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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School


School Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School Grade Level ELEVEN
Teaching Second/
Dates & APRIL 18, 2023 @ 2:00-3:00 PM Semester/Term
Time Midterm
I. Objectives
A. Content Standard:
The learners have an understanding of imagery, diction, figures of speech, and variations on
B. Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to produce short paragraphs or vignettes using imagery, diction, figures of
speech, and specific experiences.
Use imagery, diction, figures of speech, and specific experiences (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab-4)
a. identify the figures of speech;
b. appreciate songs thru analyzing its lyric to reveal the used figures of speech; and
c. write a poem using the selected figures of speech.
II. Content
Figurative Language: Figures of Speech

III. Learning Resources

A. References

1. Teacher’s/ Curriculum Guide Pages:

2. Learner’s Material’s Pages:

3. Textbook Pages:

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) Portal:

Creative Writing Quexbook and DepEd Curriculum Guide 2016/SLM in Creative Writing

B. Other Learning Resources:

Speaker, Audio File, Teacher-made Visual, Chalk and Board

IV. Procedures
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

VI. 1A. ROUTINARY  PRAYER -The Lord’s Prayer

ACTIVITIES Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed
be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will
be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread. And forgive us
our trespasses, As we forgive them that
trespass against us. And lead us not into
temptation, But deliver us from evil. For
thine is the kingdom, The power, and the
glory, For ever and ever. Amen.

 THOUGHTS -Education is the most powerful weapon

FOR TODAY which you can use to change the word
(DAILY * Nelson Mandela
(each student is assigned
to report who are
absent /present for the
day to the secretary and
an inspirational quote to
be shared to class)

-The past lesson is all about Imagery and

*What is imagery?
1st student:
Imagery is visual symbolism, or figurative
language that evokes a mental image or
other kinds of sense impressions,
especially in a literary work,
*What is Diction?
2nd Student:
Diction, in its original meaning, is a
writer's or speaker's distinctive vocabulary
choices and style of expression in a poem
or story
*As we recall about rd
3 student: Imagery can make something
imagery and diction,
abstract, like an emotion or theory, seem
why is it important to
more concrete and tangible to the reader.
creative writing?
By using imagery, writers can evoke the
feeling they want to talk about in their
readers...and by making their readers feel,
writers can also help readers connect to the
messages in their work
*Great job students,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

these are just a few of
the figurative tools
that we can use to
have a better piece of
So this time, to deepen
and widen your
knowledge about, we
can proceed to this
But before that, we
give a boom clap for
everyone for a job well
done .
IV.1B. Activity/Strategy Activity 1. Picture
Students will tell what
they can describe to
the picture posted.

Based on colored flash
cards like Pink, Blue, -The common word is Chemistry!
Red& Green.
-The picture one defines the word
1.What is the common chemistry while the other describes how
word based on the
these famous GMA artists( Marian and
pictures posted?
Dingdong) attracts their chemistry as a
2. What are the love team.
definitions/expression -The picture one tells is definition based
that the 2 pictures tell. from science which used literal language
while the other used figurative language to
3. Which of the two tell that they have chemistry or they are
tells Literal or great when paired.
Figurative language?
1st : A thousand Years by Christina Perri
Activity 2. Guess the
title: 2nd:Fireworks by Katy Perry
Song and Lyrics will
be played and then 3rd: Just Give me A reason by Pink
students will guess the
title of the song. 4th :Grenade by Bruno Mars
Note the writing style
5th :Butter by BTS
employed in the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

IV.1C. Analysis Guided Questions:

Based from our
1. What is the
difference between
literal language and
figurative language?
2.What is more useful
when we write a piece
of literary work?
Literal or Figurative
3.What common Possible Answers:
figurative languages
you know/ What I Know:
observe/came across
What I want to Know:
while reading a certain
piece of literary work? What I Learned:

4.What are Simile, Q1. Literal Language – You say exactly what you
Metaphor, mean. You make no comparison, and you do not
Personification, exaggerate or understate the situation.
Apostrophe and
Hyperbole? Figurative Language – You DON'T say exactly
what you mean. You DO compare, exaggerate, and
understate the situation.

Additional Answer for Q1.

Literal and figurative are two words that we

often see in relation to language and writing. In
language study, these words act as antonyms,
i.e. they have the opposite meanings. Literal
language is saying exactly what you
mean while figurative language is more
elaborate and uses literary techniques or
figures of speech
like hyperbole, personification, metaphors,

Q2. Both are important:

Figurative language compares things in order

to give them more detail. We use figurative
language to help the reader better understand
what we are trying to describe. Figurative
language captures our attention. It engages
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

and sparks our mind. On the other hand,
Literal language expresses thoughts and
ideas in a clear and specific manner. They do
not deviate from the accepted meaning. Thus,
it is easy to understand literal language. This
type of language is often used to deliver
important information and is used in writing
scientific, technical and legal documents

Q3. Simile, Metaphor, Personification ,

Apostrophe and Hyperbole.
Q4. 1. Simile (compares two things)
2. Metaphor (a figure of speech used in
3.Personification (giving human
characteristics to a non-living thing)
4. Apostrophe (uses language to describe
an inanimate thing)
5. Hyperbole (exaggeration)
IV.1D. Abstraction Figurative language is Based on students’ research:
phrasing that goes
beyond the literal Similes: Similes are explicit comparisons
meaning of words to of two things using "like" or "as." If you
get a message or point were to say that your romantic partner was
across. This definition "like a flower in spring," for example, you
dates back to the mid- would probably mean to say that they
nineteenth century were similar to a flower because they were
and comes from the “He
beautiful or delicate, or fragrant.
Old French word
“figuratif,” meaning was wily as a fox,” or “I
“metaphorical.” slept like a log.”
Writers create Metaphors: Metaphors are implicit
figurative language comparisons of two things, where one
through figures of thing is spoken about as if it were another.
speech such as: For instance, a revolutionary might
proclaim that the fires of freedom are
Simile spreading; they would mean that the spirit
of revolution is spreading like a fire: fast,
“He was a
hot, and dangerous.
wily fox,” or “She cried a
Apostrophe river of tears.”
Hyperbole Personification: This figurative technique
sometimes overlaps with metaphor and
https:// simile. Personification happens when someone uses language to describe an
watch?v=AjUpJtSgj18 inanimate thing (like a chair or the wind)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

A video Presentation by ascribing to it qualities possessed only

from Youtube be playing by living beings. If a chair fell on top of
you, for instance, you might exclaim: "That
chair attacked me!" We would all know
that you did not mean the chair literally
came to life and hit you. But your way of
phrasing helps us to see the situation in a
funnier and more imaginative light.
wind howled,” “The words
leapt off the page,” and
“Time marches on”
Apostrophes: Apostrophe is a figure of
speech that is used to address someone
who is absent or already dead. It can also
be used to address an abstract quality or
idea and even a non-living object. Examples:
“O Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou

O Captain! my Captain! our

fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d
every rack, the prize we
sought is won,”

Hyperbole: This is just a good old-

fashioned exaggeration. For instance, if
your feet are cold you might complain that
they are "cold as ice." If this were literally
true, then you would have terrible
frostbite, but what you would really mean
is simply that your feet were very cold.
have a million things to do
IV.1E. Application WHATS MY Task (1/4 SHEET OF PAPER): Analyze
FAVORITE ? the lyrics of your favorite song, write the
(Individual Activity) 4-8 line/s and share to the class what
*atleast 3 students figure of speech used in the song
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

will be called to share
their outputs Answer of students vary based from
their favorite song that shows literary
devices used.
V. Assessment POETS IN ME and US! Write a poem with at least five (5) figures
Please appendix of speech. (1/2 CROSSWISE)
*atleast 2 groups will They will have to pick in a box what will
be the differentiated activity be given in
be called to present
each group.
their output, the other
group will be given
the time to present the
next day.

Group 1: TANKA or "short song," has five-

line, 5/7/5/7/7 syllable count form

Group 2: FREE VERSE a poem without

formula or pattern.

Group 3: CONSTANZA poem with five or

more 3-line stanzas; eight syllables per
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School

VI. ASSIGNMENT: Answer page 28 of Do it in ¼ sheet of paper.

SLM in Creative
Writing, Assessment 1.


A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies work
well? Why did these work
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

MTI/ IS Supervisor

Noted by:


School Principal IV
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Division of Surigao del Norte

Amando A. Fabio Memorial National High School



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