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Update FEBRUARY 2020
Further to the disclosures made to AHPRA in December 2016 concerning vaccine safety,
new relevant evidence has emerged that needs to be added to the previous disclosures.
Au@sm and Vaccina@on
Necessary evidence to determine a link or no link between vaccinaEon of children and auEsm would require robust
evidence of the rates of au@sm in vaccinated compared to never vaccinated children, in larger populaEon groups.
This research has sEll not been done, so no definiEve conclusion can be made. However, in recent years data has
emerged in smaller scale analyses comparing the auEsm rates in vaccinated versus never-vaccinated children.
Since 2016, further evidence has become apparent to me of aKempts to conceal a link between vaccines and
auEsm involving scienEfic fraud, refusal to publish and to force retracEon of incriminaEng evidence, manufactured
science, flawed science, all involving individuals and organisaEons with major conflicts of interest involving the
vaccine industry. The proclaimed and accepted mainstream proclamaEon that ‘vaccines do not cause auEsm’ would
thus appear to be based on a process of deliberate decepEon.
In addiEon, in spite of deliberate aKempts to hide and refute a link between the MMR vaccine and auEsm, a
link between auEsm and other child vaccines has never been examined. Hence it is not possible to say that no
vaccines contribute to auEsm, because all vaccines on the child vaccinaEon schedule have not been examined. There
is evidence suggesEve that other vaccines also, may contribute to auEsm.
Furthermore, there is evidence suggesEng that aluminium in vaccines may contribute to auEsm, and mechanisEc
evidence implicaEng food and other proteins in vaccines as possible causes of vaccine-induced auEsm.
1) Scien@fic fraud and forced retrac@ons – the MMR vaccine and au@sm. Dr. William Thompson, the
whistleblower from the CDC disclosed that key informaEon revealing a link between the Eming of the MMR
vaccinaEon in black American babies and auEsm had been fraudulently removed from the published report
(De Stefano F et al – Pediatrics 2004: 113: 259 – 266).
The excised data was reinstated in a truthful revision of the data by Professor Brian Hooker in an arEcle that only
survived a fortnight before retracEon was forced on spurious grounds by vaccine-interest parEes in the CDC.
(Translational Neurodegeneration 2014, 3:16 doi:10.1186/2047-9158-3-16 Brian S Hooker). Exhibits 1 & 2
Professor Hooker finally managed to have the truthful data published in 2018: (Journal of American Physicians and
Surgeons 2018 Volume 23 Number 4 pp. 105 – 109) This article survived efforts to have it retracted. The published
data, fraudulently altered by the CDC in the 2004 paper, indicated a significantly higher rate of autism in black
American babies vaccinated with the MMR vaccine at 12-15 months compared to that in children vaccinated at 36
months (OR = 2.52). Exhibit 3

This fraud, designed to hide a link between MMR vaccination and autism, was the subject of the documentary movie
‘Vaxxed’ which the proponents of unsafe vaccines went to great lengths to prevent having exposure in Australia when
it screened to restricted audiences in 2017.

2) Refusal to publish incriminating evidence - mercury in vaccines causes autism. The CDC had also
previously commissioned a study which established a link between mercury in vaccines and autism –
(Verstraeten TM, 1999).
Unpublished Abstract
Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to thimerosal-
containing vaccine in first month of life.
Verstraten T., Davies R, Gu D, DeStefano F.
“The relative risk (RR) of developing a neurologic development disorder was 1.8 (95% confidence intervals
[CI]::: 1.1-2.8) when comparing the highest exposure group at 1 month of age (cumulative dose> 25 ug) to the
unexposed group. Within this group we also found an elevated risk for the following disorders: autism (RR
7.6, 95% Cl = 1.8-31.5), nonorganic sleep disorders (RR 5.0, 95% Cl::: 1.6-15.9), and speech disorders (RR
2.1, 95% (1=1.1-4.0). For the neurologic degenerative and renal disorders group we found no significantly
increased risk or a decreased risk. “
Conclusion: This analysis suggested that high exposure to ethyl-mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines
in the first month of life increases the risk of subsequent development of neurologic development impairment,
but not of neurologic degenerative or renal impairment. Further confirmatory studies are needed.

This evidence was denied publication by the agreement of attendees at the secret meetings at Simpsonwood in
June 2000, even after the original data had been progressively manipulated in repeated fraudulent revisions
(more scientific fraud by the CDC) in an attempt to reduce the clearly apparent link demonstrated between
mercury exposure in child vaccines and the incidence of autism. The attendees at the Simpsonwood
Conference included officials from the CDC, US government departments as well as employees of the vaccine
manufacturers. These attendees were all parties to a deceptive process designed to mislead about a causal
relationship between mercury in vaccines and autism. Minutes of these meetings, as well as the text of the
unpublished study, subsequently obtained, clearly indicate a deliberate attempt to prevent this information
becoming available in the medical literature. Exhibits 4 & 5 & 6

a. Manufactured science and flawed science designed to deceive about the relationship of the MMR
vaccination to autism. In particular, the Danish studies (eg. Taylor B 1999; Masden MK 2002; Taylor
ME 2014; and Hviid A 2019) commissioned by vaccine interest groups and funded directly or
indirectly by vaccine manufacturers, have been intensively critiqued and found to have
methodological flaws that invalidate their results. The major flaw in these studies is the lack of any
adequate data from never vaccinated children, but methodological tricks such as the use of ‘case
years’ rather than cases also allowed uncritical readers to be deceived about the truth.
Exhibits 7, 8, 9 & 10
A very comprehensive critique of research studies into vaccines and autism entitled ‘Exhibit 42 – Vaccines
and Autism- What do epidemiological studies really tell us’, has been provided by Safe Minds’ which further

Given the flaws of such studies, the evidence for mechanistic links is all the more cogent. (Arumughan V –
2020) Exhibit 12
In particular, the much-quoted study by Masden and others (Masden MK- NEJM 2002), claimed to compare
‘unvaccinated’ children with MMR-vaccinated children, when, in fact, there were no unvaccinated children in
the study. In addition, methodological ploys, such as the use of ‘case years’ rather than cases disguised the
reality that the autism rate in the MMR-vaccinated group was 8.8% higher than in children vaccinated with
other vaccines but not the MMR vaccine. Exhibit 13

3) Significant conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers and industry-funding characterise the
authors of these studies, and the CDC itself. There have been several hard-hitting exposes of the extent
that the studies designed to disprove a link between the MMR vaccine and autism were funded directly or
indirectly by the vaccine manufacturers and used authors with undoubted conflicts of interest. Exhibits 14 & 15
In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Infection (CDC) in USA has been critiqued as being an arm
of the vaccine industry, promoting vaccines deemed ‘unavoidably unsafe’ rather than being a responsible
public agency concerned primarily with ensuring vaccine safety. Exhibits 16 & 17

4) The Testimony of Dr. A. Zimmerman. Dr. Andrew Zimmerman was an expert witness in a case in the US
Vaccine Court in 2007 in which the parents for a vaccine-damaged autistic boy were petitioning for damages
under the US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. During the proceedings, Dr. Zimmerman verbally
qualified his written expert opinion with a verbal statement, referenced with a case report he had published in
2006, on the link between mitochondrial dysfunction, vaccination and autism, admitting that there were in fact
cases of susceptible children who could develop autism. The Dept. of Justice lawyers defending the case, to
whom he spoke, promptly terminated his further involvement scheduled in the court proceedings, and
proceeded with the case against compensation for the child, disregarding Dr. Zimmerman’s testimony.
Exhibits 18,19, & 20
5) Aluminium Adjuvants in vaccines may contribute to Autism.
A 2011 analysis concluded that (i) children from countries with the highest ASD prevalence appear to have the highest
exposure to Al from vaccines; (ii) the increase in exposure to Al adjuvants significantly correlates with the increase in ASD
prevalence in the United States observed over the last two decades (Pearson r=0.92, p<0.0001); and (iii) a significant
correlation exists between the amounts of Al administered to preschool children and the current prevalence of ASD in seven
Western countries, particularly at 3-4 months of age (Pearson r=0.89-0.94, p=0.0018-0.0248). The application of the Hill's
criteria to these data indicates that the correlation between Al in vaccines and ASD may be causal. (Tomljenovic L & Shaw
C 2011). Exhibit 21
A recent analysis of aluminium tissue levels in the brains of autistic patients confirmed an exceptionally high level of
aluminium (M. Mold, D. Umar, A. King, C. Exley Aluminium in brain tissue in autism J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol., 46 (2018),
pp. 76-82) . Following publication of this and other data incriminating aluminium adjuvants in autism and autoimmune
disease, attempts were made to have Professor Exley’s research funding and research terminated.
. Exhibit 22
Surprisingly, there has been no evaluation of the safety of aluminium in vaccines. A recent re-analysis:.
J. Lyons-Weiler, R. Ricketson Reconsideration of the immunotherapeutic pediatric safe dose levels of aluminum
J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol., 48 (2018), pp. 67-73 confirmed the conclusion that aluminium in vaccines is unsafe in the 2016
paper by Miller NZ, entitled
‘Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe’. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 2016 Volume 21 (4), 109-117, -.
Full-text articles: Exhibits 23 & 24

6) Vaccines other than MMR may cause autism. Documented evidence is scarce and difficult to obtain.
Hepatitis B Vaccination. A 2010 study of vaccination records from boys born before 1999 showed a 3-fold higher
incidence of autism in those given the hepatitis B vaccine in the first month of life compared to those given the hepatitis B
vaccination after the first month, or not at all.
(Gallagher CM1, Goodman MS. Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. J Toxicol
Environ Health A. 2010;73(24):1665-77. PMID:21058170) Exhibit 25

Haemophilus Influenzae B Vaccine. In one particular study specifically looking at HIB and autism, researchers
outline the vaccines ability to disrupt myelination, predisposing the child to deficits in brain development leading to an
autism spectrum diagnosis.
Richmand BJ. (2011). Hypothesis: conjugate vaccines may predispose children to autism spectrum disorders. Med
Hypotheses. Retrieved from Exhibit 26

Vaccines other than the MMR vaccines. Deductions from Masden MK (2002) using data of cases rather than case-
years shows that autism rates reported in:
Number MMR-vaccinated Cases Autism cases per 100,000
MMR-vaccinated individuals 440,655 363 82.3/100000
Vaccinated children (no MMR) 96,648 53 54.6/100,000
Never-vaccinated children not recorded not recorded ???
Conclusion Autism rates were measureable in both MMR-vaccinated and non-MMR vaccinated groups, but there
was no group of never-vaccinated children for comparison. Re-analysis using number of cases revealed 8.88% more
cases of autism in the MMR-vaccinated group Exhibit 8

7) Data from studies comparing the incidence of autism in vaccinated compared to unvaccinated
To resolve the question of whether vaccines contribute to autism, large-scale studies comparing vaccinated to
unvaccinated cohorts for the rates of autism, autism spectrum disorders and other neurological damage would need to
be done. The contribution of vaccination to many other disorders such as autoimmune diseases, type 1 diabetes,
epilepsy, allergies, ADHD, learning disorders, speech and sleep disorders, psychiatric illness, etc., could also be
evaluated. Analysis of the timing of onset of vaccine adverse events could also assist with the analysis of which
vaccines are most implicated.
Such studies have long been advocated by those concerned about the poor quality of much vaccine science, but have
yet to be done. However, smaller scale studies have been done in recent years, but their statistical power is limited by
small sample sizes, and in some, lack of rigorous methodology. They are however, indicative of what may be shown
by the necessary larger scale vaccinated versus unvaccinated studies. The following are examples of some smaller
scale studies that autism rates.
i) J Transl Sci, 2017; Volume 3(3): 1-12. doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000186
Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year-old U.S. children

1 2 3 4
Anthony R Mawson *, Brian D Ray , Azad R Bhuiyan and Binu Jacob
I* Professor, Dept of Epidemiology and BiostaFsFcs, School of Public Health, Jackson State University, MS39213, USA.

This is a well-conducted peer-reviewed survey of 666 home-schooled children’s health outcomes. Of these, 405 were
vaccinated, and 261 were unvaccinated. In the vaccinated group, 19 (4.7%) had an autism/ASD diagnosis, whilst in the
unvaccinated group 3 (1.0%) had autism/ASD. Exhibits 27 & 28

ii) The Health Survey of vaccinated and unvaccinated children on hLps:// provides the
following data of relaEve incidence for au@sm.
Incidence of AuEsm ADD HyperacEvity
Vaccinated children (n= 4119) 4.59% 48.46% 9.49%
Unvaccinated children (n= 17627) 0.9% 0.99% 1.55%
These are results of an open, on-going voluntary survey, which may under-represent input from parents of
vaccinated children who have children with fewer health concerns. Exhibits 28 & 29

iii) Survey of Health Outcomes in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children – Dr. John Piesse (unpublished).
Extracted below is data re the incidence of autism and ASD in the children of parents who attended seeking medical
exemption from vaccination for their children. The health status of 463 children, 349 unvaccinated and 114
vaccinated, was recorded.
Autism ASD/Asperger’s Total Autism/ASD
Vaccinated (N=114) 9 (7.9%) 5 (4.39%) 14 (12.3%)
Unvaccinated (N=349) 0 4 (1.15%) 4 ( 1.15%)

Percentage differential 3.82 x 10.70 x

The aggregate figures for autism/ASD diagnosis in this study shows a 10.70% times greater incidence of autism/ASD in the
vaccinated children than in the unvaccinated children. This multiple is rather higher than in the Mawson AR (2017) study and in
the Vaccine Injury study (above), reflective that vaccine-risk aware parents are more likely to present with vaccine-damaged
children than the typical cross-section of the general parent population who are less likely to have had vaccine-damaged children,
or who have been persuaded that vaccine adverse events are ‘just a coincidence’. Exhibit 30

8) Autism cases have been recognised and compensated as vaccine-related in the US National
Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
An analysis published in 2011 of the NVICP for autism cases compensated in the US NIVCP found 83 cases. These
individuals were thoroughly scrutinised in the Vaccine Court and verified as vaccine-induced autism.
Abstract citation –
Holland, Mary S. and Conte, Louis and Krakow, Robert and Colin, Lisa, Unanswered Questions from the Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program: A Review of Compensated Cases of Vaccine-Induced Brain Injury (May 10, 2011). Pace
Environmental Law (PELR) Review, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2011; NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 11-34. Available
at SSRN: Exhibit 31
Full text article Exhibit 32
A link between vaccination and autism has not been disproved. The balance of evidence considered in this paper
indicates that infant/child vaccination is likely to be the major cause of autism and autism-spectrum disorders.
Vaccines other than MMR have been largely ignored in research about a possible link. Existing research claiming to
exclude a link has concentrated on the MMR almost exclusively. Autism rates have never been established in children
vaccinated the full schedule of child vaccines, with the MMR vaccine, other vaccines, or in the never-vaccinated.
Unvaccinated children do very rarely develop autism, so this strongly suggests that there must be other causes.
Exposures to toxic metals and other neurotoxic substances have been postulated. However, the incidence of autism is
exceedingly low in those never-vaccinated. Mechanistic research has indicated susceptibilities in autism related to
genetic polymorphism, mitochondrial dysfunction, autoimmune disruption from vaccine proteins and DNA
contamination. But in most susceptible children the vaccine trigger is necessary to convert the susceptibility into
frank neurological damage characterised as autism/ASD.
To settle this issue, health outcome studies in larger populations, comparing vaccinated and never-vaccinated children
must be done. Australia is blessed with one local population of vaccination-resistant families, namely the Northern
Rivers Community of northern NSW. In this population the vaccination rate is reportedly about 55%. A never-
vaccinated percentage of 40%+ provides an opportunity to do definitive research into health outcomes of vaccination
compared to those of a large unvaccinated comparison group that would provide a high level of significance. Such a
study has never been done anywhere in the world. Australia should not miss this opportunity.

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