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The following text is for questions 1 to 4

A long time ago, in East Java there was a kingdom led by Prabu Merak. He had a
handsome prince named Raden anterang. !heir kingdom had a battle with "lungkung
#ne day, anterang was hunting with his guards when he met a very beauti$ul woman.
Although it was strange to $ind a beauti$ul woman in the %ungle, he asked her,
&'ho are you, lady(& !he lady told him that she is the daughter o$ "lungkung "ing who
ran away to the %ungle to escape $rom the battle. anterang was )uite shocked in hearing
this, because his $ather *Prabu Merak& was the king who killed the woman+s $ather.
onetheless, anterang $ell in love with her and took the woman to be his wi$e. -ater the
woman+s brother $ound out the marriage. He gave his sister a keris and asked her to kill
anterang $ound the Keris on his bed. He thought that his wi$e would kill him. However it
was the princess brother who put the keris on the bed. !he princess and anterang then had
a )uarrel. n her desperate attempt to prove her innocence, the princess %umped into a river.
/ince then, the river is known anyuwangi. Banyu means water and wangi means $ragrant.
!he river+s name re$lects the princess honesty.
0. 'hat does the te1t tells us about(
A !he revenge $rom "lungkung kingdom. 2. !he battle between two kingdoms.
 Raden anterang and Prabu Merak. 3. !he legend o$ anyuwangi.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
4ambaran umum adalah hal atau tema yang dibicarakan di dalam teks.
Pada soal, teks menceritakan dongeng tentang asal mula kota anyuwangi, dengan
demikian tema yang diusung oleh teks tersebut adalah legenda anyuwangi 5the legend o$

7. 'hat was Raden banterang+s biggest $ault(

A. He $ell in love with a wicked woman. 2. He did not trust her wi$e.
. He trusted his wi$e very much. 3. He never loves his wi$e.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/oal ini meminta siswa untuk menentukan in$ormasi tertentu dalam teks. n$ormasi
biasanya tentang nama, tahun, tanggal, dan sebagainya.
Perhatikan in$ormasi dalam paragra$ 8. * He thought that his wife would kill him. However it
was the princess brother who put the keris on the bed 9.. In her desperate attempt to prove
her innocence, the princess jumped into a river.” 3ari cerita tersebut kita dapat mengetahui
bahwa kakak laki:laki istri Raden anterang lah yang menyimpan keris dan untuk
membuktikan ke%u%urannya, istri Raden anterang rela ter%un ke dalam sungai.
8. 'hat is
LATIHAN the main
DAN idea o$ the second
A. Raden anterang $ell in love and married the princess..
. !wo kingdoms were $ighting againts each other.
2. Prabu Merak killed the king o$ "lungkung.
3. Raden anterang met a beauti$ul woman.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pikiran utama adalah apa yang men%adi gagasan penulis ; secara spesi$ik dalam
mengungkapkan maksud penulisan teks tersebut.
Pikiran utama paragra$ 7 adalah Raden anterang bertemu dengan seorang wanita cantik
ketika berada di tengah hutan.

<. 'hat can we learn $rom the story(

A. 3on+t $all in love with your enemy.
. 3on+t keep a secret too long.
2. 'e should trust our spouse.
3. Anger led to $atality.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
3ari kisah yang dialami oleh Raden anterang, kita dapat mengambil pela%aran bahwa
kepercayaan terhadap pasangan merupakan hal yang sangat penting. !anpa rasa percaya
kepada pasangan, pikiran akan diliputi hal negati$ yang akhirnya akan merugikan diri
sendiri dan mendatangkan penyesalan. Pesan moral yang dapat diambil adalah kita harus
mempercayai pasangan kita.

The following text is for questions * to +

abuik ceremony is a tradition on the west coast o$ 'est /umatra, ndonesia,
especially in Pariaman. t is held at the Asura day which $alls on the 0= o$ Muharram o$
the slamic calendar. n engkulu it was known as !abot. !abuik is made o$ bamboo,
rattan, and paper. 3uring the week o$ abuik many activities are held including kite race
and other traditional activities. abuik is also a term used to re$er to the high $uneral biers
carried around during the remembrance procession. #n the appointed day, all participants
o$ the ceremony gather in the centre o$ the city. All goverment o$$icials also attended this
colossal ceremony in 'est /umatra.
#ne abuik was carried by <= people. ehind abuik, a group o$ people wearing
traditional clothes carry various o$ percussion. #ccasionally when the line o$ peope in the
procession stop, do>ens o$ people per$orm martial arts accompanied by !inang
!he sunset marks the end o$ the procession. !he abuik was then brought to a shore
and then $loated out to sea. !his is conducted as they believe that throwing abuik into the
sea will dispose o$ bad luck.

'hat is theDAN
LATIHAN te1t about(
A. traditional ceremonies during Asura. 2. slamic ceremony in 'est /umatra. 2
. abuik ceremony in 'est /umatra. 3. 'est /umatra martial arts.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
4ambaran umum adalah hal atau tema yang dibicarakan di dalam teks.
/ecara keseluruhan teks menceritakan tentang prosesi upacara ada tabuik yang berada di
/umatera arat.

@. 'hat is the main idea o$ paragraph three(

A. abuik ceremony is a tradition $rom the 'est /umatra.
. !he abuik will dispose bad luck i$ thrown to the sea.
2. People wear traditional dress during the ceremony.
3. !he abuik ceremony is ended when the sunset.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pikiran utama adalah apa yang men%adi gagasan penulis ; secara spesi$ik dalam
mengungkapkan maksud penulisan teks tersebut.
Pikiran utama paragra$ 8 adalah alasan mengapa di akhir prosesi tabuik harus dilepaskan
ke laut lepas karena untuk membuang sial.

. 'here was abuik come $rom(

A. Minangkabau. . 'est coast. 2. engkulu. 3. Pariaman.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/oal ini meminta siswa untuk menentukan in$ormasi tertentu dalam teks. n$ormasi
biasanya tentang nama, tahun, tanggal, dan sebagainya.
Perhatikan in$ormasi pada paragra$ 0. * abuik ceremony is a tradition on the west coast of
"est #umatra, Indonesia, especially in $ariaman .& 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui
bahwa tradisi upacara !abuik berasal dari Pariaman.

B. 'hy must abuik be thrown into the sea(

A. !o symboli>e the end o$ the ceremony. 2. !o mark the disposal o$ bad luck.
. !o show that the ceremony is over. 3. !o complete the procession.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan in$ormasi pada paragra$ 8. * his is conducted as they believe that throwing
abuik into the sea will dispose of bad luck .& "alimat tersebut men%elaskan alasan mengapa
tabuik harus dilepasCdilempar ke laut karena itu merupakan simbol membuang sial.

'hat is theDAN
LATIHAN purpose o$ the te1t( SOAL – BAHASA INGGRIS SMP
A. !o give in$ormation about the local tradition in 'est /umatra. 3
. !o e1plain the procession o$ throwing abuik.
2. !o understand Minangkabau culture.
3. !o describe abuik ceremony.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!u%uan komunikati$ merupakan tu%uan penulis dalam menuliskan suatu teks.
!eks pada soal merupakan teks deskripti$, adapun tu%uan komunikati$ dari teks deskripti$
adalah untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu kepada pembaca. 3alam teks ini penulis
mendeskripsikan suatu upacara adat bernama !abuik.

The following text is for questions 1, $n- 11

1, 'ho are the most suitable people to drive the car(
A. oung people. . #ld people. 2. 2hildren. 3. "ids.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat *9%ew Honda &a'' is the best car that suit to every youngster .& Pada
teks telah disebutkan bahwa ew Honda Ja>> merupakan mobil terbaik yang cocok untuk
setiap anak muda.

11 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t(

A. !o in$orm the car. 2. !o retell the story about the car.
. !o promote the car. 3. !o give detail in$ormation about the car.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan iklan sebuah mobil. "alimat dalam iklan tersebut menyatakan
bahwa *!here+s no limit $or your satis$action9. 'ith world:beating $eatures and technology,
ew Honda Ja>> is the best car9& kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tu%uan iklan tersebut
adalah untuk mempromosikan mobil terbaru yang cocok untuk anak muda.
.or questions
LATIHAN DAN1/ to 140 "o(lete
PEMBAHASAN the $ss$ge
SOAL – BAHASAwith the wor-s
INGGRIS SMPro2i-e-
A Tri to M$lino
#n /unday, wan and Anni got up at si1 in the morning. !hey were going to go to
Malino. !hey5076 ... home at hal$ past si1. !hey got to Malino at tenF it took three and a hal$
hours to get there. !hey stopped at pine $orest to have a rest and ate roasted corns. A$ter
that they continued their5086 .... to takapala water$all. At 07 o+clock they arrived there and
had lunch in one o$ the reataurants around the location. A$ter that they took a bath under
the water$all. !he water was very cold, but they en%oyed the moment50<6 ....

07. A. 'ent. . uilt. 2. /aw. 3. -e$t.

!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. hey(home at half past
si)."ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti went G pergi, built G membangun, saw G
melihat, left G meninggalkan.
/ecara konteks, kata ker%a yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah

08. A. Journey. . Activity. 2. /treet. 3. 'ay.

!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. *fter that they continued
their(.. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti journey G per%alanan, activity G
kegiatan, street G %alan, way G %alan.
/ecara konteks, kata benda yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah

0<. A. Patiently. . Happily. 2. Angrily. 3. usily.

!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. but they enjoyed the
moment99 "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti patiently G dengan sabar, happily
G dengan gembira, angrily G dengan marah, busily G dengan sibuk.
/ecara konteks, kata keterangan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah
dengan gembira+.

1* Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

Ielt ; but ; e1cited ;  ; tired ; my holiday ; a$ter
0 7 8 < ? @ 
A. @ ; 0 ; ? ; 7 ; < ; 8 ;  2. < ; 0 ; ? ; 7 ; 8 ;  ; @
. @ ; 0 ; 7 ; ? ; < ; 8 ;  3. < ; 0 ; 8 ; 7 ; @ ; ? ; 
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat di dalam soal merupakan bentuk past tense. 3alam menyusun kata:kata acak
men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat,
ob%ek, DAN
LATIHAN complement , dan part SOAL
PEMBAHASAN of speech lainnya dalam
– BAHASA suatu
INGGRIS SMPkalimat sesuai
KELAS 9 dengan %abatan
Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis dan bermakna maka kata:
kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
 ; $elt ; tired ; but ; e1cited ; a$ter ; my holiday
< 0 ? 7 8  @
5saya merasa lelah namun senang setelah berlibur6

13 Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

/wiss ; my niece ; is wearing ; the girl ; who ; a pink ribbon ; $rom ; is
0 7 8 < ? @  B
A. ? ; 8 ; 7 ;  ; 0 ; < ; @ ; B 2. 0 ; 7 ;  ; ? ; < ; @ ; B ; 8
. < ; ? ; 8 ; @ ; B ; 7 ;  ; 0 3. 7 ;  ; 0 ; B ; @ ; ? ; < ; 8
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat di dalam teks merupakan relative pronouns. 3alam menyusun kata:kata acak
men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat,
ob%ek, complement , dan part of speech lainnya dalam suatu kalimat sesuai dengan %abatan
Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis dan bermakna maka kata:
kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
!he girl ; who ; is wearing ; a pink ribbon ; is ; my niece ; $rom ; /wiss
< ? 8 @ B 7  0
5Anak perempuan yang memakai pita merah muda adalah keponakan saya dari /wiss6

1 Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

3inner ; when ; started ; having ; were ; it ; rain ; to ; we
0 7 8 < ? @  B D
A. D ; ? ; 8 ; B ; 0 ; 7 ; @ ; < ;  2. 7 ; D ; ? ; 8 ; < ; 0 ; @ ; B ; 
. D ; ? ; < ; 0 ; 7 ; @ ; 8 ; B ;  3. 7 ; D ; ? ; 8 ; B ; 0 ; @ ; < ; 
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat dalam soal merupakan bentuk past continuous. 3alam menyusun kata:kata acak
men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat,
ob%ek, complement , dan part of speech lainnya dalam suatu kalimat sesuai dengan %abatan
$ungsinya. Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis dan bermakna
maka kata:kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
'e ; were ; having ; dinner ; when ; it ; started ; to ; rain
D ? < 0 7 8 @ B 
5"ami sedang makan malam ketika mulai hu%an6
15 Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge
How to make /weet Hot !ea
0. A glass o$ sweet hot tea is ready to serve.
7. oilDAN
until it is boiled. SOAL – BAHASA INGGRIS SMP KELAS 9
8. Add some sugar. 6
<. Pick a glass and put a bag o$ tea.
?. 'hen the water is boiled, pour it into the glass.
A. 7 ; < ; 8; ? ; 0 2. 8 ; 7 ; < ; ? ; 0
. 7;8;<;?;0 3. 8 ; 7 ; 0; ? ; <
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat:kalimat yang teracak di atas merupakan bagian dari sebuah teks prosedur.
-a>imnya, teks prosedur berisikan kalimat:kalimat yang bersi$at mengkronologiskan dari
satu tahap ke tahap lainnya. "alimat yang teracak akan men%adi suatu paragra$ yang
kohesi$ 5padu6, koheren 5saling berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 576
oil water until it is boiled. 5<6 Pick a glass and put a bag o$ tea. 586 Add some sugar. 5?6
'hen the water is boiled, pour it into the glass. 506 A glass o$ sweet hot tea is ready to

1+ Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge

How to use a $ood processor
0. 2lose and hold the cover tightly.
7. Put the vegetables or other ingredients you want to blend inside o$ it.
8. 'ait until it is $inished.
<. Press the button $ully processed to make it work.
?. #pen it up, and pour the $ood into a cup.
@. Make sure the $ood processor is plugged in, clean, and in working condition.

A. 7 ; @ ; 0 ; < ; ? ; 8 2. @ ; 0 ; 7 ; < ; 8 ; ?
. @ ; 7 ; 0 ; < ; 8 ; ? 3. 7 ; 0 ; @ ; < ; ? ; 8
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat:kalimat yang teracak di atas merupakan bagian dari sebuah teks prosedur.
-a>imnya, teks prosedur berisikan kalimat:kalimat yang bersi$at mengkronologiskan dari
satu tahap ke tahap lainnya. "alimat yang teracak akan men%adi suatu paragra$ yang
kohesi$ 5padu6, koheren 5saling berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 5@6
Make sure the $ood processor is plugged in, clean, and in working condition. 576 Put the
vegetables or other ingredients you want to blend inside o$ it. 506 2lose and hold the cover
tightly. 5<6 Press the button $ully processed to make it work. 586 'ait until it is $inished. 5?6
#pen it up, and pour the $ood into a cup.
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL /6
3ear an,

'e are having a great holiday here on the 4old 2oast. esterday we went to the Movie 'orld
.'hen we got up in the morning, it looked like rain. A$ter a while the cloud disappeared. And it
became a sunny day. 'e then decided to go to the Movie 'orld.

!he $irst ride  went on was -ethal 'eapon. e1t  saw the Police Academy show. A$ter that 
had lunch as  was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and "elly )ueued $or the atman ride.
About one o+clock we got a light shower o$ rain but it cleared up soon a$ter. 'e then went on
all the other rides.

t was a top day. /ee you when you get back.


7=. 'hat is the letter about(

A. /am+s holiday. 2. !he Movie 'orld.
. !he 4old 2oast. 3. !he /hower o$ Rain.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
4ambaran umum adalah hal atau tema yang dibicarakan di dalam teks.
Pada soal teks menceritakan tentang pengalaman liburan /am yang diceritakan kepada

70. 'here did /am spend his holiday with his $amily(
A. #n the 4old 2oast. 2. n -ethal 'eapon.
. n the Movie 'orld. 3. At the Police Academy.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pertama pada paragra$ 0. * "e are having a great holiday here on the
+old oast.& 3ari kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengetahui bahwa /am menghabiskan
liburannya di 4old 2oast.

77. !he word we+ in the te1t re$ers to9 5Paragraph 06

A. /am and an. 2. Mum and "elly.
. /am and Mum. 3. /am, Mum, and "elly.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan
di dalam teks. Pronoun *we& pada paragra$ 0 meru%uk kepada tokoh:tokoh yang diceritakan
melakukan liburan yakni /am, Mom, dan "elly.

78. !he word queue- in paragraph 8 means 99

A. 'ent on. . -ined up. 2. /at down. 3. 'aited $or.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata -ueued memiliki arti *mengantri&. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
lined up. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti went on G berwisata, sat down G
duduk, waited for G menunggu.

The following text is for questions /4 $n- /*


-#REA "AMKA 4ARK3A MA

"ARA "ER2 MERPA! MK!ARA

'herever you go, what you choose

'e are ready to help youL
2all us <8=D@@ or9.
Just walk across the bus
ou will get the bestL

7<. !he article above is aCan 9.

A. Job vacancy. . Advertisement. 2. rochure. 3.!ime table
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal mempromosikan kebutuhan akan %asa per%alanan. 3alam mempromosikan
suatu barangC%asa maka dibutuhkan iklan.

7?. 'e can contact the agency by 9.

A. !elephoning or visiting. 2. isiting only.
. /ending letters. 3. !elephoning only.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A

Pe(%$h$s$n &
LATIHAN DAN kalimat *call us <8=D@@
PEMBAHASAN SOAL or %ust walk across9&.
– BAHASA INGGRIS kalimat tersebut
SMP KELAS 9 memberitahukan
kepada pembaca bahwa mereka dapat dihubungi melalui telepon maupun didatangi
langsung ke tempat.

The following text is for questions /3 to /5

!here will be a holiday camp ne1t month. All scouts must %oin this camp. !he activity will
take place at angunhar%o camping site and last $or three days.
$or $urther in$ormation, please contact Mr. Arkan.
anyumas, May 07th,7==D
!he 2hie$ o$ /cout #rgani>ation
7@. 'hen will the activity be held (
A. n May. . n June. 2. n July. 3. n August.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%ukan pada keterangan waktu. * here will be a holiday
camp ne)t month.& artinya kegiatan kemah akan dilaksanakan bulan depan. Apabila
pengumuman dibuat pada bulan Mei 5perhatikan titi mangsa6, maka bulan selan%utnya
adalah Juni.

7. $ the camp starts in June ?th, when will it end (

A. June @th. . June th. 2. May 07th. 3. May 7?th.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%ukan berapa lama kegiatan berlangsung. * he activity will
take place(((..for three days.& "egiatan akan berlangsung di99selama 8 hari. Maka 8
hari dari tanggal ? Juni adalah tanggal  Juni.

7B. 'ho must %oin the activity (

A. All students. 2. All chie$s.
. All scouts. 3. All anyumas people.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat berikut * *ll scouts must join this camp.& 5/eluruh pemandu wa%ib
megikuti kemah ini6 "alimat tersebut menun%ukan bahwa yang wa%ib mengikuti kegiatan
adalah seluruh pemandu.
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL 61
#A!ARTA !R!#A3 Ekonomi =?.<= Pasarsenen 0B.08
AR4#-A'K Eksekuti$ =@.== 4ambir 0?.==
PKRAA Ekonomi 08.<8 Purwokerto 0B.??
BAN'UNG 2/A3AE Ekonomi =?.<= andung 0.=7
PA/K3A Ekonomi =D.?0 andung 0D.<<
"AHKRPA Ekonomi 0D.70 andung =<.7?
MA!ARAM Eksekuti$ 7=.0? andung =?.=?

7D. 'hat the te1t tell us about(

A. alapan /tation !rain /chedule. 2. !our to andung.
. !our to Jakarta. 3. alapan 2ar /chedule.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/ecara keseluruhan isi teks berisi mengenai %adwal keberangkatan kereta api di stasiun

8=. 'hat train will arrive at 4ambir station at 0?.==(

A. !irtonadi. . Argolawu. 2. Purbaya. 3. 2isadane.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan %adwal keberangkatan kereta dengan tu%uan Jakarta, kereta Argolawu berangkat
pukul =@.== dan tiba di stasiun 4ambir pukul 0?.==.

80. !he word *Arrival& in the schedule above has the same meaning to9 .
A. 4oing. . -eaving. 2. 2oming. 3. Entering.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata arrival memiliki arti *kedatangan&. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
coming. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti going G pergi, leaving G
berangkat, entering G memasuki.

The following text is for questions 6/ to 6*

How to ($<e I"e )re$(
Ingre-ients &
N 7 cups milk 5not skim6 or cream
N 7 tablespoons sugar
N 0 teaspoon anilla e1tract 5can substitute other $lavoring.6
N /everal cups o$ ce 5the smaller the pieces, the better6
N 0 cup salt 5rock salt is best, but table salt can also be used6
ou need these supplies to make ice cream
N !ub or large co$$ee can to hold salt and ice
N 4lass bowl or small co$$ee can
N Electric mi1er or whisk
N ce cream scoop
N /torage container $or $ree>er

Instru"tions &
0. : /etting up the cooling apparatus. /tir ice and salt in the larger container. 3ouble:
check that the small container will $it into the larger one even with the ice.
7. : 2ombine the ingredients. Mi1 together the milk, sugar, and vanilla in the glass
bowl. !hen, set this bowl in the tub $illed with ice and rock salt, making sure that the salt
water does not spill into the bowl. nstead o$ a glass bowl and tub, you can also use a small
co$$ee can inside a large co$$ee can.
8. : Mi1 the ice cream. Mi1 the ingredients in the small container vigorously. !he salty
ice mi1ture will cool the mi1ture down until it turns into ice cream. Mi1 very thoroughly. $
youOre using a whisk instead o$ an electric mi1er in your glass bowl, youOll have to stir very
hard, or ice crystals will $orm in the ice cream. $ you are using the co$$ee can method, make
sure both cans are well sealed, and then roll and shake to mi1 the ice cream mi1ture. t
should take about 0= to 0? minutes to stir the ice cream using either method. /tir until it is
$ree $rom ice crystals and is the right consistency.
?. : /torage and serving. $ you donOt eat the ice cream right away, be sure to store it in
the $ree>er so that it doesnOt melt.
87. !he te1t tells you about ....
A. !he ingredients needed to mi1 the ice cream.
. !he instructions tostir ice and salt.
2. !he description o$ ce 2ream.
3. How to make ce 2ream.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan prosedur teks yang menya%ikan tahap:tahap yang harus
dilakukan saat akan membuat eskrim.
88. 'hat should you do right a$ter mi1ing the ice cream(
A. Mi1 the ingredients in the small container vigorously.
. /tore it in the $ree>er so that it doesnOt melt.
2. /tirDAN
LATIHAN ice and salt in the larger
PEMBAHASAN container.
3. 2ombine the ingredients. 12

!un"i #$w$%$n & A

Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan tahap instruksi 5instruction6. Pada tahap ketiga terdapat kalimat * !i) the ice
cream& 5campurkan eskrim6 kemudian diikuti dengan kalimat * !i) the ingredients in the
small container vigorously & 5Aduk bahan:bahan di dalam sebuah wadah dengan kuat6.

8<. =be sure to store it in the $ree>er.& 5step 76

!he underlined word has the same meaning as the word ....
A. /ave. . 2ut. 2.!ear. 3. Put.
!un"i #$w$%$n &
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata store memiliki arti *menyimpan&. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
save. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti cut G memotong, tear G merobek,
put G meletakan.

8?. * ... the mi1ture down until it turns into ice cream.& 5step 86
!he underlined word re$ers to ....
A. Electric mi1er . /alty ice. 2. 2ontainer. 3. ce cream
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan
di dalam teks. Pronoun *it& pada urutan ke 8 meru%uk kepada apa yang akan mendingin
men%adi eskrim yakni salty ice.

The following text is for questions 63 to 65

/MP Pohuwato celebrates Health Holiday a>aar every year. n this a>aar, the school
promotes a health learning environment through a celebration that $ocuses on health and
healthy $ood $or children.
!his ba>aar also provides health and nutrition education by giving in$ormation
about school meals and nutritious $ood. !he ba>aar provides healthy $ood such as $ruit
smoothies 5mi1ed o$ berries, banana and pineapple6, dried $ruit 5e.g. raisins, apricots6,
$ruit, low $at pudding, and yoghurt. !here are also special party games and activities $or
children. !he schedule o$ the health ba>aar is $rom B am:? pm $rom Monday to /aturday
ne1tweek. 3uring the celebration o$ health holiday ba>aar, parents and children will get
knowledge o$ health and $ree medical consultation.
8@. 'hat time
LATIHAN DANdoes the ba>aar $inish(
A. Iive o+clock in the a$ternoon. 2. Eight o+clock in the evening.
. Eight o+clock in the morning. 3. Iive o+clock in the morning.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%ukan keterangan waktu. *!he schedule o$ the health ba>aar
is $rom B am:? pm $rom Monday to /aturday ne1tweek.& 5Jadwal ba>aar kesehatan yaitu
mulai pukul B pagi sampai ? sore dari senin hingga sabtu minggu depan6 3ari kalimat
tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa ba>aar berakhir pukul ? sore.

8. 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t(

A !o get in$ormation about healthy and nutritious $ood at school.
B !o describe the health holiday ba>aar at /MP Pohuwato.
) !o in$orm about party games and activities $or children.
' !o e1plain the health $ood $or children.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan teks berbentuk deskripti$. /esuai dengan tu%uan dari teks
deskripti$ yaitu mendeksripsikan benda, maka teks pada soal bertu%uan untuk
mendeskripsikan kegiatan ba>aar kesehatan di /MP Pohuwato.

8B. Irom the te1t, we understand that ....

A. children and parents can get $ree medical consultation at the ba>aar.
. ba>aar only $ocuses on healthy $ood that parents provide at home.
2. children should eat healthy $ood that is provided at school.
3. the health holiday ba>aar is only $or parents.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pernyataan pada opsi A, children and parents can get free medical consultation at ba'aar
se%alan dengan kalimat terakhir pada paragra$ 7 * uring the celebration of health holiday
ba'aar, parents and children will get knowledge of health and free medical consultation”
bahwa selama perayaan ba>aar kesehatan, orang tua dan anak:anak akan mendapat
pengetahuan kesehatan dan konsultasi kesehatan secara gratis.
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL 4/
M> Ti((>
 have some pets. However, my $avorite pet is !immy.
!immy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his so$t stripes $ur. He has innocent
round eyes and $eeble sweet voice. He always meows when  come home, he usually give
me a kiss.
!immy is a nice playmate. +m so happy to spend my time with him. Most o$ the time, he+s a
good cat. t+s almost impossible $or me to be angry at him. n the morning, he always wakes
up early. 'hen he wakes up earlier, he waits )uality by my bedside until  wake up.
8D. 'hen does !immy usually give a kiss to the writer( 'hen the writer9.
A Iells hungry . 4oes to sleep 2. 2omes home 3. 'akes up
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragra$ 7. * He always meows when I come home, he usually give
me a kiss.& 53ia selalu mengeong ketika saya pulang, dia biasanya mencium saya6 3ari
kalimat tersebut diketahui bahwa kucing si penulis biasanya menciumnya ketika ia pulang
ke rumah.

<=. 'hy is the writer almost impossible to be angry at his cat( ecause 9.
A. t has innocent round eyes 2. t gives the writer kiss
. Most o$ the time, it is a good cat 3. t always wakes up early
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragra$ 8. * !ost of the time, he/s a good cat. It/s almost
impossible for me to be angry at him & 5/eringnya, ia seekor kucing yang baik. Hampir tidak
mungkin bagi saya untuk marah kepadanya6 dari kalimat tersebut dapat kita ketahui bahwa
!immy adalah kucing yang baik sehingga penulis tidak mungkin marah kepadanya.

<0. !he second paragraph tells about9.

A. 2haracteristic. . Habit. 2. Habitat. 3. ehavior.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan in$ormasi paragra$ 7 * immy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his
soft stripes fur(.& 3ari paparan in$ormasi dalam kalimat tersebut kita dapat mengetahui
bahwa penulis ingin memberikan in$ormasi mengenai karakteristik !immy.

<7. 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t about(

A. !o entertain the reader. 2. !o tell how to make something.
. !o describe something. 3. !o tell how to care $or cats.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
!eks dalam soal merupakan teks berbentuk deskripti$. /esuai dengan tu%uan komunikati$
nya teks deskripti$ yaitu mendeskripsikan sesuatu maka tu%uan teks tersebut adalah to
describe something .

.or questions 46 to 440 "o(lete the $ss$ge with the wor-s ro2i-e-
-eaves have the %ob o$ absorbing the energy o$ the sun rays. y using the chlorophyll,
this energy is used to mi1 the water and 2# 7 through stomata. t is then distributed to all9.
5<86 o$ the plant. !his 9.. 5<<6 is called photosynthesis .!hen the9. 5<?6 is released to
provided our needs o$ breathing.

<8. A. Roots. . -eaves. 2. ranches. 3. Parts.

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
It is then distributed to all(.of the plant .
"ata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah branches 52abang:cabang6.

<<. A. 3istributions . Mi1ture 2. Energy. 3. Process.

!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
his (.. is called photosynthesis.
"ata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah process 5proses6.

<?. A. #1ygen . Air 2. itrogen 3. 2arbon dio1ide

!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
hen the(.is released to provided our needs of breathing .
"ata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah air 5udara6.

<@. Read this notice

!he notice is to warn visitors who want to get in. !he owner o$ the building in$orms visitors
A. He is a$raid o$ the dog. 2. He does not like the dog.
. !he dog is a$raid o$ visitors. 3. !here is a $ierce dog inside.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pada teks tertulis *Beware of the dog & yang berarti kita harus berhati:hati karena di dalam
rumah tersebut ada an%ing yang galak.
The following text is for questions 4 $n- 45
3ear ulia,

2ongratulation. ou won two gold medals in the swimming contest. ou are the best.
"eep on DAN
LATIHAN practicing and we will SOAL
PEMBAHASAN always– support
BAHASA you to reachSMP
dream 9
o$ becoming a
pro$essional swimmer.

Ahmad asin, M.Pd
<. 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t(
A. !o motivate ulia to be a pro$essional swimming.
. !o in$orm people about the swimmer.
2. !o congratulate ulia on her success.
' !o ask people to support ulia.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kata congratulation di dalam teks yang artinya selamat+. Maksud dari ditulisnya
teks tersebut %elas untuk memberikan ucapan selamat atas kesuksesan ulia.

<B. 'hat e1pression does the principal use to praise ulia(

A. e a pro$essional swimmer. 2. ou are the best.
. "eep on practicing. 3. 2ongratulations.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat *you are the best & di dalam teks menun%ukan ungkapan bahwa si penulis memu%i
hasil prestasi ulia.

The following text is for questions 4+ $n- *,

!o ee

/orry honey,  can+t keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. +ve to meet Mrs.
2anya at =.== pm. Please, don+t be angry.


<D. How is eeOs mother $eel about her promise(

A. mpressed . 2on$used 2. Relieved 3. 4uilty
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
=#orry honey, I can/t keep my promise( &
kata sorry pada kalimat di atas menun%ukan ungkapan penyesalan karena telah membuat
kesalahan. 3i dalam teks penulis merasa bersalah 5guilty6 karena tidak dapat menepati

?=. Mom writes the te1t in order to 9

A. Apologi>e $or not keeping the promise.
. Remind ee that she has a promise with her.
2. !ell ee that she has to go to the meeting.
3. /ay that she cannot meet her in the Mall.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
=/orry honey9& merupakan ekspresi meminta maa$, maka tu%uan penulis mengirimkan
pesan adalah untuk meminta maa$ karena tidak dapat menepati %an%i.

Re$- the text $n- $nswer questions 1 to 4

A star $airy once strayed onto the Earth. Attracted by the beauti$ul sight, she dashed into
a tree, her wing torn and $ell down, unconscious. A $armer $ound the divine creature and
took great care o$ her. nevitably the $airy and the $armer $ell in love, so they got married
and had a child.
evertheless every night the $airy looked at the stars and thought about her $amily and
$riends. #ne day she decided to pay them Oa visit, and took her son with her. 'hen she
reached the star kingdom, the king was $urious at her $or straying too $ar, and took away
her wings $rom her. /he couldnOt go back to her husband and $elt really miserable. /he
looked down the river near their house $or hours. !he $armer was too. He stood on its bank,
waiting $or his wi$e and child to return.
#ne day, the king saw the lovesick couple, and took pity on them. He made a
bridge o$ seven gleaming colors so that the $airy could climb down and spend a $ew
precious moments with the $armer. !oday other humans call the bridge a rainbow.
0. 'hat is the most suitable title $or the te1t(
A. A very loving couple. 2. !he origin o$ rainbow.
. A miserable star $airy. 3. !he "ing o$ star kingdom.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/ecara keseluruhan teks menceritakan tentang legenda asal muasal ter%adinya pelangi 5the
origin o$ rainbow6.

7. 'hy did the king punish the $airy(

A. /he married to a human being. 2. /he didnOt come $or a visit.
. /he torn her precious wings. 3. /he has gone too long.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
n$ormasi tertentu merupakan in$ormasi yang tertera %elas dalam teks dan biasanya
berkaitan dengan nama tokoh, tahun, tanggal, alasan, dan sebagainya.
3ari kalimat ketiga paragra$ 7 * "hen she reached the star kingdom, the king was furious
at her for straying too far(” 5"etika ia mencapai kera%aan bintang, sang ra%a sangat marah
karena ia tersesat terlalu lama6, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa sang ra%a menghukum si peri
karena ia pergi terlalu lama.

8. 'hat is the main idea o$ paragraph 8(

A. !he $airy got sick $rom her love. 2. !he $airy $elt pity $or her husband.
. !he "ing created a special bridge. 3. !he $armer made a bridge $or his wi$e.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pikiran utama paragra$ 8 adalah sang ra%a merasa sedih melihat pasangan yang menderita
sehingga ia memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah %embatan khusus yang kemudian dikenal
dengan pelangi.

<. 'hat can we learn $rom paragraphs 0 and 7(

A. -ove can make you really miserable.
. 'e should always take pity on lovers.
2. Every decision comes with a conse)uence.
3. A wise king always helps his people in need.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
3ari ke%adian yang dialami si peri, yang memutuskan untuk menikah dengan si petani
sehingga membuatnya pergi terlalu lama dari kera%aan bintang membuatnya harus
menerima konsekuensi dimarahi dan dihukum sang ra%a. Pesan moral yang dapat kita
ambil bahwa setiap keputusan, baik itu keputusan baik maupun buruk akan selalu ada
konsekuensinya 5Every decision comes with a conse)uence6

The following text is for questions * to +

Papua typical $estival has its roots in the belie$s o$ local tribes that the war not only
con$lict o$ power and interest, but also a symbol o$ $ertility and prosperity. /ince 7= years
ago, local governments have stressed the importance o$ peace between the tribes who
$ought to prevent revenge and continued loss o$ li$e. /o aliem Iestival is an event that
was held to replace the war between the tribes.
!he name aliem comes $rom the name o$ a valley in the central highlands o$ Papua,
aliem valley. !he valley is inhabited by three main tribes the 3ani, the ali, and the -ani.
As you may have guessed, the main .event is a war between tribes. However, unlike
the tribal wars in the past, aliem $estival is $ull o$ peace$ul $aces and brings %oy and $un to
the people who attend it. magine more than 7= di$$erent tribes each with 8= to ?= people
wearing traditional clothing and bringing traditional weapons, such as spears, bows,
arrows, and machetes. !here are also per$ormances and other interesting attractions,
traditional games, as well as delicious local cuisines.
?. 'hat is the te1t about(
A. Iestival o$ 'ar. . !ribes in Papua. 2. PapuaOs 2uisine. 3. !raditional 3ance.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pertama pada paragra$ 0 & $apua typical festival has its roots in the
beliefs of local tribes that the war not only conflict of power and interest, but also a symbol
of fertility and prosperity&. 5$estival khas Papua berakar dari kepercayaan suku lokal bahwa
peperangan tidak hanya kon$lik kekuatan dan kepentingan, tetapi %uga suatu simbol dari
kesuburan dan kemakmuran6 3ari kalimat tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa ada suatu
$estival peperangan di Papua, yang di dalam teks diceritakan bernama aliem $estival.
@. !he main
LATIHAN DAN idea o$ paragraph one
A. the history and origin o$ aliem $estival
. the importance o$ peace $or Papuan tribes
2. local government encourages wars among tribes
' local tribesO belie$ in war, $ertility and prosperity
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pikiran utama paragra$ 0 adalah bagaimana se%arah dan asal muasal $estival aliem di
Papua yang di%elaskan sebagai acara yang menggantikan perang antar suku.

. 'here can we see this $estival(

A. n the village ali tribe 2. n the -ani tribe households
. n 3ani tribe community 3. n aliem valley o$ central highlands
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
n$ormasi tertentu merupakan in$ormasi yang tertera %elas dalam teks dan biasanya
berkaitan dengan nama tokoh, tahun, tanggal, tempat ke%adian, alasan, dan sebagainya.
3ari kalimat pertama paragra$ 7 * he name Baliem comes from the name of a valley in the
central highlands of $apua(” 5ama aliem berasal dari nama sebuah lembah yang ada
di tengah dataran tinggi Papua96, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa aliem $estival dapat kita
temukan di -embah aliem di tengah dataran tinggi Papua.

B. 'hy did they $ight against each other(

A. ecause there are too many tribes in Papua
. ecause they want to take revenge to the government
2. ecause o$ their belie$s in $ertility and prosperity
3. ecause they take revenge o$ their $riends and $amilies to other tribes
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat kedua pada paragra$ 0 *9. local governments have stressed the
importance of peace between the tribes who fought to prevent revenge and continued loss
of life” 59pemerintah setempat telah menekankan pentingnya kedamaian diantara suku
yang ber%uang untuk mencegah pembalasan dendam dan kehilangan nyawa.6 3ari kalimat
tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa peperangan di masa lalu ter%adi karena penduduk
saling membalaskan dendam atas kehilangan nyawa teman dan keluarganya.

D. 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t(

A. !o describe traditional games in Papua.
. !o encourage people to seek revenge.
2. !o report PapuaOs traditional $estival.
3. !o invite people to visit certain places in Papua.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!u%uan komunikati$ dari suatu teks report adalah mengin$ormasikan atau melaporkan
sesuatu secara umum.
!eks pada soal merupakan teks report yang bertu%uan untuk melaporkan $estival tradisional
Papua kepada pembaca.

The following text is for questions 1, $n- 11

5Adapted $rom E/#- Activities 0, 2ambridge Kniversity


0=. How many capsules can you take in 7< hours(

A. !wo . Iour 2. Eight 3. !welve
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang tertera pada label obat di atas * %o more than 0 capsules in 12
hours& 5tidak boleh mengonsumsi lebih dari B kapsul dalam 7< %am6, dari kalimat tersebut
dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita hanya dapat mengonsumsi maksimal B kapsul setiap hari.

00. 'ho cannot take the capsules(

A. Adults 2. Men
. 2hildren over 07 3. 2hildren under 07
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat bersi$at larangan yang tertera pada label * %ot for children under 31 &
yang berarti anak:anak usia di bawah 07 tahun dilarang mengonsumsi obat tersebut.
?uestions 1/ toPEMBAHASAN
LATIHAN DAN 140 "o(lete the following
SOAL text with
– BAHASA the wor-s
INGGRIS SMPro2i-e-
#n /aturday night, the student o$ /MP 07 5076 ... on a nearby hill. !hey chose a $lat land to set
up a 5086 ... it was on the bank o$ a water$all. !hey were happy. !hey worked 50<6 ... /ome o$ them
cooked $ood, some o$ them swept the place and prepared the $ire wood.
07. A. 2limbed . 2amped 2. Played 3. 'orked
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. 4n #aturday night, the
student of #!$% 31 ... on a nearby hill 5Pada sabtu malam, siswa /MP 0799di sebuah
bukit terdekat6. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti climbed G mendaki, camped G
berkemah, played G bermain, worked G beker%a.
/ecara konteks kata ker%a yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah berkemah+.

08. A. House . uilding 2. -odging 3. !ent

!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. hey chose a flat land to
set up a ... 5Mereka memilih tanah yang datar untuk memasang9.6. "ata pada opsi
masing:masing memiliki arti house G rumah, building G gedung, lodging G pondokan, tentG
/ecara konteks kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah tenda+

0<. A. /eriously . !horoughly 2. Angrily 3. /lowly

!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. hey worked ...... 5Mereka
beker%a9.6. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti seriously G dengan serius,
thoroughly G sepenuhnya, angrily G dengan marah, slowlyG dengan pelan.
/ecara konteks kata keterangan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah
dengan serius+

0?. Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

'hen : wants : a doctor : she : grows up : or : a lawyer : to be: 'i na
0 7 8 < ? @  B D
A. D ; ? ; B ; 8 ; @ ;  ; 0 ; < ; 7 2. < ; 7 ; B ; 8 ; @ ;  ; 0 ; D ; ?
. D ; 7 ; B ; 8 ; @ ;  ; 0 ; < ; ? 3. < ; 7 ; B ; 8 ; 0 ; D ; ? ; @ ; 
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Menyusun kata:kata yang acak men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan
tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat, ob%ek, complement, dan part o$ speech lainnya
dalam suatu kalimat yang sesuai dengan %abatan dan $ungsinya.
Agar kata:kata
LATIHAN yang teracak SOAL
DAN PEMBAHASAN pada soal akan men%adi
SMP present
KELAS tense
9 yang logis dan
bermakna, kata:kata itu harus tersusun sebagai berikut
'ina ; wants ; to be ; a doctor ; or ; a lawyer ; when ; she ; grows up
D 7 B 8 @  0 < 7
5'ina ingin men%adi dokter atau pengacara ketika ia besar nanti6
13 Arr$nge
following wor-s into–$BAHASA
SOAL "orre"t senten"e
A$raid ; that ; ne1t week ; till ; is ; he ; come ; can+t : he 24
0 7 8 < ? @  B D
A. @ ; 7 ; 0 ; < ; 8 ; D ; ? ; B ;  2. @ ; ? ; 0 ; 7 ; D ; B ;  ; < ; 8
B @ ; B ;  ; < ; 8 ; 7 ; D ; ? ; 0 3. @ ; ? ; 0 ; D ; B ;  ; < ; 8 ; 7
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Menyusun kata:kata yang acak men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan
tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat, ob%ek, complement, dan part o$ speech lainnya
dalam suatu kalimat yang sesuai dengan %abatan dan $ungsinya.
Agar kata:kata yang teracak pada soal akan men%adi kalimat relative pronoun yang logis
dan bermakna, kata:kata itu harus tersusun sebagai berikut
He ; is ; a$raid ; that ; he ; can+t ; come ; till ; ne1t week
@ ? 0 7 D B  < 8
53ia kuatir bahwa dia tidak bias dating hingga minggu depan6

0. Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

!he ladder ; was ; painting ; $ell o$$ ; when ; my sister ; the wall
0 7 8 < ? @ 
A. @ ; 7 ; < ; ? ; 0 ; 8 ;  2. @ ; < ; ? ; 0 ; 7 ; 8 ; 
. @ ; 7 ; 8 ; 0 ; ? ; < ;  3. @ ; 7 ; 8 ;  ; ? ; 0 ; <
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Menyusun kata:kata yang acak men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan
tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat, ob%ek, complement, dan part o$ speech lainnya
dalam suatu kalimat yang sesuai dengan %abatan dan $ungsinya.
Agar kata:kata yang teracak pada soal akan men%adi kalimat past continuous yang logis
dan bermakna, kata:kata itu harus tersusun sebagai berikut
My sister ; was ; painting ; the wall ; when ; the ladder ; $ell o$$
@ 7 8  ? 0 <
5Adik saya sedang mengecat dinding ketika tangga itu ter%atuh6

Arr$nge the
LATIHAN DANfollowing senten"es
SOAL (e$n into$ (e$ningful$ss$ge
To M$<e $ )u 9f Sweet Hot Te$ 24

0. Add some sugar and stir well.

7. !ake a cup and put a bag o$ tea into it.
8. oil some water in the kettle.
<. A cup o$ sweet hot tea is ready to serve.
?. 'hen the water is boiled, pourit into the glass.
A. 7 ; 0 ; < ; 8 ; ? . < ; 0 ; 8 ; 7 ; ? 2. 8 ; 7 ; ? ; 0 ; < 3. ? ; 8 ; 0 ; < ; 7
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat yang teracak akan men%adi satu paragra$ yang kohesi$ 5padu6, koheren 5saling
berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 586 Boil some woter in the kettle . 576
ake a cup and put a bag of tea into it . 5?6 "hen the water is boiled, pour it into the glass . 506
*dd some sugar and stir well. 5<6 * cup of sweet hot tea is ready to serve.

0D. Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge

How to operate the microwave
0. our $ood is ready to serve
7. Iirst, open the microwave
8. Iinally, remove the $ood care$ully
<. A$ter that close the door and set cook time
?. 2heck periodically to ensure the $ood is well cooked
@. !hen place the $ood container inside themicrowave
. Restart the microwave i$ additional cooking time is re)uired
A. @ ; < ; 7;  ; 0; ? ; 8 2. 7 ; @ ; < ;  ; ? ; 8 ; 0
. @;<;7;0;;?;8 3. 7 ; @ ; < ; ? ;  ; 8 ; 0
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat:kalimat pada soal merupakan bagian dari teks berbentuk prosedur. salah satu cirri
teks prosedur yaitu terdapat kata penghubung untuk mengurutkan kegiatan seperti first,
second, ne)t, finally , dll. "alimat yang teracak akan men%adi satu paragra$ yang kohesi$
5padu6, koheren 5saling berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 576 5irst, open
the microwave. 5@6 hen place the food container inside the microwave . 5<6 *fter that close
the door and set cook time . 56 6estart the microwave if additional cooking time is re-uired . 5?6
heck periodically to ensure the food is well cooked . 586 5inally, remove the food carefully . 506
7our food is ready to serve .
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL /6
!# $arahana
/KJE2! 4reetings $rom Medan

3ear aya,
My $amily and  arrived in Medan yesterday evening. 'e took the last $light $rom Jakarta. 'e
stayed at a nice hotel located not $ar $rom Merdeka 'alk, a popular culinary spot in Medan. As
soon as we arrived, we directly walked there to have our dinner. t was really $un. !he $ood was
yummy and the place was warm and cosy.
A$ter break$ast, we went $or a city tour by car. 'e visited the $amous Mairnun Palace. 'e
went inside the palace and en%oyed the showcases o$ the monarchOs collections. #ur ne1t
destination was Mas%id Raya where we did our prayer. t is a beauti$ul mos)ue, another icon o$
Medan. 'e en%oyed the architecture o$ the mos)ue and took some good pictures.
A$ter lunch, we went to visit some more museums and a >oo. ut we didnOt stay long. 'e had
to get back early to the hotel because tomorrow we would go to !oba -ake by bus very early in the
morning. ayL  couldnOt waitL
3ad was right. Medan is a nice city with lots o$ delicious $ood. !hatOs why he took us here. He
said we would try all Medan delicacies be$ore coming back to Jakarta.
Oll write to you again soon.
7=. 'hat is the email about(
A. cha and her $amily 2. chaOs holiday in Medan.
. ayaOs story o$ Medan. 3. !aimun palace and !asjid 6aya.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/ecara keseluruhan teks menceritakan tentang pengalaman berlibur cha di Medan.

70. How did the writer and her $amily go to Medan(

A. y car. . y bus. 2. #n $oot. 3. y plane.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat berikut pada paragra$ 0 * "e took the last flight from &akarta & 5"ami
menaiki penerbangan terakhir dari Jakarta6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulan bahwa
penulis pergi ke Medan dengan menggunakan pesawat terbang 5plane6.
77. 'hy did
LATIHAN DANcha and her $amily SOAL
PEMBAHASAN decide–to visit Medan(
A. t has diverse culinary delights and tourist destinations.
. t has museums and >oos.
Iriday ; /unday /pecial 3iscounts
0< ; 0@ 2. cha7=0<
March loves monarchOs collections.
Kniversity /tudents 7=T
=B.== : 0@.== /MA /tudents 7?T
3. Merdeka walk is anke culinary spot.
at -ampung Kniversity /M" /tudents 8?T
!un"i #$w$%$n & A /MP /tudents 8=T
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat berikut pada paragra$ < * ad was right. !edan is a nice city with lots of
delicious food. hat8s why he took us here .& 5Ayah benar. Medan adalah kota yang indah
dengan banyak makanan enak6 3ari kalimat:kalimat tersebut cukup %elas alasan mengapa
penulis dan keluarganya mengun%ungi medan karena disana banyak terdapat tu%uan kuliner
dan wisata.

78. !he word SheS in the last paragraph re$ers to the writerOs ...
A. $ather. . brother. 2. $riend. 3. relative.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa yang sedang dibicarakan di
dalam teks. $ronoun *he& pada paragra$ terakhir meru%uk pada ayah si penulis yang telah
disebutkan di awal paragra$.

The following text is for question /4 $n- /*

'ant to have a blog(

Join our programme

*2reating log !raining&

nvestment Rp. 7==.===,==

8= persons only

7<. 'hat will the participants learn in the programme( ... skill.
A. !raining . logging 2. nvestment 3. Programming
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Perhatikan $rasa pada teks berikut * reating Blog raining&. "ita dapat menyimpulkan
bahwa program yang diadakan adalah untuk keterampilan membuat blog.

7?. S.... will lead you to create an e1citing blog.S

'hat does the underlined word mean(
A. oring. . Attractive. 2. 2on$using. 3. 3isappointing.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata e)citing memiliki arti menarik+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
attractive. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti boring G membosankan,
confusing G membingungkan, dissapointing G mengecewakan.

The following text is for questions /3 to /5


/!K3E! 4RA3KA!# IARE'E-- PAR!'-- E HE-3 # /A!KR3A, 7< !H #IMA

7=0< /2H##- HA--, IR#M 0= U 0. /!K3E!/ 'H# 'A! !# J# A3
PERI#RM !HER A-! /H#K-3 RE4/!ER !# A3"A EI#RE 0 /! MA 7=0<I#R
M#RE I#RMA!# 2#!A2! A3RE #R M2HE--EO,# 2-A// E4H!:!'
7@. !he commencement party will be carried out on ... May 7=0<.
A. 0st . 0=th 2. 0th 3. 7<th
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%ukan keterangan waktu diadakannya acara perpisahan
siswa berikut /!K3E! 4RA3KA!# IARE'E-- PAR! '-- E HE-3 #
/A!KR3A, 7<!H #IMA 7=0<. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita ketahui acara perpisahan
siswa diadakan tanggal 7< Mei.

7. 'hat should students do to %oin the $arewell party(

A. Per$orm their ability. 2. 2ontact Andre $or $urther in$o.
. Register themselves to Andika. 3. 4raduate $rom the school.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat berikut /!K3E!/ 'H# 'A! !# J# A3 PERI#RM !HER
A-! /H#K-3 RE4/!ER !# A3"A9. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita ketahui
bahwa siswa yang ingin bergabung dapat melakukan registrasi kepada Andika.

7B. *... who want to %oin and per$orm their abilityS

!he underlined word re$ers to ....
A. Andre and Michelle 2. Michelle and Andika
. Andika and Andre 3. the students
LATIHAN #$w$%$n &'
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa yang sedang dibicarakan di
dalam teks. $ronoun *their& pada kalimat di atas meru%uk pada siswa 5the students6.

The following text is for questions /+ to 61

!HE /2HE3K-E #I 4ARK3A MK3A JK#R H4H /2H##- 54M:JH/6 /!K3E!/


0 Thurs-$>0 'e"e(%er10 /,16
=.== 2heck in and Iarewell 2eremony All participants are
by the committee e1pected to havehad
00.==:0<.== En%oy the trip on the ship Rela1 on the ship
0<.== Arrive in Jakarta
0?.==:=.== -eave $or ogyakarta -ong trip on the bus
7 .ri-$>0 'e"e(%er150 /,16

=D.==:00.== isit orobudur !emple y bus

08.==:0?.== isit and make note about activities in ring tape recorder or
!aman Pintar other recording devices

0?.==:0@,== Prepare to visit "asonganCManding

0@,==:0B.== nterview the handicra$t man at Kse sound recorder
0B.==:0D.== Return to Hotel y bus
8 S$tur-$>0 'e"e(%er1+0 /,16

=B.==:00.== isit Prambanan !emple

07.==:0<.== Make a record o$ 3irgantara museum ring camera
0?.==:0@.== isit "raton o$ Jog%a ring camera
0@.==:0B.== 4o shopping at Malioboro
70.==:=<.8= Return to andar -anapung y bus
7D. 'hy does the committee make the schedule o$ the tour(
A. !o ask the students $or tour guideOs $ee.
. !o invite all the students to %oin the tour.
2. !o describe the destinations that they will visit.
3. !o let the participants be aware o$ the itinerary.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!u%uan komunikati$ merupakan tu%uan si penulis dalam menuliskan teks.
!eks pada soal merupakan %adwal kegiatan wisata siswa di ogyakarta. Jadwal biasanya
dibuat untuk memberikan in$ormasi tu%uan per%alanan dan mengatur waktu yang
dialokasikan. 3engan demikian salah satu tu%uan dari disusunnya %adwal ini adalah untuk
mendiskripsikan tu%uan yang akan mereka kun%ungi selama di ogyakarta.

8=. 'hat should the students do be$ore they check in on the $irst day(
A. Have lunch on the ship. 2. Have break$ast at home.
. Have a break at school. 3. Have dinner with committee.

LATIHAN #$w$%$n &)
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pada remark pada kolom kegiatan hari pertama berikut * *ll participants
are e)pected to have had breakfast .& 5/eluruh peserta diharapkan telah sarapan6. 3ari
kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa harus sudah sarapan sebelum mereka

80. SReturn to andar -ampung..S.

'hat does the underlined word mean(
A. 3epart $or. . Arrive at. 2. 2ome to. 3. isit.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata return memiliki arti kepulangan+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang berdekatan dengan
kata depart for . "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti arrive at tiba, come to G
datang, visit G mengun%ungi.

The following text is for questions 6/ to 6* .

Equi(ent &
− Ksed paper, maga>ines, or newspapers : ucket

− leach : nsect screensCwater strainer

− lenderC$ood processor : 'ire

− 'hite glue : ron

• Iirst, shape the wires into a rectangular shape.

• 2over the wire $rame with insect screens and sew it. A$ter that, rip the paper into small
• And then, put the torn paper in a bucket and $ill it with warm water. Add one table spoon
o$bleach. /oak the paper $or hal$ an hour.
• e1t, put a cup o$ soaked paper in a blender, add some bleached water and blend it.
Pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container. e.g. sink or tray.
• Repeat step < and ? until all o$ the soaked paper is blended.

• Add and mi1 two table spoon o$ white glue to the blended paper.

• A$ter that, dip the screen $rame into the blended paper. -i$t and rinse the:water $or a
• 3ry the paper 5with the screen $rame still on6 in the sun.

• And then, peel the paper out o$ the $rame screen when itOs dry.

87. !he te1t above tells you about ....

A. the description o$ paper 2. the directions to keep paper sa$e
. the way to recycle paper 3. the e)uipment needed to recycle paper
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
!eks pada soal merupakan teks prosedur yang menya%ikan tahap:tahap cara mendaur ulang

88. 'hat should you do right a$ter drying the paper(

A. ron the paper until it is dry. 2. 3ip screen $rame into blended paper.
. -i$t and rinse the water $or a minute. 3. Peel the paper out o$ the $rame screen.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
*ry the paper in the sun& merupakan tahap ke:B yang harus dilakukan ketika akan
mendaur ulang kertas, maka tahap selan%utnya adalah tahap ke:D yakni * *nd then, peel
the paper out of the frame screen when it8s dry .&

8<. SA$ter that, rip the paper into small pieces,S 5step 76
!he underlined word has the same meaning as the word...
A. Put . tear 2. keep 3. divide
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata rip memiliki arti merobek+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata tear.
"ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti put G meletakan, keep G men%aga, divide G

8?. S.... the $rame screen when itOs dry.S 5step 0=6
!he underlined word re$ers to ....
A. ron . paper 2. $rame 3. screen
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang
LATIHAN DANdiru%uk diambil dari
SOAL berkaitan
– BAHASA dengan SMP
INGGRIS apa yang sedang
KELAS 9 dibicarakan di
dalam teks. $ronoun *it& pada kalimat di atas meru%uk pada kertas 5paper6. The following
text is for questions 63 to 65
3o you know what ba>aar is( a>aar is a $air or sale especially $or charity. 'e do it to
raise some $und.
/imilar to what we are doing at present, we hold a ba>aar to help $ire victims. More
than one hundred $amilies have lost their house in our city. !o help them, the students o$
/MP ahagia an%armasin hold a ba>aar. !heir parents support this idea. !hey give the
things that the students can sell. !here are apple, melon, and pineapple %uice. ou can $ind
many cakes tooF pancake, cheese cake, chocolate cake, and some traditional cakes, such
as serabi, apem, etc. !he e1tracurricular clubs also help in this ba>aar. !hey put on
per$ormances like dance, musical per$ormance and choir. !he ba>aar will start at B a.m.
and end a$ter school.
8@. 'hen will the ba>aar $inish(
A. A$ter school. 2. e$ore the school ends.
. At the present. 3. A$ter musical per$ormance.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%ukan kepada keterangan berikut * Ba'aar will start at 0
a.m. and end after school .& 5a>ar akan dimulai pada pukul B pagi dan berakhir setelah
sekolah6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ba>aar selesai pada %am pulang
sekolah 5a$ter school6.

8. !he te1t is meant to ... the ba>aar.

A. n$orm . e1plain 2. describe 3. announce
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan deskripsi kegiatan ba>aar yang akan diadakan oleh /MP
ahagia an%armasin. /esuai dengan tu%uan komunikati$ dari teks deskripsi maka teks
tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan 5to describe6

8B. 'hat will the e1tracurricular clubs do during the ba>ar(

A. /elling %uice. 2. Raising some $unds.
. Per$orming dances. 3. aking delicious cakes.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan in$ormasi yang terdapat pada kalimat:kalimat di paragra$ 7 * he e)tracurricular
clubs also help in this ba'aar. hey put on performances like dance, musical performance
and choir & 5"lub ekstrakurikuler %uga membantu kegiatan ba>aar ini. Mereka mementaskan
penampilan mereka seperti tarian, musik, dan paduan suara6 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat
kita simpulkan
LATIHAN bahwa salah satu
– BAHASA klub ekstrakurikuler
SMP KELAS selama
9 ba>aar adalah
menampilkan tarian 5per$orming dance6.
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL 4/
A year ago Ryan got a Persian cat, 4race, $rom his motherOs colleague. He was busy
preparing everything $or his new pet.
As time went by, 4race showed many things to Ryan and his $amily. 4race knew that
Ryan is the one who cares her a lot.
#ne a$ternoon, RyanOs mother was very surprised to see 4race. !hat same day,
4race didnOt move $rom her cage when she and RyanOs sister got home. However, when
RyanOs motorcycle was heard $rom the $ront yard. 4race ran to the window to watch her
master came. As Ryan entered the house, 4race walked toward him and $ollowed her
master everywhere he went.
n the evening, when Ryan was lying on his bed, she %umped to the bed, li$ted her
$ront legs to RyanOs back and started to massage her masterL 'hat a surpriseL
8D. 'hat does the te1t mainly tell about(
A. ursing a pet. . A Persian 2at. 2. !aking care a pet. 2. A Persian pet cat.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/ecara keseluruhan teks pada soal menceritakan bagimana Ryan merawat binatang

<=. 'hat is the main idea o$ paragraph 8(

A. 4race massaged RyanOs back.
. 4race knew who really cares her.
2. 4race showed a surprising attitude.
3. 4race was brought to RyanOs $amily a year ago.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
3i dalam paragra$ 8 diceritakan bahwa *9when RyanOs motorcycle was heard $rom the
$ront yard. 4race ran to the window to watch her master came. As Ryan entered the house,
4race walked toward him and $ollowed her master everywhere he went& 3ari isi paragra$
tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa pikiran utama paragra$ 8 adalah bagaimana 4race
menun%ukan tingkah lakunya yang membuat Ryan dan ibunya terke%ut.

41 'here did 4race do the massage(

A #n the window. . #n the bed. 2. n her cage. 3. n the bed.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan in$ormasi pada kalimat di paragra$ 8 *n the evening, when Ryan was lying on
his bed, she %umped to the bed, li$ted her $ront legs to RyanOs back and started to massage
her masterL& 5Pada malam hari, ketika Ryan sedang berbarung di atas kasurnya, 4race
melompat ke kasur, mengangkat kaki kanannya ke arah punggung Ryan dan mulai memi%it
tuannyaL& 3ari kalimat tersebut diketahui in$ormasi bahwa 4race memi%at Ryan di atas
<7. 'hy didnOt
LATIHAN DAN4race move $romSOAL
PEMBAHASAN her cage to welcome
INGGRIS mother and sister(
A. /he was sleepy. 2. !he cage was locked by Ryan.
. #n o$ her legs is broken. 3. /he thought they were not her master.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan in$ormasi pada kalimat di paragra$ 7 * +race knew that 6yan is the one who cares
her a lot.& 54race tahu bahwa Ryan satu:satunya yang sangat peduli terhadapnya6. 3ari
kalimat tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa 4race telah menyadari bahwa Ryan lah
tuannya, dan ibu serta saudara perempuan Ryan bukanlah tuannya.

.or questions 46 to 4*0 "o(lete the $ss$ge with the wor-s ro2i-e-
 have a very old wallet that my $riend told me  should throw away. et,  really love my
wallet and  won+t part with it because o$ several  43C Iirst o$ all, it has my name on its side.
'hen my $ather bought the wallet $or my twel$th birthday, he asked the leather worker to stitch my
name, Heracio. /econd,  believe  should keep the wallet $orever. #nce  went $ishing and 
dropped the wallet into the water.  thought it would sink, but it $loated. !hen a guy with a net
rescued it $or me. Iinally, the wallet is a style o$ leatherwork $rom my hometown in Me1ico. t was
very  4C  le$t si1 years ago and haven+t been back since. 'ith my wallet,   45C have
something $rom home by my side.

<8. A. motivations . reasons 2. purposes 3. targets

!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. 7et, I really love my wallet
and I won/t part with it because of several ...... 5!etapi, saya sangat menyayangi dompet
saya dan saya tidak akan berpisah dengannya karena beberapa9.6. "ata pada opsi
masing:masing memiliki arti motivations G motivasi, reasons G alasan, purpose G tu%uan,
targets G sasaran.
/ecara konteks kata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah alasan+.

<<. A. strange . typical 2. lu1urious 3. e1pensive

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. . It was very  53ompet itu
sangat96. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti strange G asing, typical G khas,
lu)urious G mewah, e)pensive G mahal.
/ecara konteks kata si$at yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah mewah+.
<?. A.always
DAN PEMBAHASAN 2. $re)uently 3.KELAS
INGGRIS SMP rarely 9
!un"i #$w$%$n & A 36
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan. "ith my wallet, I ..... have
something from home by my side . 53engan dompet saya, saya 9.memiliki sesuatu yang
berasal dari kampung halaman di sisi saya6 "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti
always G selalu, usually G biasanya, fre-uently G seringnya, rarely G %arang.
/ecara konteks kata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah selalu+.

The following text is for questions 43

3onOt let the car windows open along this way
E'ARE #I '-3 AMA-/L
oo o$$icer
<@. 'hat does the te1t mean(
A. !he car windows should always be open.
. !he >oo o$$icers must close the car windows.
2. 'e should let the animals walk away the road.
3. 'e must close the windows when passing that area.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Peringatan yang terdapat pada teks artinya kita dilarang membuka %endela mobil sepan%ang
%alan dan berhati:hati terhadap binatang buas. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan
bahwa kita harus menutup %endela ketika melewati area tersebut.

The following text is for questions 4 $n- 45

<. !he te1t is written to ...

A. encourage a $riend. 2. praise someone.
. advertise /ilat. 3. tell about a per$ormance.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal berisikan ucapan selamat dan pu%ian atas prestasi indy sebagai pemain
terbaik dalam silat.

<B. 'hich e1pression shows that the $amily are proud o$ indy(
A. 'eDAN
LATIHAN are really proud o$ youSOAL – BAHASA INGGRIS SMP KELAS 9
. "eep $ighting to be number one.
2. 'ith love, Mom, 3ad V your ro.
3. eing the best per$ormance in /ilat.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang terdapat pada teks berikut *'e are really proud o$ you& 5"ami
sangat bangga kepadamu6. "alimat tersebut menun%ukan ungkapan bangga seseorang
kepada orang lain.

The following text is for questions 4+ $n- *,

!o Mr. /yai$ul, M.Pd.

Please tell all the teachers, school sta$$ and students that there will be a cleaning activity on the
$ollowing Iriday. /tudents must bring cleaning e)uipment like pails, brushes and rags or napkins.
Every one must take part in this activity.  am so sorry  couldnOt %oin you all because o$ the meeting
 have in the head o$$ice.  will be at school the day a$ter tomorrow.

Abdul asith, M.Pd

<D. 'ho sent this massage(
A. /yai$ulM.Pd. 2. #ne o$ the students.
. #ne o$ the teachers. 3. Abdul asith, M.Pd.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan nama penulis surat di bagian bawah. ama tersebut menun%ukan pula siapa
pengirim surat tersebut.

?=. 'hat is the purpose o$ this message(

A. !o tell about his presence on /aturday morning.
. !o re)uest students to bring the cleaning e)uipment.
2. !o remind the sta$$ about the meeting in the head o$$ice.
3. !o apologi>e $or his absence $rom the cleaning activity.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!u%uan si penulis menulis pesan di atas dapat dilihat pada kalimat berikut * I am so sorry I
couldn8t join you all because of the meeting I have in the head office. I will be at school the
day after tomorrow & 5Mohon maa$, saya tidak bias bergabung karena ada rapat di kantor
pusat. /aya akan berada di sekolah besok lusa6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan
penulis menulis pesan untuk meminta maa$ karena tidak dapat hadir pada kegiatan bersih:
bersih di sekolah.

Re$- the text $n- $nswer questions 1 to 4

#nce upon a time, there was a $lock o$ doves that $lew in search o$ $ood led by their
king. #ne day, they had $lown a long distance and were very tired. !he smallest dove
picked up speed and $ound some rice scattered beneath a banyan tree. /o all the doves
landed and began to eat.

/uddenly a net $ell over them and they were all trapped. !hey saw a hunter
approaching carrying a huge club. !he doves desperately $luttered their wings trying to
get out, but to no avail. !he king had an idea. He advised all the doves to $ly up together
carrying the net with them. Each dove picked up a portion o$ the net and together they
$lew o$$ carrying the net with them. !hey $lew to a hill near a city o$ temples where there
lived a mouse who could help them. He was a $aith$ul $riend o$ the dove king.

'hen the mouse heard the loud noise, he went into hiding. !he dove king gently
called out to him and then the mouse was happy to see him. !he dove king said that they
needed the mouse+s help to set them $ree. !he mouse began to cut the net and one by
one all the doves were $reed. !hey all thanked the mouse and $lew away together.

0. 'hat is the most suitable title $or the te1t(

A !he pity o$ mouse. 2. !he doves and the kind mouse.
B A miserable star $airy. 3. A very loving couple.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Menentukan %udul dari sebuah teks dapat dilakukan dengan cara mencari hal yang men%adi
inti atau ide cerita, hal yang paling penting atau %uga yang paling sering disebutkan dan
dibahas dalam suatu teks. 3alam cerita ini *!he doves and the kind mouse& merupakan
karakter yang paling berperan penting dalam %alannya cerita.
!rik dalam men%awab soal teks dengan cepat dapat dilakukan dengan membaca soal:
soalnya terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian mencari %awabannya di teks yang tersedia.

7. How did the $lock escape $rom the hunter(

A. y $lying together carrying the net.
. y $lying over the hill near a city.
2. y trying to $lutter their wings.
3. y asking the mouse+s help.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ kedua, kalimat ke ? dan @.
He advised all the doves to $ly up together carrying the net with them. Each dove picked up
a portion o$ the net and together they $lew o$$ carrying the net with them
8. 'hat did
mouse do to help the doves(
A. t advised the doves to $ly. 39
. t cut the net with his teeth.
2. t came to the dove+s king
3. t bit the hunter.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ ke 8, kalimat ke <.
!he mouse began to cut the net and one by one all the doves were $reed.

<. 'hat is the moral lesson o$ the story(

A. !he weak ones can help the strong ones.
. Ilying together makes the doves strong.
2. Animal can help one to each other.
3. $ we are united, we can get strength.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pesan moral dari sebuah teks biasanya terdapat pada bagian akhir dari cerita, atau pada
peristiwa yang paling berkesan pada sebuah cerita. Pada cerita ini, sekawanan burung
dara bersatu untuk dapat mengangkat %aring yang men%ebak mereka. *$ we are united, we
can get stenght.& 5%ika kita bersatu, maka akan mendapatkan kekuatan lebih6

Text following text is for questions * to +

!he /ongkran $estival is celebrated in !hailand as the traditional ew ear+s 3ay. t is
celebrated $rom 08 to 0? April. t coincides with the ew ear o$ many calendars o$ /outh
and /outheast Asian countries. t is believed to have been adapted $rom the /ankranti
Hindu $estival. t is now observed nationwide even in the $ar south.
However, the most $amous /ongkran celebrations are still in the northern city o$ 2hiang
Mai, where it lasts $or si1 days and even longer. t has also become a party $or $oreigners
and an additional reason $or tourists to visit !hailand. !he most obvious celebration o$
/ongkran is the throwing o$ water to other people. !hais roam the streets with containers
o$ water or water guns. n addition, many !hais will have small bowls o$ cheap beige
colored talc and mi1ed with water which is then smeared on the $aces and bodies o$
random passersby as a blessing $or the new year. 2ity o$$icials close o$$ many sections o$
the street $or the $estival.
esides the throwing o$ water, people celebrate /ongkran by going to a wat 5uddhist
monastery6 to pray and give $ood to monks. !hey also cleanse uddha images in the
household shrines as well as uddha images at monasteries by gently pouring water
mi1ed with a !hai $ragrance over them. t is believed that doing this will bring good luck
and prosperity in the ew ear. n many cities, such as 2hiang Mai, the uddha images
$rom all o$ the city+s important monasteries are paraded through the streets so that people
can toss water at them, ritually bathing+ the images as they pass by.
?. !he suitable title the te1t above is 9.
A. /outheast Asia+s water Iestival 2. !he /ongkran Iestival
. /ankranti Hindu Iestival 3. ew year celebration
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Menentukan %udul dari sebuah teks dapat dilakukan dengan cara mencari hal yang men%adi
inti atau ide cerita, hal yang paling penting atau %uga yang paling sering disebutkan dan
dibahas dalam suatu teks. de cerita dari teks diatas adalah !he /onkran Iestival.

@. 'hat is the main idea o$ paragraph 7(

A. !he most $amous /ongkran 2elebration is in 2hiang Mai
. People sell special talc $or /ongkran Iestival
2. People come to !hailand $or the $estival
3. !he celebration is longer than a week
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!ain idea atau ide utama dari sebuah paragra$ terdapat pada awal 5paragra$ dedukti$6 atau
akhir paragra$ 5paragra$ indukti$6. de utama dari paragra$ biasanya akan di%abarkan pada isi
paragra$ tersebut. de utama paragra$ 7 terletak pada awal paragra$, yaitu he most
famous #ongkran elebration is in hiang !ai.

. 'here do people celebrate /ongkran(

A. n /outheast Asia . n 2hiang Mai 2. n /outh Asia 3. n !hailand
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada awal paragra$ 0 kalimat pertama.
he #ongkran festival is celebrated in hailand as the traditional %ew 7ear/s ay . Jebakan
jawaban ada pada jawaban hiang !ai dimana di kota tersebut juga diadakan festival
tersebut, namun $estival tidak hanya diadakan di 2hiang Mai.

B. 'hy do they pour $ragrant water over the uddha images(

A. ecause the images need some cleansing 2. ecause the o$$icials close the street
. ecause it will bring them good luck 3. ecause they are in the party mood
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ 8 kalimat ke 8. It is believed that doing this will
bring good luck and prosperity in the %ew 7ear.

D. !he purpose o$ the te1t is 9.

A. to retell about an e1perience in !hailand 2. to advertise a cultural event
. to in$orm readers about a celebration 3. to entertain the readers
LATIHAN #$w$%$n &B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks diatas merupakan *report te1t&, oleh karena itu, tu%uan dari report teks adalah
memberikan in$ormasi akan suatu hal. Jadi %awabannya adalah . to in$orm readers about a

Text following text is for questions 1, to 11

:i$nesi$ Hotel
"ramatwatu 80:8D road nursepi
phone <70<@?
Room rate
Economy Rp 0?=.===.==
/tandard K/3 7==.===.==
/uite Rp <D=.===.==

Ior a card that has a ianesia hotel, rental prices can be discounted by 7=T,
ianesia hotel card can be purchased $or RP. 0?=.===.==
Air conditioning, swimming pool, restaurant, childrenOs playground, a computer
room, a bookstore, a gol$ course, and much more.

$or a B?T discount Monday

check out time 08 noon
0=. 'hat+s the bene$it i$ we have ianesia hotel card(
A. !he price can be discounted 7= T 2. discount B? T $or /unday
. 4et an economy room price 3. Promote suite room
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada teks diatas. 95or a card that has a :ianesia hotel, rental
prices can be discounted by 1;<,”

00. !he purpose o$ the te1t is 9.

A. to warn the reader the danger o$ the hotel
. to describe the $acilities o$ the hotel
2. to persuade people to reserve the room
3. to tell the reader how to book a hotel room
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks diatas merupakan teks $ungsional dalam bentuk advertisement 5iklan6. !u%uan dari
sebuah advertisement 5iklan6 adalah untuk membu%uk pelanggan untuk membeli sesuatu
atau memesan kamar hotel yang tersedia untuk advertisment 5iklan6 diatas.
.or questions
LATIHAN DAN1/ to 140 "o(lete
PEMBAHASAN the $ss$ge
SOAL – BAHASAwith the wor-s
-ast summer,  went to a nearby college as part o$ a school program.  5076 9 classes in
chemistry and English. !he classes were harder than my high school classes, but  worked
hard and did them well. !he students in my program stayed in the same 5086 9 !ime passes
so 50<6 9 when you en%oy your time. /uddenly summer is over and  have to return home.

07. A. $ound . gave 2. took 3. saw

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
3alam teks recount diatas yang menceritakan pengalaman masa lampau. Maka verb yang
digunakan adalah verb  5past6. Jawaban dari soal diatas adalah 2. !ook 5mengambil6.

08. A. schoolyard . dormitory 2. sport hall 3. canteen

!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas adalah . 3ormitory 5asrama6.

0<. A. slowly . stable 2. $ast 3. well

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas adalah 2. Iast 5cepat6.

1* Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"es

!hat :  : never ; $orever : the : day : would : $orget
0 7 8 < ? @  B
A. 0 ; 7 ; < ;  ; @ ; 8 ; ? ; B 2. ? ; @ ; 0 ; 7 ;  ; 8 ; B ; <
. 7 ; 8 ; B; ? ; @ ; 0 ;  ; B 3. B ; 7 ; < ;  ; @ ; 8 ; 0 ; ?
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Krutan yang tepat dari deratan kata diatas adalah 2. !he day that  would never $orget

13 Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"es

although ; the %ourney ; good ; well : was ; run ; the weather : not
0 7 8 < ? @  B
A.  ; ? ; 8 ; 0 ; 7 ; < ; @ ; B 2. 7 ; @ ; < ; 0 ;  ; ? ; B ; 8
. 7 ; ? ; B ; 8 ; 0 ;  ; @ ; < 3.  ; @ ; 8 ; < ; ? ; 0 ; 7 ; B
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Krutan yang tepat dari deretan kata diatas adalah 2. !he %ourney run well although the
weather was not good.

1 Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"es

A phone call : her ; there ; $or ; was ; the geography teacher ; was teaching : while
0 7 8 < ? @  B
A. B ; DAN
; 8 ; ? ; 0 ; < ; SOAL
7 – BAHASA2. @ ;  ; 7SMP
8 ; ? ;9
0; <
. B ; 7 ;  ; @ ; ?; < ; 8 ; 0 3. 8 ; ? ; 0 ; < ; @ ; B ; 7 ; 
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Krutan yang tepat dari deretan kata diatas adalah A. 'hile the geography teacher was
teaching there was a phone call $or her. "alimat diatas menggunakan pola past continous

15 Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge

How to make egg and lemon soup
0. Mi1 together egg and lemon %uice.
7. 2ook gently $or three minutes.
8. Put stock into a pan and heat until boiling.
<. Add a little o$ salt and pepper.
?. Add rice and cook on low heat $or $i$teen minutes.
@. /tir this mi1ture into remaining stock in pan.
. Add three tablespoons o$ stock to the mi1ture and stir.
A. 8 ; ? ; 0 ;  ; @ ; < : 7 2. 8 ;  ; < ; ? ; 0 ; @ : 7
. 7 ; 8 ; < ; @ ; ? ; 0 :  3. 8 ; 7 ;  ; < ; ? ; 0 : @
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Krutan yang tepat untuk procedure te1t diatas adalah A. 8 ; ? ; 0 ;  ; @ ; < ; 7. !eks
prosedur dapat diker%akan dengan mencari urutan yang paling logis dari langkah ; langkah
dalam membuat sesuatu.

1+ Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge

0. t interested me and attracted me to collect it.
7. /ince then,  collected the stamps when  got letters $rom my relatives.
8.  began to collect stamps when  got a letter $rom my uncle.
<. My hobby is stamp collecting.
?. !he stamps were very beauti$ul and interesting.
@.  started when  was 0=.
A. < ; @ ; 8 ; ? ; 0 ; 7 2. < ; 7 ; @ ; 0 ; 8 ; ?
B < ; ? ; 8 ; @ ; 7 ; 0 3. < ; 0 ; 7 ; 8 ; ? ; @
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Krutan yang paling logis dari teks recount diatas adalah A. < ; @ ; 8 ; ? ; 0 ; 7
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL /6
Irom  "artikaPutrikp:7Dkartika
!o  Alvianaalviana:nina0=7
/ent  Monday, 8 rd Iebruary 7=0<
/ub%ect  Mount "elud

Hello Alviana,
 send you this e:mail to let you know that +m en%oying a great vacation with my $riend on
Mount "elud, "ediri. !his is a very ama>ing place.
'e went to "ediri by bus $rom school at  a.m and arrived there at 0=.8= a.m. e$ore we
reached the mountain, we had to stop at the local bus station and changed into local
transportation o$ a smaller car. !he view w s wonder$ul along our %ourney to the mountain.
t took 0? minutes to reach the $oot o$ mountain $rom the bus station.
!here were a cave and more ama>ing sceneries. 'e walked around and took pictures
there. 'e also bought some durians and they were very delicious.
 hope you+ll get there here someday.
!hat+s all $or now. Please pass my greeting to your parents. /ee you.

/, 'hat does the te1t tell you(
A Ama>ing sceneries in the mountain 2. Missing a $riend in a vacation
B "artika interesting e1perience 3. Alviana+s %ourney to cave
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks $ungsional dalam bentuk -etter 5surat6 diatas secara umum men%elaskan tentang
pengalaman menarik "artika. iasanya dapat dilihat pada bagian awal surat atau teks . I
send you this e=mail to let you know that I/m enjoying a great vacation with my friend on
!ount Kelud, Kediri. Maka %awabannya adalah .

70. How did the writer and $riend e1plore the cave(
A. Hire a local transportation 2. #n $oot
. y bicycle 3. y bus
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas terdapat pada kalimat . here were a cave and more ama'ing
sceneries. "e walked around and took pictures there. Maka %awabannya adalah 2. #n $oot.
77. 'hy did
LATIHAN DANthey go to Mount "elud(
A. !o spend holiday at an ama>ing place 2. !o taste delicious durian 45
. !o observe the beauti$ul mountain 3. !o take some pictures
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas dapat ditemukan pada kalimat.  send you this e:mail to let you
know that I/m enjoying a great vacation with my friend on !ount Kelud, Kediri. his is a
very amazing place. Maka %awabannya adalah A.

78. *!his is a very ama>ing place& 5line 86

!he underlined word re$ers to 9.
A. !he local transportation 2. !he bus station
. !he Mount "elud 3. !he cave
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &.
I send you this e=mail to let you know that I/m enjoying a great vacation with my friend on
!ount Kelud, Kediri. This is a very ama'ing place.
"alimat *!his is a very ama>ing place& bermakna, ini adalah tempat yang sangat luar
biasa&. Maka kita cari %awaban yang merupakan kata keterangan tempat di kalimat
sebelumnya, yaitu *Mount "elud, "ediri&. Maka %awabannya adalah .

The following text is for questions /4 $n- /*

Blog Tr$ining

'e+re opening special classes $or you, beginner bloggers. 'ith the guidance o$ our
e1perts, you will learn how to make a blog well.
!he training will be held $rom Monday to /aturday, March 0=:0?, 7=0<. Registration is
open $rom =B.==am:=<.==pm.
$ you are interested, please come to our o$$ice and get yoursel$ registered.

! !E2H
77=< /alemba Rd.

/4 'hat should we do i$ we are interested with this program(

A -earn by your sel$ 2. come to Jakarta
B Registration 3. make a blog well
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas dapat ditemukan pada kalimat . If you are interested, please come
to our office and get yourself registered . Maka %awabannya adalah .

7?. *ou will learn how to make a blog well 9&

the underlined words re$ers to 9.
A. e1perts . students 2. beginner bloggers 3. trainer
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n :
"e/re opening special classes for you, beginner bloggers. "ith the guidance of our
e)perts, you will learn how to make a blog well. "ata *you& disini merupakan kata ganti bagi
kata *beginner bloggers& dari kaliamat sebelumnya. Maka %awabannya adalah 2.

The following text is for questions /3 to /5

!omorrow our school will celebrate *HAR3"A/&. !here will be no lesson. However,
we will holdDAN
LATIHAN a $lag ceremony and SOAL
PEMBAHASAN also some contests.
– BAHASA #ne o$ them
the contest
9 o$ the
best classroom. 3ecorate your classroom as creatively as possible. /ome */ecret Jury&
will score your class randomly. !he observation will last $or a week. All class leaders
have to cooperate with their class teacher and their own classmates. /ome other
contests stated on the announcement board. Ior more in$ormation, please read the
announcement board. !hank you.

/3 How long will the */ecret Jury& observe the classrooms(
A /even days . Eight days 2. Iive days 3. /i1 days
!un"i #$w$%$n &A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat. #ome 9#ecret &ury” will score your class
randomly. he observation will last for a week . "ata a week disini berarti 0 minggu atau 
hari. Maka %awabannya adalah A.

7. 'hat should the students do to create the best classroom(

A. 3ecorate the classroom as creative as possible
. Meet the class teacher and their classmates
2. 2ommunicate with the secret %ury
3. #bserve other classrooms
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat. 4ne of them is the contest of the best classroom.
ecorate your classroom as creatively as possible. Maka %awabannya adalah A.

7B. *#ne o$ them is contests o$ the best classroom&

!he underlined word re$ers to9.
A. classrooms . teachers 2. contests 3. %ury
!un"i #$w$%$n & )

Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat. However, we will hold a flag ceremony and also
some contests. 4ne of them is the contest of the best classroom. "alimat kedua diatas
artinya, salah satunya adalah kontes kelas terbaik. Maka kata them disini berarti kontes ;
kontes 5contests6, 2.

The following text is for questions /+ to 61

A 'A8 TRIP T9 CIANJU !"#$% &A'%N
=@.8= Assemble in the schoolyard
=.== us departs toianjur
=D.8= Arrive in ianjur 5lower +arden
=D.<? rie$ing by teachers and 4arden o$$icer
: #verview o$ the programs
: 3o+s V don+ts during the programs
0=.== Activities
4roup A Hiking to the water$all
4roup  4ames V tour
LATIHAN Prayer V Picnic -unch
08.8= Activities
4roup A 4ames V tour
4roup  Hiking to the water$all
0@.8= 3epart $rom 2ian%ur Ilower 4arden
0D.== Arrive at school

/+ 'hat is the purpose o$ the ne1t(

A !o give a clear description o$ the Ilower 4arden
B !o announce the trip to ianjur 5lower 4arden
) !o encourage students to %oin the school activity
3. !o in$orm the day trip schedule to ianjur 5lower +arden
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada %udul teks diatas dan isi teks yang menun%ukkan schedule
dari a day trip to Cian(ur flo)er garden. Maka %awabannya adalah 3.

8=. 'hat will the 4roup A do a$ter the o$$icers giving the program overview(
A. Playing games with the students 2. Hiking to the water$all
. 4ames and !our 3. Having a picnic lunch
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat dilihat pada kalimat
4roup A Hiking to the water$all. Maka %awabannya adalah 2.
80. *Assemble in the schoolyard&
'hat is the synonym o$ the word *assemble& in the te1t(
A. 4ather . Iollow 2. Enter 3. Play
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
*assemble& berarti berkumpul, maka padanan katanya adalah A. 4ather.

Re$- the text $n- $nswer questions 6/ to 6*

1 'eter(ine when to -efrost >our foo- in the refriger$tor Most items will usually
de$rost within up to 7< hoursF however, large items such as $ro>en turkeys and chickens
may take several days to de$rost.
/ :erif> th$t the te(er$ture of >our refriger$tor is set to 444 -egrees )elsius
our $ood will take longer to de$rost i$ the temperature o$ your re$rigerator is several
degrees lower.
8. Pl$"e >our froDen foo- on $ l$te or -ish to re2ent le$<s Any %uice that drips $rom
your de$rosted $ood may contaminate other $oods in your re$rigerator.
<. Pre$re >our foo- shortl> $fter it h$s %een -efroste- . /ome $ood must be prepared
and eaten immediately to prevent bacteria growthF however, you may re$ree>e the $ood,
as long as it is placed in the $ree>er within the time $rame in which you should have eaten
87. 'hat is the te1t about(
A. !he steps on how to de$rost $ood in a re$rigerator
. Procedure on how to keep $ood in a re$rigerator
2. !he ways to prevent bacteria growth in $ood
3. !he ways to re$ree>e $ood in a good way
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada awal teks prosedur diatas.
3. 'etermine
LATIHAN )hen to defrost
SOAL in the
BAHASA refrigerator
9 adalah A.
!he steps on how to de$rost $ood in a re$rigerator

88. 'hat should we do a$ter the $ood has already been de$rosted(
A. prevent the bacteria $rom growing on them 2. prepare and eat it immediately
B lower the temperature on the $ridge 3. wait $or several more hours
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas dapat ditemukan pada teks di langkah ke <. *repare your food
shortly after it has been defrosted . #ome food must be prepared and eaten
immediately.... maka %awabannya adalah 2.

*Place yourDAN
LATIHAN $ro>en $ood 9& 5step 86
!he word $ro>en is closet in meaning to the world9. 49
A. nstant . dried 2. $resh 3. iced
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata *$ro>en& berarti beku, maka makna terdekatnya adalah *iced& yang dapat berarti
membekukan. Jadi %awabannya adalah 3.

8?. *9 Prepare your $ood shortly a$ter it has been de$rosted&

!he underlined word re$ers to9.
A. $ro>en $ood . the $ree>er 2. bacteria 3. %uice
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
kata it diatas, merupakan kata ganti bagi kata $ood. Maka %awaban dari kalimat diatas
adalah A. Iro>en $ood.

The following text is for questions 63 to 65

!he 'ashington Park oo Monkey island is closed inde$initely due to deterioration o$
e1hibition. A$ter B= years o$ operation, the e1hibition is considered no longer sa$e to e1hibit
monkey or to be serviced by >oo employees.
Monkey island will be closed until $urther notice and will eventually be restored a$ter ma%or
renovation take place. !he >oo has plans to design a new modern monkey island e1hibit
and will unveil those once they have been set.
Monkey sland Manager

8@. 'hy did the government close the Monkey sland( ecause . . .
A. t will hold an e1hibition
. t does not get $und $or it+s renovation
2. t is no longer sa$e $or visitors
3. !he >oo employees served the visitors badly
!un"i #$w$%$n &B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ pertama dan kedua kalimat ke 0. he "ashington
$ark >oo !onkey island is closed indefinitely due to deterioration of e)hibition. 3an,
!onkey island will be closed until further notice and will eventually be restored after major
renovation take place. 3ari dua kalimat ini dapat diketahui bahwa pertun%ukan ditutup
dikarenakan tidak adanya dana untuk melakukan perbaikan. Maka %awabannya adalah .

8. !he te1t tells us about 9.

A. !he e1hibition o$ the monkey 2. !he new modern design o$ the >oo
. !he renovation o$ Monkey sland 3. !he closure o$ Monkey sland

!un"i #$w$%$n & '

Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat dilihat pada kalimat. he "ashington $ark >oo !onkey island is closed
indefinitely due to deterioration of e)hibition . !u%uan dari teks annauncement diatas adalah
untuk memberitahukan perihal penutupan he "ashington $ark >oo !onkey island. Maka
%awaban dari soal diatas adalah, 3.

8B. * 9. and will unveil those once they have been set& 5paragraph 76. !he underlined word
means . . .
A. ntroduce
LATIHAN . n$orm
!un"i #$w$%$n & ' 50
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata *unveil& diatas berarti membuka, %adi padanan katanya adalah *open& yang %uga berari
"ita dapat menebak makna dari suatu kata dengan memperhatikan konteks cerita dan
keterkaitannya dengan kalimat yang dimaksud beserta kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya.

The following text is for questions 6+ to 4/

 have a Hamster named /cru$$y.  got him $rom a pet shop in the mall.  named him
/cru$$y, because he always scratched his cage.
/ince the $irst time  got /cru$$y,  have $allen in love with him. He is a nice hamster. 
put a wheel on his cage. He loves to e1ercise with it. He o$ten sleeps all day and runs on his
wheel all night. !hat is the one  don+t like. t makes me $eel lonely when he sleeps all the
time. ut  can+t do anything because  know that hamsters are nocturnal.
 spend my spare time with /cru$$y.  talk about anything to him.  $eel that he could
understand me.
#ne day,  got con$used because  lost my bicycle key.  tried to $ind it everywhere, but 
couldn+t $ind it.  got tired and sat on my bed.  talked to /cru$$y. /uddenly he %umped back
and $orth many times. 'hen  opened his cage he ran )uickly under my bed and he came
up bringing my bicycle key.  was very surprised. !his made me $eel sure that /cru$$y
understood my words.
8D. !he te1t mainly tells us about9.
A. an interesting moment with a pet hamster 2. an e1ercise with a pet hamster
. an e1perience to take care o$ a pet 3. the tips to raise a hamster
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks recount diatas menceritakan tentang pengalaman yang menarik dengan seekor
hewan peliharaan, hamster. Jadi %awaban dari teks recount diatas adalah A.

<=. 'hat is the main idea o$ the last paragraph(

A. !he hamster $ound the lost key 2. /cru$$y slept all the time
. !he writer e1ercised /cru$$y 3. /cru$$y was nocturnal
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
de utama dari cerita diatas adalah hilangnya kunci dan hamster tersebut dapat
menemukannya. iasanya ide utama sebuah paragra$ terdapat pada awal atau akhir dari
sebuah paragra$ . 3apat ditemukan pada kalimat ” 4ne day, I got confused because I lost
my bicycle key.” 3an kalimat 9"hen I opened his cage he ran -uickly under my bed and he
came up bringing my bicycle key”

<0. 'here did /cru$$y $ind the key(

A. Knder the bed . #n the wheel 2. n the bicycle 3. n his cage
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dari soal diatas dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ terkahir pada kalimat. "hen I
opened his cage he ran -uickly under my bed and he came up bringing my bicycle key.
Maka %awabannya adalah, A.
<7. 'hat does
LATIHAN DAN the writer do with SOAL
his spareINGGRIS
time( SMP KELAS 9
A. 4ives him a bicycle ride 2. E1ercises with him 51
. /leeps together all day 3. !alks to him
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada paragra$ ke 8. I spend my spare time with #cruffy . I tal+
about anything to him. I feel that he could understand me. Maka %awabannya adalah, 3.

.or question 46 to 4*0 "o(lete the $ss$ge with the wor-s ro2i-e-
Most crabs have a 5<86..... shell to protect their bodies. !he hermit crab has a so$t body and
no shell o$ its own. n order to 5<<6 .....itsel$, it will $ind an empty mollusk shell and s)uee>e
inside 5<?6 ..... !hen with only its logs and head sticking old, it will walk around the sea:bed
searching $or $ood.
<8. A. shiny . so$t 2. thick 3. hard
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"epiting memiliki kulit yang keras 5hard shell6, oleh karena itu, maka %awabannya adalah, 3.
5/hiny G berkilau, so$t G lembut, thick G tebal, hard G keras6

<<. A. share . reach 2. move 3. keep

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
n order to move itsel$ berarti, untuk memindahkan tubuhnya 5ke cangkang6. Maka %awaban
dari soal diatas adalah, 2.
5/hare G berbagi, reach G mencapai, keep G men%aga C menyimpan C melindungi6
<?. A. completely . insu$$iciently 2. partly 3. slightly
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
#-uee'e inside partly artinya menyelipkan sebagian 5tubuh6 kedalam 5cangkang6. "epiting
Hermit ini tidak mempunyai cangkang, sehingga harus menyelipkan sebagian dari
tubuhnya pada cangkang yang kosong. Maka %awabannya adalah 2.


!he te1t tells us that 9.

A. the beach is recently dangerous $or sharks 2. the beach is closed due to sharks attack
. there are a lot o$ sharks around the beach 3. swimming is prohibited in this beach
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks $ungsional berbentuk warningCcaution diatas memperingatkan akan bahaya serangan
hiu dan kerenanya pantai ditutup. Maka %awabannya adalah 2.

The following text is for questions 4 $n- 45

3ear Iachri
'hen your name is called as the best student please step $orward $or high $ive L
ou are the best. 2ongratulations
Kncle Iarhan
<. 'hat is the purpose o$ the te1t(
A. !o congratulate
– BAHASA2. !o showSMP
INGGRIS someone+s
KELAS success
. !o identi$y someone+s success 3. !o discourage someone 52
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks $ungsional berbentuk greeting card diatas bertu%uan untuk memberikan ucapan
selamat kepada kesuksesan Iahri. Maka %awabannya adalah A.

<B. How do uncle Iarhan compliment Iachri in the te1t(

A. ou are the best 2.  am very proud o$ you
. A beginning $or your other success 3. step $orward $or high $ive
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Paman Iarhan memu%i 5compliment6 Iachri dengan kata 7ou are the best. Maka
%awabannya adalah A.
The following
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
SOAL *,
-inda,  need your help to handle the meeting ook Iair committee because  can+t come53
today. Please meet our principal and tell him that the meeting is scheduled at D a.m. A$ter
that, ask Reni, the master o$ ceremony to start on time. #ne more thing, don+t $orget to
con$irm about the snack and drink $or the co$$ee break to Mrs. 'i%aya.
!hank you.

<D. 'hat is Mrs. 'i%aya duty on the ook Iair day(
A. !o handle the ook Iair committee meeting 2. !o be the Master o$ 2eremony
. !o make preparation $or the co$$ee break 3. !o greet the principal
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks $ungsional diatas berbentuk memo. Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat 4ne
more thing, don/t forget to confirm about the snack and drink for the coffee break to !rs.
"ijaya. Maka %awaban dari soal diatas adalah .

?=. 'hat is 'enda+s purpose to send this message(

A. !o remind -inda about the meeting 2. !o tell about the ook Iair
. !o ask -inda to handle the meeting 3. !o promote the ook Iair
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!u%uan dari teks memo diatas adalah untuk meminta -inda menangani pertemuan.
Jawaban dapat ditemukan pada kalimat pertama memo, ?inda, I need your help to handle
the meeting Book 5air committee because I can/t come today. Maka %awabannya adalah, .

Re$- the following text $n- $nswer questions 1 to 4

A long time ago, there was an orchard which was owned by a rich couple and $illed with
the most delicious tamarind trees. #ne day, a $airy decided to test the coupleOs generosity.
/he came to the orchard, dressed as a poor, old woman and begged $or the couple to give
her a $ew $ruits since she was very hungry. !he sel$ish couple let their dogs loose on her.
!he old woman was bitten by the dogs and badly in%ured. /he touched the giant tamarind
tree and cursed, Sour greed shall be punishedS. As the woman walked away, the sky
darkened and a $erocious storm broke out. !he downpour continued until late at night.
!he ne1t morning, the sky was clear and blue. !he couple came to tend their orchard
and they were bewildered to $ind their entire orchard gone. nstead, there was water
everywhere. 'hen they looked down into the water, they could still see their precious trees
at the bottom o$ the lake. People call the lake S/ampaloc -akeS which means !amarind
-ake in English.
0. 'hat is the te1t mostly about(
A. !he most delicious tamarind $ruit. 2. A very poor, hungry old woman.
. A rich couple and an old woman. 3. !he legend o$ /ampaloc -ake.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
4ambaran umum adalah hal atau tema yang dibicarakan di dalam teks.
Pada soal, teks menceritakan dongeng tentang asal mula ter%adinya danau /ampaloc,
dengan demikian tema yang diusung oleh teks tersebut adalah legenda 3anau /ampaloc
5the legend o$ anyuwangi6

7. 'hy did the $airy decide to change hersel$ into a poor old woman( /he99
A. wanted to taste the delicious tamarind trees
. wanted to test the rich coupleOs generosity
2. needed help $rom the orchard owner
' knew that the rich couple was greedy
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat kedua di dalam teks pada soal berikut * 4ne day, a fairy decided to test
the couple8s generosity. #he came to the orchard, dressed as a poor, old woman and
begged for the couple to give her a few fruits since she was very hungry. & 5/uatu hari,
seorang peri memutuskan untuk mengu%i kemurahan hati pasangan. 3ia datang ke sebuah
kebun buah, berpakaian seperti orang miskin, dan meminta kepada pasangan untuk
memberinya buah:buahan karena dia sangat lapar6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat diketahui
bahwa alasan peri merubah dirinya men%adi wanita miskin karena untuk mengu%i
kemurahan hati pasangan tersebut
8. 'hat is
LATIHAN the main
DAN idea o$ the second
A. !he orchard was buried at the bottom o$ the lake.
. !he orchard had gone be$ore the heavy rain $ell down.
2. !he rich couple was glad to see the sky was clear and blue.
3. !he disappearance o$ the orchard made the couple con$used.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pikiran utama adalah apa yang men%adi gagasan penulis ; secara spesi$ik dalam
mengungkapkan maksud penulisan teks tersebut.
Pikiran utama paragra$ 7 yang digagas si penulis adalah terkuburnya kebun buah milik si
pasangan di bawah danau..

4 'hat can we learn $orm the story above( 'e must ....
A. share with others and shouldnOt be stingy. 2. work hard to be success$ul.
. be e1tra care$ul with strangers. 3. be patient in our li$e.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
3ari kisah yang dialami oleh pasangan kikir dalam cerita di atas menga%arkan bahwa
bersikap kikir hanya akan merugikan diri mereka sendiri 5kehilangan harta6 dan membuat
mereka tidak disenangi. /ebaliknya, apabila senang berbagi 5tidak kikir6 %ustru hartanya
akan bertambah. Pesan moral yang dapat diambil adalah kita harus berbagi dengan orang
lain dan %angan men%adi orang yang kikir.

The .ollowing text is for questions * to +

Held annually as a community celebration, 3ieng $estival presents various art and cultural
per$ormances, 3iengOs $inest product e1hibition, and to top it all is the uni)ue dreadlock kidsO ritual
ceremonies 5or Ruwatananakgembel:gimbal6.
!he Iestival $eatures 3iengOs own distinct traditional art $orms such as the Rodad 3ance, -engger
3ance, Rampakakso, 'arokan, arongsai, 2akil 3ance, and 'ayang"ulit or Javanese leather
puppet show.
As the main $eature o$ the $estival, the ceremonies o$ shaving o$$ the kidsO dreadlock hair are truly
e1ceptional. 'hile globally dreadlock hair is commonly known $rom Jamaica, in the highlands o$
3ieng, dreadlock is a mystical $eature which only occurs in children. AccordingNto local belie$, these
kids are somehow chosen by their ancestors to hold these gi$ts, and that the dreadlock must not be
trimmed until the children ask $or it. !he precious moments when these dreadlocks are shaven are
celebrated in a series o$ ritual ceremonies known as the ruwatan anak gimbal.
!he ceremonies are started with the procession o$ the dreadlock kids around the village. !hey are
paraded on Javanese traditional horse drawn carriage or 3okar guarded by Manggalaudha or royal
troops and $ollowed by various traditional art processions. !hen they are taken to the Ar%una !emple
in the 3ieng !emple comple1 where the ritual o$ the dreadlock hair cutting will take place.
/ubse)uently, the hair will be taken to the lake and submerged as symbol o$ returning the hair to the
?. !he suitable title $or the te1t above is .... 57

A. 3ieng cultural $estival 2. 3ieng temple comple1

. 3ieng traditional dances 3. 3readlock hairstyle
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat awal di dalam teks berikut * Held annually as a community celebration,
ieng festival presents various art and cultural performances( &. Pada soal keseluruhan
menceritakan tentang acara perayaan $estival kebudayaan 3ieng.

@. 'hat is the main idea o$ the last paragraph(

A. !he ritual o$ cutting the childrenOs dreadlock is e1ceptional.
. Javanese traditional horse drawn carriages is called dokar.
2. 3ieng people have their own troops o$ army.
3. !he ritual is a long and complicated process.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pikiran utama yang ingin digagas penulis pada paragra$ terakhir adalah upacara
pemotongan rambut anak gimbal yang luar biasa dari mulai arak:arakannya hingga
pemotongan rambutnya dan terakhir membuang rambut tersebut ke danau sebagai simbol
pengembalian kepada leluhurCnenek moyang.

. 'here is the ritual originated(

A. Java . 3ieng 2. Jamaica 3. illages
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%uk kepada keterangan tempat pada kalimat pertama
paragra$ 0 berikut *Held annually as a community celebration, ieng festival presents
various art and cultural performances(&. 53ilaksanakan setiap tahun sebagai pesta rakyat,
Iestival 3ieng menampilkan berbagai macam kesenian dan penampilan kebudayaan6. 3ari
kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ritual berasal dari 3ieng.

B. 'hy is the childrenOs hair taken to the lake(

A. !o be guarded by the royal troops 2. As a symbol that they are the chosen one
. !o be e1hibited to the community 3. As a symbol o$ returning it to the
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada paragra$ < berikut * #ubse-uently, the hair will be taken to
the lake and submerged as symbol of returning the hair to the ancestors & 5/elan%utnya,
rambut akan dibawa ke danau dan ditenggelamkan sebagai simbol pengembalian rambut
kepada leluhurCnenek moyang6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa rambut
anak gimbal dibawa ke danau sebagai simbol pengembalian kepada nenek moyang.
D. 'hat DAN
purpose o$ the SOAL
A. !o entertain readers 2. !o describe cultural activities
. !o describe a certain hairstyle 3. !o retell about special children
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal di atas merupakan teks deskripti$. /esuai dengan tu%uan komunikati$nya,
teks deskripti$ bertu%uan untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara spesi$ik. Maka teks pada
soal bertu%uan untuk mendeskripsikan kegiatan kebudayaan, khususnya yang ada di 3ieng.

The following text is for questions 1, $n- 11

PEAR- M#/!KR/4 2REAM /PI 8=
E$$ective protection $or every sensitive and $air skin

A2!E K 2E-- PR#!E2!#

e$$ective protection $or the skin cell

against premature skin ageing and K damage
with an innovative KA:K $ilter system and


ts non sticky $ormula per$ectly moisturi>es the skin
leaving it smooth and supple
/kin compatibility dermatological proven
0=. 'hat is the te1t about(
. Active K 2ell protection 2. /ensitive and $air skin
2. KA:K $ilter system 3. Moisturi>ing cream
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan $rasa yang tercantum dalam teks di soal berikut *PEAR- M#/!KR/4
2REAM /PI 8=&. 3ari $rasa tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks menceritakan tentang
moisturi'ing cream.

00. People who use this cream want their skin to be . . . .

2. 'rinkled . smooth 2. tanned 3. dry
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang tercantum dalam teks di soal berikut * Its non sticky formula
perfectly moisturi'es the skin leaving it smooth(&. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita
simpulkan bahwa krim ini akan membuat kulit men%adi lembut 5smooth6.

?uestions 1/ to 140 "o(lete the following text with the wor-s ro2i-e-
A$ter the class was over,  5076 ... the school )uickly. My watch showed 78= p.m. as  got on
my bicycle.  pedaled hard and was soon speeding home. My thought went back to the
math50869 that  had %ust had in class.  could remember 50<6 ... how  read the $ormula again
and again last night.  was glad that  had studied hard $or that test.
LATIHAN . 'ent
!un"i #$w$%$n & A 60
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan . I ... the school -uickly. "ata
pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti left G meninggalkan, went G pergi, came G datang,
visited G mengun%ungi.
/ecara konteks, kata ker%a yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah

08. A. problem . lesson 2. story 3. )ui>

!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan . !y thought went back to
the math( that I had just had in class. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti problem
G masalah, lesson G pela%aran, story G cerita, -ui' G kuis.
/ecara konteks, kata ker%a yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah kuis+.

14 A. clearly . /lowly 2. -oudly 3. /o$tly

!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan konteks kalimat dimana kata opsi harus dimasukan . I could remember ... how I
read the formula again and again last night. "ata pada opsi masing:masing memiliki arti
clearly G dengan %elas, slowly G dengan pelan, loudly G dengan keras, softly G dengan
/ecara konteks, kata ker%a yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah dengan

1* Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

s : Australia : his daug hters : are : going to : and : /ingapore : going to : Mr. Iirman
0 7 8 < ? @  B D
A. D ; 0 ; ? ; 7 ; @ ; 8 ;  ; < ; B 2. 8 ; 0 ; B ;  ; @ ; D ; < ; ? ; 7
. D ; 0 ; ? ; 7 ; @ ; 8 ; < ; B ;  3.8 ; < ; B ;  ; @ ; D ; 0 ; ? ; 7
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat di dalam soal merupakan bentuk present continuous tense. 3alam menyusun kata:
kata acak men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek,
predikat, ob%ek, complement , dan part of speech lainnya dalam suatu kalimat sesuai
dengan %abatan $ungsinya. Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis
dan bermakna maka kata:kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
Mr.Iirman ; is ; going to ; Australia ; and ; his daughters ; are ; going to : /ingapore
D 0 ? 7 @ 8 < B 
5Pak Iirman akan pergi ke Australia dan anak:anak perempuannya akan pergi ke
13 Arr$nge
following wor-s into–$BAHASA
SOAL "orre"t senten"e
#verseas ; should ; are going ; people ; who ; have ; a passport 61
0 7 8 < ? @ 
2. < ; ? ; 8 ; 0 ; 7 ; @ ;  2. < ; ? ; @ ;  ; 7 ; 8 ; 0
3. < ; @ ;  ; 0 ; 7 ; 8 ; ? 3. < ; ? ; 7 ; @ ;  ; 8 ; 0
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat di dalam soal merupakan bentuk relative pronoun. 3alam menyusun kata:kata acak
men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat,
ob%ek, complement , dan part of speech lainnya dalam suatu kalimat sesuai dengan %abatan
Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis dan bermakna maka kata:
kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
People ; who ; are going ; overseas ; should ; have ; a passport
< ? 8 0 7 @ 
5#rang yang akan bepergian ke luar negeri harus memiliki paspor6

0. Arr$nge the following wor-s into $ "orre"t senten"e

'hen ;;  ; studying English ; last night ; was ; you ; came
0 7 8 < ? @ 
2. 0 ; 7 ; 8 ; < ; @ ; ? ;  2. 8 ; < ; ? ; @ ;  ; 7 ; 0
3. 7 ; ? ; 8 ; 0 ; @ ;  ; < 3. < ; 0 ; 7 ; ? ; 8 ; @ ; 
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat di dalam soal merupakan bentuk past continuous. 3alam menyusun kata:kata acak
men%adi kalimat yang utuh dibutuhkan pengetahuan tentang penempatan sub%ek, predikat,
ob%ek, complement , dan part of speech lainnya dalam suatu kalimat sesuai dengan %abatan
Agar kata:kata yang teracak akan men%adi kalimat yang logis dan bermakna maka kata:
kata tersebut harus tersusun sebagai berikut
 ; was ; studying English ; when ; you ; came ; last night
7 ? 8 0 @  <
5/aya sedang bela%ar bahasa nggris ketika kamu datang tadi malam6

15 Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ (e$ningful $ss$ge

How to make vanilla milk shake,
0. A$ter that, cut it into chunks
7. Puree again, make sure all ingredients mi1ed thoroughly
8. our delicious vanilla milk shake is ready
<. Iirst, peel the bananas
?. Puree until ingredients mi1ed thoroughly
@. Add ice cream and vanilla e1tract according to your taste
. !hen place the bananas and some milk in the blender
A. < ; 0 ;  ; ?; @ ; 7 ; 8 2. 0 ;  ; < ; ? ; @ ; 8 ; 7
.  ; DAN
; @ ; ? ; 7 ; 8 SOAL – BAHASA3.  ; <; 0;
SMP ; 8 ; 79
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat:kalimat yang teracak di atas merupakan bagian dari sebuah teks prosedur.
-a>imnya, teks prosedur berisikan kalimat:kalimat yang bersi$at mengkronologiskan dari
satu tahap ke tahap lainnya. "alimat yang teracak akan men%adi suatu paragra$ yang
kohesi$ 5padu6, koheren 5saling berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 5<6
Iirst, peel the bananas. 506 A$ter that, cui it into chunks. 56 !hen, place the bananas and
some milk in the blender. 5?6 Puree until ingredients mi1ed thoroughly 5@6 Add ice cream
and vanilla e1tract according to your taste. 576 Puree again, make sure all ingredients
mi1ed thoroughly. 586 our delicious vanilla milk shake is ready.

0D. Arr$nge the following senten"es into $ "orre"t $ss$ge

0. Hold the shutter hal$way. t is very important to set the cameraOs $ocus, shutter speed
and various other calculations.
7. Hold up your camera and put the ob%ect in centre o$ the -23.
8. A s)uare should Oappear around the ob%ect indicating the $ocus.
<. Press shutter all the way down.
?. Kse the >oom control $or the best result.
A. 7 ; ? ; 0 ; 8 ; < 2. 7 ; < ; 0 ; ? ; 8
. 7 ; 8 ; < ; ? ; 0 3. 7 ; 0 ; ? ; 8 ; <
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"alimat:kalimat yang teracak di atas merupakan bagian dari sebuah teks prosedur.
-a>imnya, teks prosedur berisikan kalimat:kalimat yang bersi$at mengkronologiskan dari
satu tahap ke tahap lainnya. "alimat yang teracak akan men%adi suatu paragra$ yang
kohesi$ 5padu6, koheren 5saling berkait6, dan logis manakala diurutkan sebagai berikut 576
Hold up your camera and put the ob%ect in centre o$ the -23.506 Hold the shutter
hal$way. t is very important to set the cameraOs $ocus, shutter speed and various other
calculations. 5?6 Kse the >oom control $or the best result. 586 A s)uare should Oappear
around the ob%ect indicating the $ocus. 5<6 Press shutt er all the way down.
The following0
LATIHAN DANtext is for questions
an%armasin, #ctober 0= 7=08

3ear a%ah,

Hello a%ah. How are you(  hope you are okay. How was your holiday( 3id you en%oy it(
 en%oyed mine very much.
 would. like to tell you about my un$orgettable e1perience. -ast school holiday, my $amily
and  went to Mount romo. Have you been there( t was so beauti$ul.
'e went by car. 'e reached 2emoro-awang in the evening and rested in an inn. 'e
decided to see the sunrise the ne1t morning. /eeing the sunrise $rom the peak o$ a mountain
is a new e1perience $or me.
Early in the morning, we rode on horses up to the mountain but some other people
pre$erred %eep to horse. !he weather was very cold and the $og was thick. 'e crossed a vast
black dessert. !he dessert is about ten kilometers wide and we walked toward the peak at
?.==. am. and saw the sunrise. t was $antastic.
!hatOs all $or now. 'rite to me soon. #kay(


7=. 'hat is the te1t about(

A. A trip to Mount romo. 2. !he beauty o$ Mount romo.
. /pending a school holiday. 3. !he sunrise over Mount romo.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pada teks berikut ini * ?ast school holiday, my family and I went to
!ount Bromo&. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa keseluruhan teks
menceritakan pengalaman penulis berlibur ke 4unung romo.

70. How did they reach the peak o$ the mountain(

A. y car. . #n $oot. 2. y %eep. 3. #n horse.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%uk kepada keterangan cara di dalam teks berikut 9(we
walked toward the peak at @.;;. am. and saw the sunrise &. 5"ami ber%alan menu%u puncak
pukul ? pagi dan melihat matahari terbit6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa
mereka ber%alan kaki menu%u puncak.
77. !he writer
LATIHAN DANwanted to see sunrise
PEMBAHASAN SOAL in romo because
– BAHASA ....
A. Mount romo is close to their house 2. it was a new thing $or her
. she wanted to ride a horse 3. she could see a vast dessert
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat di dalam teks yang menun%uk kepada in$ormasi alasan penulis ingin
melihat matahari terbit di romo berikut * #eeing the sunrise from the peak of a mountain is
a new e)perience for me.& 5Melihat matahari terbit dari puncak gunung merupakan
pengalaman baru bagi saya6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penulis ingin
melihat matahari terbit di romo karena hal tersebut merupakan pengalaman baru baginya.

78. *it was so beauti$ul& 5paragraph 76.

'hat does *it& here re$er to(
A. !he peak . !he dessert 2. !he sunrise 3. Mount bromo
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan
di dalam teks. Pronoun *it& pada paragra$ 7 meru%uk kepada gunung bromo yang
diceritakan di kalimat sebelumnya.

The following text is for questions /4 $n- /*

Essenti$l Blog )ourse




.URTHER IN.9RMATI9N & 'A..A ,5*3 5+ 1/64

7<. !he result o$ %oining this course is ....

A. we can apply the same course 2. 3a$$a will get much pro$it
. students capable o$ making a blog 3. the course will grow bigger
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang terdapat di dalam teks pada soal berikut 7E PR9:I'E SH9RT
)9URSE .9R #UNI9R HIGH S)H99; STU'ENTS IN B;9G MA!ING 3ari kalimat
tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa pelatihan tersebut membuat siswa dapat membuat
!he underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. Kseless . important 2. unnecessary 3. bene$icial
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata essential memiliki arti penting+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
important . "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti useless G tidak berguna,
unnecessary G tidak perlu, beneficial G berman$aat.

The following text is for questions /3 to /5

!# A-- 4RA3E  /!K3E!/
/ince you are not library members yet, you need to complete the documents below
0. Registration $orm 5available at the library6.
7. 7 color photographs 5718 cm in si>e6.
8. A recommendation letter $rom the principal .
ouOll be attended by the library o$$icer $rom /eptember 7 to /eptember 0@, 7=08 during
working hour. !he card will be in your hand a week a$ter the closing date o$ registration.
eing a member is obligatory in our school. Make sure that you submit all the documents.
Mr. Ra%a.
Head o$ -ibrary
7@. A new student can register as a library member on ....
A. /eptember 7 to /eptember 0@, 7=08 2. the day they enroll in the school
. any day during the working hour 3. the week a$ter the closing date
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang menun%uk pada in$ormasi keterangan waktu pada teks berikut
*ouOll be attended by the library o$$icer $rom /eptember 7 to /eptember 0@& 5Anda akan
didatangi oleh petugas perpustakaan mulai dari 7 /eptember sampai 0@ /eptember6. 3ari
kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa siswa dapat menda$tar sebagai anggota
perpustakaan pada tanggal tersebut.

7. t is said that one o$ the studentsO obligations is to ....

A. contact the library o$$icer 2. have a library card immediately
. $ul$il and submit their name 3. get permission $rom the principal
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini  * Being a member is obligatory in our school & 5Men%adi
anggota merupakan kewa%iban di sekolah kami6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan
bahwa salah satu kewa%iban siswa di sekolah adalah memiliki kartu perpustakaan.
7B. S!he card
LATIHAN DAN will be in your hand...S
'hat does the underlined word re$er to(
A. Mr. Ra%aOs. . !he studentsO. 2. -ibrary o$$icersO. 3. !he principalOs.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan
di dalam teks. Pronoun *your& pada teks meru%uk kepada 5kepunyaan6 siswa.

The following text is for questions /+ to 61

an%armasin !our

.irst -$> &

Arrive at /yamsudin oor Airport, proceed to orneo Hotel
Iree time to look around
Se"on- -$> &
=@.== arrive at -okaintan. where you can taste traditional an%arese culinary
=B.== sight seeing along arito river
0?.0= stop at Pulau"aget to see ekantan 5long:nosed monkeys6
Thir- -$> &
=.== travel to 2empaka village traditional diamond digging
0B.== back to the hotel and dinner time.
.ourth -$> &
=.== go to -oksado which is located 7?= km away $rom an%armasin
07.== have lunch in small cottage.
08.== %ourney by bamboo ra$ting to e1plore Meratus Mountain and Amandit river
0B.== go back to the hotel, the end o$ the tour.
7D. 'hat does the te1t tell us about(
A. !our to an%armasin. 2. an%armasin culinary.
. an%armasin <:day tour schedule. 3. an%armasin tourist resort.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
/ecara keseluruhan isi teks berisi mengenai %adwal wisata ke an%armasin.

8=. 'hat will they do on the last day o$ the tour(

A. Riding boat along the river.
. 4oing out o$ an%armasin to -oksado.
2. Having a culinary tour to an%arese village.
3. Hunting $or traditional diamond diggers in 2empaka village.
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Perhatikan kalimat pada teks yang menun%uk pada in$ormasi yang diminta berikut * go to
?oksado which is located 1@; km away from Banjarmasin & 5erangkat menu%u -oksado
yang berlokasi 7?= km dari an%armasin6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa
pada hari terkahir mereka meninggalkan an%armasin menu%u -oksado.

80. SJourney by bamboo ra$ting to e1plore Meratus Mountain ...S

!he underlined word is synonymous with ....
A. !rip . trap 2. e1perience 3. e1ploration
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata journey memiliki arti per%alanan+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang sama dengan kata
trip. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti trap G %ebakan, e)perience G
pengalaman, e)ploration G pen%ela%ahan.

The following text is for questions 6/ to 6*

0. Iind a sa$e, isolated area $or your motorcycle riding practice. Make sure to have an
e1perienced rider nearby to supervise you.
7. /tart slowly, practicing the basics o$ accelerating and braking in $irst gear.
8. Maneuver your bike using a method known as counter steering. 'hile moving at
speed roughly above 0= mph, push the handgrip on the side you wish to turn
towards. $ you wish to turn right, lean slightly to the right while pushing the right handgrip
away $rom your body.
<. Practice shi$ting between gears. #nce you have the con$idence at lower speeds
you may wish to practice shi$ting into the higher gears. Achieving this $luidity will take
practice and muscle memory.
* 'ork your way graduallytowards streets and highways. Recall all o$ the laws and
proper practice $or sa$e riding you learned in order to receive your driving license.
87. 'hat is the best title $or the te1t(
A. A sa$e place $or riding motorcycle.
. !he best way to be an e1perienced rider.
2. !he basic way o$ counter steering method.
3. -earning to ride a motorcycle $or a beginner.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan teks prosedur yang keseluruhan isinya berisi tentang cara:cara
mengendarai motor bagi pemula.

88. 'hat should you do to receive your driving license(

A. 3evelop your muscle memory. 2. Recall the law and practice sa$e riding.
. Move at a speed above 0= mph. 3. Practice shi$ting gears and muscle memory.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Perhatikan poin ke:? yang berisi in$ormasi yang ditanyakan pada soal berikut * 6ecall all of
the laws and proper practice for safe riding you learned in order to receive your driving
license& 5ngat kembali semua aturan dan berlatih dengan benar untuk berkendara dengan
aman untuk mendapatkan /M6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kita harus
mengingat aturan dan berlatih berkendara aman untuk mendapat /M.

8<. An e1perienced rider nearby to supervise you.S5step  6

!he underlined word has the closest meaning with ....
A. to $ollow . to instruct 2. to be super 3. to keep an eye
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata supervise memiliki arti mengawasiCmemanduri+. "ata ini memiliki pengertian yang
berdekatan dengan kata to instruct. "ata pada opsi lain masing:masing memiliki arti to
follow G mengikuti, to be super G men%adi hebat, to keep an eye G memata:matai.

8?. you learned in order to ...S 5steps ?6

!he underlined word re$ers to ....
A. e1perienced rider . the supervisor 2. the readers 3. the writer
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
"ata yang diru%uk diambil dari teks dan berkaitan dengan apa atau siapa yang dibicarakan
di dalam teks. Pronoun *you& pada teks meru%uk kepada pembaca sebagai orang yang
bela%ar mengendarai motor.

The following text is for questions 63 to 65

!oday we are going to have school ba>aar with art and music per$ormances by
students and popular guest stars. 'e have prepared a lot $or this celebration. !here is a
huge tent and a big stage in the schoolyard. Around the yard, there are a lot o$ stalls $or
studentsO e1hibitions, works ad pro%ects. !hereOs also photo e1hibition o$ all activities we did
in this school year. Apart $rom that, there are $ood stalls, book V stationery sales, etc. /ome
students even dress in anime cosplay costumes. !hey all look great.
!he ba>aar will o$$icially start at nine oOclock. t is opened with a speech $rom the school
principal who will hit a, gong at the end o$ his speech to mark the opening o$ the program.
!here will be a $ew more speeches be$ore it goes o$$ with the entertainment programs.
8@. 'hat time does the school ba>aar begin(
A. At D.== a.m. . At B.<? a.m. 2. At D.0? a.m. 3. At .<? a.m.
!un"i #$w$%$n  A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat yang meru%uk kepada in$ormasi keterangan waktu yang ditanyakan di
soal berikut *he ba'aar will officially start at nine o8clock & 5a>ar akan dimulai secara
resmi pada pukul D6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa ba>aar dimulai pukul
=D.== pagi.
8. !he purpose o$ the te1t is ....
A. to invite students to come to at the school ba>aar
. to describe a ba>aar in the writerOs school
2. to encourage reader to visit the writerOs school
3. to announce an activity to celebrate the end o$ the school year
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
!eks pada soal merupakan teks dalam bentuk deskripti$. /esuai dengan tu%uan teks
deskripti$ yaitu mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara spesi$ik, maka tu%uan komunikati$ dari teks
pada soal adalah untuk mendeksripsikan ba>aar yang ada di sekolah penulis.

8B. 'hat per$ormances are there in the ba>aar(

A. Art and music. 2. Anime cosplay costumes.
. Photo e1hibitions. 3. /tudentsO works and pro%ects.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat dalam teks yang menun%uk pada in$ormasi yang ditanyakan pada soal
berikut *oday we are going to have school ba'aar with art and music performances & 5Hari
ini kita akan mengadakan sekolah ba>aar dengan pagelaran seni dan musik6. 3ari kalimat
tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa aka nada pagelaran seni dan music 5art and music6
dalam acara ba>aar.

Re$- the text $n- $nswer questions 6+ to 4/

esterday, my $amily and  went to the >oo, to see the elephants and other animals. 'e went
by car and le$t home at  a.m. t took about one and hal$ hours to get to the >oo.
'hen we got to the >oo, we went directly to the pet shop to buy some animal $ood. 'e spent
$i$teen thousand rupiahs on the $ood. A$ter getting the $ood, we $irst visited the nocturnal house
where birds and reptiles:which only come out at night were displayed. t was really interesting.
A$ter that we went $or a ride on an elephant. t was a thrillL My dad nearly $ell o$$ when he let go o$
the rope.
At 07.0? p.m., my mom and my sisters prepared the lunch. 'e ate our lunch under a big tree
near the elephant area. A$ter lunch, we went to the bird park. 'e $ed some o$ the birds inside the
park. 'hen we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much $un.
8D. !he te1t above tells us about ....
A. animals in the >oo 2. $eeding the bird
. riding an elephant 3. a trip to the >oo
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pada paragra$ 0 berikut * 7esterday, my family and I went to the 'oo *
5"emarin, saya dan keluarga pergi ke kebun binatang6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita
LATIHAN DAN secara keseluruhan
– BAHASA menceritakan tentang 9wisata
SMP KELAS penulis ke
kebun binatang.
<=. 'hat is the main idea o$ the $irst paragraph(
A. !he $amily went to the >oo. 2. !he trip to the >oo took one hour.
. !hey bought $ood in the >oo. 3. !hey le$t their house late a$ternoon.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Pokok pikiran utama paragra$ 0 yang ingin digagas oleh penulis adalah mengenai penulis
dan keluarganya yang pergi berlibur ke kebun binatang.

<0. 'here did the writer go right a$ter arriving at the >oo(
A. Pet shop. 2. Elephant area.
. ird park. 3. octurnal house.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat pertama paragra$ 7 yang berisi in$ormasi yang meru%uk pada keterangan
tempat berikut *"hen we got to the 'oo, we went directly to the pet shop to buy some
animal food” 5"etika kami tiba di kebun binatang, kami langsung menu%u ke toko binatang
untuk membeli beberapa makanan hewan6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan
bahwa penulis langsung menu%u toko binatang sesampainya di kebun binatang.

<7. 'hat were the $amily doing under the tree( !hey were9
A. $eeding the bird 2. watching animal
. eating their lunch 3. riding an elephant
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat kedua paragra$ 8 dalam teks pada soal berikut * "e ate our lunch under
a big tree near the elephant area & 5"ita makan siang di bawah pohon besar di dekat area
ga%ah6. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dilakukan keluarga penulis di
bawah pohon adalah makan siang.

.or questions 46 to 4*0 "o(lete the $ss$ge with the wor-s ro2i-e-
Milo is my pet. He is my 46C. . . cat. He is not an e1pensive cat. !hough he is not a pricey cat 
love him so much.
Milo has long moustaches and green eyes. He is orange with two gradations o$ colors. He is not
$at though he eats a lot because he is very active. He likes to play with balls, but his 44C . . . toy is
a yarn. He likes to roll a yarn and then chase it. At night he always 4*C . . . with me.
<8. A. enemy . lovely 2. $riends 3. mates
!un"i #$w$%$n & B
Pe(%$h$s$n &
He is my . . . cat. 53ia adalah kucing9saya6
"ata si$at yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kesayangan+ 5lovely6. "ata
pada opsi lain memiliki arti masing:masing sebagai berikut enemy G musuh, $riends G
teman, mates G sahabatCkawan.
<<. A. $avorite
!un"i #$w$%$n & A 71
Pe(%$h$s$n &
9but his . . . toy is a yarn. 59namun mainan 9..nya adalah benang6
"ata benda yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah kesukaan+ 5$avorite6. kata
pada opsi lain memiliki arti masing:masing sebagai berikut $antastic G luar biasa, $abulous
G menak%ubkan, special G istimewa.

<?. A. eats . play 2. sleeps 3. watches

!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
*t night he always . . . with me. 5Pada malam hari dia selalu9dengan saya6
"ata ker%a yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah tidur+ 5sleeps6. kata pada
opsi lain memiliki arti masing:masing berikut eats G makan, play G bermain, watches G

<@. 'hat is the te1t about(
A. A warning that the place is unsa$e.
. An instruction to avoid the avalanche.
2. !he in$ormation that the area is )uite sa$e.
' A command that the avalanche should be care$ul.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Irasa pada teks yang terdapat pada soal mempunyai arti Area berbahayaL Hati:hati
terhadap longsor sal%u+. 3ari arti kata tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks merupakan
peringatan akan suatu tempat yang tidak amanCberbahaya.

The following text is for questions 4 $n- 45

3ear /usi,

2ongratulations on your success in S!he ational English /torytelling 2ompetition $or Junior
High /chool /tudent 7=08.S
ou have beaten other $inalists $rom all over ndonesia. ou are best o$ the best.  knew you
would win. ou are so talented. our English is e1cellent. ou can act, sing and dance, too.
Om so proud o$ you.
Om sure youOll be more success$ul in the $uture.

Hug V kisses, Ria

<. 'hat is
purpose o$ the te1t(
A. !o in$orm other $inalists o$ the competition result
. !o show that Ria is very proud o$ hersel$.
2. !o praise /usi on her success in winning the storytelling competition.
3. !o encourage /usi to %oin the ational English /torytelling 2ompetition.
!un"i #$w$%$n & )
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat:kalimat yang terdapat pada teks berikut * ongratulations on your
success in Ahe %ational nglish #torytelling ompetition for &unior High #chool #tudent
1;3C(. 7ou are best of the best. I knew you would win. 7ou are so talented. 7our nglish
is e)cellent. 7ou can act, sing and dance, too &. 3ari kalimat tersebut dapat kita simpulkan
bahwa tu%uan dari penulisan pesan di atas adalah untuk memu%i kesuksesan /usi dalam
memenangkan kompetisi story telling

<B. 'hich sentence in the te1t e1press a compliment(

A. ou are so talented. 2. ou have beaten other $inalists.
.  know you would win. 3. ouOll be more success$ul in the $uture.
!un"i #$w$%$n & A
Pe(%$h$s$n &
2ompliment memiliki arti pu%ian+. *ou are so talented& 5"amu memang sangat berbakat6
merupakan bentuk ungkapan dalam memu%i prestasi orang lain.

The following text is for questions 4+ $n- *,

!o All English 2lub Members

'eOd like to invite you to the coordination meeting to prepare $or the /tudentsO English
Pro$iciency 2ompetition which will be held ne1t month. !he meeting will be held tomorrow,
#ctober th, 7=08 a$ter school. 3onOt miss it.

English 2lub 2hairman

<D. 'ho is Ma%id(

A. !he participant. 2. English club member.
. #ne o$ the students. 3. English club chairman.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan nama yang terletak paling bawah pada bagian memo pada soal di atas. 3apat
kita simpulkan bahwa Ma%id adalah ketua dari klub bahasa nggris 5English club chairman6.
?=. 'hat is
LATIHAN the purpose
DAN o$ the te1t(
A. !o choose the best competition.
. !o be the winner in the competition.
2. !o invite Ma%idOs $riends to %oin the competition.
3. !o invite the club members to attend the meeting.
!un"i #$w$%$n & '
Pe(%$h$s$n &
Perhatikan kalimat di awal paragra$ berikut * "e8d like to invite you to the coordination
meeting(” 5"ami mengundang anda untuk hadir pada rapat koordinasi96 3ari kalimat
tersebut dapat kita simpulkan bahwa tu%uan penulis menuliskan memo adalah untuk
nmengundang 5to invite6 anggota untuk menghadiri rapat.

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