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Rationalism in Lombardy

Architectural Design - Politecnico di Milano AUIC School

Heritage Preservation Fundamentals Course, a.y. 2021-2022
Exercise 02: Vulnerable Cultural Heritage
Celli Maddalena
Guven Tulu
Pilia Emanuele
Ürper Mohammed Taha
In the Picture:
Former Casa del Fascio, Como, Lombardy
1. Motivation: 2-5
2. Identification: 6-13
2.1 Territorial Framework: 8-9
2.2 Historical Evolution: 10-11
2.3 Main Features: 12-13
3. Vulnerabilities: 14-17
4. Potentialities: 18-21
5. Past Interventions: 22-25
6. Design strategies: 26-31 Giuseppe Terragni, Former Casa del Fascio, Como, Lombardy (1932 - 1936)

6.1 Sustainability: 30
6.2 Repeatability and Heritage: 31
Final Pictures: 32-33
(References and Credits: 34-35)

Franco Albini, Villa Pestarini, Milan, Lombardy (1934-1938, 1949)

In the Picture:
Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana or “Square Colosseum”, Rome

01. Motivation 3
01. Motivation
1. Guardia di Finanza is the Italian police corp that
deals with financial crimes and smuggling, income
and expenses control, along with public security
and other relatively-minor duties Historically and socially speaking, the essentiality and linearity, it is in fact a paral-
2. Fondazione Franco Albini is directed by Albini’s two decades before turning to a Democratic lelepiped with many geometric surfaces made
descendants who gave us chance to see private
Republic, the Kingdom of Italy saw an era of with materials such as Botticino marble, glass,
documents, papers, drawings and digitalized
content of projects incredible cruelty and inhumanity. On the other and clearly elegant white-plastered concrete
hand, this years opened to a crucial role, often which create a continuous pattern of parallel
left-apart, in history of architecture: the Ratio- and perpendicular lines, full and empty parts,
nalism. giving a vintage chiaroscuro rhythm.
It is extremely important to understand Casa del Fascio is also considered rel-
how Rationalist architecture gave Italy an im- evant because it has been naturally prevented
portant role in European Modernism, how from ageing and is kept in the same state as it
“starchitecture” evolved in the country with its was when it was the headquarters of the Como
Vitruvian monumetality and Latin ratio, and branch of the Italian Fascist party.
how the style can detach from the controversial To analyze the whole picture, the histor-
government it got financied by. Neo-Rationalist ical context of Rationalism, along with political,
architects of international fame already proved social and cultural backgrounds, will be taken
Giuseppe Terragni, Former Casa del Fascio, Como (1938) useful this detachment from the past autocracy, into consideration.
such Gio Ponti or Aldo Rossi, both alumni at the
Politecnico di Milano. • Is it part of the Cultural Heritage accord-
ing to the local Protection Law?
1.1 Casa del Fascio, Como, G. Terragni, 1936 Yes, it is part of the Cultural Heritage af-
ter years of issues.
• Why is the selected heritage considered In 1945, the building was forcibly occu-
relevant? pied by the Provincial Federations of the Na-
Giuseppe Terragni’s masterpiece is a tional Liberation Committee Parties, after the
great example of modern architecture in Como, liberation of Como from the Fascists. Soon
Lombardy, and definitely it deserves attention. It after, the city of Como claimed its ownership,
is a major piece of starchitecture: the view from and, through the law/Legge No. 159 (27th July
Via Alessandro Manzoni, despite the uncom- 1944), it was stated that the property of the
fortable and enormous quantity of vehicles, in- Fascist Party had been handed to the Italian
cluding the train, is an amazing and underrated government, which expressed its willingness to
feature. The building is nowadays recognized purchase it.
by experts worldwide as a true cornerstone of Unfortunately, after a series of unsuc-
Franco Albini, Villa Pestarini, Milan (1939) “Italian Modernism”, indeed, Rationalism. In its cessful negotiations, in 1956, it was put up for
auction. Architect Bruno Zevi and others pro- tural heritage, the works brought up major new joyed by 5 generations. The transformation of
tested, fearing that it would be demolished or issues around the restoration of modern, which the building did not affect in a bad way its pres-
wrecked, and this became a matter of national were often not recognized as works of art. ervation (beside some issues we will analyze
importance. The Ministry for Cultural Heritage in the next chapters), and this makes an unfor-
blocked the auction based on its important • Why is the selected heritage considered tunately forgotten building a hidden treasure of
artistic and architectural character. In 1957, it vulnerable? 20th century architecture and conservation
was assigned to the Command of the VI Le- As seen in the previous paragraphs, be-
gion of the Guardia di Finanza1, thanks to the cause of the history and the relative reception • Is it part of the Cultural Heritage accord-
intervention of the architect’s brother, Senator of the Former Casa del Fascio, since the end ing to the local Protection Law?
Attilio Terragni. In 1959, a further ministerial de- of the Second World War to the current plans Unfortunately, it is not considered part
cree was issued to protect the context of the for its restoration and reuse as a study centre of the Cultural Heritage, but is overseen by the
Como Cathedral and the surrounding buildings, and a museum of the WW2. Also, the chang- FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano), whose head-
among them the Casa del Fascio. es in legislative, political, and cultural contexts quarters host several original drawings and dig-
In 1963, the Guardia di Finanza request- cause complex relationships among the bodies italized documents2.
ed an authorisation to add three rooms on the in charge of the preservation and management
terrace on the building’s north side. Although of public heritage. • Why is the selected heritage considered
authorizations was granted, this was fortunate- Casa del Fascio in Como has become vulnerable?
ly never implemented. Only five years later, the one of the most conspicuous emblems of the Villa Pestarini is located in a semi-aban-
project for the fourth floor was submitted once unpleasant relationship with the Fascist era. doned neighborhood: La Maddalena, Piazzale
again, but was rejected, after protests from Tripoli and Giardino Yitzhak Rabin are proba-
many academics. 1.2 Villa Pestarini, Milan, F. Albini, 1939 bly the areas of the context Albini analyzed to
The actual restoration came only in the establish ingtriguing views and alignments, but
1990s, when some urgent repairs were per- • Why is the selected heritage considered today the road and trees are disposed in a ran-
formed by Alberto Artioli of the Ministry, who relevant? dom and uncontrolled way, against the princi-
also published an extremely important mono- Villa Pestarini is a Rationalist single-fam- ples of a “urban forestation”, typical of the 21st
graph about the building, Giuseppe Terragni, la ily house inaugurated in 1939 and it is an un- century sustainable approach. The lighting is
Casa del Fascio di Como: Guida critica all’edifi- derrated and poorly-known piece of Italian his- very scarse and it can be noticed by the pres-
cio (‘Critic guide of the building’ 1989). The res- tory of architecture. It was a gem from the start, ence of graffiti ruining the suggestive rustica-
toration work involved the external marble sur- and a gem it has remained for over 80 years, tion at the base of the building: such a non-pre-
faces, some bathrooms, a few concrete-framed practically unaltered and intact thanks to a sin- served environment, leads to the forgetting of
glass block surfaces, and other relatively-minor gle but well-performed change of ownership in an important piece of heritage such Villa Pe-
issues. Unfortunately, as it might happen in non- over three-fourths of a century. The Rational- starini, even if the architectural preservation is
well-planned restorationsof Modernist architec- ist house has, since its inauguration, been en- conducted well for years.
In the Picture:
Bird’s eye-view picture of Como and Como Lake, Lombardy, Italy

02. Identification 7
2.1 Territorial Framework
2.1.1 Lombardy in the 19th - 20th centuries In 1919, Milan saw the birth of the move- 2.1.3 Fascism and Architecture
In 1859, after the 2nd Independence ment that gave life to Fascism. Always here, The first thing we should highlight is that
War, Lombardy became part of the Regno di in 1922, Benito Mussolini awaited information Rationalism wasn’t born to be linked to Fascism
Sardegna and in 1861 Italy unification was de- on the outcome of the Marcia su Roma (It. lit.: but Mussolini saw in Modernism a great media
clared. The 20th century in Lombardy opens “March on Rome”. Not far from Milan, on the of propaganda to the point that we can specif-
up with the assassination of King Umberto I in Garda Lake, in Salò, the pro-German govern- ically talk about a so-called Littorio Style (Stile
Monza, exactly in 1900. ment was installed in 1943: the Italian Social Littorio), a particular variant of Rationalism, or,
Republic (RSI, Repubblica Sociale Italiana or better, a Modernist-like Italian avant-garde.
2.1.2 The rise of the Fascist Party in Italy Repubblica di Salò). Architecture has an important role while
After WW1 that saw Lombardry directly If Milan was the place where Fascism talking about influences on masses and re-
involved on its territory as the front crossed the officially started, we can say it was also where gimes: people live it day by day, it gives work
entire eastern Alpine area between Brescia and it actually finds its end: on April 29th, 1945, in to the building sector and it is a way to show
Sondrio, we can see the great importance that Piazzale Loreto, the corpse of the dictator was progress and power.
the region and Milan had in the rise of Fascism. exhibited in front of all the citizens. In Rationalism, Mussolini saw a style

Fig. 2.1.1 Fig. 2.1.2 Fig. 2.1.3

Picture captions:
2.1.1: The Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of the
Two Sicilies, Granducate of Tuscany and the
other independent states in the Italic territory
that was at the same time modern and classi- Inspired by the European Modernism, Pollini (map of 1859, two years before the unification)
cal, linking new technologies - such the use of and the other members of the group publish on 2.1.2: Location of Giuseppe Terragni’s Former Casa
reinforced concrete - and Vitruvian principles, the Rassegna Italiana magazine the principles del Fascio in the city of Como, Lombardy (map
dating around the end of the 1930s)
transforming traditional shapes in something of the new Rationalist architecture. If Futurism 2.1.3: Today’s locations of the Case del Fascio (It. lit.:
more appealing to the tendence of the time. is the 1920s celebration of industry, technology “Former Houses of the Fascist Party”) through
The reminiscence of Antique Roman and revolution, Rationalism is the celebration of out the whole country of Italy. Several of these
world is a way to emphasize “Italianity”, stressed
the structural grandeur of Italian architects, en- buildings survive today with new activities and
by the fact that mostly Italian architects were gineers, and builders, following the memory of in medium-good conditions
2.1.4: Como, digital perspective sketch of the view of
employed for the various projects around Italy Vitruvius. Since 1928, the group will follow the the Former Casa del Fascio (1932-36) from Via
(not even Le Corbusier was selected). guidelines by the MIAR (Italian Movement for Alessandro Manzoni
Rationalist Architecture), with clear references 2.1.5: Location in the city of Milan of Villa Pestarini by
2.1.4 Gruppo 7 - the birth of Rationalism to Walter Gropius’s Bauhaus school (1919- Franco Albini, Via Mogadiscio, La Maddalena
In 1926, Gruppo 7 was formed to make 1933) and Le Corbusier’s treatise Vers une Ar- neighborhood, 1934-1939

of Rationalist Architecture the symbol of Italy. chitecture (1923).

Fig. 2.1.4 Fig. 2.1.5

2.2 Historical Evolution
2.2.1 Casa del Fascio, Como be sold on auction. This would have been dra-
In 1928, it was thought Como was the matically dangerous for its conservation. Some
place to have one of the most important Case people wanted it also demolished. To avoid the
del Fascio. Many of these buildings were al- sale, the Superintendence for Monuments is-
ready present in several Italian cities, as head- sued a restriction in a 1956 pursuant to Law
quarters of the Fascist Party and symbol of its no. 633 (1941) on the protection of copyright,
power. Different project were proposed, even diminishing the recognition of the artistic char-
more traditional than the final one. The works acter of Casa del Fascio.
were carried out by Giuseppe Terragni between In 1957, the building was assigned to
1933 and 1936. It remained like this until 1945 the Command of the VI Legion of the Guardia
when the building was occupated by the CLN di Finanza. In 1959, a ministerial decree was
(Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale). issued which indirectly protected Casa del Fas-
In the 1950s, there where some contro- cio as building near the Duomo. Moreover, as
versies on the propriety of the building as the the law states, a building have to be at least 50
Comune di Como wanted to purchase it, and years old to be directly protected.
in 1956, on the newspaper La Provincia, it was Therefore, after 1986, lots of events were
published a banner saying that it was going to made, but, still today, the building still hosts the

Fig. 2.2.1

Fig. 2.2.1 Fig. 2.2.2 Fig. 2.2.3

Picture captions:
2.2.1: Legendary architect Giuseppe Terragni (Meda,
1904 - Como, 1943, picture of 1942). He spent
his whole life translating the society of the time
Guardia di Finanza, even if in February 2017 ly was provided of the new floor, clearly visi- into Rationalist Architecture, but tragically due
a petition was launched proposing its recovery ble from the façade giving a different appeal, to an instant thrombosis
for cultural purposes, establishing a museum. with the rooftop and independent entrance. The 2.2.2: Frontispiece of the issue of March 1929 of the
Rassegna Italiana magazine, considered the
original house was put on rent and the Pestarini manifesto of Rationalist Architecture. Director
2.2.2 Villa Pestarini, Milan family lived in the new upper apartment. Tomaso Sillani
In 1938, Franco Albini designed a villa in At the beginning of the 1980s, the whole 2.2.3: Giuseppe Terragni, Former Casa del Fascio,
Rationalist style, known as Villa Pestarini, near- building was put for sale, with an advertisment Como, Lombardy (1932-1936, picture of 2018)
by Piazzale Tripoli: in this area, in the south- on Corriere della Sera. It had soon been bought 2.2.4: Franco Albini, Villa Pestarini - drawing of the
original project, Milan (1934-38)
west part of the city the zoning plan allowed by Modesta Sbaragli Ferretti, a professor that 2.2.5: Franco Albini, Villa Pestarini (original project of
only single-family houses at the time. wanted to bring the villa to its initial appeal and late 1938, elevations from Via Mogadiscio, on
The original house only had 2 floors, and, so got in touch with the architecture studio of the top, and Viale Misurata, on the bottom)
10 years after its construction, the Pestarinis Albini’s descendants and thanks to architect 2.2.6: Rationalist architects Franco Albini (Robbiate,
asked to the architect to add an additional floor Franca Helg, she made the villa restore. 1905 - Milan, 1977) and Franca Helg (Milan,
1920 - Milan, 1989) started to work together,
to have an independent apartment. Albini didn’t The woman still lives in Villa Pestarini in the fields of architecture and design, in 1952.
like the idea, that was against his initial design where she grew her large family. In an inter- In 1957, they built the famous Rinascente
of the villa, but at the end he accomplished the view, she points out how Franco Albini impres- building in Rome, marking a major detachment
will of the family. In 1949, the house eventual- sively merged functionalism and aesthetics. from their early Rationalist works

Fig. 2.2.4 Fig. 2.2.5 Fig. 2.2.6

2.3 Main Features
References outside of Lombardy

2.3.1 The quintessence of Rationalism for better ventilation and decreasing of loads.
Between the end of the 19th century The use of glass directly in the façade is often
and the early 20th, several new styles arose avoided, as they were symbol of fragileness,
throughout Europe. Among these, Italy saw the weakness. At the same time, lodges are wide-
development of the so-called Rationalist archi- ly employed as voids alternating to the solid
tectural style, an avant-garde that reconsidered façade. Also, to diminish the impact of open-
the aesthetics without ornamentation. ings in the façade, evident lintels might be im-
The goal of Rationalist architects was plemented such in the Palazzo di Giustizia, in
Fig. 2.3.1 not to adorn the building, but to show how its Milan, giving to the construction a light and non-
structure is its real quintessence, following Vit- weighty aspect of great construction audacity.
ruvius in his De Architectura Libri X (15 BC) . To
achieve this, they integrated concrete masonry 2.3.4 Concinnitas and functionalism
systems with other industrial innovations rhyth- The decorative elements disappear in
micized by geometrical shapes and techniques favor of the straight and nude form: they would
such alternations of solid-void. be causes of possible distraction. There is an
obsessive worry about proportion and symme-
2.3.2 Advantages of concrete try, but in a combination with asymmetry. Due
First of all, it permits pre-manufactured to this contrast, the indoor spaces are based
series, a moderated cost, easy adaption, it is
incombustible and almost non-corrosive, with
a few issues possibly experienceable in case
of a reinforced concrete structure. Moreover, it
offers the possibility of a building skeleton, also
Fig. 2.3.2
combined with other materials, such as glass,
Picture captions: bricks, vetrocemento and so on.
2.3.1: Gio Ponti, Scuola di Matematica, Rome (1934)
2.3.2: Giovanni Guerrini, Ernesto La Padula, Mario
Romano, Palazzo della Civiltà e del Lavoro,
2.3.3 Supporting elements
“Square Colosseum”, Rome (1938) Thick piers were involved in the interi-
2.3.3: Marcello Piacentini, Palazzo di Giustizia, Milan ors to permit the enclosure of wide and versa-
(1938) tile tspaces. Pillars and columns are usually
2.3.4: Giusepppe Terragni, Former Casa del Fascio,
pre-fabricated in steel or in reinforced concrete,
Como (1932-35), highlighting its lodges
2.3.5: Pietro Lingeri and Giuseppe Terragni, Casa
rarely with simple concrete or concrete blocks.
Rustici, Milan (1933) The walls are therefore reduced to a light skin Fig. 2.3.3
on the free plan (piano libero) with internal par-tial towers, but also administrative infra-
titions that can also curve, change direction, structures, police headquarters, theatres,
adapting to the different functions. On the other concert halls, arenas, and so on.
hand, in the exterior, the non-projecting lodges Giuseppe Terragni’s Former Casa del
and balconies respect strict geometrical pat- Fascio in Como, Lombardy, still shows today
terns based on the Vitruvian principles. that aim in giving a building a superimposing
position looking to open public spaces, a sort
2.3.5 Urban planning, society and Futurism of “urban façade”. This phenomenon is expe-
There is a great interest about town plan- rienceable in Piazzale Tripoli, in Milan, with
ning since one of the main aims, parallely to the hidden Villa Pestarini by architect Franco
Modernist ideals, is to accomodate people with Albini: despite all the trees, the thing that, argu-
the new leaving standards arisen from the 21st ably, leaves the visitor astonished is the myste-
century enthusiasm: new urban formulas from rious, almost gloomy character of this building.
Europe influence Rationalism, such as the gar- This urban-imposing behavior is enhanced by
den city idea or Le Corbusier’s Ville Radieuse the geometricity, celebrating the structure and
in Paris. progress of materials (flat concrete surface and
Therefore, the most representa- glass blocks above all), parallely to Futurism in
tive buildings are social houses, residen- painting.

Fig. 2.3.4
Fig. 2.3.5
In the Picture:
Giuseppe Terragni, Palazzo Terragni, Casa del Popolo or Casa del Fascio, Lissone, Lombardy (1938-40)

03. Vulnerabilities 15
03. Vulnerabilities
3.1.1 Advent of concrete Lombardy and it is known, indeed, mostly for protected thanks to the important values given
The glorious coming of the concrete its Lake Como. It would be possible to come by local jurisdictions. The building is used for
masonry system is not all rosy. Concrete across with heavy rainfall during the year. many puposes including municipal agencies for
structures often show deterioration caused by Considering the geopolitical situation, rainfall 50 years between 1936 and 1986. Since this
temperature, soil condition. chemical-physical would come through the down slopes to lake. year, the building is officially recognized as a
issues, and so on. These factors make of This could affect the landslides and create heritage site, becoming a starchitecture piece
Italian (and European) XX century buildings an a flood in the zone. Almost every year, some not only for Como citizens and Italians, but
important point in conservation matters. buildings are damaged due to heavy rains. In across the whole globe.
fact, they create strong storms, which could
3.1.2 Plaster issues arrive from the region of Emilia Romagna. Casa 3.2.3 Possible thermal issues
Plastered façades could present del Fascio is located only 400 m away from the Casa del Fascio has large windows and
challenges in a preservation discussion: plaster lake and only 2 meters higher than water level thin walls which give opportunity for significant
is a porous material, likely to absorb several in. In a near future, it is not directly in danger, thermal loss, hence it gains a thermal radiation.
substances, not only water, but mostly dirt, according to local protection organizations, but All these microclimate data would be related
cleaning liquids, and polluted air. the situation is constantly monitored. to humidity and thermal transmittance. Based
Humidity also can cause major on the site investigations, winter would be less
detachments of the plaster as it is slightly 3.2.2 Law Protection Restrictions dangerous due to the heating system is able to
soluble in water. Not even to mention the danger Casa del Fascio is although well- cope with the thermal conditions of the building.
of wood rotting due to moistured air. Although,
one of the worst cases would be the partial
corrosion of possible steel supoorting structures
in a reinforced concrete masonry system,
even if characterizes more late-Rationalism
and Neo-Rationalism, rather than Italian
architecture in the late 1920s and early 1930s.

3.2.1 Storms, floods and landslides in Como

Como is located in a lacustrine region
which is particularly vulnerable to major water
rises, storm surges and also natural disasters
such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, with a
high risk of damaging tangible heritage.
Como is located in the north side of Fig. 3.1.1 Fig. 3.1.2
3.2.4 Urban situation of Casa del Fascio 3.2.5 Spaces and abandonment neighborhood: the air pollution caused by the
The square in front of Casa del Fascio Saying Casa del Fascio is abandoned several vehicles crossing Piazzale Tripoli,
is called Piazza del Popolo, an important would be a huge mistake, it is rather a bad Via Mogadiscio and Viale Misurata everyday
connection point both for cars and public employment of the spaces. Despite being damage the plaster of the façade in Albini’s
transport. The railway gives a shake all the restored, it has never been converted to a building.
time to this piazza that can be felt considerably permanent exhibition center or any other socio-
while walking around the square. This vibration cultural role. The real vulnerability lies in the 3.3.2 Humidity and vandalization
do not interfere with the structure of the possibility of leaving the spaces unused. Also, humidity visibly affected parts
building, according to local protection, but, of the soffit, both inside and outside. The
even if very slowly, might damage part of the 3.3.1 Villa Pestarini re-development raised ground floor technique, the design of
urban landscape and are uncomfortable to Franco Albini’s hidden masterpiece of the basement and the particular rustication in
pedestrians enjoying their walks. Villa Pestarini was converted to a condominium, the southeast side of the building (looking on
The street in the front is Via Alessandro then hosting different flats. A secondary Piazzale Tripoli), aim to avoid this problem and
Manzoni, one of the main street to reach the entrance was added in the back of the building moisture issues. The tiles of the rustication
shore. The two car lanes are separated by the (northwest side of the building), but the portico unfortunately were also subject of graffiti
railway in the midddle, strongly polluting the needs the support of scaffoldings. vandalization, also because of the weak
surrounding air, but, as mentioned in the first Another major problem in the readaption controls in La Maddalena neighborhood and
paragraph, it could also affect the plaster. of the villa is the traffic condition in the the scarse lighting in Piazzale Tripoli.

Picture captions:
3.1.1: Picture from July 2021, huge landslides caused
several restricted residential areas and
buildings in the city of Como to be evacuated by
the citizens
3.1.2: The huge car lanes in front of Casa del Fascio,
Via Alessandro Manzoni,
Manzoni, prioritize vehicular
circulation, and not a comfortbale view for
visitors from the streer
3.1.3: Franco Albini’s Villa Pestarini, Milan,
southeastern façade on Piazzale Tripoli,
Tripoli, detail
picture of the elevated ground floor rustication,
visibly vandalized by graffiti
graffiti,, unpleasant
aesthetic damage
3.1.4: Villa Pestarini is, right now, sompletely covered
by trees in the view axis from Giardino Yitzhak
Fig. 3.1.3 Fig. 3.1.5 Rabin,, the most crowded area by pedestrians
In the Picture:
Aerial view of Como and Como Lake, Lombardy, Italy

04. Potentialities 19
04. Potentialities
04. The “Italian Modernism” 4.1 Casa del Fascio, Como the visitors, while the ground floor is still occu-
Too often, we commit the mistake of 4.1.1 Views pied, as said, by Guarda di Finanza. Exhbitions
restricting Rationalism to mere “Fascist archi- Terragni’s Casa del Fascio is by far the in Como would have huge advantages due to
tecture”. From a historical point of view, it is best-known project in Rationalist style. The enormous crowds Como Lake gathers yearly.
not wrong to use one term instead of the other view from the back of the Duomo of Como, Via
one, but Rationalism goes much further from Manzoni, is majestic, but people should be pri- 4.2 Villa Pestarini, Milan
being the style of the worst era in Italian histo- oritized in the area, not huge car lanes. 4.2.1 Abandonment
ry. Rationalism is the advent of Modernism to While Terragni’s Casa del Fascio in
Italy, the advent of the principles of symmetry, 4.1.2 Adaption of new activities Como, beside the left-apart potentialities we
monumentality, austerity, without the consid- In conservation of architectural heritage, just analyzed, is a landmark of huge importance
ered-superflous decorations seen in other phi- it is often controversial to assign new activities in the whole country, Villa Pestarini is a wonder-
lo-classical revivals (Renaissance, Baroque). to a given building, but to attract people and let ful yet abandoned and segregated early work
Preserving Rationalist architecture in smart the culture survive, it is necessary to reuse the by architect Franco Albini, mentor of a young
and innovating ways means to show how Italy spaces with new goals. With wide and versatile Renzo Piano. Situated in Milan, more precisely
overcame this terrible period, perceiving a huge interiors, it would not be against the purpose of in the area of Piazzale Tripoli in the neighbor-
goal in history of architecture, in its geometrici- the building itself to open to the public. Right hood of La Maddalena, undoubtely it does not
ty, monumentality under the Vitruvian ratio. now, only temporary exhibitions are opened to deserve this current situation.

Fig. 4.1.1 Fig. 4.1.2 Fig. 4.1.3

4.2.2 Not a mere residential building single-family houses, that also creates a sense found parallel to the entrance gate, welcoming
The most complex aspect in conservat- of enclosure for the pedestrian in the street. whoever is crossing the boundary: these little
ing Villa Pestarini is its being an urban villa. artistic details enhance the building character.
We, as normal pedestrians exploring the city, 4.2.3 Privacy in the alignments
tend not to look façades that are not decorated As one of the pillars in Rationalist ideol- 4.2.4 Surroundings and green
or not of incredible heights. But Villa Pestari- ogy, geometry and geometricity play a crucial Piazzale Tripoli, Viale Caterina da Forlì
ni has got hidden features visible from the ex- role in the design. Being a residential urban and Giardino Yitzhak Rabin are great green
terior, then available to people. The imposing villa, and not a public building, geometry is ex- spaces, but they are not in wondeful condition.
elevation on Via Mogadiscio, in front of the ploited to research a sense of privacy, hiding According to the residents of the neighborhood,
elementary school, is characterized by simple completely the interiors. The best example is the area is not adequately controlled, especially
but aligned openings, very pleasant to the eye the entrance door, perpendicular to the gate by night. It is very rare to see it crowded by kids
if spotted. But the sight can also be caught by and elevated by a little flight of steps, intention- despite the nearby elementary school and the
the ground-level rustication or the vetrocemen- ally not in line with a person possibly walking kindergarten. Their parents prefer to bring their
to screen, that creates that sense of mystery down the street, who might instinctively look children in the BPM Park. If exploited in a smart
of what is happening in the inside, but in a key inside the house. Also the glass blocks give way, such a big space could complete the en-
that does not interfere with the residents’ priva- a feeling of curiosity but without violating the vironment the villa deserves. People should be
cy, a fundamental feature in “urban façades” of privacy of the residents. Also a little mosaic is invited, not scared or unwelcome.

Picture captions:
4.1.1: Ground floor entrance of Casa del Fascio,
Como. Suggestive light games in the interior,
right now only open to the Guardia di Finanza
4.1.2: Breathtaking view of the Duomo of Como, the
cathedral of the city, from the terrace of the
Casa del Fascio. The terrace is, unfortunately,
not accessible to the public, therefore wasting
such a majestic view
4.1.3: The incredible crowd during the art exhibition
Ragione e Sentimento (2019) at the Casa del
Fascio in Como
4.2.1: Villa Pestarini,
Pestarini, Milan, as of today. Detail of the
suggestive urban façade with its vetrocemento
semitransparent screen
4.2.2: Giardino Yitzhak Rabin is much frequented
Fig. 4.2.1 Fig. 4.2.2 during the day, unfortunately not at night
In the Picture:
2018, restoration works at Casa della Memoria or Former Casa del Fascio, Empoli, Tuscany

05. Past Interventions 23
05. Past Interventions
5.1 Past interventions of Casa del Fascio Temperature variation, relative humidity, 5.1.4 Results Achieved
Only one year later after its inauguration and wind are significant factors for physical The relation between solids, voids
of 1936, there were some replacements to solve damage here, but the situation is constantly and choice of materials is one of the main
minor issues in the building. Unfortunately, there monitored by local protection jurisdictions. characteristics of the building: preservation did
had been some interventions undocumented Correct construction techniques were not change the structure nor this rhythmical
due to a lack of well-timed recognition of not probably known well in the 1930s, for this pattern. With constant and well-planned
its monumental value. That is why these reason, the installation without expansion joints interventions, the appearance of the building
interventions were carried out by non- caused damage to the façade and glass blocks. has been stayed almost the same for 80 years.
specialized labor. One of the main interventions
was made in 1990: financed by the national 5.1.2 Materials for intervention 5.2 Past Interventions of Villa Pestarini
government, the restoration aimed to give new In 1937, the roof of the Salone delle Villa Pestarini was designed and built
importance to the underused interiors. Adunate was covered by ondolux to improve during the 1930s: lifestyle and techniques
water tightness: in this way, it could be more changed a lot since then. The villa was thought
5.1.1 Criteria of Adoption likely to prevent the building from water. as a single-family house in the countryside.
Weather changes, extreme conditions External materials were carefully Already after only a decade the Pestarini family
during the seasons, and air pollution threatens replaced well by following the details of had different needs and ideas.
the cultural heritage always and everywhere. Terragni’s project. So that, traditional materials
can still be chosen to complete the building. 5.2.1 Adding of the second floor/sopralzo
The external atrium walls were replaced by The Pestarinis asked to the architect to
concrete and stoneware (initially composed of add a second floor, built by Albini against his will
ocher glass-ceramic tiles and glass blocks). as this would have changed a lot the distribution
Casa del Fascio only implies two of volumes he designed in first place. The works
different materials for the window frames: were brought out, a new secondary entrance
wood and metal. The wooden frames account was built as well as the garage. The family
10 differentiated typologies. The metal windows moved to the sopralzo and the original part of
are replaced in the perimetral and external the how was put on rent, first to an American
atrium walls. family and then to Modesta Sbaragli Ferretti.

5.1.3 New Functions 5.2.2 Needs of the new times (1980s)

Since 1957, it hosts the Como corp In the early 1980s, the house itself
of Guardia di Finanza. But besides some, doesn’t answer anymore to the needs of new
although important, exhibitions, the building times, but Mrs Sbaragli Ferretti is aware of
Fig. 5.1.1 stays underused. the quality and history of the space she had
been living in. In fact (Albini died in 1977) she the staircase. 5.2.4 Maintenance, awareness and results
contacted Franca Helg, associated since 1952 Eventually, black for the full-height wing Mrs Modesta Sbaragli Ferretti now lives by
with Albini and his studio, to conduct restoration in pear wood like the handrail. her own but she is still very aware and passionate
works. Albini’s studio is carried on by his son of the magic architecture she is living in.
his nephew still today, and they cover a crucial 5.2.4 Reversibility Besides these main interventions, other
role in preservation processes at the villa. Modesta Sbaragli Ferretti has always minor ones were needed during the time and
wanted to restore the original state and still do. The air pollution ruins visibly the plaster
5.2.3 Colors and materials fortunately everything has been preserved. as well as the humidity and the vandalism and
For Villa Pestarini, Franco Albini thought She did only two modifications, making them so it needs constant maintenance. Right now
a neutral, white envelope with bold chromatic so that they are reversible, like she does for the behind the house, in the secondary entrance
touches. The pink glass screen of the main works of art. To make the most of the house, from Via Mogadiscio, were just removed
entrance returns to the side elements of the she transforms the dining room into the study metal scaffoldings as Albini’s studio architects
staircase and to the shutter boxes inside. - shortening the living room by one room and were doing the thermal insulation coating
A special ocher yellow is used instead pulling up a light plasterboard wall. and changing the window frames. The aim of
for the same caissons but on the outside and In addition, she transformed the study restoration will always be to keep the splendor
for the fixtures, both inside and out. behind the fireplace, which opens onto the and the heritage of the now-urban villa, doing
Green acts as a trait d’union and is living room, into a kitchen of adequate size for some interventions making it still livable so not
chosen for gates, shutters, vertical elements of her large family. to lose its function.

Picture captions:
5.1.1: Giuseppe Terragni’s Former Casa del Fascio
(1932-1936), during the celebrations of the 80th
anniversary of the building inauguration (2016,
during Christmas time, reason why we see
these playful lights projected on the façade)
5.2.1 Franco Albini’s Villa Pestarini (1938) right after
its completion (picture of the end of 1930s; in
those years, La Maddalena was still a country-
side neighborhood with Giardino Yitzhak Rabin
in Piazzale Tripoli was not provided yet with its
several trees)
5.2.2 Digital sketch of Franco Albini’s Villa Pestarini
(1934-1938, sopralzo added in 1949), view from
southwest as of today (the blue is used to
distinguish the second floor from the original
project made up only by ground floor and first
floor; moreover, also in blue, human proportions
Fig. 5.2.1 Fig. 5.2.2 are highlighted)
In the Picture:
Our working table

06. Design Strategies 27
06. Design Strategies
6.0.1 Situation in Como MADEinMAARC (Museo Virtuale Astrattismo ambitious projects. Most important thing the
Nowadays if you go to Como you won’t e Architettura Razionalista Como). This project building should be open again to the public and
be able to visit Casa del Fascio unless you actually don’t include just Casa del Fascio but to exhibitions as key point of Como and Italian
previously ask for the permission to Guardia it is way more ambitious: to include also some heritage.
Provinciale di Finanza. It isn’t always been this adjacent building in the square and think about Moreover, the Lake of Como gathers
way. In the past, until 4 years ago when there the city as “città museo”, for this reasons there almost 2 millions of visitors evey year: we
were guided tour inside, including visits around have been asked 5 million euros to Rome and, have such a wonderful piece of our history of
Como including other rationalism heritages additionally, 1 million each following year. architecture, and the tourists deserve to know
around the city. They also stopped with During the last years, the only events about it. Therefore, also group visits could
exhibitions: on 25 January 2019 it took place that took place about the building have been the be organized, discounts for the clients in the
“Ragione e sentimento”. projection of pictures on the facade for different various hotels, and so on.
Since 2013, it has been proposed events: the last one was a photo-exhibitions of An idea to gather more people to the
to include Casa del Fascio in the UNESCO photographer Lorenza Ceruti from Como. square in front of the building, could be a pergola
cultural heritage but the trail was never brought In our opinion, we should start from village such the one proposed for Palazzo
to its end. In the same inconclusively way, events like this one, trying to find a way to Terragni in Lissone: the project by Studio
since 2017 it has been launched a petition integrate the architecture with the community, Moscatelli, Studio Arosio and architect Alessio
to transform the building in a museum by to lay the foundations for bigger and more Brambilla won the competition in January 2020.

Fig. 6.0.1 Fig. 6.0.2 Fig. 6.0.3

6.0.2 Situation at Villa Pestarini monuments or other artefacts, restoring and porch, now, differently from Albini’s first idea,
Walking by Villa Pestarini the majority managing them. Furthermore it promotes the building is not a single-family villa, but a
of people won’t even notice it or even say that special days, festivals and events during the condominium with four apartments.
it’s “ugly”. Its story risks to be forgotten and not year in which volunteers prepare explicative Related to this, it may be a compelling
appreciated as it should be. In order to enhance tours both to tourist or to residents who are idea to have tours around Milan following the
it we propose to put information on a plaque curious about the history of some specific fil rouge of Rationalism in Milan, giving a more
or panel with a description of the building and buildings, valorizing it and allowing people complete and general idea about this extremely
its history, explaining its importance. Like we to visite the inside of the houses, thanks to important avant-garde, one of the most
actually see already in several monuments, residents collaboration, usually admirers of important in world history of architecture. We all
also in Milan. From the opposite corner of the architecture. like the Liberty style in Milan, but Rationalism
street it would be interesting to put a plexiglass Fortunately, maybe, we did not encounter is, arguably, as important as the Liberty style
panel with, in transparency, the old appeal of collapse accidents in Villa Pestarini, but in the in history of architecture. An apparently more-
the villa, maybe without the additional last floor back of the building - which now is a secondary resistant structural approach, in a Vitruvian key
that Albini did not want at all, but was convinced entrance - scaffoldings have been adopted. For that deals more with compression rather than
by the owners of the building. sure, this is helpful to prevent or slow down tension, does not mean it is less elegant. Maybe
The FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) deals the process of collapse due to compression. It less-striking at first sight, but still elegant and
with several typologies of heritage, acquiring would be helpful also to reconstruct this little monumental.

Picture captions:
6.0.1 Ragione e Sentimento, abstractist exchibition
in Casa del Fascio, Como, 2019
6.0.2 The incredible number of tourists on the shore
of Lake Como: they gather every day of the
year, but in summertime especially (2M yearly)
6.0.3 Rendering of the urban requalification project
by Studio Moscatelli, Studio Arosio and Alessio
Brambilla in Lissone, Lombardy: it won the
competition in January 2020
6.0.4 Metal scaffoldings that were adopted in the
secondary entrance portico in Villa Pestarini.
Right now they are removed temporarily
6.0.5 The possibility of integrating a plexiglass panel
to show how Villa Pestarini looked back in the
years 1938-1949, before the addition of the
second floor (sopralzo) against the architect’s
Fig. 6.0.4 6.0.5 initial will
6.1 Sustainability
6.1.1 Conservation and sustainability 6.1.2 Financial sustainability 6.1.3 Green enhances the experience
Enhancing these architectures for their The cost of plaque, indications and de- In the case of Villa Pestarini, it would be
cultural importance means telling people a part scriptions to put in loco is derisory. Organizing interesting to reconsider the vast green space
of their history, making them aware of how the tour and guided visits involve the presence of of Piazzale Tripoli and Giardino Rabin, in a
environment they walk by every day is like an employed staff of course means an expense way visitors and kids leaving the school would
open book. of money, to be added to those of the main- feel comfortable. This would imply an enhanc-
The solutions that we propose should tenance cost. In part this money is covered ing of the focus on pedestrian circulation, in
be as much sustainable as possible, allow- by a potential ticket for the visitors (including line with Albini’s building, without prioritizing
ing the promotion of the cultural heritage in reduction or free tickets for certain categories the vehicles that deeply harm the environment.
the cheapest way possible avoiding radical or on specific days), in part it main come from Even if in a completely different context,
changes, in order to be compelling both for the national resources or private donations. the EUR gardens in front of Palazzo della Civ-
municipalities and the people. Our idea is to Financial helps from national or local iltà in Rome are constantly preserved replicat-
start from people to involve people: volunteers, governments should be well-planned and ing the idea a micro-environment in a polluted
guided tours and events that don’t expect big proportioned to the possibilities of the deci- urban landscape, similarly to several Italian
and high-priced interventions besides the ones sion-makers. Moreover, we should not forget cities characterized by Rationalist monumental
of maintenance or restoration. about the impact it will have on tourism. architecture.

Conservation strategies

6.2 Repeatability and heritage
6.2.1 A scientific approach 6.2.2 Repeatability and the trap of style 6.2.3 Heritage
Preservation, conservation and resto- Restorers, being usually architects, But to protect as specific group of build-
ration are similar but different words. They in- often fall in the trap of the style. Repeatability ings, avant-garde, a defined architectural heri-
dicate a complex field of art and architecture - does not mean style. Repeatability means to tage, similar features can be used, for specific
we can say to simplify - that is not guided by a identify analogies, common features, hidden points, a similar approach. Or something to
specific theory: each element to be preserved, or striking, to solve an issue, to preserve an protect the identity of a period, style or similar.
conserved and/or restored is going to have its element to enhance an experience. A campaign, a guide can be useful to
own peculiar treatment. A readaption of a square in front of an Rationalist architecture to be detached, at the
We would like to approach this com- old, underrated public building sensibilize the right point, from Fascism. Starting from Casa
plex process in a scientific way, on the steps people walking around there, making them del Fascio (which is probably the most im-
anticipated by Luca Beltrami and Gustavo interested, directly or indirectly, in the building. portant Rationalist architecture, but still needs
Giovannoni, “scientifically” investigating the A panel with the original project is a little more appeal), a program for the importance of
background of our matter of study, taking prec- addition, applicable to any heritage. But the the Modernist enthusiasm that characterized
edents as example, and establishing methods message is strong: it shows what the architect Rationalism in the wholecountry as showed in
to be applied in future works of preservation, wanted, the possible austerity or the glitz,the the territorial framework map (Fig. 2.1.3).
conservation and/or restoration. different context there was at the time, etc. Monumenti Aperti, a cultural program
born in Cagliari in 1997, already had a similar
idea in Como. Moreover, Guida alla Città di
Varese (Eugenio Guglielmi, 2021), is a guide-
book that describes several projects in the city
of Varese, Lombardy, in the period in between
the two world wars, distinguishing them from
private and public, putting the interested loca-
tion in a position of more important city.
ANALOGY BACKGROUND Our goal is similar, we want to let the
reader discover how the Rationalist architec-
REPEATABILITY ture is not a neighborhood of the metropolis of
Modernism: it is a city, the urbs with the same
enthusiasm of progress, technology, structure,
MISTAKE but guided by the Italic Vitruvian ratio, that
goes further from the Former Casa del Fascio,
further from Como, further from Lombardy.
STYLE What do heritages make us heirs of?
In the Picture on page 33:
Marcello Piacentini, Palazzo di Giustizia, Milan (1938)

In the Picture on page 33:
Palazzo dell’Arengario - Museo del Novecento, Milan (1936 - 1956)

References Characters:
Albini, Franco (Robbiate, 1905 - Milan, 1977) 01, 1.2, 02, 2.2.2,
Picture credits:
Cover page:
2.3.5, 3.3.1, 4.2.1, 5.2, 6.0.2 Back cover page:
and Artioli, Alberto (Roma, 1950 - alive) 1.1 01. Cover:
Beltrami, Luca (Milan, 1854 - Rome, 1933) 6.2.1 01. Motivation: and
Credits Brambilla, Alessio (Lissone, alive) 6.0.1
Ceruti, Lorenza (Como, 1968 - alive) 6.0.1
Giovannoni, Gustavo (Rome, 1873 - Rome, 1947) 6.2.1 2.1.3, 4
Gropius, Walter (Berlin, 1883 - Boston, 1969) 2.1.4 2.2.1
Guerrini, Giovanni (Imola, 1887 - Rome, 1972) 2.3 2.2.2, 3, 2.3.1
Helg, Franca (Milan, 1920 - Milan, 1989) 2.2, 5.2.2 2.2.4
La Padula, Ernesto (Pisticci, MT, 1902 - Rome, 1968) 2.3 2.2.5 Fondazione Franco Albini, Milan
Le Corbusier (Switzerland, 1887 - Roquebrune, Fr., 1965) 2.1.4, 2.3.5 2.2.6
Lingeri, Pietro (Tremezzo, CO, 1894 - Tremezzina, CO, 1968) 2.3 2.3.2
Mussolini, Benito (Predappio, FC, 1883 - Giulino, CO, 1945) 2.1.2, 2.1.3 2.3.3
Piacentini, Marcello (Rome, 1881 - Rome, 1960) 2.3, 6.1 2.3.5
Piano, Renzo (Genoa, 1937 - alive) 4.2.1 03. Cover:
Pollini, Gino (Rovereto, TN, 1903 - Milan, 1991) 2.1.4 04. Cover:
Ponti, Gio (Milan, 1891 - Milan, 1979) 01, 2.3 4.1.1
Romano, Mario (XX century) 2.3 4.1.2
Rossi, Aldo (Milan, 1931 - Milan, 1997) 01, 2.3 4.1.3, Matteo Congregallo ph.
Sbaragli Ferretti, Modesta (XX century) 2.2.2, 5.2 05. Cover:
Sillani, Tomaso (Otricoli, TR, 1888 - Rome, 1961) 2.2 5.1.1
Terragni, Attilio (Milan, 1896 - Milan, 1958) 01 6.0.1
Terragni, Giuseppe (Meda, MB, 1904 - Milan, 1943) 01, 1.1, 02, 2.1, 6.0.2
2.2.1, 2.3, 2.3.5, 03, 4.1.1, 5.1.2 6.0.3
Umberto I of Savoy and Italy (Turin, 1844 - Monza, 1900) 2.1.1
Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus (80 - 15 AD c.a.) 01, 2.1.3, 2.3.1, 04
Zevi, Bruno (Rome, 1918 - Rome, 2000) 1.1

Building Survey and Energy Modeling: innovative restoration for Casa del Fascio, Como, A. Buda, S. Mauri (2019)
Conserving Architecture: Planned Conservation of XX Century Architectural Heritage, Andrea Canziani (2009)
Contemporary Theory of Conservation, Salvador Munoz Vinas (2004)
De Architectura Libri X, Marcus Vitruvius Pollio (16 BC)
Experiencing Architecture, Steen Eiler Rasmussen (1957)
Giuseppe Terragni, la Casa del Fascio di Como: Guida critica all’edificio, Alberto Artioli (1989)
Guida alla Città di Varese, Eugenio Guglielmi (2021)
Authors: Il fascismo è una casa di vetro in cui tutti possono e devono guardare, A. Farinella, D. Fedeli, M. Stellini (2015)
Celli, Maddalena (966618) Perspective as Symbolic Form, Erwin Panofsky (1927)
Guven, Tulu (967437) Storia dell’Architettura Contemporanea, Renato de Fusco (1982)
Pilia, Emanuele (966570) Thinking Architecture, Peter Zumthor (1998)
Urper, Mohammed Taha (967873) Vers une Architecture, Le Corbusier (1923)

Other mentions and references:

All the pictures, images and sketches that were not mentioned in the “Picture Credits” column were taken
by the authors over the past two months.
We have to mention a special thanks to Fondazione Franco Albini in Milan, who gave us the opportunity
of asking important questions to experts, consulting scans of original drawings, aged pictures and other important
digitalized content regarding the very first projects and all the restoration works of Franco Albini’s Villa Pestarini,
Milan (1934 - 1938, 1949).
Also, we need to mention the help of a Guardia di Finanza member E. Pontillo, who gave us general infor-
mation about the corp and the role of the headquarters in Como.

Rationalism in Lombardy

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