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Lecturer :
Prof. Dr. Afdal, M.Pd., Kons .

By :
Muhammad Evryan Syahputra




According to Dawis and Lofqoist (in Hardiani and Irman, 2009)
define work adjustment as a continuous and dynamic process, where a
worker tries to achieve and maintain correspondence with the work
Adjustment theories belong to the class of theories known as P and
E theories and the subject of adjustment between P and E interactions. Job
adjustment theories grew out of the individual differences tradition in
psychology. Psychological individual differences are human variability,
how people differ from each other.
According to Joko Julianto (2009), basically, self-adjustment has
two aspects, namely personal adjustment and social adjustment , namely:
1. Personal Adjustment
Personal adjustment is an individual's ability to accept himself so as
to achieve a harmonious relationship between who he is and his work
environment. He is fully aware of who he is, what his strengths and
weaknesses are and acts objectively according to his condition.
Personal success in the absence of hatred, running away from reality
or responsibility , disappointment or disbelief in one's condition. His
mental life is characterized by the absence of shock or anxiety that
accompanies feelings of guilt, dissatisfaction, anxiety, feelings of lack
and complaints about the fate he experiences.
2. Social Adjustment
Every individual lives in society, where there is a process of mutual
influence on each other. From this process, cultural and behavioral
patterns emerge in accordance with a number of rules, laws, customs and
values that they adhere to, in order to achieve adjustments to the
problems of everyday life.
In the world of work, there are two things that cannot be separated,
namely employees and companies. A person who can adapt himself to his
work, that is, if there is job satisfaction. For this reason, it is mandatory for
companies to recognize what factors can make employees satisfied working
at the company.
Many factors influence employee job satisfaction, including job
suitability, organizational policies including development opportunities,
work environment and superior behavior. The factors that can influence
satisfaction according to Kreitner and Kinichi (in Hardiani and Irman, 2009)
a. Fulfillment of Needs ( need fulfillment )
Satisfaction is determined by the level of job characteristics that provide
individuals with the opportunity to fulfill their needs.
b. Differences ( discrepancies )
Satisfaction is a result of meeting expectations. Fulfillment of
expectations reflects the difference between what is expected and what
an individual obtains from his or her work. If expectations are greater
than what is received, people will be dissatisfied. On the other hand,
individuals will be satisfied if they receive benefits above expectations.
c. Achievement of value ( volume attainment )
Satisfaction is the result of the perception that work provides fulfillment
of important individual work values.
d. Justice ( equity )
Satisfaction is a function of how fairly individuals are treated in the
e. Genetic component ( genetic components )
Job satisfaction is a function of personal traits and genetic factors. This
implies differences in the nature of individual work in addition to the
characteristics of the work environment.
Apart from that, there are also factors determining job satisfaction, namely:
1) Salary/wages
According to Theriault , job satisfaction is a function of the absolute
amount of salary received, the degree to which the salary meets the
expectations of the workforce and how the salary is given. Apart from
achievement (achievement), success and recognition / awards .
2) Supportive working conditions
Working in a room or workplace that is unpleasant ( uncomfortable ) will
reduce enthusiasm for work. Therefore, companies must create
comfortable and enjoyable working conditions so that physical needs are
met and create job satisfaction.
3) Work relationship
a) Relationships with coworkers
There are workers who, in carrying out their work, receive input
from other workers (in certain forms). The output (semi-finished
goods) becomes input for other workers, for example convection
workers. The relationship between workers is a one-sided
relationship of dependence in a functional form.
Satisfaction existing work _ arise Because they in amount certain is
at in One room work that doesn't communicate nature satisfaction
work that doesn't cause enhancement motivation Work in group
Work where are the workers ? must Work as One team.
Their job satisfaction can arise because their higher level needs such
as self-esteem, self-actualization can be fulfilled and have an impact
on their work motivation.
b) Relationship with superiors
Leadership that is consistently related to job satisfaction is
consideration. Functional relationships reflect a number of superiors
helping the workforce to satisfy the job values that are important to
the workforce. The overall relationship is based on attraction
between individuals who reflect similar basic attitudes and values,
for example both have the same outlook on life.
The greatest level of job satisfaction with a superior is if both types
of relationships are positive. Bosses who have the characteristics of
a transformational leader will increase their motivation and at the
same time feel satisfied with their work.
According to Rene Dewis (in Jery, 2012) Work adjustment theory
has been developing since 30 years ago, this theory is based on Rene's
research Dewis and Lofquist and several colleagues. They revised several
"trait and factor" theories from Monseta University and revised several parts
through long research. According to Dawis and Lofquist (1984: 237), work
adjustment theory is defined as "a continuous and dynamic process for job
seekers to achieve and maintain their relationship with the work
In other words, work adjustment theory requires a long time or
during the term of office, this is related to tenure, work concept and work
performance. The limitations of work adjustment theory are if someone
makes the wrong choice of career selection, then their performance in their
career will be disrupted. There are two things discussed in work adjustment
theory, namely "satisfaction and gratification". Satisfaction is something
that a person feels satisfied with at work. Satisfaction is linked to the
performance displayed at work. In other words, satisfaction is broadly
linked to the fulfillment of individual needs in work, while satisfaction is
linked to other assessments, usually broadly seen from the results individual
workers have planned for them.
Dawis and Lofquist (in Jery, 2012) say that satisfaction is a key
indicator in work adjustment. Adjustment is important because individuals
must be satisfied with several aspects of work such as salary, types of work.
Job satisfaction and satisfaction can be related to turnover, absenteeism,
tardiness in work, loyalty to work, maintaining work morale and production,
achieving job satisfaction, there are many things that need to be considered,
such as progress, personality, values and interests.
Work adjustment theory has special characteristics when compared
with 'trait and factor' theory and other types of theories. The specificity can
seen from :

1. Connected with the concept of assessing abilities, personality values and

interests. Dawis and Lofquist emphasize abilities and values .
2. Linked to the knowledge and conditions of the position required. Dawis
and Lofquist said that abilities are needed in work and strengthening is
needed for individuals to be discussed.
3. Connected with assessing an individual's abilities and values.
Ability is needed for work, respect is needed in position. The implication
of work adjustment theory in career counseling is that it can help clients
with adjustment problems such as boredom, inability to meet job
demands, resignation. Ability according to Dawis and Loquist (1984:
213) is defined as "broad references and skills". Ability is seen as a
broad talent such as typing, reception, menu section, work planning,
insurance interpreter. Aspects that are measured in test ability are :

a. G – general learning ability, ie ability Work or ability in the field

knowledge general .
b. V - verbal ability, namely understanding words and paragraphs
c. N - numerical ability ie ability in counting
d. S - spatial ability, namely the ability to perceive space, the ability to
see objectively in place and understand two or three dimensional
e. P - perception, namely, the ability to perceive form, the ability to see
in detail two or three-dimensional images and form shapes and
f. Q - clerical ability, namely clerical ability, the ability to see
differences in tables, lists, including words and numbers
g. K - Eye hand coordination, namely hand dexterity, hand-eye
h. F - finger dexterity, namely hand dexterity, the ability to choose
objects precisely and quickly
i. M - manual dexterity, namely, manual dexterity to use hands and
arms to manipulate objects precisely and skillfully.

Values represent a group of needs. There are twenty needs listed by

Darwis and Lofquist and these are grouped into 6 valuable things,
namely achievement, pleasure, status, altruistic, security, and onotomy.
Pleasure includes here the values that vary in the specific needs outlined
in the job and make workers happy. Such as busy time, working alone,
job differences, smooth wages, desire to get objects, lighting, and
satisfaction in work skills. All of this can create memories or be stressful
for workers. Status is related to how a person is accepted by other
people, someone's recognition is a valuable thing. Status can be
achieved by having the opportunity to gain advancement. The need for
status is important for individuals, especially in helping individuals.

Counseling Adjustment Work

Work adjustment theory can help individuals who have work
problems. Skilled individuals will not necessarily find jobs that match their
skills. Serious problems arise when skilled and valuable individuals do not
find a suitable work environment or are dissatisfied with the results of their
work. The individuals described above could be more successful if they
were helped by applying job adjustment theory in their career counseling.

Adjustment Work During Resignation Work

If an individual resigns from his job, this can happen because the
individual has problems with work adjustment or job selection. Individuals
who are satisfied with work will communicate well with their environment.
Those who are satisfied are usually good in terms of abilities and their
values are also well developed.
For help client then the supervising teacher or counselor must create
and help client in understand related skills _ with work or career that will
carried . Because it's a supervising teacher or counselor together client try
identify environment work to be done carried out , then client can
understand abilities and skills possessed _ is has in accordance with
demands work to be carried . When with identification environment work
No can help client , then required tool said another, namely test or inventory
like The Minnosota Occupational Classification System, or Classification
Indonesian Department (KJI) can used . Counseling theory adjustment
Work can done without use results test , however thereby results test
recognized by theory adjustment Work is important , esp regarding with
election career .


According to Joko Julianto (2009) the advantages and disadvantages
of this theory are :

a) The advantage is that work adjustments can increase harmonious

relationships between colleagues and superiors. Whereas
b) its weakness is The downside is with No exists suitability between work
with nature / potential capabilities possessed _ so influential to
satisfaction work .


According to Fatzilmi (2013) Guidance and counseling aims to
provide services that provide assistance, both individually and in groups, to
be independent and able to develop optimally, in personal, social, study and
career guidance. The implications of guidance and counseling for work
adjustment include the following:

1. The counselor needs to make several assessments, skills, and abilities,

as well as the client's needs and values. This can be done by discussing
in detail several aspects of the current work.
2. Counselors provide classical guidance services regarding career
selection, assessment of skills and abilities, as well as the needs and
values of clients.
3. Counselors are expected to be able to help clients adapt to their work
and work environment.
4. Counselors can help clients understand individual values and needs to
suit their job demands.
Job adjustment theory can also be used to conceptualize the types of
problems that an individual may have adjusting to his or her job. A person's
skills may not be developed enough to meet the skill requirements of a job.
Furthermore, jobs may require skills that individuals are unable to develop
due to lack of education and ability.
A problem that often arises is that individual values and needs are
not met by the work environment. Another concern is that individuals do
not understand the reinforcement of the work they do. Sometimes
dissatisfaction at work may not be due to the job itself but due to problems
outside of work.
When a client complains of workplace problems, the basic approach
is to make an assessment of the client's work personality and work
environment. Assessing the work and client needs can be done using MIQ,
or if this is not possible using a conceptual scheme.
So a counselor can determine the significance of each of the six
values (achievement, comfort, status, altruism, security and autonomy)
during a counseling session. Next, the counselor can determine which of the
20 needs that make up the six values are most relevant to the client,
discussing the work environment in terms of the reinforcement it offers. The
counselor does not need to ask about each specific reinforcer but uses the
20 reinforcers as a conceptual system that can determine the correspondence
between the individual's most important needs and the reinforcements
offered by the job.
Likewise, counselors can assess the general understanding that
clients have of the abilities and work patterns of the job itself by using the
9 abilities described by GATE as a guide.

Hardiani dan Irman. 2009. Konseling Karir. Batu Sangkar: STAIN Batu Sangkar.

Fatzilmi. 2013. “Penyesuaian Kerja” (online) Joko Julianto. 2009. “Teori

Penyesuaian Kerja” (online)

Jery. 2012. “Ringkasan Teori Minnesota Theory” (online) (

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