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Change in family structure

1. Why:
- control birth
-education level
2. How?
-less poverty << less population
- better education and avoid sibling rivalry
-reduce conflict and generation gap
- lack of workforce in the future >> the sustainability of future economic
growth is not certain

Nowdays, people have graviated to live in a nuclear family rather than extended
family. There are several reasons to explain for this trend. The principle reseaon
is control birth which is more readily available in some countries developing
and being more prosperous. This may be due to a rise in the number of medical
clinic or distribution of free contraception
Anoher important factor is that there is increase in the education level of
people, especial women who now are capable of seeking a job and earning a
living. It means that women are more educated and more likely to be working
so they tend to delay having children, even not have children.
It cost so much is also considerable. Many peple belive that instead of having
more children, they should focus on how to bring them up effectively and
educationaly that is benificial for them in reducing fanancial burden as well as a
country as a whole.

many people enuciated that children should more focus on studying traditional
subject like math, litteracy rather than art subject. Meanwhile, some believe art
subject play important role in the development process of children. In my point
of view, I totally agree with this point.
The important factor that make people think art should be underwent is that it is
fundermental and requirment subject at school. It means that even if they spend
a lot of their time and put more their effort on its, it is not helpful. Moreover,
Pursing art-related career is considerable because its cost so much that many
parent can be unaffordable.
However, I believe that there are more positive points than its negative. After a
long studying day, children should be encouraged to participate in such subject
that help them not only to alivate stress but also boost their creativity and
nutrure their talent. Without creativity and imagination, they should struggle to
grow into dynamic and individual thinkers when they reach adulthood.
Promote their creatibity and imagination
Struggle to V
Grow into
Reach adulthood
Convey(v) meaning through picture and symbols by using art
Gifted (a)
Nuture their talent(v)
Put pressure on students
Realistic (a) thuc te
- Entertain (v)
- Exhibit collection (v)
- Plays its role as an institution that tell the story of mankind of development
of a netion
- Encourage patriotism
- Education houses spectacular collection, artefacts, historical relics)
- Rise fund (entrance tikects or exhibitions)

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