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The Lothal Revisitation Project. A Fine Thread Connecting Ancient India to

Contemporary Ravenna (via Oman)

Article · January 2014


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1 author:

Dennys Frenez
University of Bologna


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Indus Civilization Administrative Technology View project

Beyond Meluhha. Trade and Exchanges in Bronze Age Middle Asia - An Indus Perspective View project

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‘My Life is like the Summer Rose’
Maurizio Tosi e l’Archeologia
come modo di vivere
Papers in honour of Maurizio Tosi for his 70th birthday

Edited by
B. Cerasetti
Editors in chief
K. Lamberg-Karlovsky
B. Genito

BAR International Series 2690

Published by

Publishers of British Archaeological Reports
Gordon House
276 Banbury Road
Oxford OX2 7ED

BAR S2690

‘My Life is like the Summer Rose’ Maurizio Tosi e l’Archeologia come modo di vivere: Papers in honour of
Maurizio Tosi for his 70th birthday

© Archaeopress and the individual authors 2014

ISBN 978 1 4073 1326 9

Printed in England by Information Press, Oxford

All BAR titles are available from:

Hadrian Books Ltd

122 Banbury Road

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Table of Conteins

Editors’ Notes ......................................................................................................................xii

Preface................................................................................................................................ xiii


The Ash-Tigors’ Granaries and Palaeo-climate of 7-12th centuries AD
in the North Caucasus ................................................................................................. 1
Il villaggio protostorico di Mursìa sull’isola di Pantelleria: breve resoconto
di 10 anni di indagini archeologiche ......................................................................... 17
Investigating the Desert - From Territory to Site for the Study of Social
Patterning in the Egyptian Sahara ............................................................................. 23
Il ‘Generale’ Maurizio .................................................................................................... 29
An Updated Report on Prehistoric Human Settlement in the Syr-darya
Alluvial Plain ............................................................................................................ 31
Samarkand tra emigrazione e ristrutturazione urbana, un patrimonio culturale
che si perde ............................................................................................................... 47
Margiana in the Hellenistic Period: again on Problems of Archaeological
Interpretation ............................................................................................................. 59
Recherches archéologiques dans la Vallee du Sankaran: les tumulus Pierriers de
Guaguala (Commune de Siekorole, Mali) ................................................................ 63
Archaeological Impact Assessment: The BREBEMI Project (Italy) .............................. 75
Gli uccelli di Shahr-i Sokhta (Sistan, Iran): nuovi dati ecologici e
paleoeconomici ......................................................................................................... 83
Walking in the Murghab Alluvial Fan (Southern Turkmenistan): an Integrated
Approach between Old and New interpretations about the Interaction
between Settled and Nomadic People ..................................................................... 105
“The girl says she eats only dog meat. The hunter kills his dogs one after
another”. Le dossier inachevé de l’alliance et de la viande rouge dans
l’Arabie néolithique et de l’âge du Bronze ancien (5000-2000 av. notre ère) ........ 115
The Giant Archaeologist............................................................................................... 121

I sādhu dell’India e le loro estreme tapasyā nei dipinti indiani e nelle stampe
e disegni occidentali................................................................................................ 123
Il concetto di Eneolitico ................................................................................................ 143
The Importance of Archaeoastronomy in Archaeological Excavations ....................... 149
A Recently Excavated Image of a Beribboned Ram from Kafir Kala .......................... 153
Rediscovering Sumer. Excavations at Abu Ṭbeirah, Southern Iraq .............................. 163
19. P. D’AMORE
Iranian quivers in the Museo nazionale d’arte orientale
‘Giuseppe Tucci’ – Rome ....................................................................................... 169
20. M. DAVID
Un archeologo dietro le linee nemiche ......................................................................... 177
Surveys about the orientations of the alleged menhirs of Contrada Serraglio on
Pantelleria island (Trapani - Italy) .......................................................................... 183
Chlorite Vessels from Tomb 155 and Tomb 156 in Bāt, Sultanate of Oman ............... 187
Anthropological Essay on the Bronze Age Migrations in Central Asia
(the case of Gonur Depe, Turkmenistan) ................................................................ 193
24. R.H. DYSON Jr.
Memories of Tosi ......................................................................................................... 203
Hidden Monumentality in Segregated Space: Discerning the Idea of
the Harappan City ................................................................................................... 205
Rethinking Archaeology and Material Culture in the Early 21st Century.
Scattered Thoughts Dedicated to Maurizio Tosi ..................................................... 213
The Evolution of Specialized Ceramic Production during the Late Neolithic
and the Transitional Chalcolithic Periods in the Qazvin and
Tehran Plains (Iran) ................................................................................................ 233
Maurizio Tosi ............................................................................................................... 245
“A good choice” ........................................................................................................... 249
Riflessioni sui fondamenti delle ‘economie politiche’ nelle società protostatali
del mondo ‘Mesopotamico’ .................................................................................... 251
The Lothal Revisitation Project. A Fine Thread Connecting Ancient India to
Contemporary Ravenna (via Oman) ....................................................................... 263
Technical Specifications of the U.S. Intelligence CORONA Satellite Missions
1960-1972 ............................................................................................................... 279
Alcuni aspetti di economia monetale nei documenti di Monte Mug ............................ 291
34. H. GAUBE
Taif before 1900 ........................................................................................................... 299
Fragments of an Archaeological Discourse! ................................................................. 307

Bronze Age Metal Manufacturing in Eastern Arabia: Evidences from
Raʻ s al-Jinz (Oman) and Failaka (Kuwait) ............................................................ 311
Une inscription inédite du sukkalmah Temti-agun Ier ................................................... 323
38. G. GNOLI
Per Maurizio ................................................................................................................. 325
39. T. GNOLI
Per Maurizio Tosi. Ricordi personali e sollecitazioni scientifiche ............................... 327
40. I. GOOD
Pieces of eight: a small cache of textiles from Shahr-i Sokhta ..................................... 331
Exploration of Buddhist monuments in Southern Turkmenistan.................................. 341
42. A. GUIDI
Io e Maurizio – storia di un’amicizia ............................................................................ 345
43. S. GUPTA
Maurizio Tosi: A Modern Day Ulysses ........................................................................ 347
Toward the Understanding of Other Complexities: Archaeological Researches
in Cahokia’s West Plaza (ILL., USA) ..................................................................... 351
45. L.B. KIRČO
Problems in the Periodic Division and Chronology of Sites of
the Palaeometallic Age of Southern Turkmenistan and
the Stratigraphic Sequence at Altyn-Depe .............................................................. 359
46. Ph. KOHL
Larger Than Life: reminiscences of personal intersections over a professional
lifetime .................................................................................................................... 365
Mongols Empire and Debates of the Nomadic State Origins ....................................... 369
Body and Soul .............................................................................................................. 377
Written sources on the Hephthalites ............................................................................. 379
Maurizio come Avventura ............................................................................................ 385
51. B.B. LAL
Did a Ritual associated with Fire form a part of Harappan Religion? .......................... 387
Interaction Spheres in the Ancient Near East: Thirty-five Years Later ........................ 391
The Lifestyle of Ancient Entrepreneurs: Trade and Urbanization in
the Ancient Near East During the Early 2nd Millennium BC. ................................. 401
Le gallerie di captazione idrica: Qanat, Foggara, Khettara, Falaj. una nuova
visione ecosistemica................................................................................................ 411
55. R. LAW
Evaluating Potential Lapis Lazuli Sources for Ancient South Asia Using
Sulfur Isotope Analysis ........................................................................................... 419
56. E. LEONE
Tureng Tepe: A Hypothesis of 3D Reconstruction of the High Terrace ...................... 431
Da Babilonia a Hollywood. Falsi e propaganda nell’Iraq di Saddam ........................... 437
The Sahara during Antiquity: Structure and History .................................................... 443

59. F. LUGLI
Per un’etno-archeologia del nomadismo della Mongolia ............................................. 449
Ancient Maya Water Management: A Review of the Academic Perception
of the Maya Tropical Environment ......................................................................... 457
Un corpo per l’eternità.................................................................................................. 463
Water Management in Ancient Etruria: the cuniculus of San Potente
(Tuscania, Lazio) .................................................................................................... 479
A New Small Inscribed Cuboid Incense Burner from Yemen...................................... 487
Il mare e i Micenei: dalla nave al segno e viceversa..................................................... 491
65. L.G. MARCUCCI with the contribution of H. AL-TAIE
The Site of Raʻs al-Hamra 5 (Muscat, Sultanate of Oman). Brief Chronicle
of the Excavations (1973-2010) .............................................................................. 505
66. S. MASSA
Pantelleria e l’antica scienza dell’idrogenesi ................................................................ 517
‘Maurizio Tosi’s Corporate Academy’. A Professor devoted to ‘Vision and
Knowledge’............................................................................................................. 529
L’Avorio nella Civiltà dell’Indo: Origini dell’uso e dell’ammaestramento
di Elephas maximus indicus .................................................................................... 531
Craft Activity at Tepe Dasht ......................................................................................... 549
Scrittura, organizzazione politica e legittimazione del potere ...................................... 559
Archaeological explorations at Izat-kuli ....................................................................... 563
72. A. NASO
A Gravina con Maurizio ............................................................................................... 565
La fortificazione preistorica di Mursìa (Pantelleria) ..................................................... 567
L’eroe degli sciti ........................................................................................................... 581
Maurizio Tosi ............................................................................................................... 585
The Role of the Yaγnob Valley in the Political and Economical History of
the Sogdian Upper ZarafŠān. A Preliminary Historical Overview after
the 3rd Italian Expedition in the Yaγnob Valley and in the Upper ZarafŠān
(Matčā and Parγar) .................................................................................................. 587
'Kulli' pots from the antiques market: looted or faked? ................................................ 603
Archaeological Systems Theory and the Origin of the State: a Critique ...................... 609
79. C. PEPE
Neverland. Metafora di un viaggio di ricerca nel Mediterraneo ................................... 615
Preso per la gola ........................................................................................................... 623
Hybrid Imagery and Cultural Identity in the Age of Exchange:
Halil River Basin and Sumer meet in Margiana ..................................................... 625

Il frutto incoronato. Riflessioni sull’iconologia e la simbolica della melagrana .......... 637
83. D.T. POTTS
On some Early Equids at Susa ...................................................................................... 643
Garbage as Runes. The Archaeology of Globalization ................................................. 649
85. A.V. ROSSI
Frontiere linguistiche e frontiere archeologiche: Maurizio Tosi e il Balochistan ......... 655
Alla ricerca di una terra felice ...................................................................................... 663
Some preliminary observations from the new excavations at the Graveyard
of Shahr-i Sokhta .................................................................................................... 665
88. R. SALA
Methodological problems concerning the correlation between paleoclimatic and
archaeological data.................................................................................................. 677
Belutschistans Südost-Frontier ..................................................................................... 685
Marhaši and Beyond: The Jiroft Civilization in a Historical Perspective ..................... 691
Prof. Maurizio Tosi: my impressions ........................................................................... 709
A Return to the South Hill of Tepe Hissar, Iran ........................................................... 711
93. S. TUSA
Il ruolo stimolante di un amico-maestro nella carriera di un archeologo anomalo
tra le vette himalayane e la tormentata Sicilia dAll'intenso blu dei suoi mari......... 719
Per Shawbak, erede Medievale di Petra........................................................................ 727
I Celti d’Italia (IV-I secolo a.C.) tra identità e assimilazioni........................................ 733
A Perspective on the “continuous landscape” of the Murghab Region ........................ 751
97. P. YULE
A New Prehistoric Anthropomorphic Figure from the Sharqiyah, Oman .................... 759
Neolithic Architecture of Dhofar: The Foundations of Structure in
Southern Arabia ...................................................................................................... 761
Archeologia, parchi e pianificazione paesistica: idee e proposte per
una discussione ....................................................................................................... 777

Editors’ Notes

The use of different languages by authors of different nationalities in the articles of this
volume has not facilitated the efforts to standardize as much as possible all the editorial
various aspects we faced on. In turn, in particular, the bibliographical quotations have
found a summary in the transliterations from the Russian, except in some cases where
authors have explicitly proposed their own version as Panaino (ISO/R9: 1968), Callieri
(Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia) and Gariboldi (ISO/R9: 1968). Typically for
the names in Arabic and Persian, and for those of geographic locations and people we have
preferred not to use any precise system of transliteration, referring only to the more
commonly used words in the international scientific jargon with a few due exceptions. For
the rest, we followed the provisions required by the publisher.


To make a preface to a volume as complex and diverse as this one dedicated to Maurizio
Tosi was an ambitious exercise; first there was the complicated publishing history since it
didn’t make it in time for his 70th birthday and, in fact, will only just manage to coincide
with his retirement. Then there was the task of giving coherent shape to a collection of 99
contributions by diverse authors, on very diverse and sometimes unrelated topics. Most of
all the difficulty lay in trying to celebrate the life and work of a colleague whose life seems
at times to be the stuff of fiction, and marred recently by immeasurable personal pain. We
fear that this book and these words will not be able to soothe the infinite abyss created by
recent events but we do hope at least that this may give some small comfort, much needed
in the worst moments of our lives.

It may be said that there have been many volumes with these characteristics, especially in
the academic field, where to the pleasure of writing something of scientific interest for a
friend and colleague, one often adds a desire to express something personal linked to the
life of that colleague. But this volume of ours is rather different from the many similar
volumes to which we have often contributed. Mainly because Maurizio is a very different
kind of person and scholar from any other colleague, with his exceptional scientific
qualities that brought him through America, Asia, Arabia and India to follow a career path
at times truly unique in his research; but also tracing a personal life path, intermingling
work, love and politics, often in such an inextricable tangle that even his closest friends
found it very difficult to untangle and extract themselves from the different strands, and
some of which conflicted wildly and disconcertingly.

It was, as one can see running through many of the contributions presented here, a unique
opportunity for all of us, as it will be for him too to read directly in the words of his friends
and colleagues, near and far, alongside the results of original research presented in the
various papers, also the many impressions, memories, criticisms, disappointments and joys
of paths which crossed with his.

It is interesting to note that in almost all the articles of the authors, we find not only words
of appreciation, affection, consideration, and thanks for the help, motivation and ideas that
he gave us over the years, but also so many accounts of embarrassment and reluctance,
veiled and polite criticism of his approach to life, of his incredible ability to interfere with
the private lives of others, but also to integrate them, to destabilize but also to encourage
research perspectives and job opportunities. It seems that each of the authors wished to
express appreciation and also a debt of gratitude towards him, but at the same time they had
a strong need to acknowledge the often immeasurable difficulties and dilemmas, personally
experienced, coming out of encounters with him, the particular human experiences and
relationships he managed to provoke and to suffer.

It was not easy to think of a foreword for this volume, and it was not easy to write it,
especially as the editorial staff only really became a stable structure at the end of 2013 and
with understandable but somewhat unexpected defections even at the last minute. This has
inevitably led to a number of errors and shortcomings for which we take full responsibility;
but it is good to see that the need to finish the volume and to publish it in the prestigious

British Archaeological Reports International Series, eventually prevailed, after so many
years and such a tortuous history, as it was right that it should do so. Several authors, now
understandably demanded the right to see their contributions, presented so many years ago,
finally in print, while pointing out that many in the meantime have become out of date,
obsolete; others have observed that many of the references in the bibliographies cited as
being forthcoming were now long published. For this type of problem we have definitely
been somewhat deficient, but so be it, the huge effort involved in collating the 99
contributions is over and we just hope to make everybody moderately happy, editors,
authors, readers all, but especially to be able to wish Maurizio Tosi in his presence, many
more days in his honor, and to celebrate the rich fruits of his vast scientific work. He often
remarked that “it is easy to be close to someone when they are suffering, when all is in the
bad times; much more difficult in the good times, when they are well ...”.

Remembering this we hope that with this volume we can be there for him in such difficult
times and give him our best wishes.

We would like to thank for their precious help to edit the present volume: Gian Luca
Bonora, Dennys Frenez, Irene Good, Gianni Marchesi, Lynne M. Rouse and last but not
least David Davison director of BAR who kindly want to put this volume in such a
prestigious series, and Darko Jerko who did the real hard and final editing work. The poetry
by R.H. Wilde was chosen by Maurizio Tosi, and Asia, Sonido Arqueologico, Princesse
and Canto a la Vida written by Julio Benedezu Sarmiento (Director of the Délégation
Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, DAFA, Ambassade de France), were dedicated
by him to Maurizio.

July-August 2014

Karl Lamberg-Karlovsky and Bruno Genito

Università di Bologna, Italy

“India is one of the worst places to live on the entire planet, because of its
climate, the environment, the beasts! But Indians… Indians, with their genius,
intelligence and incredible dexterity, have turned it into gold and honey. I
don’t like to stay in India, but I love to stay with Indians”. Maurizio Tosi

The first words I heard from a not yet acquainted Maurizio had never applied for a research project in
Maurizio Tosi, at the inaugural lecture of the 1999-2000 India2.
course of Palethnology at the Faculty of Preservation of
Cultural Heritage of Ravenna, were: “Many of my In 1993, just before resigning from his position at the
colleagues will tell you that, by profession, archaeologists Embassy of Italy in New Delhi, Maurizio started feeling
‘seek’. Rubbish! Real archaeologists ‘find’! And if they rather concerned about leaving the Country without
don’t find, they had better search for another job. I will having carried out even a single project in India. He
not teach you how to search, but how to find”. The thought this might have been regarded as an offensive
example he then gave us was the discovery of the lack of interest in the history and the archaeology of
inscribed Harappan potsherd he found at Ra’s al-Jinz, in India. Hence, he proposed a project to the Archaeological
the Sultanate of Oman, on Christmas Day of 1981. He Survey of India (ASI), even though he thought they
was not looking for it, but he found it. would never accept it because proposed by a non-Hindu
scholar: archaeological explorations at the sacred site of
The fascinating force of such a clear example was evident Jhusi, near the Triveni Sangam at Allahabad (Uttar
even for the rather inexperienced student I was at the Pradesh). To his great surprise, on January 20th 1993, he
time. What I did realize only years later is the critical
importance of understanding the actual meaning of a find, 2
For the ‘Lothal Revisitation Project’ I wish to thank the many people
the full significance of a discovery. If properly who have made the start-up of the Project possible through their work,
suggestions and support. First of all, numerous members of the
understood in its context, a single find can link places that Archaeological Survey of India, foremost the current Director-General,
are distant in space, but also in time. This personal Dr. Gautam Sengupta, and the former DGs, Mr. Babu C. Rajeev, Mrs.
homage of mine to Maurizio1 is just an attempt to tell the Anshu Veish and Mr. K.N. Shrivastava; Dr. B.R. Mani, Additional
story of how, starting from a single potsherd found in Director-General; Dr. R.S. Fonia, Director National Mission and former
Director Exploration & Excavation; Ms. Subhra Pramanik Director
Oman, he was able to connect, with a rigorous scientific Institute of Archaeology and former Director Exploration & Excavation;
method, Bronze Age India to present-day Ravenna, the Mr. S.K. Mitra Director Exploration & Excavation; Mr. K.C. Nauriyal,
Indian Ocean to the Adriatic Sea, in a single research Superintending Archaeologist at the Vadodara Circle, ASI; Mr. V.
project with some intriguing outcomes. Shivananda Rao, former Superintending Archaeologist at the Vadodara
Circle, ASI; Dr. Rajeev Pandey and Mr. Bipin Chandra “Negi”, former
Assistant Archaeologists at the Lothal Museum during our field-work.
Other people I wish to thank very much are Prof. B.B. Lal, former
LOTHAL REVISITATION PROJECT. GENESIS Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India, the late Dr. S.P.
OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL Gupta and Dr. K.N. Dikshit of the Indian Archaeological Society; Dr.
Yadubirsingh Rawat, Director of the Department of Archaeology, Govt.
of Gujarat; Dr. Rakesh Tewari, Director U.P. State Archaeology
Maurizio is an old friend of India, where he lived for four Department; Dr. Kuldeep Bhan, Dr. P. Ajitprasad and Dr. K.C. Tiwari,
years as Cultural Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in New the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda; Dr. Vasant Shinde, the
Delhi, between 1989 and 1993. He was of course very Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute in Pune; Prof.
well-known at the Archaeological Survey of India and Toshiki Osada, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto; Dr.
T. Miyauchi, Chiba University; Dr. Jeevan S. Kharakwal and Mr. K.P
personal friend of several former Director-Generals like Singh, Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University, Udaipur; Aniruddha S.
B.B. Lal, B.K. Thapar, J.P. Joshi and M.C. Joshi, and of Khadkikar, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune; Prof. Jonathan Mark
other very eminent scholars like S.P. Gupta, K.N. Kenoyer, Dr. Randall Law and Dr. Gregg Jamison (and all other friends
Dikshit, and others. But, in spite of his love of the from Wisconsin), University of Wisconsin, Madison. I have to thank
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), the (late) Istituto
Country and its culture and of his lifelong friends, Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO), the Italian Cultural Institute in
New Delhi, the Carisbo Foundation of Bologna and the Flaminia
I started calling him Maurizio instead of Professor Tosi just after my Foundation of Ravenna for their financial and diplomatic support.
graduation when, after a funny quarrel started from my ‘unforgivable Special thanks also to Prof. Giovanni Gabbianelli, Dr. Francesco
fault’ of having been born in Northern Italy, he told me: “Hey! Now Mancini and Dr. Giuseppina Marcheselli of the Integrated Geoscience
you’ve called me a jerk, you may as well start calling me by name!”. Research Group of the University of Bologna. I wish to give very
Actually, for the sake of a correct historical reconstruction, I told him “I special thanks to Mr. Mukesh Arya and Mr. Ashish Rawat of the
don’t think you are a jerk at all! Please, stop talking bul***it!”. If you Archaeological Survey of India and to my friends Mr. Philip “Dilip”
know him personally, you will not be surprised to know that after that Koch and Ms. Veronica Peverelli for their inestimable help and support
chat we spent a very beautiful afternoon at the bar just outside the during the field seasons at Lothal. Special thanks also to Y.S. Bhagirath
Department, talking about so many things, including archaeology! Sinh Vaghela of Utelia for his patronage.


received a positive
p responnse to his appplication from
m the In Eastern
E Arabia archaeologiical research began in thee
then Directoor General of the ASI, Shrri M.C. Joshi. But late ‘50s, at the saame time as R
Rao’s excavations at Lothal..
the increasinng research engagementss in the reccently he next decades, excavationns in Bahrain,, the Emiratess
In th
disclosed Foormer Soviet Union Counttries and his new and the Sultanatee of Oman ddemonstrated the t pervasivee
position at the
t Universitty of Bolognna obliged him m to uence of Haraappan merchannts and craftsm
influ men from thee
abstain from starting field--work at Jhusii3. Induus centres of o Gujarat aand Makran on differentt
hnical developments of the llocal cultures. In particular,,
After an abssence of seveeral years, Maaurizio visitedd his the research
r carried out from 11985 to 1999 (and recentlyy
friends in Inddia several tim
mes between February
F 20055 and resu
umed) at Ra’s al-Jinz, in thhe central coastal region off
January 20066, mainly in connection
c wiith his activitiies in the Sultanate
S of Oman,
O by the French-Italian
n ‘Joint Haddd
Oman. On thhose occasionss, he also mett with many Inndian Project’ directedd by Maurizzio and thee late Sergee
archaeologistts of the ‘neew generationn’ who were very Cleuuziou, demonnstrated the presence of po ossible directt
curious abouut the use he always made in his projeccts of connnections between the site of RJ-2 and Lo othal itself, ass
technologies and technniques borrow wed from other provven by the preesence of potteery, ornamentts and seals off
disciplines like informaatics, biologyy and mediccines, Haraappan origin and inspiratiion (Mery 20 000; Cleuziouu
geology, enggineering, spacce applicationns, etc. and Tosi 2000; 2007). At R RJ-2 they alsso found thee
remaains of the so-called blaack boats off Magan thatt
This convincced Maurizio that it was fiinally time to give probbably first connnected Mesoopotamia to India
I throughh
his personal contribution to t the archaeoology of Indiaa, but the coastal
c centerrs of Eastern A
Arabia during g Bronze Agee
he preferred that it wouldd be a “technnical” contribuution, (Cleeuziou and Tosi 1995).
rather than a “cultural” one.
o I clearly remember that he
called me frrom New Dellhi, saying: “I “ have nothinng to For all these reassons, Maurizioo has always considered a
teach my Inddian friends as a to the cultuural understannding priorrity on his agenda to ddesign a reseearch projectt
of ancient India, but I can say my own opinion
o aboutt how centtered on Lothhal and the rrole it played d in the tradee
to do this inn terms of methods and tecchniques. Whaat do netw
works that joinned the oppoosite shores off the Arabiann
you think aboout a possiblee project in Inddia? Let me haave a Sea during the Bronze
B Age. H
However, he was w also welll
draft proposaal before I leavve Delhi for Oman”.
O awarre of the impact that large-scale excavations,,
neceessary to clariify the possiblle use of the dockyard
d as a
At the time I had just discussed myy master’s deegree harbbor, might havve had on thee site. But co onsidering thee
dissertation on
o the clay seealings found at Lothal (Frrenez greaat importance of Lothal foor the culturaal heritage off
and Tosi 20005; Frenez 2006).
2 I was of course deeeply India and in coonsideration oof the very detailed andd
interested inn Lothal and when
w I propoosed a small-scale convvincing data published
p by S
S.R. Rao, he never
n appliedd
project basedd on the mosst advanced teechniques of non- for such a project. The ressearch we caalled ‘Lothall
invasive archhaeology, he immediately
i a
agreed. Besidde the Revisitation Projeect’ would haave finally maade it possiblee
incomparablee importance that Lothal has h in the studdy of to collect new arrchaeological and palaeo-eenvironmentall
the Indus Civilization, it became of special
s intereest to dataa on different scales withouut any major disturbance
d off
Maurizio folllowing the discoveries
d hee made along with the site
s and its expposed structurres.
the late Sergee Cleuziou at Ra’s al-Jinz, in the Sultanaate of
Oman, in thee early ‘80s (F
Fig. 1). In our opinion, thhis target coulld not be reach
hed without a
detaailed reconstruuction of the ppaleogeographhy of the areaa
arouund Lothal duuring the Latee Mid-Holoceene, ca. 3000--
1000 0 BC (Belcheer and Belcheer 2000: 687), and withoutt
the structural and a technicaal understand ding of thee
hydrraulic engineering developped by the Harappans
H too
mannage the waterr flow within aand around th he site (Figs. 2
and 3).

I woould also like to spend a few w words to claarify the aimss

of ouur Project, in relation to the previous ressearch carriedd
out at Lothal by S.R. Rao. O Our ‘revisitatio on’ of Lothall
doess not have too be considerred an attemp pt to criticizee
Rao’s accomplishhments at anyy level, or to exceed them m
just by applying a few new meethods and tecchnologies onn
whaat he already discovered annd published in detail. Onn
Fig. 1. Map
Ma with indicaation of the maajor sites of thhe the contrary,
c we decided to ceenter this project on Lothall
Indus Civvilization (blacck dots) and other
o importannt also because we consider
c the reesearch carrieed out by S.R..
contem mporary sites in Iran, Centrral Asia and Rao in the ‘600s, one of the best archaeological a l
thhe Arabian Peeninsula (white dots). expeeriences everr gained for the understtanding of a
Haraappan site. Rao’s accurracy in exccavating andd
Maurizio has never forgotten hish original idea and in 2009, aft fter the publlishing Lothall is still an exxample 50 yeaars later and itt
field-season at Lothal,
L he sent onne of our master’’s degree studentts, Ms.
Samanta Signorr, to Allahabad annd Jhusi in order to
t verify the posssibility allow
ws us to attemmpt a renovatiion of the worrk for a betterr
of resuming his original proposall. undeerstanding off the site jusst by adding a few moree


overr almost thirtyy years by R Rao in different books andd

papeers (Rao 19557; 1961a; 19961b; 1961c; 1962; 1963;;
1965 5; 1968; 19700; 1973), but m mostly in the official
o reportt
of the
t excavatioons, published by the Archaeological
A l
Survvey of India inn two separatee volumes: volume 1, aboutt
the environmentaal context andd the structuraal features off
the site (Rao 19779) and volum me 2, which illustrates inn
detaail the materiall culture foundd at Lothal (R
Rao 1985).

The excavations carried out bby Rao disclo osed an urbann

settlement clearlyy ascribable to the Indus Civilization,,
whicch flourished on a local ppre-Harappan n Chalcolithicc
site (Rao 1979: 24-25).
2 The siite occupation
n was dividedd
into two main perriods separateed by a short break. Periodd
Fig. 2. Artiistic view of Lothal
L accordiing to S.R. Rao’s A is dated from m about 24500 to 1900 BC, B perfectlyy
reconstrucction (Lothal Archaeologica
A al Museum, ASSI). matcching to Phasses 3B and 3C of Harappaa (Rao 1979::
28-333; Meadow anda Kenoyer 22005), while Period B wass
relatted to a Late Harappan occupation dateed from aboutt
18000 to 1600 BC (Rao 1979: 333-36).

At Lothal,
L archaaeologists fouund an ‘acro opolis’ raisedd
upon n a system of artificial box-like pllatforms thatt
supp ported the pubblic and the rittual buildingss and a ‘lowerr
town n’ with the reesidential andd craft areas. However,
H thee
most impressive structure
s is unndoubtedly thee huge baked--
brick k-lined waterr basin excavvated by Rao immediatelyy
east of the site (F Fig. 3). Accordding to the exxcavator (Raoo
1979 9: 63-64, 1223-134 and ffig. 19), it was roughlyy
trapeezoidal, meaasuring 212.40 m on the westernn
emb bankment, 2099.30 m on thee eastern one, 34.70 m onn
the southern one and 36.70 m on the north hern one. Thee
wallls are about 1..80 m at founddation level an nd about 1.000
Fig. 3. Lothhal (Gujarat, India).
I View of the baked-brrick m at a ground levvel, with the inner faces of the wallss
dock from South (photto by Dennys Frenez 2005). stricctly vertical. According
A to Rao, a 12.20 m wide inlett
was originally preesent in the noorthern emban nkment, whilee
in a later stage itt was closed and replaced by a 7.00 m
pieces to the puzzle. Onn such bases, we designedd the widee one openedd at the souuthern end off the easternn
Project arounnd very speciific targets, inn order to exxpand emb bankment.
the results obbtained by S.R
R. Rao by setting the site innto its
environmental and palaeo--geographical framework. The debate aboutt the function of this uniqu ue structure iss
still open and the different posssible interprettations highlyy
influuenced severaal other centraal archaeologiical questionss
CT. abou ut the site. The
T basin wass originally in nterpreted byy
B UND Rao as a dock foor small boatss that reached d Lothal from m
the Gulf of Kham mbhat througgh the Sabarm mati-Bhogavoo
The archaeoological site of Lothal (222°31’22.97” N / riverr system (Raoo 1979: 125-134). This hy ypothesis wass
72°14’56.10”” E) covers about eight hectares and was supp ported by sevveral scholars (Chakrabartii 1979; 1995;;
discovered inn 1954, as thee result of a systematic
s villlage- 1999 9; Lal 1997; Nigam
N 1988; 2005; 2006; Nigam et al..
to-village archaeological
a l survey off the Saurasshtra- 1990 0; Nigam andd Hashimi 20002; Wheeler 1973). Later,,
Kathiawar Peninsula
P in thhe State of Gujarat,
G India (Rao otheer scholars considered
c it just a big reservoir forr
1979: 1-12).. The site is located on a natural elevvation irrig
gation and/or drinking water (Delloche 1983;;
within the smmall doab creeated by the confluence of o the Fairservis 1971; Leshnik
L 1968; Shah 1960),, while otherss
Bhogavo Rivver from northh-west and thhe Sabarmati River
R just rejected bothh theories without proposiing any solidd
from the nortth, about 25 too 40 km (depeending on the tide) alterrnatives (Dhavvalikar 1995; Gaur 2000; Pandya
P 1977;;
before theirr present deebouching innto the Gullf of Posssehl 1976; 19980). In a reecent paper, Rear R Admirall
Khambhat (FFig. 4). Retd d. S.C. Binndra (2003) evaluated all possiblee
interrpretations prroposed of thhe Lothal baasin in greatt
About one thhird of the sitee mound has been
b excavatedd and detaail. Considerinng the techniccal features off the structuree
documented in detail by S.R. Rao from the and the rough environmentaal data avaiilable at thee
Archaeologiccal Survey off India betweeen 1955 and 1962.1 mom ment (Gaur 2000;
2 Hariharran 1964; Ch handra 1997;;
An enormouus corpus of data d about thee structural seetting Nigaam 1988; Pannikkar and Sriivastavan 197 72; Rao 1973;;
of the site and
a its materiial culture haas been publiished 1979 9; Sahay 19996), he rejecteed the possib ble use of thee


Fig. 4. Sateellite images of

o the archaeoological site off Lothal, the Saurashtra
S Peeninsula and
the Gulf of Khambhat
K (Guujarat, India) (modified afteer US Dept. off State Geogra
rapher 2012).

basin for storring fresh watter, in favor of

o its interprettation alterrnated periodss of marine traansgression annd ingression,,
as an inland tidal
t dock (Biindra 2003: 166-18). whicch determinedd a continuous shifting of the t shoreliness
alonng the Bhogavvo-Sabarmati tidal plain (M Mancini et al..
2010 0). Accordingg to several scholars (Haashimi et al..
CT. 1995 5; Rao et al. 2003;
2 Mathurr et al. 2004),, the sea levell
ARCH in th
he eastern Araabian Sea was ca. 70 m lower in 100000
BP while in 7000 BP the le vvel was comp parable to thee
The Bhogavo-Sabarmati tidal t plain noorth of the Guulf of present stationinng; from 7000 BP to 4400 BP, i t
Khambhat, where
w Lothal is located, is a very dynnamic main ntained a consstant relative rrising trend with
w a climaticc
geographicall compound affected byy heavy siltaation, optimmum aroundca. 6000 BP, when the climate wass
fluvial erossion and deposition. Consequently,
C the charracterized byy high degrrees of temp perature andd
modificationns undergone during the past p five milleennia hummidity (Nigam et al. 1990).
may have connsiderably moodified the coaastal configurration
and the mainn hydrologicaal drainage sysstem of the reegion Duriing the seconnd half of thhe 3rd millenn nium BC, thee
(Khadkikar 2006;
2 Khadkikkar et al. 20004a; 2004b; Nigam
N level of the Easteern Arabian Seea was ca. +2 2 m above thee
1988; 2005;; 2006; Nigaam et al. 1990; Nigam and present mean sea level (Hashim mi et al. 1995
5). Moreover,,
Hashimi 2002). Moreovver, a comprrehensive dettailed acco
ording to the study of paleeochannels an nd paleodeltass
palaeo-enviroonmental recoonstruction haas to considerr also iden
ntified from saatellite imagees processing, the coastlinee
the particularr features of the
t sea level fluctuations inn the seem
ms to have runn across the m modern townss of Vataman,,
area. The Gulf
G of Kham mbhat is, in fact,
f a macrootidal Motti Boru and Bholar,
B less thhan 10 km farr from Lothall
monsoonal system
s affectted by a highh tidal rangee that (Khaadkikar 2006;; Khadkikar eet al. 2004a; 2004b).
2 Otherr
reaches up too twelve meters (Deo et al. 2011: 138; Nayak
N scho
olars, insteadd, stated thaat the maxim mum marinee
and Shetye 2003)
2 (Fig. 5). ingression occurrred between ca. 4500 an nd 4000 BC C
(corrresponding too the periodd of urban occupation
o att
The geomoorphological framework is thereforee of Loth
hal), with a seea level of caa. +6 m abov ve the presentt
fundamental importance to t validate Raao’s interpretaation. meaan sea level (M
Mathur et al. 22004; Gaur an nd Vora 2006;;
The geograpphical and eccological evollution of the area Gauur et al. 2007; Rao et al. 19996). However, such modelss
was closely affected by thhe Holocene climate
c cycless that mighht also be afffected by receent tectonic movements
m inn


Fig. 5. Gulf
G of Khambbhat (Gujarat,, India). Geoggraphical conffiguration andd bathymetry ((left), tide in July
J 2003
bassed on the meaasured data (uupper right) and hypothesiss for sea level changes in thhe past 6000 years
(loower right) (modified after Khadkikar
K 20006).

the region thhat suggest a possible

p uplifft of the area from Latee Mid-Holoccene (ca. 30000-1000 BC) and thee
2000 BC (C Chamyal et all. 2003; Kusuumgar et al. 1998;1 hydrraulic structuures that inteerfaced the site
s with thee
Mancini et al. 2010). surroounding envirronment.

On these baases, the ‘Loothal Revisitaation Project’ was The ‘Lothal Reviisitation Projeect’ was also planned as a
proposed to be carried ouut in direct paartnership betwween commprehensive program
p of mmutual exchaange with ann
the Department of Historyy, Cultures, Civilizations
C o the
of inten
nsive program m of trainingg, in order to
o activate thee
University of Bologna andd the Archaeoological Surveey of transsfer of the most
m advancedd and innovaative methodss
India, Ministtry of Culture, Governmentt of India, witth the and techniques for f the appliccation of rem mote sensing,,
technical coollaboration ofo the Depaartment of Earth E digittal documenttation and geeophysical pro ospections inn
Sciences andd Environmennt of the Univversity of Bollogna arch
haeology through field activities, lecturesl andd
(now Depaartment of Biological, Geological and confferences. Morreover, speciaal advisers witth recognizedd
Environmenttal Sciences), then headed by Prof. Giovvanni expeerience in museum
m scieences, archaeeological sitee
Gabbianelli. consservation and design of opeen-air archaeoological parkss
are continuouslyy assisting thhe Indo-Italian team forr
The Project was
w mainly deesigned as a geo-archaeolo
g ogical speccific actions.
project, combbining remotee sensing and field activitiees. In
particular, non-invasive
n g
geophysical p
prospections have
been propossed to detect different nattural and artificial LOT
subsoil featuures, complemmented by seriees of core-drilllings ACT
TIVITIES 20008 AND 20099
to determinne the shiftting of palaaeo-channels and
shorelines (fo
for the theoretiical backgrounnd of the propposed The base for plannning any othher field activ vity has beenn
geophysical methods andd examples off case-studiess, see giveen by the stuudy of differrent multispectral satellitee
Campana annd Forte 20006; Campanaa and Piro 2009; 2 imag ges of the areea from the Guulf of Khamb bhat, about 300
Khadkikar 20006; Khadkikar et al. 2004aa; 2004b). km south
s of Lothhal, to the Nalsarovar Lake,, about 30 km
northh-west of thhe site. Multiispectral sateellite imageryy
The researchh program wasw designed to investigatte in migh ht be used in archaeology tto identify palaeo-channelss
detail the comprehensivve archaeoloogical compoound, and other geomorrphological paatterns indicaating sea levell
including thhe urban setttlement confiiguration andd the stationing. Reliict morphollogical strucctures gavee
surrounding environment, through a cloose and continnuous anom malous specttral response in comparisson with thee
interaction between arrchaeologists and teamss of surroounding areaas due to thhe localized presence off
geologists, geo-morpholo
g ogists, geophyysicists and other diffeerent types of o sediment and/or chan nges in theirr
specialists of
o environm mental sciences, in ordeer to condditions of hum midity or vegeetation covering. The mainn
reconstruct thhe paleogeogrraphy around Lothal during the palaaeo-channels around
a Lothall were already
y detected byy


Fig. 6. Gulf of Khambhat (Gujarat, India). Palaeo-channels and palaeo-estuarine funnel during the Late Mid-Holocene
based on multispectral satellite imagery analyses (left): Bhogavo palaeo-channel sinuosity and width increase upstream
(central plots); the presence of scroll-bars complexes just north of Lothal and a wide channel south of the site indicate
that tidal water ingressed (???) till north of Lothal (right) (modified after Khadkikar 2006).

A.S. Khadkikar through the analysis of data collected by Following these observations and thanks to specific
the sensor L1SS IRS 1D-3 (Khadkikar 2006; Khadkikar permits granted seasonally by the Archaeological Survey
et al. 2004a; 2004b) (Fig. 6). of India, several preliminary field activities have been
carried out in 2008 and in 2009, in order to collect the
In the case of Lothal, elevation represents in fact a critical data required to eventually design a new three-year
factor because the local gradient is included in a range of research project:
ten meters only. The geomorphological remote-sensing
analysis of the area around Lothal, carried out by Dr. 1. The 3D Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the site and
Giuseppina Marcheselli4, is based on six multi-temporal the immediately surrounding area using a relative
TERRA-ASTER images acquired in April-May. In that kinetic GPS, in order to understand the preferential
period the vegetation is in fact not covering the terrain, natural and artificial ways of water flowing within and
since the harvest is completed, and the monsoon has not around the site. The measurements and the data post-
flooded the area yet. In multispectral ASTER data, the processing have been carried out by Dr. Francesco
presence of palaeo-channels has been emphasized Mancini and Dr. Francesco Stecchi5 in eight working
through the principal component technique (PC), which days, using three receivers Topcon GB500 L1/L2 (one
resulted in a new RGB image generated from the three as reference station and two rovers for the kinematic
images that presented a more clear visibility of the relict relief), set on data acquisition every five seconds for a
structures. Following these very preliminary analysis, the precision of ca. 1,0-1,5 cm.
assumptions about the sea level stationing in the Gulf of
Khambhat during the second half of the 3rd millennium 2. The complete magnetic survey of the non-excavated
BC can only be speculative. More accurate measurements archaeological area by Dr. H. Becker using a cesium
should be carried out in order to quantify the difference magnetometer (Fig. 7)6. In the northern area of the site,
between the past and the present mean sea levels and to just north of the surrounding wall, the magnetograms
trace the related palaeo-coastline. On the base of SRTM outlined a possible baked-brick embanked canal
elevation data and assuming +4.0 m in the sea level perfectly running east-west, perpendicularly to the
stationing and +2.0 m of tectonic uplift during the past dockyard (Mag. Anomaly A, in Fig. 7). It was
4000 years (ca. 0.5 mm/yr), Mancini et al. (2010) probably used to connect the palaeo-river streaming
positioned the Late Mid-Holocene shoreline at less than west of the site with the dockyard to the east. Several
10 km from Lothal. This scenario presents a substantial
correspondence with the discovery of marine micro- 5
Dr. Francesco Mancini, Università Tecnica di Bari
organisms in sediments extracted in the area by A.S. (; Dr. Francesco Stecchi, Centro di ricerca
interdipartimentale per le scienze ambientali, Università degli Studi di
Khadkikar (Khadkikar 2006; Khadkikar et al. 2004a, Bologna (
2004b). 6
Helmut Becker, Ehemaliger Direktor der Abteilung für
Archäologische Prospektion und Luftbildarchäologie an der
Dr. Giuseppina Marcheselli, Centro di ricerca interdipartimentale per Bayerischen Landesamt für Denkmalschutz in München, Germany;
le scienze ambientali, Università degli Studi di Bologna since 2007 Becker Archaeological Prospection in Beuerberg, Germany
( (


Fig. 7. Photomosaic of the magnetograms obtained by Dr. Helmut Becker during seasons 2008 and 2009
(courtesy of Dr. Helmut Becker 2009), with indication of the major anomalies and the three test trenches
excavated in 2009 to verify the matching between the digital signal and the buried structures.

other interesting features have been detected in the indicated by the magnetograms. The pottery, including
north-eastern area of the archaeological compound, an inscribed potsherd, and other finds like steatite
possibly including an architectural complex consisting beads, bangles, chert blades and a bronze knife date
of rooms facing a narrow street and separated by lanes these layers to the Late Harappan occupation of Lothal
(Mag. Anomaly B, in Fig. 7). Moreover, a vast during Period B (ca. 1800-1600 BC). Trench-C (5 x 5
magnetic anomaly at the south-western corner of the m) has been excavated in the north-western corner of
acropolis shows huge curvilinear walls that might the acropolis to a depth of 3.50 m. The remains of a
configure an articulated rampart system with a huge wall of mud bricks with basement of baked-
possible monumental gateway, or a large drainage bricks started at a depth of about 2.50 m, in association
outlet for the waste water that was flowing down off with materials dated to the mature Harappan phase
the acropolis (Mag. Anomaly C, in Fig. 7). (Lothal Period A, ca. 2450-1900 BC).

3. Following the results of the magnetic survey, three

stratigraphic test trenches have been excavated to PROPOSAL FOR FURTHER RESEARCH AND
verify the matching between the digital signal and the FIELD ACTIVITIES
buried structures. Trench-A (10 x 5 m) has been
excavated in correspondence with the western end of The new data obtained combining these different methods
the possible artificial baked-brick embanked canal, but suggested the need for further studies to better clarify the
the presence in the upper layers (from 1.0 to 1.5 m complex and dynamic sedimentary layout of the
deep) of an interesting kiln, that at first seemed to have archaeological compound at Lothal, with special
been used to bake the precious stoneware bangles reference to the interfaces between the natural and the
(Halim and Vidale 1984), prevented us from reaching artificial structures used to redirect the water flowing
the structure during the season. Trench-A should be within and around the site. Several other non-invasive
deepened and extended to the east in the future. techniques of preventive archaeology might be applied, in
Trench-B (10 x 5 m) exposed mud-brick walls just order to collect new data on both the palaeo-environment
below the surface, configuring several rooms as and the innovative hydraulic engineering developed by


the Harappans to set and maintain an artificial harbor excavations in the area of Trench-A, in order to reach the
within the macrotidal monsoonal environment of the subsoil below the bangle kiln. Remains of the possible
Bhogavo-Sabarmati tidal plain. baked-brick connective canal may be found in Trench-A
below the layers reached at 1.5 m. Moreover, laboratory
The usual complement and specification of magnetic activities are required to further document and study in
survey is the ground-penetrating radar (GPR). We detail the archaeological materials from the
planned to combine ground-penetrating radar with set of archaeological test trenches excavated in 2009.
high-resolution shallow seismic profiles, in order to
outline the structural features of the possible baked-brick
embanked canal detected through the magnetic survey. OUTCOMES AND OCCASIONS
As the magnetic measurements produce a horizontal
image of the buried structures overlapping the different In 2004, when I first visited Lothal for my master’s
phases, ground-penetrating radar and seismic tests degree thesis on the clay sealings, I was hosted by
provide the necessary information to understand their Bhagirathsinhji Vaghela of Utelia (Fig. 10), the former
vertical stratigraphic configuration. Ground-penetrating Yuvraj (Eng. “Crown Prince”) of the Dholkataluka
radar uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave district that includes Lothal and about 60 other villages
band (UHF/VHF frequencies) to delineate the buried and small towns adding up to about one million and a
features by detecting the signal reflected by subsoil half people. Bhagirathsinhji is a fine gentleman (and a
interfaces at different depths. The principle involved is cunning businessman), well-known in both intellectual
similar to seismic reflection, but GPR uses and economic realities of modern Gujarat. He has turned
electromagnetic energy instead of the acoustic energy the family Palace into a beautiful, charming heritage hotel
generated for seismic measurements. Seismic techniques and he has patronized the ‘Lothal Revisitation Project’
are based on the return rhythm measurement of since its very beginning. Moreover, Bhagirathsinhji
artificially generated seismic waves, which are reflected played an active role in the few parallel operations, all
and refracted at each subsurface density contrast. At a inspired by Maurizio, that we organized with his
depth greater than ca. 20 m or for very small targets (e.g., assistance and participation7.
man-made archaeological features), and in water-
saturated environments, seismic reflection may be In October 2008, Maurizio and I organized a series of
preferred to seismic refraction. meetings in Ravenna and Bologna under the aegis of the
Prorettorato per le Relazioni Internazionali
In selected situations, positive results might also be dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna, titled “Towards
obtained combining seismic profiles with electric Growing India: Prospects for Economic & Research
tomography. At Lothal, geo-electric tomography would Partnerships between Emilia-Romagna and the State of
aim to obtain sections and profiles of the palaeo-channels Gujarat”8. We invited directors of all Departments of the
originally detected by the satellite imagery analyses,
which revealed several cases of overlapping and All privileges and special status of Indian rulers have been abolished
by Indira Gandhi in 1971 through the twenty-sixth amendment to the
intersections among different hydrological networks in Constitution of the Republic of India, Act, 1971: “The concept of
the area surrounding the site. rulership, with privy purses and special privileges unrelated to any
current functions and social purposes, is incompatible with an
The new data produced by means of ground-penetrating egalitarian social order. Government has, therefore, decided to terminate
the privy purses and privileges of the Rulers of former Indian States. It
radar, seismic reflection profiles and geo-electric is necessary for this purpose, apart from amending the relevant
tomography have to be framed within a tridimensional provisions of the Constitution, to insert a new article therein so as to
sedimentary grid obtained through series of machine- terminate expressly the recognition already granted to such Rulers and
operated core drillings bored exclusively out of the to abolish privy purses and extinguish all rights, liabilities and
obligations in respect of privy purses”. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of
protected site area. While geophysical measurements India (New Delhi, The 31st July, 1971).
provide mainly a geometrical quantitative description of 8
Over the past ten years, the State of Gujarat has achieved an
the features detected, core drillings also give samples for impressive economic growth, with an average annual growth rate of
qualitative analyses. Sedimentary and biological analyses 10.4% that is even higher than that of China. Against 5% of the
population and the territory of India, Gujarat contributes to 16% of the
of the samples collected from the palaeo-channels industrial production of the Country and to almost 25% of its exports.
actually allow to reconstruct in detail the environment Moreover, Gujarat mobilized the highest share of foreign investments
surrounding Lothal and the palaeo-drainage network (12.7%). Gujarat’s main contribution to the industrial production of
active in the area during the Late Mid-Holocene (ca. India is in sectors of soda ash production (98% of the entire production
in India), salt processing (85%), diamond processing (80%), plastic
3000-1000 BC), including their dating. industry (65%), petrochemicals (65%), chemicals (60%), pharmaceutics
(35%) and textiles (80%). Moreover, 65% of Gujarat’s territory is
As of test excavations, while Trench-B confirms that cropped for a total of about 13 million ha. In 2009-2010 Gujarat
cesium magnetometer gives positive results in detecting produced 218 million tons of food grains including wheat, rice, maize,
groundnut, mustard, sesame, pigeon pea, green gram and black gram.
shallow structures made of mud-bricks, with a low Gujarat has also the highest productivity of custard, castor, guava,
contrast with the surrounding archaeological deposit, the potato, onion, cumin, fennel and cotton in the whole country. Gujarat
discovery of a massive baked-brick wall in Trench-C Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd., jointly owned by 3
demonstrates that it also works to detect high-contrast million milk producers for about 10 million liters of milk per day, is the
largest milk producer and dairy industry in Asia (all data and
features at least up to three meters below the surface. This information from ‘Vibrant Gujarat 2013’, website:
evidence promotes the necessity of further deep Considering also the increasingly rapid


University of Bologna, as well as representatives of both ports, in a broader sense, are in fact artificial
Confindustria Emilia-Romagna, the main organization waterways built in a sandy mud soil and we desperately
representing the Italian manufacturing and service needed expertise in this type of construction techniques
industry. Bhagirathsinhji was also invited as a and the many problems involved (Figs. 9 and 10). The
representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry occasion arrived soon during the visit of Bhagirathsinh
of Gujarat to illustrate the many possibilities for Vaghela in Ravenna in October 2008. On our request the
economic investments in Gujarat. Dr. Maurizio Miranda, Vice-Mayor of Ravenna, Mr. Giannantonio Mingozzi,
Director of the Indo-Italian Institute for Trade and kindly organized a visit to the industrial port and a series
Technology (IIITT), and Dr. Sauro Mezzetti, of the Indo- of meetings with the management of the Port Authority
Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IICCI), of Ravenna. In such meetings, the Port Authority of
completed the vibrant picture. Moreover, Maurizio has Ravenna showed apparent interest in exploring
presented a wide range of possible research and possibilities for business in Gujarat, mainly related to
partnerships in various sectors by the University of the planned construction of a new port at Dholera, on
Bologna in Gujarat, from cultural heritage to tourism the western shore of the Gulf of Khambhat (Guerrini
economy, from chemical and pharmaceutical research to 2008b; 2008c). Of course, this would have also been a
infrastructural engineering (Guerrini 2008a). great occasion for us to work alongside geologists,
hydrologists and experts in port building and
Two main projects of particular interest were brought development.
forward during these meetings. Even if for several
reasons both projects have not been exploited in all their
potential, they still set the stage for possible future



As soon as the hydraulic engineering developed at Lothal

by the Harappans emerged in all its possible complexity,
Maurizio immediately suggested me to contact the Port
Authority of Ravenna10. Even if on a very different scale,

infrastructural and urban development, parallels with Emilia-Romagna

and its economic system are evident and convincing. Fig. 8. The old ‘Candiano’ port canal of Ravenna in 1920
For the ‘Ravenna-Gujarat Strategic Partnership’, I wish to thank Mr. (from “Il Porto di Ravenna” 2011). The resemblance
Giannanonio Mingozzi, Vice-Mayor of Ravenna; Eng. Leonello
with the Lothal dock and the attached warehouse
Sciacca, General Manager Sapir Engineering S.r.l.; Eng. Stefano
Puzzarini, Sapir Engineering S.r.l.; Dr. Nicolò Tassoni Estense, former as proposed by S.R. Rao is striking
Economic & Commercial Counselor for the Embassy of Italy in New (even if probably fortuitous).
Delhi; Dr. Maurizio Miranda, Director of the Indo-Italian Institute for
Trade & Technology (IIITT); Honbl. Mr. Atanu Chakraborty, IAS,
former Vice Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat Maritime
Board, Govt. of Gujarat; Capt. Y.P. Deulkar, Genaral Manager Business Hence, my tasks for the 2008-2009 seasons of the ‘Lothal
Development & Planning Marketing & Corporate Communication, Revisitation Project’ also included the preparation of a
Gujarat Maritime Board, Govt. of Gujarat. Again, I wish to thank Mr. negotiating table between the Gujarat Maritime Board
Philip Koch, who knew all there was to know (and probably even more)
and the Port Authority of Ravenna, in view of the visit of
about the ports of Ravenna.
The port of Ravenna (Ferilli 1999; Mauro 2002) has a millenary a delegation from Ravenna in December 200811.
history dating back at least to Emperor Augustus, who founded the
military harbor of Classe in 31 BC (named after classis, Latin for related and chemical products, the port of Ravenna handles raw
“fleet”). Due to its strategic geographical position, the Port of Ravenna materials and finished products related to ceramics, steel, timber and
remained active even after the decline of the Western Roman Empire at agricultural food production for a total average of about 25 MMT
the end of the 5th century AD. It entered a further golden age during the (million tons) per year. The canal has a depth of up to 11.50 m and a
Byzantine dominion, as witnessed by the splendid mosaics of total of about 16 km of operational quays (8 km might be further
Sant’Apollinare Nuovo. It underwent decline after being flooded with equipped). The whole intermodal operational area of the Ravenna port
the mud of the rivers and conquered by Venice in the 15th century. In canal extends for about 2.000 ha, including 280 ha of warehouses, 140
1738, after a major operation to drain the marshes around Ravenna, the ha of storing yards and about 1 million cubic meters of tanks and silos
new Corsini Port Canal, currently called ‘Candiano’ as the old one, (all data and information from ‘Assoporti’ website,
started connecting Ravenna to the Adriatic Sea (Fig. 8). Nowadays, the
port of Ravenna is the only major canal port in Italy. Designed in the Thanks to its geographic location and to its 1600 km of coast, Gujarat
‘50s as an industrial port related to a huge petrochemical plant is still the real gateway to India. Gujarat’s maritime sector is considered
established at Ravenna just after World War II, the ‘Candiano’ evolved among the most proactive and well developed sectors of India. The 45
quickly enhancing its multipurpose trade facilities. The present port interlinked ports handled 205 MMT (million tons) of cargo traffic in
canal is about 12 km long and connects the seafront with the historical 2009-2010, which will increase to over 500 MMT within 2015. With
centre of the city (Fig. 9). The port of Ravenna is leader in Italy for the doubling of cargo handling capacity, Gujarat will handle more than
direct trade with the Near East, the Southern Mediterranean and the Far 40% of India’s cargo traffic. Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB) was
East. Moreover, thanks to excellent roads and rail connections, it serves created by the Government of Gujarat in 1982 to manage, control and
all the regions of Italy and Central Europe. In addition to petroleum- administer all maritime sectors in Gujarat, including ports, captive


S.r.ll., and by Mr. Giannantonioo Mingozzi, Vice-Mayor

V off

Following 1) evvaluation by Eng. Stefan no Puzzarini,

hnical represenntative of the Port of Raven nna Authorityy
/ Sap
pir Engineerinng S.r.l., of the environmen ntal features off
the most
m importannt locations foor future portss developmentt
in Gujarat
G and 2) collection oof technical datad about thee
Gujaarat port systeem; the aforem mentioned Paarties state thee
ntion to evaluuate possibilitiies for the esttablishment off
a teechnical straategic partneership betweeen the Portt
Authhority of Ravvenna / Sapir Engineering S.r.l. and thee
Gujaarat Maritimee Board, Goveernment of Gu ujarat, for thee
deveelopment andd the managgement of in nternodal portt
Fig. 9. Aeriaal view of the modern ‘Canndiano’ port caanal systeems in Gujaarat, on thee basis of the t followingg
of Ravvenna (photo byb Giorgio Bisserni 2007). preliiminary stages:

1. Organization
O b the Port of Ravenna Autthority / Sapirr
E S.r.l. of a trainning stage in Ravenna forr
Following thhe first meettings I had inn Gujarat, it was tw
wo Indian technicians
t sselected by the Gujaratt
rather clear that
t more thaan the buildingg of a new poort at Maritime
M Boarrd, Governmeent of Gujarat, among theirr
Dholera, the Gujarat Maritime Board neededn a techhnical 1) technical and enviroonmental staaff, and 2))
partner for thhe developmeent and the moodernization of o the ad
dministrative and legislaative staff, in order too
still existing ports. I starteed working consequently along
a op
peratively staart mutual kknow-how ex xchanges andd
with my frieend and colleaague Philip Koch
K and, withh the ex
xpertise sharinng to set up thhe executive framework
f forr
diplomatic support of Dr. Nicolò Tasssoni Estense, with th
he possible future technnical strategicc partnershipp
the then Ecoonomic and Commercial
Counselor for the between the Port Authorrity of Raveenna / Sapirr
Embassy of Italy in New Delhi. Thankks to the techhnical Engineering
S.r.l. and the Gujarat Marritime Board,,
assistance off Dr. Maurizioo Miranda, wee prepared the draft Government
G of Gujarat. Thhe proper durration and thee
for a Mem morandum off Understandding betweenn the ex
xact period of
o the trainingg stage in Rav venna will bee
Gujarat Maaritime Boardd (GMB) annd the Induustrial decided by thhe Port Authority of Rav venna / Sapirr
Extension Bureau
B (iNDE EXTb) for thhe Governmennt of Engineering
E S..r.l. in agreem
ment with Gujaarat Maritimee
Gujarat, thee Port of Ravenna Authority / Sapir S Board,
B Governnment of G Gujarat; ideallly, the basicc
Engineering S.r.l. and thhe Departmennt of Archaeoology ex
xpenses in Italy
I should be charged to the Portt
(now Departtment of Histtory, Culturess, Civilizationns) of Authority
A of Ravenna
R / Saapir Engineerring S.r.l., inn
University off Bologna, forr the Italian side.' co
ollaboration with
w the Muniicipality of Raavenna, whilee
he internationnal travels m might be cov vered by thee
Following our
o presentattion held in Gandhinagaar on Gujarat
G Maritimme Board, Goovernment of Gujarat;
December 242 th, 2008, with
w the participation of Eng.
Stefano Puzzzarini as a representative of the Port 2. Organization
O of an Internnational Confference titledd
Authority off Ravenna / Sapir Enginneering S.r.l., the “CCreated from m the Grouund. A Rav venna-Gujaratt
Gujarat Marritime Board agreed in priinciple to signn the Strategic Partnnership to undderstand the Past
P planningg
MoU by invviting an offiicial delegatioon of the Poort of he Future” to be held in Gaandhinagar in April or Mayy
Ravenna Auuthority to the Vibrantt Gujarat Global G 2009, with thee presence of official representatives forr
Investors’ Summit
S 2009 (11th - 13thh January, 2009). th
he Municipaliity of Ravennna, the Port Authority off
Between December 25th and a 29th, Eng. Puzzarini viisited Ravenna
R / Saapir Engineeering S.r.l., Confindustriaa
five major ports
p in Gujarat, in ordeer to start a first Ravenna
R and the
t Universityy of Bolognaa from Italiann
o the possibble technical operation too be
evaluation of siide; ideally, hospitality and conferen nce expensess
proposed byy the Port Authority
A of Ravenna / SapirS sh
hould be chaarged to the Gujarat Marritime Board,,
Engineering S.r.l. in the neext steps of thhe agreement. Government
G o Gujarat, w
of while Italian parties
p mightt
coover their travvel expenses inn full.
In order to suummarize thee contents andd philosophy of o the Unfo
fortunately, thhe first signalls of the eco onomic crisis,,
proposed entterprise, I heree report the coore passages of
o the that is still cripplling the worldd, have possib bly suggestedd
MoU preseented to Mrr. Atanu Chakraborty,C Vice to th
he Port Authhority of Ravvenna to not risk such ann
Chairman annd Chief Exeecutive Officcer of the Guujarat enterprise. Eventuually, they evven decided to t turn downn
Maritime Booard, Governm ment of Gujaarat, on Deceember the invitation
i from
m the Gujaratt Maritime Bo oard to attendd
24th, 2008, annd previously approved in all
a its points by
b Dr. the Vibrant
V Gujarrat 2009 free oof charge, inclluding a standd
Leonello Sciiacca, Generall Manager off Sapir Engineeering with
h an exhibitioon about Raveenna and its industrial
i andd
touristic ports. Neevertheless, I think that thee entire opera--
jetties, shipbuillding and fisheryy. Over the nextt three decades, GMB

planned the inntegrated developpment of new ports,p along witth the

tion deserves consideration as a concrete exaample of how w
required road and
a rail links (alll data and inforrmation from “G Gujarat arch
haeology (and archaeologistts) might also o contribute too
Maritime Boardd”, website: www the actual
a developpment of its socio-economic environment.


MINIUMUM MAHARAJA. A RAJPUT FAMILY Prof. Gustavo Gozzi and his assistant, Dr. Annalisa Furia,
BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY12 immediately agreed to our proposal with unexpected
enthusiasm and one week later two of their more
The second Project, more related to pure academic experienced students, Ms. Giulia Bendandi and Ms. Elisa
research, was inspired by a chat I had with Maurizio on Valandro, landed at Ahmedabad. Another student of Prof.
the way back to Ahmedabad from Bhuj to meet Gozzi, Ms. Vanessa Merlin, started a historical research
Bhagirathsinh (trying to resume the ports affair), late in to reconstruct the socio-economic and legislative
January 2010. We were talking to Andrew Lawler13 about relations between the local princely states and the central
the intangible cultural heritage and Maurizio came up power in the transition from British Raj to the Republic
with very detailed and circumstanced arguments to of India. Moreover Dr. Franco La Cecla16, a cultural
support a possible nomination of the cultural and socio- anthropologist with a lifelong friendship with Maurizio,
economic heritage left in India by the Maharajas joined our small team aimed to make a documentary film
(Dwivedi 2008; Jackson and Jaffer 2009). on the Vaghela family (La Cecla 2010).

Later that season we stopped the field-work at Lothal as We spent a beautiful, interesting month interviewing the
early as around mid-March, since an anomalous heat Vaghela family members following an outline of fifty
wave (min. 35° C, max. 50° C) prevented us from questions, selected to focus on contrasts and continuity
working on the field. Most of all, the very high between the old generation of Bhagirathsinhji’s parents,
temperature made the ground too dry, cracked and his father Takhtsinhji Vaghela and his mother
compact for all types of geophysical measurements we Kumaridevi, and the current one, including
had planned and also for the core-drillings. Our Bhagirathsinhji (of course), his wife, Vidhatridevi, and
archaeological and geological teams soon left Lothal for their 12-year old son Neerbhai (Fig. 10). Another shorter
various destinations, while I still had several meetings interview was also prepared for the Palace staff and the
planned and scattered throughout the next month. Hence, most eminent people in the village of Utelia, such as the
I suggested to Maurizio to propose his friend and old Palace ‘manager’ and his son, the village doctor, the
colleague at the Faculty for Preservation of Cultural school-teacher, the priest of the Shiva temple and the
Heritage, Prof. Gustavo Gozzi14, to develop with our fakir of the mosque near the village17.
support a preliminary research based on the sociopolitical
and anthropological study of the Vaghela Rajput family Unfortunately, since we fell into a traditionally ill-
of Utelia, in order to understand the legacy of Maharajas omened period for traveling, we could not meet at Utelia
and how traditions and modernity coexist in present-day
India (Mathur 1979; Pellicani 1994; Tod 1832; Wood heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly
recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment,
1984). The major long-term outcome of this research their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a
should have been the demonstration that small former sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural
royal families still play an active and dynamic role, diversity and human creativity. For the purposes of this Convention,
improving the social cohesion and maintaining the consideration will be given solely to such intangible cultural heritage as
is compatible with existing international human rights instruments, as
cultural identity of rural India. This might have allowed well as with the requirements of mutual respect among communities,
the competent Indian institution to propose the groups and individuals, and of sustainable development.
nomination of Maharajas’ cultural and social legacies as 16
Istituto di Studi Superiori, University of Bologna. Franco has recently
candidates for the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage founded Architecture Social Impact Assessment (ASIA) and is adviser
for the Renzo Piano’s Building Workshop (RPBW).
List15. 17
The village of Utelia has become rather famous in Gujarat after the
communal riots between Hindus and Muslims occurred in 2002,
For ‘Minimum Maharaja’, I wish to thank Prof. Gustavo Gozzi and following the sadly famous train burning at Godhra. On January 22nd,
Dr. Annalista Furia, Faculty for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, 2005, Harit Mehta published a beautiful article titled “Utopia called
University of Bologna; Dr. Franco La Cecla, Istituto di Studi Superiori, Utelia celebrates Eid” on the Times of India, reporting that “the small
University of Bologna; Ms. Giulia Bendandi, Ms. Elisa Valandro and village of Utelia (near Ahmedabad), inhabited by Hindus, celebrates
Ms. Vanessa Merlin. Of course, special thanks to the Yuvraj Bakr-Eid in style on Friday, like it has been doing for centuries,
Bhagirathsinhji Vaghela of Utelia, his father Takhtsinhji ‘Bapu’ untouched by the communal divide all pervasive in many other parts of
Vaghela, his mother Kumaridevi ‘Mata’ Vaghela, his wife Vidhatridevi Gujarat. For ages now, Utelia, a village founded in 1646 by Bhavsinhji,
and their son Neerbhai. Personal thanks to my friends Bahadur and a member of the Vaghela Rajput clan, has been witnessing an elaborate
Giriraj. procession led by the princely family to mark Bakri-Id celebrations.
During that return drive to Ahmedabad after a conference in Bhuj, And Friday […] Yuvraj Bhagirathsinhji led a procession of over 500
Andrew Lawler also collected all of Maurizio’s anecdotes and villagers from the Palace to the village mosque, about half a kilometer
information at the base of his profile “The ‘Cobra’ Uncovers Ancient away. Here, he offered to the mosque a nishaan, a green coloured flag
Civilizations and Cold War Political Secrets”, published as a box within with a moon and star, and 25 kg of malida, a local variety of sweet.
an article about present archaeological research linking Oman and Legend has it that soon after Bhagirathsinhji’s great grandfather was
Gujarat (Lawler 2010). crowned at a tender age of six years, the Nawab of Cambay had
Professor of “International cooperation, human rights and ethno- attacked Utelia. Realizing that the State’s small army was no match to
cultural heritage in the Mediterranean and Eurasia” at the Faculty for the might of the Nawab, the then Prince’s mother urged Magdum Pir, a
Preservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Bologna - Ravenna sufi saint who used to stay at the village mosque, to help out in the hour
Campus. of crisis. With his ‘supernatural powers’ (probably religious influence),
According to the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Pir managed to ensure that the Nawab’s army beat a retreat. The royal
Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), the ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage’ family believes that though the tradition is age old, its significance in
includes practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills - as contemporary times has only increased. “At a time when the entire State
well as the instruments, objects, artifacts and cultural spaces associated is being blamed for the misdeeds of a few, these kind of instances will
therewith - that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals only help people from different communities come closer,
recognize as part of their cultural heritage. This intangible cultural Bhagirathsinhji said” (Mehta 2005).


Fig. 10. The Yuvraaj Bhagirathssinh Fig. 11. Members of the Vaghella Rajput
Vaghelaa inside the arrchives of the Utelia clann during the ceeremony at the Utelia
Palacce (photo by Philip
P Koch 20007). Pallace (photo byy Giorgio Gori 2010).

with a repressentative of thhe traditional Bārots

B sub-casste of L Cecla has produced a shhort film, titleed “Minimum
Dr. La m
genealogists (Gujarati, Vaahīvanchās) and a mythograpphers Mahharaja”19, whiich has been presented in n preview att
that has beenn recording thhe history of thhe different Rajput
R Ravenna at the Notte
N d’Oro (OOctober 6, 2010), and thenn
clans for cennturies (Shah and Shroff 1958).
1 This would
w repliicated to the River to Riiver Florence Indian Film m
have been ann unique oppoortunity to seee the originall 200 t short description of the documentaryy
Festtival. This is the
kg master-boook, where thhey report all facts and leggends I havve written witth Franco for the leaflet an
nd the websitee
related to thee Rajput clanss and start preparing a projeect to that presented thee Ravenna screeening:
prevent them m from culturral extinction. In fact, activvities
‘ M
Maharaja’ tellss about the role and thee
and skills ofo Bārots subb-caste perfectly fall intoo the
p of a small
s Rajput m maharaja, wh ho lives in thee
purposes of UNESCO
U Inttangible Cultuural Heritage and
a I
c o Gujarat. Baaghiratsinh, th
of his being thee
still do hopee we can findd an institutioon that might take
n of the maharaja,
m is aan example off how power,,
care of our idea and devvelop a serioous project onn the
e though ini a marginal and decaden nt situation, iss
topic. Such a project might m be alsoo connected with
e in a breeze thaat itself prod duces. Today,,
another posssible research,, related to thhe Vaghela faamily
I maharaajas do not ow wn lands and d subjects, butt
of Utelia, foor the conservvation and thee palaeo-econnomic
t still cast a shadow of what remainss of their pastt
study of thee account arrchives of UteliaU Palace. The
o the nearrby villages, settling leg gal disputes,,
archives covver a rather loong period inccluding the Brritish
a on investmentts, organizin ng nostalgicc
rule over Gujjarat, providinng an exceptioonal opportuniity to
c whhen local storyytellers tale th
he feats of thee
understand from
fr a primaryy source how the Raj influeenced
R warrioors of old. ‘M Minimum Maharaja’
M is a
the economiic organizatioon of a smalll princely staate in
w on such a “moddernized epicc”, which iss
India. We arre now tryingg to sound a few partnerss out
I but thaat might be thhe one of our gattopardi orr
in order to resume it at the best possible level world- w
o any other dynasty
d that hhas lost lusterr, but not thee
d to rise above
a the manny.
The researchh period at Utelia
U ended in the best way
possible, witth Bhagirahthssinh and the entire
e Vaghelaa clan My last,
l most intimate thought goes to the memory
m of latee
celebrating the
t traditionall opium tea ceremony in honorh Proffessor Serge Cleuziou
C and late Professoor Gregory L.
of their guests (Fig. 11).. Bhagirahthssinhji invited (and Posssehl. Their fate (or chance) e) has preventted Serge andd
Franco handdsomely paid)) bards to telll the feats of the Greg g from contribbuting to this volume, but th
heir work andd
Vaghela Claan and almostt one hundredd Rajput malees of theirr friendship foor Maurizio peermeate each page.
different geenerations paarticipated in their tradittional
attires with colorful
c turbanns, singing annd dancing unnder a Refeerences Cited
continuous raain of rose peetals (Guerrinii 2010; Thommpson
1991)18. VV.AA. 2011. Il
I Porto di R
Ravenna. Racccolte da ‘Ill
Beautiful picctures of the cerremony at Uteliaa have been takken by
photographer G.G Gori, http:/// “M
Minimum Maharaaja”. Production by Franco La Cecla,
C Editing byy
html. Fabio
o Bianchini Pepeggna (Cineteca of B


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