2014 ). Information provided from

this source is valid for this research as many aspects of the objectives were covered in realms

of the effects and the factors. Thorough explanation on the pre existing issues that teachers

may encounter was provided which leads to a negative effect on learning process. In addition,

points made disagreeing to the measurement of the student’s success introduces a new

perspective regarding the issues concerning determining the impact on the learning process.

These points provided makes this source beneficial in the analysing and understanding of

results that will be obtained later in the research.

Nevertheless, in recent years, the Ministry of education has written extensively on the

need for changes in the Jamaican education system according to a book published by the

Caribbean Policy Research Institute and is entitled “Educational Reform in Jamaica” written

by Knight, J., & Rapley, J. The book expounds greatly on strong points made in the journal

entry providing thorough explanation of points. It has been brought forward that a

relationship should be developed between the Jamaican people and education, The Ministry

places great emphasis on the implementation of Information Communication Technology

throughout Jamaican schools. Ministry explains that the national education will be

“performance - driven” and “Results - oriented”; however, based on the Caribbean Policy

Research Institute's book, the results have not been impressive. It is stated that the

government has placed major emphasis on the utilization of these devices by teachers but

have not given guidelines on how to use these devices effectively as to not obstruct effective

learning (Knight & Rapley, 2007). Therefore, ICTs have been introduced in schools island

wide which represents the rapid emergence of technology but it has not been effectively used

hence teachers are solely dependent on these devices which diminishes interactive student-

teacher learning. Therefore, an alternative could be derived where teachers are taught

effectively how to merge the two worlds. This covers another research objective in terms of

the major effects of the constant use of these devices in the classroom. Thorough explanation

and background information was provided as why these effects were apparent and how these

effects impacted the learning process. It is seen that teachers are not provided with guidelines

regarding the effective usage of this new tool which gives a new point to be explored in this

research; hence this source was beneficial.

Contrastingly, according to the newspaper article obtained from the Jamaica Observer,

published in October of 2017 and written by Alicia Sutherland, the possibilities for teaching

and learning with the use of ICTs are incredible and should take priority. It is stated that the

students are motivated and excited to learn when these technological devices are utilized by

teachers. Therefore, way more can be achieved in terms of the learning process than previous

years when these devices were not used. In addition, teachers with the aid of ICTs have

access to a wide range of information, creative videos and other resources that will improve

the learning process in classrooms (Sutherland, 2017). According to Sutherland the

advantages are endless and are crucial to the learning process hence technology is effective in

aiding students in the classrooms. This is source is beneficial to the research as it gives a new

perspective on technological devices in the classroom. It is stated that students are motivated

to learn with this tool and that teachers have access to a greater realm of information which

gives a positive outlook to the research and will be beneficial to utilize; in terms of giving a

range of negative and positive effects allowing comparison and finding a common ground.

The online article written by Rochelle Williams and the newspaper article written by

Alicia Sutherland both conclude that the use of technology by teachers have significantly

improved the learning process for students and have solely advantages. However, this differs

from the Journal Piece written by Agbatogun, A., Ogunyemi, B., and Omoniyi, T. and the

Book written by Knight, J., & Rapley, J. The book and the journal both agree that there are

significant implications on the learning process due to the heavy reliance on technology in the

classroom. This includes the diminishing of the interactive teaching-student process. Due to

this it can be seen that the use of ICTs will not result in a perfect learning process for students

and that there are issues that could arise if teachers solely depend on ICTs to cover the

curriculum in the classroom. There should be guidelines in place to aid teachers on how to

effectively use these technological devices without obstructing the learning process. On the

other hand, Williams and Sutherland agree that technology should solely be the method to

teach students in this modern day and that there are only advantages.

In conclusion, the major technological devices that play a role in the learning process

include projectors, speakers, tablets and computers. The online article written by Rochelle

Williams and the newspaper article written by Alicia Sutherland both agree that the use of

technology by teachers have significantly improved the learning process. However, the book

and the journal both agree that there are significant implications on the learning process due

to the heavy reliance on technology in the classroom.

Lit Review – 8/8

Data Collection Sources

In order to obtain the necessary information for this research, primary and secondary

sources of data collection were utilized. The primary source of information was in the form of

a questionnaire while the secondary sources of information included a book, a newspaper

article, a journal entry and an online newsletter.

The demographic of the sample for this research are students in the age range of 13 - 19

years who are all females attending the Immaculate Conception High School. They will

therefore be exposed to the presence of technology in the classroom due to the use by their

teachers at a high school level. Hence, they will be able to provide valuable information on

the effect of the use of technology by their teachers on the learning process. The

questionnaire was conducted online where it was generated and sent randomly to individuals

by email. The simple random sampling technique which is a form of probability sampling

was used where each individual in their respective age group has an equal right to an opinion

on how technology has impacted the learning process for them individually.

The secondary sources of information included a book, a newspaper article, a journal

entry and an online newsletter. The book is published by the Caribbean Policy Research

Institute and is entitled “Educational Reform in Jamaica” written by Knight, J., & Rapley, J.

The Caribbean Policy Research Institute is a public policy think tank based at the University

of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica. The think tank's executive director is Dr.

Damien King, Jamaican economist and lecturer in economics at the University of the West

Indies, Mona. Hence it is a credible source of information as intense scientific researches are

done for topics investigated. The newspaper article was obtained from the Jamaica Observer,

published in October of 2017, and was written by Sutherland, A. The Observer ensures that

publishers are well educated and versed on the respective topics being discussed in the

articles published. The writer, Alicia Sutherland is a well known and recognized

Writer/Development Communications Specialist. Therefore, the article is a credible source of

information for my research. The third secondary source is a journal entry from the

Caribbean Research Journal entitled “Teachers’ Preference and Use of Educational

Technology in classrooms” published in September of 2014 and written by Agbatogun, A.,

Ogunyemi, B., & Omoniyi, T. The Caribbean Research Journal is an open access journal that

provides continuous publication of articles. It provides intense scientific research on various

topics in the form of articles regarding the Caribbean. It ensures that all articles published are

written by individuals that have a high level of education and are versed in the topics being

discussed, hence it is a credible source for my research. Lastly, the online newsletter was

obtained from the Jamaica Information Service (J.I.S) which was written by Rochelle

Williams and posted in October of 2017. The Jamaica Information Service (JIS) is a

government agency that provides current, accurate and valid information to the people of

Jamaica. Hence it is also a credible source of information for my research.

Total of (14) questions were asked in the questionnaire. A questionnaire was chosen as the

primary source of data collection. This from of collection was utilized as more information

can be collected from a large number of students in a short period of time and in a relatively

cost-effective way. The researcher issued thirty (30) questionnaires to the students of

Immaculate Conception High School of varying ages of 13 - 19 years. The questionnaires

were issued using simple random sampling where each individual in their respective age

group has an equal right to an opinion. The information gathered is important and useful to

the research.

Data Collection – 4/4

Presentation of Data

Age Number of Individuals






2 persons

1 person

Figure 1: Pictogram showing the age of the respondents

According to figure 1, out of 33 respondents, 39% (13 individuals) are 18 years, 36% (12

individuals) are 19 years, 15% (5 individuals) are 17 years and 9% (3 individuals) are 16


Subjects Percentage

Humanities 12%

Sciences 36%

Business 21%

Technical Subjects 6%

Mixture 24%

Table 1: Table showing the respective subject areas of the respondents

According to table 1 above, 36% (12 individuals) study sciences, 24% (8 individuals) study a

mixture of subjects, 21% (7 individuals) study business, 12% (4 individuals) study

humanities and 6% (2 individuals) study technical subjects.

Figure 2: Pie chart showing the percentage of teachers’ use of technology in the classroom

According to figure 2, out of 33 respondents, 42% (14 individuals) indicated most of the

time, 36% (12 individuals) indicated all of the time and 21% (7 individuals) indicated


Figure 3: Pie Chart showing the types of devices utilized by their teachers

According to figure 3, out of 33 respondents, 52% (17 individuals) indicated all devices

mentioned are used, 36% (12 individuals) indicated that projectors are used, 9% (3

individuals) indicated that laptops are used and 3% (1 individual) indicated that speakers are


Figure 4: Column Chart showing how often technological devices are utilized

According to figure 4, out of 33 respondents, 52% (17 individuals) indicated all lessons, 42%

(14 individuals) indicated most lessons and 6% (2 individuals) indicated sometimes.

Figure 5: Pie Chart showing the impact of PowerPoint presentations

Out of 33 respondents, 49% (16 individuals) indicated sometimes, 33% (11 individuals)

indicated no and 18% (6 individuals) indicated yes.

Figure 6: Column Chart showing how teachers of respondents use technological devices

Tech devices only: 11 respondents stated all lesson, 13 respondents stated most lessons and 7

respondents stated some lessons

Mixture: 3 respondents stated all lessons, 6 respondents stated most lessons, 11 respondents

stated some lessons and 10 respondents stated not at all.

No Devices: 1respondent stated all lessons, 3 respondents stated most lessons, 4 respondents

stated some lessons and 13 individuals stated not at all.

Figure 7: Column Chart showing how use of technology by teachers of respondents affect

attentiveness in the classroom

According to figure 7, out of 33 respondents, 3% (1 individual) stated all the time, 6% (2

individuals) stated most of the time, 12% (4 individuals) stated sometimes, 33% (11

individuals) stated a few times and 36% (15 individuals) stated not at all.

Figure 8: Pie Chart showing how the use of technology by teachers of respondents affects

grades of respondents

According to figure 8, out of 33 respondents, 52% (17 individuals) stated no, 39% (13

individuals) stated sometimes and 9% (3 individuals) stated yes.

Responses Percentage

For more practical subjects (eg.Physics), I 36%

need to have more time in practice than
reading from a presentation full of

Less emphasis on teaching the intricacies 24%

I find that with technological devices, 21%

students find it unnecessary to pay
attention in class, knowing that they can
access the information whenever

Teachers only read the PowerPoint 12%

presentations and takes away from
teacher-student interaction

Inadequate explanation 6%

Table 2: Table showing responses of students of why usage of technology affects grades

Out of 33 respondents, 36% (12 individuals) stated more practice is needed, 24% (8

individuals) stated less emphasis on intricacies, 21% (7 individuals) stated students pay less

attention, 12% (4 individuals) stated teacher-student interaction is reduced and 6% (2

individuals) stated inadequate explanation

Figure 9: Pie Chart showing the benefits of the use of technology by teachers of respondents

According to figure 9, out of 33 respondents, 67% (22 individuals) stated it accommodates

different learning styles, 30% (10 individuals) stated all mentioned and 3% (1 individual)

stated it enhances student learning.

Figure 10: Pie Chart showing the disadvantages of the use of technology by teachers of


According to figure 10, out of 33 respondents, 39% (13 individuals) stated it takes away from

student-teacher interaction, 27% (9 individuals) stated all mentioned, 18% (6 individuals)

stated it replaces the teacher, 9% (3 individuals) stated it provides misguided information and

6% (2 individuals) stated it is an insufficient method.

Response Number of Individuals





2 persons

1 person

Figure 11: Pictogram showing the number of individuals on whether or not they believe the

use of technology enhances the learning process

According to figure 11, out of 33 respondents, 39% (13 individuals) stated maybe,36% (12

individuals) stated no and 15% (5 individuals) stated yes.

Response Number of Individuals

Limit the number of sessions per week 6%

when PowerPoint presentations and
videos are used but for subjects like
modern languages I understand because
developing listening skills requires
speakers, audios, etc

Combine with other teaching methods 33%

Educate teachers on different teaching 12%


I think teachers should be prepared to 34%

teach their classes by knowing what
exactly the syllabus requires and doing so
through interaction with students, using
different strategies to reach out to all
students with different learning patterns,
and using technology to AID in this

Do little quizzes with programs like 3%

Kahoot to get students more involved

Table 3: Table showing the individuals’ response to alternatives that can be put in place to

ensure that the use of technology enhances the learning process and not implicate it.

Out of 33 respondents, 3% (1 individual) stated quizzes, 6% (2 individuals) stated limiting

the usage of PowerPoints , 12% (4 individuals) stated educating teachers on different

teaching styles, 33% (11 individuals) stated combining with other styles and 36% (15

individuals) stated more interaction with students.

Presentation of Data – 7/8

Analysis of Data

According to the data collected, the majority (42%) indicated that technological devices

are utilized by their teachers in the classroom most of the time and the second highest

response (36%) stated that it is used all the time. Hence the extent to which teachers used

electronic tools when teaching was measured and this data was presented in Figure 2. This

response may be influenced by the fact that some subjects rely particularly on the use of

technological devices such as modern languages, computer science or information

technology. On the contrary, for subjects that do not rely on technology, it can be attributed to

the fact that content of the syllabus for these subjects may be very large and difficult to cover.

The frequent use may also be due to the lack of understanding of merging both the use of

technology with student-teacher interaction. Lastly 21% – the minority replied that their

teachers only used technology sometimes within their classes, which could be because some

teachers may not see the need for technology within their classes on a regular basis and are

able to utilize both methods of teaching without a heavy reliance on technology. In addition,

the results also showed that the majority (49%) indicated that use of technological devices

helps their understanding of lessons only sometimes and the second highest response (33%)

stated it does not help at all in the understanding of lessons (see figure 5). It can be

understood that students do not fully grasp topics when teachers depend on technological

devices for the teaching of lessons. This can be as a result of other factors such as the

reduction of teacher-student interaction which may lead to the inability of some students to

understand and grasp lessons.

It is shown in figure 6 that 10 individuals stated that a mixture of teaching styles is never seen

by their teachers and 13 individuals stated that there is no lesson where their teachers solely

depended on technological devices for lessons. Hence, the use of these devices must be

coupled with other styles of teaching which include student-teacher reaction and the extent to

which these devices are used should be limited. If this is done, then there will be an increase

in the level of understanding for students.

According to Figure 7, the use of technological devices greatly impacts attentiveness of

students in the classroom. The majority (46%) stated that use of devices does not increase

attentiveness in the classroom at all and the second highest (33%) stated it increases

attentiveness only a few times in the classroom. This could be attributed to the fact that with

technological devices, students find it unnecessary to pay attention in class. They therefore do

not fully immerse themselves into classes knowing that they can access the information

whenever necessary as if it is online it can be easily sent to them. Hence this factor negatively

impacts the learning process as it will limit their understanding of the topics being discussed

during lessons due to lack of attentiveness. Some may, put their heads down, find something

else to occupy their time or more commonly, talk with their peers. It is important to note that

the majority of a student’s learning must happen in the classroom which allows them to read

and sharpen their knowledge at home therefore if learning does not happen in the classroom

then most students will be confused at home. Contrastingly, there are a few benefits to the use

of technology in the classroom according to figure 9. Majority (67%) stated that the use of

technology by teachers in the classroom accommodates students with different learning

styles. This is very important as every student will not learn the same way and the use of

technological devices include those who are visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners. Hence

those students will be benefited by the usage of these devices which will positively impact

the learning process for this respective group.

In figure 11, it is represented that the majority (39%) responded maybe when asked if

they believed that the use of technology enhances the learning process. The second highest

(36%) stated that they do not think the learning process enhances the learning process for

students. This could be greatly attributed to the fact that it takes away teacher-student

interaction and in some cases may even replace teachers in the classroom (see figure 10).

Fortunately, the students suggested ways in which to combat this problem as the majority

(34%) stated that different methods should be combined in order to cater to all learning styles

of various students (see table 3). Technology should be used to aid in plans that have already

been written and sorted out by teachers instead of being the sole teaching tool for students.

This could be achieved by limiting the number of sessions per week when PowerPoint

presentations and videos are used; do little quizzes with programs like Kahoot to get students

more involved.

Analysis of Data – 10/10

Discussion of Findings

According to the literature review (Williams, 2017), it is highlighted that the main

technological devices that play a role in the learning process include projectors, speakers,

tablets and computers. The findings represent that all these devices mentioned are utilized in

the classroom by the majority of 51.5%. Hence these devices are mainly used by teachers in

the classroom which is incorporated as a part of the learning process for students which gives

insight into one of the main objectives for this research. It is expected that the quality of

learning will be increased and it will be more effective for students according to reviewed

literature. It is also explained that the learning process will significantly improve, allowing

students to better grasp the material being taught which will in turn help them to apply

knowledge in tests and exams. However there are various factors that affect the learning

process for students due to the use of technology by teachers which are represented in the

findings. These factors include the variety of technological devices utilized and the

understanding of the usage of these technological devices by teachers. The variety of

technological devices utilized positively impacts the learning process; the majority (67%)

stated that it accommodates students with different learning styles. The usage of speakers and

projectors will enable students who are auditory and visual learners to better engage and

stimulate greater interest. Without these devices the classroom would be aimed toward

solitary learners and disregards other learning styles of students. This is discussed in the

reviewed literature (Sutherland, 2017) as it was stated that teachers have access to a wider

range of information, creative videos and other resources that will improve the learning

process in classrooms for various students. Not all students learn the same way and shouldn't

be treated the same.

The lack of understanding may lead to the ineffective use of devices which instead of

aiding the learning process, disrupts it. The majority (42.2%) indicated that technological

devices are utilized by their teachers in the classroom most of the time which shows that

these technological devices are mainly depended on in the classroom by teachers to aid in the

learning process which reduces the level of teacher-student interaction. According to the

literature review(Agbatogun, Ogunyemi & Omoniyi, 2014), teachers who focus less on

interactive teaching-learning activities that enhance learners’ abilities to transfer knowledge

gained in the classroom and more on using technology to rapidly cover a syllabus will

negatively impact the learning process immensely. It can be inferred that the use of

technological devices will not result in a perfect learning process for students and that there

are issues that could arise if teachers solely depend on technological devices to cover the

curriculum in the classroom. There should be guidelines in place to aid teachers on how to

effectively use these technological devices without obstructing the learning process.

The repercussions of this are seen in the findings as a majority (51.5%) have stated that

there has been no improvement but rather negative effects on the learning process; which is

reflected in their grades and general understanding of the topics being taught by the use of

technological devices honing in on another major objective of this research. Hence there are

major effects of the constant use of these devices in the classroom on the learning process of

the students. Attentiveness is majorly affected in the classroom due to constant usage as seen

in the findings as the majority (45.5%) stated that it is not increased at all. This is due to the

fact that with technological devices, students find it unnecessary to pay attention in class,

knowing that they can access the information whenever necessary. A disruption in the

learning environment will occur as students will participate in other activities and will not

pay attention to their teachers. Hence important notes given by teachers that may not be seen

on the PowerPoints will not be translated to these students which will affect their

performance academically. This differs from the information gathered in the literature review

(Sutherland, 2017) where it is stated that students are motivated and excited to learn when

these technological devices are utilized by teachers. In addition, it is also discussed by

Sutherland that teaching and learning with the use of technological devices are incredible and

should take priority. This is a contrast to the findings in this research, as discussed earlier the

attentiveness is negatively affected and students are not motivated and excited to learn when

these technological devices are used; their grades and general understanding have been

negatively impacted. This contrast between the literature and the findings may be due to a

difference in the demographic of the sample group in the literature and this research. The

research was conducted with individuals of ages 16 - 19 years and it can be inferred that the

older the demographic the less captivated they are by the use of these technological devices

than younger children. Information used by teachers can be sent to students which results in

the lack of attentiveness and interest during class sessions.

There are alternatives that can be put in place to ensure that the use of technology

enhances the learning process and does not implicate it. According to the literature review

(Agbatogun, Ogunyemi & Omoniyi, 2014), it is stated that the use of technological devices

should be combined with teacher-student interactive teaching methods which focuses on

another major research objective for this research. This is seen in the results as the majority

(34%) stated that these devices must be combined with interaction with students, using

different strategies to reach out to all students with different learning patterns, and using

technology to aid in this process.

The implications of this research conducted is that it will reinforce or change the way

teachers think about the effect of technological devices on the learning process. The review of

literature and this research will aid teachers in grasping the importance of finding a balance

and common ground between technology and teaching methods prior to the advancement of

technology and the incorporation of these devices in the education system. It is seen that

using an extreme of one method is not effective as shown in the differences in the findings

and the previous literature; hence the use of technology devices must be combined with other

teacher-student interactive methods to enhance the learning process for students.

Discussion of Findings – 11/12


The main technological devices that play a role in the learning process include projectors,

speakers, tablets and computers. The findings represent that all these devices mentioned are

utilized in the classroom by the majority of 51.5%. There are many factors that affect the

learning process for students due to use by teachers. These include the variety of

technological devices utilized and the understanding of the usage of these technological

devices by teachers. The variety of technological devices utilized positively impacts the

learning process; the majority (67%) stated that it accommodates students with different

learning styles. However, the lack of understanding may lead to the ineffective use of devices

which instead of aiding the learning process, disrupts it. The majority (42.2%) indicated that

technological devices are utilized by their teachers in the classroom most of the time which

shows that these technological devices are mainly depended on in the classroom by teachers

to aid in the learning process which reduces the level of teacher-student interaction.

There are major effects of the constant use of these devices in the classroom.

Attentiveness is majorly affected in the classroom due to constant usage as seen in the

findings as the majority (45.5%) stated that it is not increased at all. In addition, majority

(51.5%) have stated that there has been no improvement but rather negative effects on the

learning process; which is reflected in their grades and general understanding of the topics.

There are alternatives that can be put in place to remove the heavy reliance on technology by

teachers. Technological devices should be combined with teacher-student interactive teaching

method. This is seen in the results as the majority (34%) stated that these devices must be

combined with interaction with students, using different strategies to reach out to all students

with different learning patterns, and using technology to aid in this process.

Lastly, the hypothesis of the research is proven to be false as the use of technological devices

by teachers both positively and negatively impacts the learning process for students. (2/2)


One limitation observed in conducting the research was that for questions that

required multiple responses, they did not fully complete the questions. This therefore may

have negatively affected the validity and reliability of the data collected. Validity refers to

accuracy, with respondent selecting more than one response for some of these questions

would negatively affect the correctness of the study, similarly reliability refers to consistency

the selection of more than one options would therefore negatively affect the consistency of

the research.

Another limitation observed was that the sample size for the research is too small to

make a general assumption among all students in this age group. Therefore, this may have

negatively affected the reliability of the research. The sample size for the research was a mere

thirty (30) respondents, this is far too small to make a generalization as this sample size is

unable to include anomalies and other trends and may create an inaccurate representation of

all dancers.

Thirdly, internet connectivity issues may have disrupted this process in terms of the

time in which these individuals received the emails with the questionnaire. This may result in

individuals not being able to respond or responding after the time period that was given to

complete the questionnaire; this may have negatively impacted the sample size.

Lastly, individuals simply did not respond to the survey that as conveyed by email. If the

questionnaire was conducted in person then this issue would have been eliminated as they

would have been observed by the researcher. However this was not the case and individuals

may not have seen the emails or they did not respond.

Limitations – 2/2


A recommendation for the government is to create strategies and plans specifically in

the Ministry of Education in order to ensure that the use of technological devices by teachers

positively affects the learning process for students. There should be guidelines in place to aid

teachers on how to effectively use these technological devices without obstructing the

learning process. This could be achieved by planning workshops and equipping teachers with

booklets on teaching techniques that involve student-teacher interaction which effectively

prevent technology from overshadowing the role of a teacher in the classroom.

Secondly, another recommendation for the Ministry of Education is to implement

inspections to be done in schools that utilize technological devices to advance the learning

process. Inspections are already put in place for assessing a school’s appropriateness,

however, these evaluations will target the specific use of technology in these schools.

Feedback will be given which will help both teachers and students to adjust moving forward

to ensure the leaning process is benefitted and not harmed.

Thirdly, another recommendation for the school community is to hold seminars for

students regarding the approach and manoeuvring of the use of these devices by teachers.

Students play a huge role in the acceptance of these devices as a tool in the classroom.

Strategies and guidelines should be given as how to effectively learn with this new tool and

not to disregard it; Considering that technological tools relieve student of traditional

note-taking, their attention-spans during these classes are diminished.

Lastly, school communities should be provided with grants, funds, resources from the

Ministry of Education or organizations that focus on education. These must be used for the

installation of up to date technological devices such as projectors and smart boards and the

provisions of other devices such as laptops and speakers. This will be necessary as without

these devices none of these strategies will be possible. It is also very important for teachers to

work with up to date devices that have been appropriate installed as to not waste time in the

delayed setbacks and setting up of these devices.

Recommendations – 4/4


Agbatogun, A., Ogunyemi, B., & Omoniyi, T. (2014). Teachers Preference and Use of

Educational Technology in classrooms. From,-2015.aspx

Knight, J., & Rapley, J. (2007). Educational Reform in Jamaica. From


Sutherland, A. (2017). Use technology for teaching and learning, educators urge. From


Williams, R. (2017). Gov’t Targeting Increased Use of Technology in Education. Jamaica

Information Service. From

Overall Presentation and Writing Skills – 5/5

Final Score - 58/60 = 97%


Appendix A


Dear Respondent,

I am J.Morgan, a student who is currently attending the Immaculate Conception High School.

This questionnaire aims to analyze the extent to which the use of technology by teachers

affects the learning process for students for my Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment.

Hence, I request your permission to utilize the data collected from your responses while

ensuring that all information will be kept confidential. Thank you for participating.

1. Gender

● Female

● Male

499836016. Age

● 16

● 17

● 18

● 19

499836072. What subjects are you currently studying?

● Sciences

● Business

● Humanities

● Technical Subjects

● Mixture

499836128. Do your teachers use technological devices in the classroom?

● Not at all

● Sometimes

● Most of the time

● All the time

499834504. Which technological devices are utilized by your teachers in the classroom ?

(may tick more than one)

● Laptops

● Projectors

● Speakers

● Tablets

● Smart Boards

Other: -------------------------------------------

499834616. How often do your teachers use PowerPoint presentations in the classroom?

● Not at all

● Some lessons

● Most lessons

● All lessons

499834672. Do you think that the usage of powerpoint presentations help you to

understand the lessons?

● Yes

● No

499834896. Do your teachers depend solely on technological devices to teach lessons or do

they use technological devices to aid with other teaching methods?

● Technological devices only

● Technological devices and other teaching methods

● No technological devices are used

499835568. Does the involvement of technology within classes increase attentiveness in

the classroom?

● Yes

● Sometimes

● No

499837976. Do you feel that the incorporation of technological devices by teachers in

lessons have improved your grades and general understanding of the topics?

● Yes

● No

499837192. If no, why?


499836632. What are some benefits of the use of technology by teachers in the classroom?

● Enhances student learning

● Accommodates students with different learning styles

● Motivates students to get more involved

● All mentioned

● None of the above

499836856. What are some disadvantages of the use of technology by teachers in the


● Insufficient method of teaching

● Takes away from student - teacher interaction

● Provides misguided information that does not align with curriculum or syllabus

● Technological devices replace the teacher in the classroom

● All mentioned

● None of the above

499837248. Do you think the integration of technology will allow for a more enhanced

learning process?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

499838256. If maybe or no, what alternatives can be put in place to ensure that the use of

technology enhances the learning process and does not implicate it?



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