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Nama : khaerina Dwi Agustina

Nim: 2205036014

Speaker : Wahyu Karmisyah

Spatilisting Mathematics Teaching and Learning : An Avenue of Research and
Practices in Indonesia ?
Spatial listing in mathematics education is an emerging field of study and practice in Indonesia.
This approach centers on using spatial representation and organization of mathematical concepts
to improve students' comprehension and problem-solving abilities. Here are some significant
elements and developments related to spatial listing in mathematics education in Indonesia: A
focus on spatial reasoning, integration of visual aids, application to real-world scenarios,
utilization of technology, inclusion in the curriculum, and ongoing research efforts. The National
Academy of Sciences (NAS), a respected scientific institution headquartered in the United States,
was established through congressional legislation signed into law by President Abraham Lincoln in
1863. The primary mission of the NAS is to provide impartial and informed guidance on scientific
and technological matters to both the government and the general public.

Speaker : Daiki Nakamura, Ph. D

The value of Science Education in Age of Misinformation
In essence, traditional science education falls short in adequately preparing individuals to
comprehend scientific articles and the societal dynamics surrounding scientific knowledge. This is
based on four core assumptions:
1. The complexity of social issues linked to science is on the rise.
2. Social media is supplanting traditional news outlets, leading to a surge in misinformation.
3. Proficiency in evaluating the credibility of scientific information is of paramount importance.
4. The suggested strategies for improving science education encompass gaining insights into the
trustworthiness of scientific findings, instructing individuals on how to assess the reliability of
information sources, and cultivating an understanding of the nature of science and epistemology.

Furthermore, there's an imperative need to enhance media literacy and the capacity to evaluate
the dependability of scientific information. All of these efforts are aimed at empowering
individuals to make more informed decisions in a time characterized by information overload and
the spread of misinformation.

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