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[3.5 Vampiric Heritage Feats]Great Grandaddy Was A ...

[3.5 Vampiric Heritage Feats]Great Grandaddy Was A Vampire

Background- I just thought these would be cool after looking at Vampire Bloodline feats in 4e.
Vampiric Heritage Feats

Vampiric Heritage[Vampiric]
Benefits: You are the descendant of a vampire, and may draw upon their abilities. Select three of the following
skills: Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot. You gain a bonus to checks for those
skills equal to 1 + 1 per two Vampiric feats you have. Also, you learn how to Awaken. This refers to a process
that, by focusing your attention upon one aspect of your Vampiric Heritage, you grow closer to your ancestor's
level of power. You may Awaken for a number of rounds per day equal to 2 + the number of Vampiric feats you
have. You must select one feat when you Awaken, and during that time, gain the feat's Awakened effect. During
rounds when they are awakened, you look similar to a real vampire. When Awakened, this feat doubles the
bonuses to the skills you have chosen. The DC for any Vampiric feat ability that would require a save is always
equal to 10 + 1/2 your HD + the number of Vampiric feats you have.

Vampiric Lash[Vampiric]
Prerequisite: Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: You learn how to deal damage and gain benefit from that. You gain a pool of points equal to 4 x the
number of Vampiric feats you have. You may use these points at-will, in one of two ways: Firstly, you may
expend points to add them to a damage roll, and deal additional damage equal to the number of points spent.
Alternatively, as a touch attack, you may expend points to deal damage to your target equal to the number of
points spent. Either way, on such attacks, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the number of
points expended from your pool granted by this feat. When Awakened, you regain hit points instead of gaining
temporary hit points.

Vampiric Leech[Vampiric]
Prerequisite: Vampiric Heritage, Vampiric Lash
Benefit: You gain a bite attack for a creature of your size, that also deals an additional amount of damage equal
to the number of Vampiric feats you have. Also, when grappling a foe, you may use this bite attack to deal 1
point of Constitution damage per three Vampiric feats you have. You add 3 points to your pool of points from
Vampiric Lash for every point of Constitution damage dealt this way. When Awakened, you deal 1 additional
point of Constitution damage when biting a grappled foe, and the additional amount of damage dealt by your
normal bite attack changes to equal twice the number of Vampiric Heritage feats you have.

Vampiric Charm
Prerequisite: Vampiric Heritage, 3rd level
Benefit: You know how to control, or at least influence, people by drawing upon your vampire ancestor's

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[3.5 Vampiric Heritage Feats]Great Grandaddy Was A ...

ability to control others. As a standard action, you may exert influence over a person. This acts as a gaze attack,
which, upon success, causes the victim to Charm Person, with the caster level equaling the number of Vampiric
feats you have. After using this ability, you may not do so again for 5 rounds. When Awakened, the gaze attack
acts as Charm Monster, and, should you choose to make use of the Charm Person effect, you may make use of
the Charm Person effect again in the next round, instead of waiting 5 rounds.

Vampiric Dominance[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, Vampiric Charm, 12th level
Benefit: You may, once per day per two Vampiric feats you have, cause your Charm Person gaze attack from
your Vampiric Charm feat to instead act as the Dominate Person spell, except that it only lasts for 2 hours per
Vampiric feat you have. When Awakened, you may expend two uses of this ability to instead affect a creature
as though under the effect of Charm Monster, which also lasts for 2 hours per Vampiric feat you have. You must
expend two rounds of Awakening in order to Awaken this way for one round.

Vampiric Movement[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, 3rd level
Benefit: You know how to make use of some of the different modes of Vampiric Movement. You may use
Spider Climb as a Vampire, at-will, as a standard action. However, you may only Spider Climb for a number of
rounds equal to the number of Vampiric feats you have at a time, after which you must wait 5 rounds before
doing so again. If you Spider Climb this way for only 1 round, you need only wait 1 round before regaining use
of this ability. When Awakened, you need not wait after any Spider Climbing in order to make use of this feats
Spider Climb ability again, and also your speed when Spider Climbing increases by 5 ft per two Vampiric
Heritage feats you have.

Vampiric Mist[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, Vampiric Movement, 6th level
Benefit: You know how to make use of the misty form of a vampire.You may act as though under the effects of
Gaseous Form at-will as a standard action, except that it only lasts for 1 round per Vampiric feat you have, and
your fly speed is equal to 5 ft per three Vampiric feats you have. you must wait 5 rounds before doing so again.
If you enter this form for only 1 round, you need only wait 1 round before regaining use of this ability. When
Awakened, your speed increases to become 5 ft + 5 ft per two Vampiric feats you have, and you need only wait
1 round before regaining use of the Gaseous Form ability, regardless of which version you use during the

Vampiric Recovery[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, 3rd level
Benefit: You know how to recover from blows quickly, although not at the same rate as your vampire ancestor.
Every 5 rounds, you regain an amount of hit points equal to 1/2 the number of Vampiric feats you have. When
awakened, you instead gain Fast Healing equal to 1/2 the number of Vampiric feats you have.

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[3.5 Vampiric Heritage Feats]Great Grandaddy Was A ...

Vampiric Protection[Vampiric]
Prerequisite: Vampiric Heritage, Vampiric Recovery, 6th level
Benefit: You gain the grave-hardened flesh of your ancestor. You gain
DR X/Silver or Magic, where X equals the number of Vampiric feats you have - 1. When Awakened, your DR
is doubled.

Vampiric Allies[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage
Benefit: You know how to call for allies in a similar manner to that of your ancestors. You gain a number of
Ally Points equal to the number of Vampiric feats you have. You may expend as many Ally Points as you wish
as a standard action. You may expend 1 Ally Point to summon 1 rat swarm or a pack of 1d6 Wolves. You may
expend 2 Ally Points to summon 1 bat swarm. Vampiric Allies arrive within 1d4 + 1 rounds of being
summoned, and serve for up to 2 minutes per Vampiric feat you have. When Awakened, you double the
amounts of creatures summoned. In order to use this feat's Awakened ability, you must expend two rounds of
Awakening in order to gain this feat's Awakening ability for one round.

Vampire's Other Skin[Vampiric]

Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, 3rd level
Benefit: You learn how to turn into the same creatures a vampire could. Select bat or wolf. As a standard
action, you may turn into the creature you have selected, as per the Vampire's Alternate Form ability. You may
remain in this form for a number of hours equal to the number of Vampiric feats you have, or sunrise, after
which you are forced into your natural form. When Awakened, you turn into a Dire version of the animal you
Special: You may select this feat again in order to gain the form of the animal you did not choose.

Ancestor's Form[Vampiric]
Prerequisites: Vampiric Heritage, three other Vampiric feats, 12th level
Benefit: You learn how to assume a form more like that of your ancestors. For a number of rounds per day
equal to the number of Vampiric feats you have, you may gain the Half-Vampire Template. These rounds need
not be spent consecutively. When Awakened, you gain the Vampire Template, although when Awakened this
way, you must expend two rounds of Awakening in order to be Awakened this way for one round.

Well, that's all for now. Please comment/PEACH.

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