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1. b) Lenticel
2. b) ii and iii
3. a) there is lack of oxygen
4. a) b
5. b) Clear White / Cloudy
6. a) Cytoplasm
7. d) Hepatic portal vein
8. d) The surface area of the root is reduced
9. a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct
explanation of the assertion.
10. a) If both the assertion and the reason are true and the reason is a correct
explanation of the assertion.
11. Pancreatic juice secreted by pancreas contains enzyme such as amylase which
is essential for digesting starch, trypsin for digesting proteins and lipase for
digesting fats.
12. The digestion of proteins is not taking place in the person’s stomach due to the
absence of enzyme called pepsin in the gastric juice secreted by the stomach.
i) Rings of cartilage are present in trachea to prevent it from collapsing when
less air is present in it.
ii) Lungs always contain a residual volume of air so that there is sufficient
time to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
13. According to the given, diagram the median septum, (i.e., part B) a muscular
wall found between the right and left chambers of the heart will separate the
oxygenated blood from the deoxygenated blood.
14. No, the plant will not stay healthy for a long time.
The reasons are:
a. It will not be able to exchange O 2 and CO 2 , hence respiration will be
affected adversely.
b. Photosynthesis will also be affected as CO 2 will not be available.
c. Transpiration will not take place hence there will be no ascent of sap, hence
no water absorption from the soil.
15. The transport system of an animal moves substances to where they are needed
in the body. Even the smallest animal must have the means of transporting
substances around its body. Oxygen and food molecules must move to all the
cells, and the waste products must be removed from the cells and expelled into
the environment. It occurs through diffusion mainly.
In a multicellular organism, all cells are not in contact with the surrounding
hence diffusion will be insufficient for it. A variety of fluid systems, called
vascular systems, help such transport in most members of the animal kingdom.
16. The urine contains mainly water, various salts, urea and uric acid. No, they are
not present in urine as glucose is reabsorbed by nephron while protein are not
filtered from blood in glomerulus in a healthy kidney.
Volume of urine is regulated by
a. The amount of excess water.
b. The amount of dissolved waste in blood.
The amount of water reabsorbed by nephron depends on two major factors :
i) The amount of excess water present in the body.
ii) The amount of dissolved waste to be excreted out of the body.
17. i) No, the removal of gall bladder will not affect person’s health because it
does not play any major role in digestion and absorption.
ii) The function of gall bladder is to store bile produced by liver. But it does
not produce any secretion or enzyme.
18. The various components of blood along with their respective functions are
given below :
i) Plasma – It is a fluid component of blood, which is slightly alkaline, viscous
and aqueous in nature. It transports food, carbon dioxide and nitrogenous
wastes in the dissolved form.
ii) Blood corpuscles – These cells are found in blood.
They are of following main types :
a) Red blood cells. They carry oxygen present in the blood.
b) White blood cells. They help the body to fight against harmful
c) Platelets – They help in preventing the leakage of blood by forming a
blood clot.
19. i) Photosynthesis start at 7.00 am

ii) The rate of photosynthesis was greatest at 12 noon as the amount of

carbon dioxide taken in was greatest at that time.
iii) At 9.00 pm, it was dark.
iv) a) Respiration
b) No, respiration occurs 24 hours of a day.
During daylight, photosynthesis takes in more carbon dioxide than is
released by respiration.
v) Factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis are humidity, temperature
are concentration levels of carbon dioxide in the air. There are optimum
levels for each factor above, after which photosynthesis will start to
Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
1. Presence of air required Presence of air not required
2. Occur in two steps : Complete process occurs in
1 Glycolysis in cytoplasm cytoplasm
2 in mitochondria.
3. Glucose completely oxidized Glucose incompletely oxidized
to CO and H 2 O to either an organic acid or
alcohol with CO 2
4. Large amount of energy produced Less energy produced
5. E.g., man, higher plants E.g., yeast, lactobacillus
20. i) It is clear from the given graph that the person is taking 5 breaths per 20
sec. So in 1 minute (60 sec) he will take 15 breaths (5/20 × 60).
ii) Point ‘D’ shows increase in the volume of lungs, thus at this point,
inspiration is taking place while point ‘F’ shows decrease in the volume of
lungs, thus at this point, expiration is taking place.
iii) External and internal intercostals muscles are specialized set of muscles
that help during inhalation.
iv) The rate of breathing increases during vigorous exercise. This is because
the body needs more energy which can be released only if greater amounts
of oxygen reach the cells. For this purpose, the rate of breathing
increases. (This will increase the supply of oxygen to the cells).
Nostrils → pharynx → larynx → trachen → alveoli

1. a) Mitochondria
2. a) i and ii
3. d) Increased production of carbon dioxide by muscles
4. d) 3 1 4 2

5. c) Salts and urea

6. a) small intestine
7. b) Pulmonary veins
8. b) Helps in translocation of sugar in plants
9. c) Assertion is true but reason is false
10. b) If both the assertion and reason are true but the reason is not a correct
explanation of the assertion.
11. The salivary glands present in our mouth releases saliva, which gives a watery
feeling. This feeling triggers the brain that food is coming and instructs the
salivary gland underneath the tongue to produce saliva, which has the property
of breaking down the food.
12. Plants kept in continuous light will live longer, because the process of
respiration and photosynthesis will occur without any break.
Lungs are the main respiratory organs where exchange of gases takes place.
Oxygen is taken in during the process while, carbon dioxide is given out.
Alveoli present in the lungs, provide a large surface area for the exchange of
13. Test-tube A. The product formed in A will be ethanol, (2 carbon molecule)
carbon dioxide and energy.
Test-tube B. In the presence of oxygen yeast show aerobic respiration due to
which carbon dioxide, water and energy are produced.
14. They are due to transpiration. Transpiration is evaporation of water from aerial
parts, leaves of plant, through mainly stomata.
a. In plants, water rises because of transpiration and in nature water cycle
operates because of it.
b. Transpiration is the process of cooling the parts of a plant.
c. Evaporation of water molecules from the cells of a leaf creates a suction
force which pulls water from the xylem cells. This transpiration helps in
upward movement of water from roots to leaves.
15. Mechanism of inhalation:
a. The diaphragm and rib muscles contract which make the throat move
upwards and outwards.
b. The volume inside the thoracic cavity increases i.e., it expands.
c. Air pressure inside the thoracic cavity decreases. Thus, air from outside
rushes into the lungs / alveoli through nostrils, trachea and bronchi.
16. Excretion means throwing out metabolic waste from living body. Many organs
perform this process such as
a. Kidneys remove nitrogenous wastes like urea and uric acid in urine.
b. Sweat and oil by glands in skin.
c. Carbon dioxide and water vapor by lungs.
d. Faces or undigested food by large intestine.
e. Bile pigments by liver. It also converts toxic ammonia to urea.
i) Leaves – Plants can accumulate some of their waste in leaves. These
leaves fall off and the plant gets rid of the waste.
ii) Renal artery – It brings impure blood containing waste substances into the
iii) Kidney – It is the main excretory organ in human beings which removes
poisonous nitrogenous substances like urea, uric acid, waste salts and
excess of water from the blood in the form of yellowish colour liquid called
17. i) In the condition given, sunlight was missing due to which the plant lacks
proper growth of plant.
ii) Photosynthesis is the phenomenon of synthesizing food by the green plants
having chlorophyll.
The conditions necessary for photosynthesis are CO 2 water and sunlight.
18. The differences between artery, vein and capillary are :
Artery Vein Capillary
They are thick walled They are thin walled They have wall that are
only one cell thick
Carries blood from the Carries blood from Allows exchange of
heart to other organ different organs to material between the
of the body heart surrounding cells
Situated very deep Situated superficially Situated the terminals
into the skin on the skin of artery or veins
19. i) Diagram A shows inhalation and diagram B shows exhalation.

ii) Nostrils → Nasal cavity → Pharynx → Larynx ----

Trachea → Bronchi → Bronchioles → Alveoli
iii) The alveolar air pressure in diagram B would be higher than 760 mm Hg.
During exhalation, the ribs move downwards and inwards, decreasing the
volume of the thoracic cavity. This causes the lungs to compress and
increase the air pressure in them.
iv) The alveoli are numerous, which provides a large surface area for gaseous
exchange. The walls of alveoli are thin, which allows gases to diffuse
across easily. The walls of the alveoli are lined with blood capillaries, which
maintain the concentration gradient needed for the diffusion of gases.
Exchange of gases in tissues occurs through diffusion. Oxygen is carried as
oxyhaemoglobin from lungs to tissues. It dissociates and carbon dioxide
diffuses out into blood from tissues. It is transported in dissolved form and
reaches lungs where again it diffuses to alveoli. Lungs have a tree like
branching pattern of bronchi and bronchioles. The terminal part of bronchiole
ends into sac like structures called alveoli which are present in groups. Alveoli
have curved wall to increase surface area for exchange of gases. The wall of
alveoli is extremely thin and is lined by blood capillaries.
20. i) The given figure is Lateral Section of phloem in which
W represents sieve plate
X represents sieve tubes
Y represents companion cell and
Z represents phloem parenchyma
ii) Sieve tube
The movement of food in phloem can be upward or downward depending on
the needs of the plant.
iii) The phloem translocates the food (sugar) made in the leaves. Besides food
molecules, phloem also transports amino acids, hormones synthesized in
shoot tips and root tips and other metabolites.

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