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- circulating tissue that supplies nutrients, removes wastes, and coordinates metabolismunctions
- Functions: Metabolic – nutrition, excretion, respiration and hormone transport; Physical / Chemical – maintenance of acid-base, electrolyte and water balance; Body defense – WBC, coagulation

General Composition
- Blood = plasma (50-60%) + formed elements (40-50%) - 7-8% body weight - Specific gravity: 1.035 – 1.075
- Whole blood – formed elements = plasma – clotting factors = serum - 5-6L in male, 4-5 in female - Viscosity = 5-6x water
- Plasma = 90% water, 6-8% organic solutes, 2-4% inorganic solutes - Bright red arterial and darker red venous blood - pH: 7.35-7.45

Cellular Elements
Cell Subtype Description
Erythrocytes / RBC most abundant, 40-45% of blood, 5.2M in males, 4.6M in females, no organelles, 33% hemoglobin, biconcave, flat, no nucleus, strongly flexible (reversible deformation), 120 day life span
Nucleated – granulocytes (NEB) and agranulocytes (LM), phagocytosis, 4-10K in blood, shorter life span, active glycolysis, PPP, moderate oxidative phosphorylation, rich in lysosomes, has unique enzymes
(myeloperosidase & NADPH-oxidase), CD11, CD18
Neutrophil 58%, phagocytic, polymorphonuclears (PMN), infections
Leukocytes Eosinophil 2%, allergies, parasitism
Basophil 1%, heparin, histamine
Lymphocyte 33%, B lymphocyte for antibody production, T lymphocyte for cell-mediated immunity
Monocyte 4%, large phagocytes, clean up dead neutrophils
Thrombocytes / Platelet Irregularly shaped, colorless, 150-400K in blood, from megakaryocytes, no nucleus, platelet plug, glucose as energy, glycogen during coagulation
Reticulocyte Immature RBCs, active protein synthesis, has glycerol kinase

Plasma – Straw-colored, clear, 90% water, electrolytes, metabolites, nutrients, vitamins, hormones, proteins
Plasma Protein – 7.0-7.5g/dL, major part of solids in plasma, separation via (1) salting out – use of solvents  fibrinogen, albumin, globulin; (2) Electrophoresis – albumin, α1, α2, β and γ fractions

Plasma Protein Description Abnormalities

Major plasma protein, 3.4-4.7g/dL, single polypep chain, 3 structural domains, 9 subdomains, ↓ = nephritic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis
osmotic effect, distribution and transport (FFAs, bilirubin, Ca, steroid hormones, W, sulfonamides, penicillin G, dicoumarol, aspirin)
Mostly conjugated, α1 or α2 based on electrophoretic mobility
α1-acid glycoprotein
High (42%) CHO content, intrchain disulfide bonds, unknown function

α1-fetoglobulin Fetal plasma and amniotic fluid, ↓ postnatally, homologous to albumin, elevate in hepatoma ↓ = hepatoma
Retinol-binding Transports retinol, equimolar complex with transthyretin (thyroxine)

Inhibits leukocyte proteases, protects lung damage from inflammation, Emphysema (due to lack of countercheck of
α1-antitrypsin (α1
proteolytic damage), hepatic cirrhosis,
Heavenly blue, ↑ Cu, 8 Cu binding sites, ↓ = Wilson’s disease - ↑ Cu in brain and liver

carries 90% of plasma Cu, ferroxidase (Fe2+  Fe3+), Cu+ homeostasis

¼ of α2-globulins, binds extracorpuscular Hgb noncovalently,
Haptoglobulin (Hp)
prevents Hgb loss in urine
Large, 4 identical subnits, internal cyclic thiol ester bond (Cys-Glu) = thio ester plasma CHON family,
α2 macroglobulin
Zn transport, panproteinase inhibitor, binds to cytokines and targets them
Transferrin Major component of plasma CHON (3%), transports iron, 2mol Fe / transferring, ↑ in pregnant and iron-deficients

Hemopexin Binds and prevents heme excretion, Fe reused in liver

C-reactive protein (CRP) Precipitates Group C polysacchs of Pneumococcus with Ca, promotes phagocytosis, <1mg/dL in adults, ↑ with acute infections Acute infections
β2-microglobulin Very small amounts, easily excreted, part of histocompatibility antigens
β-lipoprotein Fat transport, LDL has 50% total cholesterol Hypobetalipoproteinemia (↓ LDL)
γ-globulins Igs / antibodies, made by humoral immune system (B cells) with antigen stimulation ↑ = infections
Fibrinogen Becomes fibrin for hemostasis, ↑ during menstruation, pregnancy, inflammation, infection

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