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A Term Presented to

The Faculty of the criminology Department

Sacred Heart College of Calamba Inc.

Calamba,Misamis Occidental

In partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for degree

Bachelor of Science and Criminology

Submitted by



Submitted to


April 2023
Introduction arythmias, stroke, Higblood pressure and other
heart diseases. Alcoholic beverages also affects
Alcohol is part of our society. People our liver and pancreas whereas consumption of
use it to celebrate, socialize, relax, and enhance too much alcoholic beverages develop acute and
the enjoyment of meals. Alcoholic beverages is chronic inflammation of both liver and pancreas.
one of the product that are present during Fatal conditions caused by alcoholic abuse
celebrations or parties even in everyone’s include a severely liver inflammation, acute liver
Houses alcoholic drinks are always present. failure or/and cirrhosis presented with liver
cancer. It also affects our kidney and develops
Alcoholic beverages comprise a large
kidney failures.
group of beverages that contain varying amounts
of alcohol (ethanol). Alcoholic beverages All in all alcoholic beverages also
produced on an industrial scale include beer, contains carcinogens or pro-carcinogens,
wine, and China rice wine, and distilled spirits including ethanol, nitrosamines and urethane
such as brandy, whisky, rum, gin, cognac, contaminants. Alcoholic beverages increase the
vodka, tequila, pisco, and China distilled spirit. risk of squamous cell cancers of the oral cavity,
pharynx, larynx and oesophagus. Alcohol-
People generally tend to drink alcohol in
drinking raises the risk of neoplasms, even in the
order to have fun. Being drunk makes them feel
absence of smoking, but alcohol-drinking and
happy and “spirited,” and drinking alcohol with
tobacco-smoking together greatly increase the
friends can be a fun experience. If people are
nervous in social situations, drinking helps them
relax and have more fun. But alcoholic Alcohol-drinking is also strongly
beverages may not always for drinking it may associated with the risk of primary liver cancer,
also be use as ingredients in cooking. An particularly among smokers and among people
alcoholic beverage is a drink containing ethanol, chronically infected with hepatitis C virus. A
commonly known as alcohol. Alcoholic higher risk of colorectal cancer seems to be
beverages are divided into three general classes: linearly correlated with the amount of alcohol
beers, wines and spirits. consumed and independent of the type of
alcohol. A greater risk of breast cancer has been
consistently reported. More cases of breast
Body cancer than of any other cancer are attributable
to alcohol-drinking among filipino women. It
But Alcoholic beverages can cause a lot has been suggested that alcohol acts on
of health issues in a human bodies. Drinking too hormonal factors involved in breast
much on a single occasion or over time can take carcinogenesis
a serious toll on your health. Alcohol interferes
with the brain’s communication pathways, and According to world health organization.
can affect the way the brain looks and works. The harmful use of alcohol is a causal factor in
These disruptions can change mood and more than 200 disease and injury conditions.
behaviour, and make it harder to think clearly Worldwide, 3 million deaths every year result
and move with coordination. from harmful use of alcohol. This represents
5.3% of all deaths.
Drinking alcoholic beverages affects our
heart causimg problems like cardiomyopathy,
Conclusion this claims remains debatable. There is many
claims of positive effects of alcoholic
By all counts and proven results. It is no consumption but there is a bunch of studies also
wonder that consuming alcoholic beverages too that proves the negative effects of an alcoholic
much may develops different health problems on beverages in a human bodies.
a human bodies but it doesn't meant that we
need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages, we Consuming more than 2 standard
can still drink it but it must be in a moderately drinks per occasion is associated with an
and better is not to. increase in harms that’s why, regardless of
Avoiding the too much consumption the number of drinks you have during a
of alcoholic beverages is very essential in week, if you drink, make sure you don’t
our health. Worldwide, alcohol takes an exceed 2 drinks on any occasion. It will
enormous toll on lives and communities, reduce your risk of several harms to yourself
especially in developing countries and its and others
contribution to the overall burden of
diseases is expected to increase in the future.

 J.F. Cacho, R. Lopez, in Encyclopedia

Recommendation of Analytical Science (Second Edition),
Moderate alcohol consumption
especially red wines may provide some health
benefits, such as; Reducing your risk of
developing and dying of heart disease, Possibly
reducing your risk of ischemic stroke (when the 
arteries to your brain become narrowed or reasons-people-drink/
blocked, causing severely reduced blood flow). 
But take note that it is only in a moderate. Still sheets/detail/alcohol

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