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Understanding the Self (1T 19-20)

It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses
and experience.

He doubted the basic idea of the individual character and says that there is no lasting
=David Hume

Father of Modern Philosophy

=Rene Descartes

One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher

The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"

=John Locke and Descartes

Rene Descartes said that our mind and thought are true identity and he called it
=A soul

Philosophy is the study of

=Of general and fundamental problems

Philosophy means in greek word "philosophia"

=Love of Wisdom

The philosopher who is considered the "Father of Psychoanalysis"

=Sigmund Freud

"Philosphia" means
=Love of Wisdom
Philosophy means in greek word "philosophia"
Select one:
a.Love of Wisdom
b. Love of Country
c. Arguement
d. Problems

2."Philosphia" means
Select one:
a. Love of world
b. Love of Self
c.Love of Wisdom
d. Love of Country

3.One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher
Select one:
a. John Locke
c. Augustine
d. David Hume

4.He doubted the basic idea of the individual character and says that there is no lasting
Select one:
a. Plato
b. St. Augustine
c.David Hume
d. John Locke

5.The philosopher who infused Christian doctrine with Neoplatonism.

Select one:
a. Plato
b. Hume
c.St. Augustine
d. John Locke
6.The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"
Select one:
a.John Locke and Descartes
b. Aristotle and Augustine
c. Ryle and Ponty
d. Plato and Hume

Who follows the idea of Socrates that man is essentially a soul?


Having close family ties is truly valued by ________________.


This is the overall assessment of one’s worth as a person.


According to Mendel, what dictates our looks?


What sexual preference would it be if a person is attracted to somebody

who is a member of the opposite sex?

The following are the common erogenous zones EXCEPT:


What do you call an act that criticizes yourself orothers because of the
physical outlook?
body shaming

It is the misalignment of our ideal and real selves.


Why is self-being influenced by culture?

it is because the self is a social being

This philosopher believes that behavior is what truly matters in

understanding one’s self.
Gilbert Ryle

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