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Punishment in feudal times

1. In trial by fire, the mode of determining the truth was believed to be God
interfered and therefore infallible. However, the truth is that it depends
solely on the element of luck or knowledge of the accused, since whether
the wound is infected relies on the medical condition around the wound.
Trial by combat introduces the interference of the accuser instead of
ascertaining the truth solely by divine intervention. It was believed that the
winner is right since God assisted them in battle. Both the trails are believed
to be God interfered to some degree, but trial by combat had the risk that
the accused could be killed in the process.

2. They choose to settle cases through trial by combat since it is less likely they
would sustain serious injuries or die in the process (they have the option to
yield in a bad position) comparing the other methods of trials where you
hold a red-hot iron or get thrown into water with your hands bounded.

3. Compurgation determines guilt or innocence by having compurgators swear

on behalf of the accused that they are innocent. The higher level the
compurgators (determined by their influence or positions in society) often
results in a higher credibility. However, the system might benefit people of
power and connection compared to peasants with limited connection and
less chance to convince people.

4. The 12-member jury that decides the innocence or guilt of accused

somewhat resembles compurgation, where a number of people decides the
outcome of the trial, although the jury is selected randomly and without
bias towards either side.

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