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Information Communication Technologies for me is really helpful in the present world. For me, it
helps me in my daily living because it ease communication, storing of date, performing projects and works,
and editing. ICT expands our knowledge from the modern world into the future because we evolve and
so does ICT. In the past wherein people learn through books and other reading articles, in the modern,
we could search that book and read it in convenience at our cellphone thanks to ICT. In part of learning, I
myself uses the technologies like cellphone, computer, and soft wares which makes things easier for me
to learn and gather knowledge about the subjects I am currently taking.

Information Communication Technologies help the Society mostly those people who are in work by
just simply making things work at a simpler and more effective performance. Example of that is the Gmail
wherein people could send files privately to someone and it is also use as a storage for mails and important
bills or subscription we are having. Another contribution of ICT to the society is from the medium of
communication. In the past, people use telephone and letters to reach their love ones or friends which
are far away from them, but with the help of technologies such as our cellphone, webcam, and computers,
we can know send text through messenger or via Short Message Service to contact them, we can also use
software like google chat, or skype to see them virtually. In my field of academic track, ICT helps me
become more involved in the work when ICT is introduced into lessons. This is due to the fact that
technology allows for numerous approaches to make teaching the same subjects more fun and enjoyable.
It is expected that as a result of this greater engagement, I will be able to remember knowledge more
effectively and efficiently. Society's demands for new technology has not left out children and their
needs. Children are fascinated with technology and it encourages and motivates them to learn in the

Information Communication Technology really helps us all from doing assignments and works
into outputs, and communicating love ones from far places. Now that we have the tools and approach in
place to use ICT in the classroom, it is critical that we students should understand how to use technology
safely and appropriately. The term "digital citizenship" refers to the responsible use of technology and
decisions that affect both digital and physical communities. It include instructing ourselves on internet
safety, website evaluation, data literacy, online etiquette, and other themes linked to utilizing technology
responsibly and respectfully. Many tools are available online to assist instructors in developing age-
appropriate digital citizenship classes. Yes, being a proficient digital citizenship now a days is what where
people are called, although there is a bad thing that ICT brings, we must tend to see the good side of it
because it helps us more and provides easier workload into our day-to-day lives. For that, I conclude that
without ICT, our work would have been much harder, the medium of communication is limited, and
finding experience and wisdom will be done through books and other reading materials. That is why we
must nurture this ourselves to become digitally develop and well known to ICT.

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