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* This is a C++ starting code for hw6_1.
* When you finish the development, download this file.
* Note that the current filename is "main.cpp".
* But rename it to "main_hw6_1.cpp".
* After that, upload the renamed file on Canvas.

// Finish the head comment with Abstract, Name, and Date.

* Title: main_hw6_1.cpp
* Abstract: This program traverses a 2D matrix to collect coins
* and returns the most optimum path from (1,1) to (i,j);
* Name: Nina Khuu
* Date: 02/21/2023

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;

//Function to print matrix

void displayMatrix(vector<vector<int> > v);

int main()
int rows, columns;

//Receives number of rows and columns from the user

cin >> rows >> columns;

vector<vector<int> > inputBoard; //Matrix to keep track of input from

vector<vector<int> > maxCoinBoard; //Matrix to keep track of maximum
coins per square

//Receives input board from the user

for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
vector<int> rowInput;

for(int j = 0; j < columns; j++)

int n;
cin >> n;


//Keep track of coins from first row

vector<int> firstRowCoins;

//Check coins on first row

for(int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
//Index[0][0] on max coin board should contain same value from
input board
//Check each index after and add value from left index and current
index of input board
firstRowCoins.push_back( firstRowCoins.back() + inputBoard[0][i]);

//Push the first row to max coin board


//Check remaining rows

for(int i = 1; i < inputBoard.size(); i++)
vector<int> rowValues;

for(int j = 0; j < inputBoard[i].size(); j++)

//To check values in first column, compare top to value of
0 and add coin if there is one.
rowValues.push_back(max(maxCoinBoard[i-1][j], 0) +
//Check remaining columns
rowValues.back())+ inputBoard[i][j]);

//Push each row to max coin board

//Max coin is the number in destination index

int maxCoins = maxCoinBoard[rows-1][columns-1];

//Print out max coins

cout << "Max coins:"<<maxCoins << endl;

//Set current index pair as destination index

pair<int, int> currentIndex(rows-1, columns-1);

//Create vector to keep track of optimal path

vector<pair<int, int> > optimalPath;

//Add destination index for optimal path


//If the row is 0 then set the next index to the left square
if(currentIndex.first == 0)
currentIndex.first = currentIndex.first;
currentIndex.second = currentIndex.second-1;
//If the column is 0 or if top index is greater than left index, set next
index to top square
else if(currentIndex.second == 0 || maxCoinBoard[currentIndex.first-1]
[currentIndex.second] > maxCoinBoard[currentIndex.first][currentIndex.second-1] )
currentIndex.first = currentIndex.first-1;
currentIndex.second = currentIndex.second;
currentIndex.first = currentIndex.first;
currentIndex.second = currentIndex.second-1;

//Insert the index pair into beginning of optimal path vector

optimalPath.insert(optimalPath.begin(), currentIndex);

}while(currentIndex.first != 0 || currentIndex.second != 0); //Do until index

is [0][0]

//Print out optimal path

cout << "Path:";
for(int i = 0; i < optimalPath.size(); i++)
cout << "("<<optimalPath[i].first + 1 << "," << optimalPath[i].second + 1
cout << "("<<optimalPath[i].first + 1 << "," << optimalPath[i].second + 1
cout << "->";

cout << endl;

return 0;

void displayMatrix(vector<vector<int> > v)

cout << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
for(int j =0; j < v[i].size(); j++)
cout << v[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;

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