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Antarctica is Atlantis

This may be hard to understand or grasp at first, but if you take some time to consider the
facts, you will come to the conclusion that there is a vast cavern under the ice in Antarctica.

In the early 1930's members of what would become the National Socialists party were on a
quest to find more information regarding what they believed was an advanced civilization
that existed before our current recorded history.

My great grandmother was a member of a society of gifted females who used mental, then
later technological means to communicate with humans that claimed to have colonized the
Aldebaran star system.

These humans stated that they were originally from earth, and they were directed to lead
earth out of its current dark age, and back into an age of prosperity and abundance. They
stated we used to be a great civilization, but had fallen.

The ETs directed this society in many technological principals, mainly the extraction of free
energy from space-time using torsion generators, and negative space. They also directed
the contactees to go to Antarctica, as that is where proof of our civilization lies.

Antarctica is Atlantis.

Many expeditions were sent to Antarctica National Socialists, and it was discovered that
underneath the kilometers of ice, volcanic activity had carved out immense caverns. Some
kilometers high, and the size of entire small nations.

Many artifacts were discovered, and many abandoned pieces of technology were found and
reverse engineered.
A colony was then established, a colony to which my great-grandparents, who were
Haunebu scientists for the SS at this point, were sent. My grandparents, and my mother
were raised in this colony, which is now a nation of several hundred thousand people.

My mother was a civilian Antarctican had been allowed to travel to the "surface" world in
order to see the flaws/benefits in the surface system, and choose whether she would rather
stay here or go back.

It's almost the opposite of the Amish Rumspringa, as where she is from, technology is far
more advanced, and thanks to the mastery of electro-grav-netics (vril) energy is abundant,
and there is no scarcity.

She chose to stay after meeting my father, a scottish mason in South Africa, where I was

I am happy to answer any non-military questions regarding the Antarctic colony and its
peoples, as well as their current way of life and technological capabilities.

I will ignore all negative posts.

When you cause a charged liquid material to rotate in a vortex, it promotes an incredible
static/standing wave energy that can be used to charge the entire outer hull of a craft.

Think "ionic breeze."

It is a personal "magnetosphere" around the craft.

This amount of energy replaces the earth-plasma field of the earth that you are normally
enveloped in, and forms its own gravitational field.

You have absolutely NO sense of movement on the craft. In fact, from the inside, all you
see is an image change on a screen, and you step out into the new reality.

Only from the outside are the actual movements of the craft through spacetime apparent.

The craft is turned into a plasma itself, which is then magnetically confined by the

The charge from the vortex implosion engine can be vibrated at any frequency, and
magnetic confinement can by used at the nanometer scale. All colors are simply a

For instance, when we vibrate the craft at 630 nanometers, this activates the corresponding
cones in the human eye that are interpreted as "red"

If we vibrate the craft in an electromagnetic 960 nanometers, this is "below" what the
human eye can detect, so the craft would not be seen.
It would be "invisible"


Thought based directed energy weapons can be disabled using the standing wave field
against them.

Your own brain creates thoughform reality.

Focus on moving the energy from the surrounding air through your body and concentrate it
in your solar plexus.

When you feel it is "full" of energy, picture it flowing out of your body an into a clear crystal
sphere, directly in front of your chest.

Visualize this crystal sphere is full of this energy, packing in tighter and tighter, getting
hotter and hotter until it IGNITES with FURY!



Another name for thought form is tulpa.

I have created some thoughtforms that interact in some positive and some negative ways,

With the changing magnetic field our field interaction is also changing and things like tulpa's
are becoming more common among the uninitiated hence we don't know we make them.

Can you tell us any advanced techniques not known of on the surface to open up our
awareness to the interaction field!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23373069

Original Poster(OP)(A):

It is very important that you filter the water you drink and shower in, and avoid
fluoridated foods. Fluoride promotes a "cataracts" of the electromagnetic rods and
cones in the pineal gland.

Advanced techniques include the ability to visualize energy in its correct form as it

Energy moves in a 3d (or multi-d) toroid pattern or potential, with the potentiated
thoughtform in the central part.


When did you move from South Africa to New Zealand? Is it true that South Africa is
experiencing a "brain drain"?....Educated people with the means to do so, leaving South
Africa in droves, mainly for Australia, New Zealand, and Canada? I understand there are
some communities in Western Australia that are upwards of 1/3 South African. What do you
know about this? What did you like about South Africa? What didn't you like? How do you
like New Zealand?
Quoting: Thor's Hamster

I have not been in New Zealand long, and was only in South Africa for several
years after birth. We "belong" to many countries, and do not stay anywhere long.

Yes, it would appear that South Africa is yet another country in a state of greed-
induced despair.

Nice OP, this rings with truth to me that and the fact that you immediately touched a nerve
with someone who does not want any one to know.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4547295

There are many who do not want others to know. All information that has been
hidden has been compiled, and will be released eventually.
I have nothing to do with that, however I do have 3 generations of compiled
understanding of the world and universe for what it really is.

Op you still there?

Also this crystal charge you spoke of, could you elaborate further on it please it sounds

Thank you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23373069

I spoke of visualizing a crystal sphere to fill with energy. It is a simple way to visualize a
complicated process.

Regarding crystals, most of our technology is composed of crystals that are grown in
specific standing-wave chambers, in order to impart specific qualities and responsiveness in

A crystal is a 3D representation of the underlying electromagnetic field.

Is there any way to contact them or go to this place?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15551614

You may only travel there using a means that is non-internal combustion.

You may contact the Antarcticans, and many other ET races using a entanglement
conveyor, a type of instant communicator that uses a laser and penning traps to
read/write the quantum state of an entangled particle.
I am happy to help you build one, I have the knowledge if you have the means.
This applies to any technology I mention here.
I will assist with construction if you have the means.

Astral travel is prevented by multi-dimensional shielding, only the invite may

astrally travel to the Antarctic Nation.

Will work in Atlantis for food.

Quoting: Gunnz, lots of Gunnz

People in the Antarctic nation do not work for food.

Scarcity is unknown to our people, we have unlimited access to all resources.

New matter can be created from hydrogen in out fusion reactors.

Scarcity is something imposed on the surface to keep you struggling.

In fact, the entire surface population could be supported in a city the size of
Texas, and the food could be aquaponically grown in a Florida-Sized space.

While this is obviously not practical, it is just an example of how the surface has
been fooled into thinking they are overpopulated and must be "culled."

There are more than enough resources on the surface to provide every man
woman and child with food, clothing, healthcare, housing, education and a quality

The resources are hoarded by the wealthy. It is an interesting system, one I find

Question for OP.

If this tech is available and known about why is it not used by us here on 'the surface' or
shared with us?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18392317

There are several reasons, the main reason WE do not share the technology is that
our council does not feel that the surface world would be ready for unlimited

The main reason your governments do not share the military technology with
civilians is that there is a oil-based economy to sustain, and you are considered no
more than slaves

I don't have a question, more of a request.

Have whatever your elders are preparing for start, because if she left recently as in the 20th
Century to go to South Africa then she must have seen how horrible life is rapidly becoming.

Claiming to have "secret" power over a group of people is either the oldest bullshit story in
the book or is brought to fruition for all to see.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18861101

I will not comment on the politics of the surface world. They are irrelevant.

You are several billion strong, stand up for yourselves.

What is your first name?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23389585
Shadrach, yours?

Cool post OP.

My Grand Uncle worked as a Physicist in Communist Bulgaria.
When I visited him there in the 1980's,
he related a similar story.
Quoting: wisc_natureboy

Yes, the eastern nations embraced the science of Nikola Tesla, and evolved many
advanced technologies as the west suppressed even their brightest using the
invention suppression act of 1951.

Fascinating material OP.

Comment. Why do peeps like OP show up & deliver some interesting info with a few posts &
then disappear. Happens all the time here on the forum. Leaves me wondering if the
message is legit or just someone yanking our chains again.
Quoting: ohhappydays

Apologies, I will answer as many questions as I can in the time I have each day.

his may be hard to understand or grasp at first, but if you take some time to consider the
facts, you will come to the conclusion that there is a vast cavern under the ice in Antarctica.

In the early 1930's members of what would become the National Socialists party were on a
quest to find more information regarding what they believed was an advanced civilization
that existed before our current recorded history.

I will ignore all negative posts.

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

Absolute bs. Plato was very specific about Atlantis' location in the Atlantic. It was a series
of islands that sank over a period spanning tens of thousands of years, with the final
portion, Poseid, sinking around 9,600bc in the area where Bimini is currently located. Poseid
was the most technologically advanced incarnation in Atlantis' long history. All of the
'Atlantis in Antarctica' theories are a steaming pile of shit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23407385

You are entitled to believe whatever rings most true with you, however consider

What Plato wrote was a story, not a history.

"Atlantis" was not a city, nor an island. It is a word used describe a global,
interstellar human civilization that the current age FELL from.

After the great battle of the last Age of Man, it was decided that humanity should
not have access to the great technologies that brought about the wars and

An artificial satellite was constructed to keep the greatest nation, the Antarctic
continent, on the bottom of the earth.

The Moon was constructed and place in orbit in order to alter the axial tilt of the
planet. The hydrosphere, or water layer that used to surround the earth, was
collapsed, and the resulting flooding caused the waters to rise over Antarctica,
which then froze due to its new placement at the bottom of the earth.

charged fluid thru a vortex?
sounds like Victor Shumanns perpetual tornado /anti gravity work back in 30;s an 40's
Quoting: impartial observer 720559

You refer to viktor schauberger.

Yes, EXACTLY that.

have you been reading my thread > Atlantis is Antarctica as Giza was once the north pole..
Quoting: T Ceti H.C. Radnarg

I have not read your thread good sir.

This may be hard to understand or grasp at first, but if you take some time to consider the
facts, you will come to the conclusion that there is a vast cavern under the ice in Antarctica.

In the early 1930's members of what would become the National Socialists party were on a
quest to find more information regarding what they believed was an advanced civilization
that existed before our current recorded history.

I will ignore all negative posts.

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

Absolute bs. Plato was very specific about Atlantis' location in the Atlantic. It was a series
of islands that sank over a period spanning tens of thousands of years, with the final
portion, Poseid, sinking around 9,600bc in the area where Bimini is currently located. Poseid
was the most technologically advanced incarnation in Atlantis' long history. All of the
'Atlantis in Antarctica' theories are a steaming pile of shit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23407385
You are entitled to believe whatever rings most true with you, however consider

What Plato wrote was a story, not a history.

"Atlantis" was not a city, nor an island. It is a word used describe a global,
interstellar human civilization that the current age FELL from.

After the great battle of the last Age of Man, it was decided that humanity should
not have access to the great technologies that brought about the wars and

An artificial satellite was constructed to keep the greatest nation, the Antarctic
continent, on the bottom of the earth.

The Moon was constructed and place in orbit in order to alter the axial tilt of the
planet. The hydrosphere, or water layer that used to surround the earth, was
collapsed, and the resulting flooding caused the waters to rise over Antarctica,
which then froze due to its new placement at the bottom of the earth.

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

OP, thank you for your patience, 5 stars from me.

1) Please, can you tell us more about the moon and the NAZIS (did the NAZIS went there)?

2) Has the NAZIS something to do with Antarctican people?

3) USA truly walked on the moon surface? How did they went through the The Van Allen
radiation belt?

4) How old is the Earth?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22912060

1) Please, can you tell us more about the moon and the NAZIS (did the NAZIS went there)?
The National Socialists did not go to the moon. I do not know much more other
that it is artificial.

2) Has the NAZIS something to do with Antarctican people?

They are our ancestors, yes. I will not comment on the atrocities committed,
except to say that no one's ancestors are innocent. We choose to move on. That is

3) USA truly walked on the moon surface? How did they went through the The Van Allen
radiation belt?

The NASA program has not sent anything past the Van Allen belts.

4) How old is the Earth?Timeless.

Original post by OP
Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

Is there any way to contact them or go to this place?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15551614

You may only travel there using a means that is non-internal combustion.

You may contact the Antarcticans, and many other ET races using a entanglement
conveyor, a type of instant communicator that uses a laser and penning traps to
read/write the quantum state of an entangled particle.
I am happy to help you build one, I have the knowledge if you have the means.
This applies to any technology I mention here.
I will assist with construction if you have the means.

Astral travel is prevented by multi-dimensional shielding, only the invite may

astrally travel to the Antarctic Nation.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

I would love to make me. Please hit me with the info I need.

And thank you.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

The NASA program has not sent anything past the Van Allen belts.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

Correct, but other programs have.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

Absolutely, other programs, but not public ones.

Not to the moon, not to mars.

You need a localized magnetosphere to counteract the effects of radiation and

interstellar/solar winds.
Only a Haunebu craft offers this protection.

If the technology that drives our craft were released, then free energy from the
vacuum would replace the oil industry. This is why Hollywood makes the "Nasa"

The device pictured below creates a localized magnetosphere around the craft,
which (as long as the craft is aloft, not grounded) can be used for unheard of
propulsion techniques.
The NASA program has not sent anything past the Van Allen belts.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

Correct, but other programs have.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

But with humans? That's my main question. How a human can survive passing the Van
Allen Radiation Belt?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22912060

Traversing space is not linear like folks do here on Earth.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

"Folks on earth" have been space-faring for tens of thousands of years.

You are currently in a dark age.

OP, humans visited other star systems? What is the maximum speed these so called
Haunebu crafts can go?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22912060

Yes. Let me explain something very important...

Earth is the creator planet.

All ET civilizations began as Human civilizations on Earth, and have colonized other systems.
They adapt their bodies for the specific needs of their local environment, so they appear

Re: Haunebu, they can go an unlimited speed. They do not travel through space, they
create negative space that sucks the craft into it.

Traversing space is not linear like folks do here on Earth.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

"Folks on earth" have been space-faring for tens of thousands of years.

You are currently in a dark age.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

You do not know my ompart companions.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

I am not sure what "ompart" is, but you are correct. I probably do not know them.
I do not know many surface dwellers.
Re: Greys-
Greys are a type of artificial biological muscular and electrical system.
They are a type of remote control robot that is made of meat, an avatar.

A drone, with a practical shape.

We have learned that when you travel inter dimensionally, you do not take your
body. A body that is best matching for the conditions of your being will materialize
at your location upon arrival. This is a bit hard to explain, but bodies are not heaps
of meat that evolved over time.

They are the direct result of DNA responding to the local field, and manifesting the
best form for that field.

Hope that makes sense.


Do you have machinery, does it convert electrical energy into physical motion?
Yes, however our technology is based on vortex implosion techniques, not

Do you have magnets or do you use magnets in motors?

We use what you would call meta-material. They are not just magnetic, but
incorporate aspects of electrical conductivity, gravitic, and magnetic properties.

Does this energy need to be regulated?

Absolutely. It could cleave the entire planet.

Does this energy need to be stored?

No, it is freely available from the aether.

What do you use for storage devices?

Crystals that are grown in a vril field that is specifically tuned to the energy we wish to

How do you transmit energy to devices once collected?

Using quantum entanglement, or "standing wave coupling"

Do you consume monoatomic gold?

Yes, this allows our physical body to directly interface with technology on a
cellular level.

Can you transmute water into anything else?

We can transmute any matter. All matter is simply compressed "hydrogen."
Do you drink anything other than water?
Beer and Wine is abundant

Is there any element that you have that is not on the periodic table?
Yes, There are several hundred unknown to you. There are multiple levels within
higher vibrational frequencies.

1. Does the Antarctic nation accept civilian visitors?

Yes, however you must be invited, and make the journey yourself. In addition, no
explosion technology may be brought past a certain point.

2. Assuming they do, when people from the surface join your nation is it a one way ticket?
Do they simply become 'missing persons' here on the surface/ or have their deaths faked
etc etc
No surface dweller may join our nation permanently. We are not of you any longer.

3. What is the political / power structure of the society there?

There is no boss, there are no laws. We have a series of our elected people
interface with the AI and Source to find out and present what is best for us.

If we choose to obey, we do.

As stated, there is no law,

We cannot harm another's body or property physically or mentally/emotionally.
This is genetically built into us, we cannot violate this.

We would be considered more matriarchal, as our AI Council is always female, but

everyone is considered equally valuable.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18392317

You may only travel there using a means that is non-internal combustion.

You may contact the Antarcticans, and many other ET races using a entanglement
conveyor, a type of instant communicator that uses a laser and penning traps to
read/write the quantum state of an entangled particle.
I am happy to help you build one, I have the knowledge if you have the means.
This applies to any technology I mention here.
I will assist with construction if you have the means.

Astral travel is prevented by multi-dimensional shielding, only the invite may

astrally travel to the Antarctic Nation.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

I would love to make me. Please hit me with the info I need.
And thank you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

What means have you?

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

0 and no money. But! It's me!! It always works out. :-D and I have lots of friends ove this
world that would help me at he drop of a hat because of the way I have helped them in the
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

That is a good outlook on life, however in order to build such a device, a rather
large sum of money would be needed, as is the way of the surface.

4. What is the main language used?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18392317

We communicate using telepathy. You are fully capable of doing so as well.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

Hows that?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22912060

Every human has an electromagnetic detector in the centre of your skull that can
be used to communicate with one another.

It is called the pineal gland.

Discussed earlier, and many times on this forum.

Hi Shadrack i am Dean, have you ever attempted to intervene in the surface worlds affairs,
at what level, and what sort of contact do you have with any of the worlds various
Quoting: deano 23430885

Nice to virtually meet you, Dean.

We do not interfere unless the event would cause an ELE, or affect our nation.

For instance, you will often notice our craft disabling nuclear devices.

We will not allow nuclear warfare.


The sun is a plasma anode/cathode that is tied to the earths core, and the
singularity or central sun.
The sun, and central sun project electro-cymatic energy vortexes on which the
DNA molecule aligns, forms and functions.

Your body and DNA are directly linked via a type of electromagnetic connection to
the sun and central sun.

As the central sun sends out a signal (reaching us now) the solar system gets an
upgrade, as do the creatures.

The central sun is intelligent, and uses it's projections (us) as nodes through
which to gather more data or experiences.

I am curious OP as to what you know about the US Expeditionary Force sent to Antarctica
after WWII and what took place. The US Commander has supposedly left a narrative of the
visit are you familiar with it? If so how accurate is it? Last but not least anyone who is a
student of Tesla could probably produce papers on his work with information similar to that
you have presented would you agree?
Quoting: ANNONYMOUS 8415236

Admiral Byrd's Journals are interesting, but have an included element of fallacy.
He and his troops were indeed in the Antarctic nation. They were rescued by one
of our scout teams.

Yes, most who are familiar with Tesla should understand the basics of this
technology. It is at least 100 years old at this time, it has simply been suppressed.

There are many surface dwellers that power their homes and farms using this
technology, in secret.

Reich, Schauberger, Tesla. Dark Knights of Science.

Darth Vader blew up Aldaran.

Your argument is invalid.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Thank you for your contribution, although I am unsure what you are relating to.

If you refer to Aldebaran, this is a star system, not a planet in a fictional motion
We live indefinitely. Our bodies do not deteriorate due to time.
We are not immortal, there are still accidents, but bar that, we live indefinitely.

We use an entangled "sheet" of standing wave Tesla energy to transmit matter

from point to point on the surface. The machines are simply tuned to the same
quantum frequency.

We use what you would call "UFO's" for long distance (space) travel.
Haunebu flying disk craft.

Our craft use electrogravitic vorticies to produce a localised space-time field that
envelops the craft.
They are capable of travel through atmosphere, water and space.

They are capable of vibrating at a high enough frequency to pass through solid
matter as well.

What is the purpose of life?

To create new universes.

Each human sees the universe in a new way, and the electromagnetic energy of
that observation is uploaded into the universal etheric field as an original

It's a giant AI learning machine, and your body is one of the manifested
electromagnetic forms. "You" are the timeless observer, driving a body.

Your DNA forms on and responds to the fields, and creates a body that
corresponds with the best form to have at that time.
You have no junk DNA.

Darth Vader blew up Aldaran.

Your argument is invalid.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Thank you for your contribution, although I am unsure what you are relating to.

If you refer to Aldebaran, this is a star system, not a planet in a fictional motion picture.
Quoting: Antarctican

I was making a joke.

I have more than a passing acquaintance with Atlantis and I have not heard of your theories before.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Apologies, humour is difficult to convey via text.

They are experiences, not theories, and you may draw whatever truths you wish.

Op i have a thought that seems to be manifesting itself daily... and seems to be getting
stronger daily. Everything points to this reality being a projection...i feel things starting to
dematerialize around me. I know its off topic but with how advanced the beings from
antarctica i would assume be consciously aware of this. But i guess if im right then ur my
projection too.

Yes im serious and wld like ur opinion...

Quoting: kcdub0184

As stated before,

We know scientifically that this region of the universe follows a set of physical
rules. Without those rules, the local universe (atoms, stars, etc) would not exist.

The rules of physics are based on the central star, or black hole for each space-
time region. This energy source sends electro-cymatic waves that compress the
local aether into what is commonly called "matter."

Gravity is a byproduct of stretching of spacetime ether as the energy condenses to

form matter.

Take a blanket and lay it flat, this is space-time, now take two points, and TWIST
them to a point.
You will now notice there is now more "space-time" compressed into the vertical
space, and now the two points are also CLOSER to each other (gravity)

The ether is a NON-COMPRESSIBLE fluid.

Matter are 3D vortexes caused by a type of "super-cymatics" from the central sun.

So basically, yes, reality is projected from our central star.

Do you live in new zealand? Whats to stop them coming for you? Or are you allowed to live
amongst us
Quoting: deano 23430885

I live on Earth, the sub-divisions of "countries" are simply to keep you from
No weapon formed against me may prosper, it is my purpose to assist in the
release of ancient technologies, and the revival of the golden age on the surface.

We use cannabis for many things, thousands of acres are grown annually in

It is a primary food source, and the hemp seed, once sprouted, has all the
nutrients a human body requires, it truly is a super food.

The plant matter and oils can be used for virtually everything from temporary
clothing to furniture and paper.

It was poised to replace timber as the primary pulp for paper, so a racist smear
campaign was run against it. Look it up.

In addition, the human brain evolved cannabinoid receptors for a reason. This
plant and humans are meant to work together.

When you cause a charged liquid material to rotate in a vortex, it promotes an incredible
static/standing wave energy that can be used to charge the entire outer hull of a craft.

Think "ionic breeze."

It is a personal "magnetosphere" around the craft.

This amount of energy replaces the earth-plasma field of the earth that you are normally
enveloped in, and forms its own gravitational field.

You have absolutely NO sense of movement on the craft. In fact, from the inside, all you
see is an image change on a screen, and you step out into the new reality.

Only from the outside are the actual movements of the craft through spacetime apparent.

The craft is turned into a plasma itself, which is then magnetically confined by the

The charge from the vortex implosion engine can be vibrated at any frequency, and
magnetic confinement can by used at the nanometer scale. All colors are simply a

For instance, when we vibrate the craft at 630 nanometers, this activates the corresponding
cones in the human eye that are interpreted as "red"

If we vibrate the craft in an electromagnetic 960 nanometers, this is "below" what the
human eye can detect, so the craft would not be seen.
It would be "invisible"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23386311

This is what other civilizations in space consider a plasma shield. Besides the properties
within the field, outside particles stream around the shield like stream water around a rock.
This allows ships to move through atmospheres at incredible speeds.
Quoting: We Who Watch


Op i have a thought that seems to be manifesting itself daily... and seems to be getting
stronger daily. Everything points to this reality being a projection...i feel things starting to
dematerialize around me. I know its off topic but with how advanced the beings from
antarctica i would assume be consciously aware of this. But i guess if im right then ur my
projection too.

Yes im serious and wld like ur opinion...

Quoting: kcdub0184

As stated before,

We know scientifically that this region of the universe follows a set of physical
rules. Without those rules, the local universe (atoms, stars, etc) would not exist.

The rules of physics are based on the central star, or black hole for each space-
time region. This energy source sends electro-cymatic waves that compress the
local aether into what is commonly called "matter."

Gravity is a byproduct of stretching of spacetime ether as the energy condenses to

form matter.

Take a blanket and lay it flat, this is space-time, now take two points, and TWIST
them to a point.
You will now notice there is now more "space-time" compressed into the vertical
space, and now the two points are also CLOSER to each other (gravity)

The ether is a NON-COMPRESSIBLE fluid.

Matter are 3D vortexes caused by a type of "super-cymatics" from the central sun.

So basically, yes, reality is projected from our central star.

Quoting: Antarctican

OP, I was gifted with information that gravity and local natural law are a function of a
certain flux in which we (the locality) bathe.

This flux is a combination of the harmonics of Creation singing its song upon the aether.

Do tell more.

Intergalactic space exists as almost an illusion. The singularity at the center of

each galaxy is literally responsible for the CREATION of space-time field
fluctuations that allow matter to operate the way it does.

Local laws for this universe are constant, however each galaxy is its own
manifestation of these laws.

Singularities create new space-time. This is why each galaxy appears to be moving
AWAY from the others, instead of them all moving away from a central point in
space as one would expect from a big-bang event. They appear to be moving away
because more space-time is being manifested between them from the ether.

even though this is BS... i know of a guy who knows a guy that found a job in Antarctica as
a pilot and maintenance man. will not talk about what he sees there
Quoting: Tesla's reborn.... 22795733

You are entitled to draw whatever truth you wish, of course.

Aircraft that use combustion are disabled and landed long before they reach
entrances to the antarctic nation.

We are aware of many surface nations performing a number of biological

experiments on the antarctic surface, and under the ice.

These are closely monitored by us.

I wonder if my German grandfather is in this Antarctic colony, he went missing during WW2.

OP out of curiosity the pictures you posted were of the SS exhibition to Antarctica, there
have been many theories of those same maps being based on travels to the 'inner earth'.
Does such a place exist and if so is it separate to where the colony is currently?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22838093

The earth is hollow, there is a plasma core in the center that provides heat and
light, and literally creates new mass from the vacuum.

There is a race of reptiles that predates humanity by millions of years.

They mostly live off-world now, but there are colonies within the earth, and they
control many bio-robot avatars on the surface.

What is the purpose of life?

To create new universes.

Each human sees the universe in a new way, and the electromagnetic energy of
that observation is uploaded into the universal etheric field as an original

It's a giant AI learning machine, and your body is one of the manifested
electromagnetic forms. "You" are the timeless observer, driving a body.

Your DNA forms on and responds to the fields, and creates a body that
corresponds with the best form to have at that time.
You have no junk DNA.
Quoting: Antarctican

I think science would disagree with you.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

You are entitled to your opinion, of course.

The same science that stated the earth was flat? Or that the Sun was made from

The wonderful thing about science is that it is not religion, and can be changed as
we grow in our understanding.

You simply have a different understanding at this time.

As stated before,

We know scientifically that this region of the universe follows a set of physical
rules. Without those rules, the local universe (atoms, stars, etc) would not exist.

The rules of physics are based on the central star, or black hole for each space-
time region. This energy source sends electro-cymatic waves that compress the
local aether into what is commonly called "matter."

Gravity is a byproduct of stretching of spacetime ether as the energy condenses to

form matter.

Take a blanket and lay it flat, this is space-time, now take two points, and TWIST
them to a point.
You will now notice there is now more "space-time" compressed into the vertical
space, and now the two points are also CLOSER to each other (gravity)

The ether is a NON-COMPRESSIBLE fluid.

Matter are 3D vortexes caused by a type of "super-cymatics" from the central sun.

So basically, yes, reality is projected from our central star.

Quoting: Antarctican

OP, I was gifted with information that gravity and local natural law are a function of a
certain flux in which we (the locality) bathe.

This flux is a combination of the harmonics of Creation singing its song upon the aether.

Do tell more.

Intergalactic space exists as almost an illusion. The singularity at the center of

each galaxy is literally responsible for the CREATION of space-time field
fluctuations that allow matter to operate the way it does.

Local laws for this universe are constant, however each galaxy is its own
manifestation of these laws.

Singularities create new space-time. This is why each galaxy appears to be moving
AWAY from the others, instead of them all moving away from a central point in
space as one would expect from a big-bang event. They appear to be moving away
because more space-time is being manifested between them from the ether.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Op, you are legit. A singularity is the point at which this temporal pane connect to the next -
higher - plane.
Quoting: Antarctican

An interdimensional interface, like our Sun, and the earth's center.

It was poised to replace timber as the primary pulp for paper, so a racist smear campaign
was run against it. Look it up.
Quoting: Antarctican

Hemp was king. Timber replaced it. LoL.

A sulphuric acid process allowed 'tree/wood' pulp to compete and eventually (due to US
legislation) displace hemp.

OP, pretty good job though.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

About 100 years ago, surface-dweller Charles Lindberg developed a new technique
for making paper for newspapers. However, it was more expensive to make than
hemp paper. So he started printing articles about how cannabis was making black
men rape white women.
It didn't take too long for cannabis to be made illegal after that. Then he made a
killing on his new paper making process.

1910: “Marihuana is the most frightening and vicious drug ever to hit New Orleans.” —New
Orleans Public Safety Commission
1920s: “Makes darkies think they’re as good as white men.” —H.J. Anslinger, Bureau of
1930: “Marihuana is responsible for the raping of white women by crazed negroes.” —
Hearst Newspapers Nationwide
1932: “Hasheesh goads users to blood lust.” —Hearst Newspapers
1935: “Marihuana influenced negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white
men’s shadows, and look at a white woman twice.” —Hearst Newspapers
1937: “Marihuana is the most violent drug in the history of mankind.” —Congressional
Testimony, H.J. Anslinger, FBN
1938: “Marihuana is more dangerous than heroin or cocaine.” —Anslinger, Scientific
American, May, 1938
1938: “If the hideous monster of Frankenstein came face to face with marihuana, he would
drop dead of fright.” —Anslinger, FBN, quoted in Hearst newspaper
1937-50: “Negro entertainers with their jazz and swing music are declared an outgrowth of
marihuana use which possesses white women to tap their feet.” —statements to Congress
by Anslinger, FBN
1945: “More harmful than habit-forming opium, inducing fits of temporary insanity.” —
Newsweek, 1-15-45
1946: “Marihuana is an important cause of crime.” —Bureau of Narcotics, Newsweek, 11-
1948: “Marihuana leads to pacifism and Communist brainwashing.” —Anslinger, before
1973: “Marijuana increases breast size in males.”
1974: “Permanent brain damage is one of the inevitable results of the use of marijuana.” —
Ronald Reagan, LA Times
1974: “interferes with reproduction, disease resistance, and basic biological processes.” —
Daily Oklahoman, 11-19-74
1980: “Marijuana leads to harder drugs.” —Reagan Administration
1985: “Marijuana use makes you sterile.” —Reagan Administration
1980s: “Marijuana leads to heroin; marijuana causes brain damage.” —the 17-week
D.A.R.E. Program
1986: “Marijuana leads to homosexuality, the breakdown of the immune system, and
therefore to AIDS.” —Carlton Turner
1990: “Marijuana makes you lazy.” —Partnership for a Drug-Free America
1992: “Marijuana is ten times more dangerous than 20 years ago.” —Presidential Candidate
Bill Clinton

Just curious...why no military Q&A...are you militarised or under orders to not divulge...Are
some governments aware of all you state...
Quoting: Chas
Basically I do not wish to discuss military applications of the technology.
Unlimited power in the hands of a surface-dweller could bring about an ELE event.

OP, what do you think of God, Jesus, heaven, and hell as described in the Bible?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216

We do not believe in any system that promotes divisiveness and non-inclusion.

The book to which you refer, like most others in surface-religion, is a compilation
and distortion of Sumerian texts used to divide and control.

I will not enter into a discussion regarding religion, race or politics. These posts
will simply be ignored.

We use cannabis for many things, thousands of acres are grown annually in

It is a primary food source, and the hemp seed, once sprouted, has all the
nutrients a human body requires, it truly is a super food.

The plant matter and oils can be used for virtually everything from temporary
clothing to furniture and paper.

It was poised to replace timber as the primary pulp for paper, so a racist smear
campaign was run against it. Look it up.

In addition, the human brain evolved cannabinoid receptors for a reason. This
plant and humans are meant to work together.
Quoting: Antarctican

I found roasted hemp seeds at the sprouts market last week. They were in the shells.

Do they retain any nutritional value?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

No, they must be SPROUTED to have the full beneficial value.

Do you drink anything other than water?

Beer and Wine is abundant

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

So you're a bunch of drunks? Or just a German's favorite beverage?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

We believe in enjoying life, and yes, beer-making is part of our heritage.

We have the ability to electronically induce any drug-state you desire.

There is no need for cocaine when you can have all the effects for days, weeks or
months if you wish, then simply turn the device off and have no further craving.
This is one of our main sources of entertainment. We think it is VERY important to
experience altered states of mind.

Last Edited by Antarctican on 09/08/2012 11:27 PM

I know of course my thoughts and actions obviously change things to an extent. But what
are the limitations...
Quoting: kcdub0184

There are none.

It was poised to replace timber as the primary pulp for paper, so a racist smear campaign
was run against it. Look it up.
Quoting: Antarctican

Hemp was king. Timber replaced it. LoL.

A sulphuric acid process allowed 'tree/wood' pulp to compete and eventually (due to US
legislation) displace hemp.

OP, pretty good job though.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

About 100 years ago, surface-dweller Charles Lindberg...

Quoting: Antarctican

Blah, blah, blah.

NOTHING you said even addressed my point.

Hemp was King.

It was never 'poised' to take over from 'wood' pulp.
Wood pulp did not exist until Dupont.

You mis-stated historical fact.

Then you mis-addressed a reply by ignoring facts.

OP, much of your postings were intriguing, but you failed.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

I have stated facts as I know them to be true, what is true to me may not be so for
you. I am not concerned.

With all the information I have presented, I am surprised this is the one you have
an issue with.

I have stated my knowledge on the subject, and there are thousands of other
threads you may contribute to regarding cannabis and its prohibition.

I will not address the issue further.

OP, I was gifted with information that gravity and local natural law are a function of a
certain flux in which we (the locality) bathe.

This flux is a combination of the harmonics of Creation singing its song upon the aether.

Do tell more.

Intergalactic space exists as almost an illusion. The singularity at the center of

each galaxy is literally responsible for the CREATION of space-time field
fluctuations that allow matter to operate the way it does.

Local laws for this universe are constant, however each galaxy is its own
manifestation of these laws.

Singularities create new space-time. This is why each galaxy appears to be moving
AWAY from the others, instead of them all moving away from a central point in
space as one would expect from a big-bang event. They appear to be moving away
because more space-time is being manifested between them from the ether.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Op, you are legit. A singularity is the point at which this temporal pane connect to the next -
higher - plane.
Quoting: Antarctican

So, it's common knowledge, if you know it.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497
Common means that the majority know.
Most are unaware, your statement is incorrect.

Do you have a question or contribution?

Do you drink anything other than water?

Beer and Wine is abundant

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

So you're a bunch of drunks? Or just a German's favorite beverage?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

We believe in enjoying life, and yes, beer-making is part of our heritage.

We have the ability to electronically induce any drug-state you desire.

There is no need for cocaine when you can have all the effects for days, weeks or months if you
This is one of our main sources of entertainment. We think it is VERY important to experience al
Quoting: Antarctican

Like a mouse in a cage? How do you evolve spiritually?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

Not like a mouse in a cage.

We evolve through the acquisition of knowledge, the creation of new experiences, and the conn

Hemp was king. Timber replaced it. LoL.

A sulphuric acid process allowed 'tree/wood' pulp to compete and eventually (due to US
legislation) displace hemp.

OP, pretty good job though.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

About 100 years ago, surface-dweller Charles Lindberg...

Quoting: Antarctican

Blah, blah, blah.

NOTHING you said even addressed my point.

Hemp was King.

It was never 'poised' to take over from 'wood' pulp.
Wood pulp did not exist until Dupont.

You mis-stated historical fact.

Then you mis-addressed a reply by ignoring facts.

OP, much of your postings were intriguing, but you failed.

Quoting: wisc_natureboy

I hear you. He takes my posts off. Or doesn't answer them

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

No posts have been removed. Moderators can confirm this.

Last question WHO are in the crafts that flood our skies daily in mass number. The ones
cloaked in the clouds???
Quoting: kcdub0184

There are thousands of craft from many civilizations.

Many are your own surface military.

Very interesting and thankyou for your time. Places like stone henge, was there any true

Quoting: sacred energy

Stonehenge and other constructs are energy conversion sites.

They are like large magnetrons for ELF earth instead of microwave frequencies.

Very interesting and thankyou for your time. Places like stone henge, was there any true

Quoting: sacred energy

Stonehenge and other constructs are energy conversion sites.

They are like large magnetrons for ELF earth instead of microwave frequencies.
Quoting: Antarctican
ELF and microwaves exist on the same EM spectrum. does everything. Derp....

I never said they were a "different EM spectrum."

They are differing frequencies, as stated.

Do any bio-mechanical avatars of these said reptiles inside the earth hold political office on
the surface?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9748778

Most surface-politicians are bio-avatars.

Quoting: Antarctican

OP, do you know the word that reveals the true form of the Reptilians?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

I was not aware there was one. Do you know of such a word? Is it spoken, or a

Does cannabis have any affects on the human body that modern science isn't aware
of?...since you guys seem to like your weed and all
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9748778

Beer and wine too.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

Cannabis oil cures cancers. This has been discussed in many threads on this site.

Beer and wine in moderation is fine.

We can counter any medical issue. As stated, we live indefinitely, barring massive
brain trauma.

I think OP likes to fantasize. Only Germans allowed with rh- blood type. Ha, ha....
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051

All colonists were German, yes.

Only RH(-) is correct. Basically we do not originate on earth.
Our DNA is very different from surface-dwellers, although I am a half-caste.

Very interesting and thankyou for your time. Places like stone henge, was there any true

Quoting: sacred energy

Stonehenge and other constructs are energy conversion sites.

They are like large magnetrons for ELF earth instead of microwave frequencies.
Quoting: Antarctican

Thankyou for your reply, when they were built are they put in any specific place, or can

they be put up anywhere? Can they be put in an incorrrect place? thankyou. hf:
Quoting: sacred energy

Yes, they are placed at standing-wave energy exit nodes.

When placed over energy-entry nodes, they can have a detrimental effect to the
local area.

op, i know you are going to say that everyone is special BUT is there something about
black people or melanated beings?!?

also, are there melanated beings in space?

all i ever hear about are blonde haired, blue eyed beings and never black.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10077834

Each lifeform has specific adaptations for their environment.

African humans are the original life-state for earth humans.
They are naturally occurring beings.

All other races are genetic alterations.

Advanced tech, my ass. Everybody growing their own food on one acre would solve it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

This would deplete the nutrients in soil over time.

Sustainable technology. Aquaponics, is the answer.

-"Piping" is accomplished through use of teleportation sites.
-The water is oxygenated and revitalized using a vortex revival system, not via a
air-pump and stone.
-The plants are scanned, and the plasma lighting is adjusted to match the needed
frequency exactly.
-The lighting is heat-free and magnetically powered.
-A force field keeps a constant cloud of C02 around photosynthesizing plants

op, i know you are going to say that everyone is special BUT is there something about
black people or melanated beings?!?

also, are there melanated beings in space?

all i ever hear about are blonde haired, blue eyed beings and never black.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10077834

Each lifeform has specific adaptations for their environment.

African humans are the original life-state for earth humans.
They are naturally occurring beings.

All other races are genetic alterations.

Quoting: Antarctican


400k years ago was when the Annunaki built humans (to mine gold) from apes and
THEMSELVES, in their images.

Atlantis sank only 50,000 years ago.

Whose book are you using?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

Humanoid life is a natural progression of planetary life.

The African human existed naturally on the planet. The Annunaki are reptilian
beings that evolved originally on earth. Before humans.
They created several races from the originally evolved humans.

Atlantis existed up unit only several thousand years ago.


I use no books. I have my grandfather's journal, and the knowledge of 3


I have traveled there vial astral projection. Folks were surprised by me, but were excellent
hosts. They took me to some fabulously beautiful places I would describe as rain forests,
water falls; there was a natural appearing light from above despite being underground.

I am not like others here, and they realized that, making and maintaining a processing
connection within my brain even after my spirit left to return to my normal form. I had to
convince them to break the connection since it tended to be somewhat distracting while
doing things like driving the car. Try that sometimes while they are connected. Try talking
to someone here while they are processing data within you.

I'm not complaining though; as I said, they were excellent hosts, gracious, and wonderfully
Quoting: We Who Watch

You can view Antarctica, but you cannot remote view our nation unless invited, we
have barriers that prevent this, even when attempting a temporal rollback.

Our technology is multidimensional, it exists outside of time, so essentially has

"always" been there on the astral plane, it is not bypassable by surface technology
or beings.

Attempting to access the region, then roll time forward merely results in the
traveler being promptly returned to their 3D transportation unit (body)

If you were there, you were invited. :(

I am not even allowed to travel there.

Familiar with the various versions of advanced civilization prior to this version of man.
Aware of prior alien outposts too?
Quoting: We Who Watch

Yes, well aware.

We have learned that when you travel inter dimensionally, you do not take your
body. A body that is best matching for the conditions of your being will materialize
at your location upon arrival. This is a bit hard to explain, but bodies are not heaps
of meat that evolved over time.

They are the direct result of DNA responding to the local field, and manifesting the
best form for that field.

Hope that makes sense.

Quoting: Antarctican 23386311

This is also absolutely true. You know someone who has traveled or you have done so
Quoting: We Who Watch
I personally have not traveled, but the concepts are simple. Multi-dimensional
exploration and travel is reserved for a branch of highly trained personnel.

Produce some equations that we can ponder,

or chemical formulas, or geometrical theorems,
or ANYTHING scientific that would even suggest
that any of this is ANYTHING other than a very
active imagination.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23413359

Still waiting, but I'll wait while you tune your

flux capacitor. No rush.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23413359

I have stated that I will be happy to personally assist those who have the means
to create this technology.

There is a difference between the scientific and practical mind.

A mechanic can build a car without understanding the science, chemistry or

geometrical theorums.
You build it and experiment until it does what you want, instead of saying "it wont
work" on paper.

I have practical knowledge.

I use no books. I have my grandfather's journal, and the knowledge of 3

Quoting: Antarctican

Post them in PDF please.

If the world is to evolve, those of us who are engineers need to know the mechanical
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22908497

I would never make an electronic or physical copy of the journal.

I will personally assist those who have the means and interest in the technology. I
will NOT post details on a public forum for any and all to see. In the wrong hands,
this technology can be used for nefarious purposes. Your surface military has
made that clear.
It is EASY to convert a modern automobile to use vortex implosion.
A new haunebu craft would cost no more than a luxury vehicle to construct. $30k-

Hi OP,what do these several 100,000 beings eat to keep them alive?every biological entity
must consume something to keep
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20726933

The native plants are of a deep purple, almost black color. They absorb most
spectrums of light in order to survive.
We currently, and in the past, have used aquaponic systems to produce our food.

We do not wear fabric, our clothing is an organic second integumentary system.

Cleaning is performed using "cold electricity"
Once again, something your surface scientist Tesla discovered a century ago.

We use cannabis for many things, thousands of acres are grown annually in

It is a primary food source, and the hemp seed, once sprouted, has all the
nutrients a human body requires, it truly is a super food.

Our aquaponics system is standard Deep Water Culture, on a massive scale.

-Crops float on vats of arthropods, similar to prawns on the surface.

-"Piping" is accomplished through use of teleportation sites
-The plants are scanned, and the plasma lighting is adjusted to match the needed
frequency exactly.
-The lighting is heat-free and magnetically powered.
-A force field keeps a constant cloud of C02 around photosynthesizing plants

The water is oxygenated and revitalized using a vortex revival system, not via a
air-pump and stone.

The crop does not die, we use the same technology that we use to keep our bodies

The arthropods break down to an equivalent of what you know as 8-8-8,

thereabouts and is refed to the plants, which are genetically altered to be nano-
factories that produce anything we wish.

I think OP likes to fantasize. Only Germans allowed with rh- blood type. Ha, ha....
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12042051
All colonists were German, yes.
Only RH(-) is correct. Basically we do not originate on earth.

Our DNA is very different from surface-dwellers, although I am a half-caste.

Quoting: Antarctican

Please OP I am RH- O
Never felt I belonged here...EVER...I have been searching
MY whole life...where do I belong?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15530582

All life is "from" earth, and all life belongs no matter where it is.

Aryan ancestors colonized the Aldebaran star system during the 1st cycle of man,
and returned to earth during the end of the 2nd age of man. Rh(-) beings are the
descendants of said beings.

I personally have not traveled, but the concepts are simple. Multi-dimensional
exploration and travel is reserved for a branch of highly trained personnel.
Quoting: Antarctican

That is a curious statement since I can travel through multi-dimensions and time. I am not
mankind though I fight for their inclusion in the real world.

That would mean that I was certifiably crazy were it not true.

I did visit the underground though. All that I said was true. I didn't have any difficulties with
the travel there, I just had some small trouble completely leaving. as I said, they didn't
quite want to let me go. I don't hold that against them. As wonderful as the place and
people were, I'm sure they couldn't believe I was going back to the surface.
Quoting: We Who Watch

Ah, I did not know you were an ID being. That is most likely why you were able to
manifest in the Antarctic nation, they welcome higher life. Do you currently have a
bio-suit through which to manipulate 3D or are you purely virtual?

If you wish to join mankind, I have the knowledge of how to create a compatible
bio-suit, or "body" for you. You say you fight for inclusion, is this to what you

Yes, I am sure those below would be interested in trying to persuade you to stay
and add to their overall experience.

Why the surface?

A new haunebu craft would cost no more than a luxury vehicle to construct. $30k-
Quoting: Antarctican

Thats very little money. How would you past the details?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

I would direct the manufacture in person.

The technology already exists all around you.

Look up, see that transformer on the pole?

Absolutely amazing thread here, I'm hanging on every word!
Can you please explain, or point me in the right direction on how to build or buy a proper
Vortex revival system?

I strongly suggest you contact Genesis Quest on FB

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

Do not buy a revival system, make it with your own energy. It will work much

Here is a simple diagram.

Here is another, including an air purification method.

I would direct the manufacture in person.

The technology already exists all around you.
Look up, see that transformer on the pole?


Quoting: Antarctican

Doing that now. And looking at the pic you put up. If everything is around as to make said
thing for is stopping ? Or don't we think the right way.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

Yes, you think "explosion=power" which is true, destruction power. Really,


Not "explode out" but "vortex in, around and back through"

OP you might of answered, so if you did thank you...Are governments aware of what you
are saying about Antarctica...
Quoting: Chas

Yes, and there are no "surface governments." Not the way you think there are.
The surface is controlled by money, central bankers decided.
Politicians are bio-android actors, designed to keep you entertained and planet-

Yes, you think "explosion=power" which is true, destruction power. Really,


Not "explode out" but "vortex in, around and back through"
Quoting: Antarctican

Ok I do get the. Bring from the air it's self?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17236772

Not the air, but the aether. "Electromagnetically" would be the most relatable

You have to create an electromagnetic vortex. Just like the magnetosphere and
the heliosphere as well as the aurosphere around the human.

Is the Rodin Coil on the right track?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748


greetings OP, so are these haenabu (sp?) vehicles synonymous with the communication
devices you spoke of before? I am interested in learning how to build one of the "laser"
communication devices you spoke...

No, the Haunebu are magnetospherically propelled craft. The entanglement

conveyor/communicator is a seperate technology. can be used for communication
in its most basic form, and teleportation in its advanced form.
It allows for instant communication regardless of location.
I can assist you in the manufacture of the device.

Do you have any tips specific to your civilization pertaining to methods on increasing your
telepathic abilities?

Practice. Visualize the energy you are using.

I noticed you mentioned that it has to do with the pineal gland, and someone else asked
this before me, do you have any tips on detoxifying this gland, increasing its receptivity,
power and clarity?

Noted in a previous reply.

Do you have within you the means to remote view, or sense the intentions of any being that
you are made aware of?

I personally do not, however one of my brothers is an empath. I have the ability to

manipulate and see energy.

Thanks for coming to this forum, I'm curious, what brought you here?

Thank you for the welcome.

This seemed the most open place to discuss the subject.

Additionally, what are your opinions about vegetarianism/veganism?

We do not eat meat or anything non-living. We only consume that which contains

Hello Antartican, thankyou for your answers. can you tell me if this "Stone Henge", is in an

incorrect place? Thankyou

This is the location of an outward torsion field. Not a good place to harness the

You seem to understand how some ancient structures work.
Is it true the great pyramid was a power source?
Can you describe how it works?
What was inside of the "sarcophagus" in the kings chamber?
What exactly was the ark of the covenant?

Thanks again!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17803748

You are welcome.

Please see this diagram below on pyramid transmittal devices.

This is in 2d, the actual construct is 3d.

It harnesses the currents in the earth caused by the magnetosphere, and

It is a wardynclyff tower, and was used as a global internet and power

transmission source.

I feel the pyramids syphon off the static build from crust movment, using the energy to help
keep the grid/field intact.

sarcophagus's are a means of transport, I think they have something to do with moving
from one body to another, I have used one once to get back to my body from a body I was
inhabiting in some other place.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23373069

Sarcophagi are a way to block external electromagnetic and, if used correctly,

auric fields.

They also provide protection during an magnetospheric collapse during a polar


I jumped into a special modified dna hybrid body brought about by a detente program of
The Reptilans, Greys and curiously Nordics or Tall Whites as some seem to call them. They
didn't much care for the arrangement, but found they didn't have much say about the
matter of us borrowing their experiment.

This form has an ultra dense skeleton, variable endocrine system and template personality
so that different scientists can jump in and out as needed while maintaining continuity with
the populace. I allow those who made this body to have the data they originally desired
since it is not counter to our purposes. I stay on the surface since I volunteered for the
journey and it also allows me to furnish the data this body was originally purposed for.

I urge advanced species to include mankind into the larger stellar community of trade and
inter-species knowledge. I feel they can overcome many of their shortcomings if they were
made aware of the larger universe. That is the inclusion I champion though it is a slight
long-shot. I admit I could easily have found myself staying below ground though. It was so
refreshing from a mental standpoint. It was easily the best this planet has shown me.
Wonderful people!

I usually jump out at night since it allows me to travel without questions from those around
me. For living around me (in my physical presence)the normal folks get immunity from
pretty much all human disease. It just seems fair to me to give them something since I've
accidentally bumped some of them a few hours in time. Only a couple of times though
before I learned to adjust the field around me.

Others seem to address me as a Regulan, a mediator species. That function seems as easy
as breathing for me as does exploring new places.

The surface is close to being able to do much, they just don't know how to put the pieces
together as you well know.

Welcome here! There may come a time soon when I take the underground up on their offer
to stay and your offer of how to build an a non-borrowed bio-suit (sorry guys up above).
Necessity. Those species understand that.
Quoting: We Who Watch

Very interesting.
I should however warn you, abduction or possession is considered a high crime
where I am from...

Hello Sir,
Nice to meet you.
1. When is earth's upper crust going to shift by 90 degrees ?
I have no information regarding the dates of the polar relocation.

2. When will "free food and energy" be available in surface

When you need it so much you rise up and demand it.

3. Can you please let us know whether NP is equal to P

If no, which problem belongs to NP but not in P ?

I am not familiar with binary computer mechanics. Our systems are photon
quantum based.
when will the dildo people come up from there ice cave and fuck us all in our assholes? what
kind of pain are we going to feel? what color will there didldo be and what shape? are we
talking forskin or clean jew cut?
Quoting: wow!! 23442661

Which would you prefer?

We are happy to accommodate.

Shadrach, I don't believe you.

BUT, if what you say is true than I think you and your people are the most self-serving and
selfish people on this planet. More so than us lowly "surface dwellers".

We have all been begging for things to be good for hundreds, if not, thousands of years and
so far "god", "aliens", "atlanteans", "pleaideans", "nibiruans", etc. have all shown to not
give a single shit about anyone of us.

So please enjoy being one of the self-proclaimed "privileged, technologically superior,

intellectually above, and spiritually more evolved" while you and yours watch all of us
destroy everything and each other.

See you in hell, you selfish piece of shit.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9611809

Your hateful nature is noted as the reason why our people would not assist the

I have stated I would supervise and provide the knowledge to the willing with

Your character is the reason it would not be released on a public board like this.

It is not our job to be your savio(u)rs.

You number in the billions.

Rise up.

What do you know about the Vril women?

Maria Orsitsch was the head of the 'The All German Society for Metaphysics' (Alldeutsche
Gesellschaft für Metaphysik) founded in the early 20th century as a female circle of
mediums who were involved in extraterrestrial telepathic contact. The society was later
renamed the 'Vril Society' or 'Society of Vrilerinnen Women'. In 1917 Maria Orsitsch is said
to have made contact with extraterrestrials f
rom Aldebaran with her female Vril circle. Later in 1919 the Vril circle met with other
[Volkisch] groups in a small forester’s lodge in the vicinity of Berchtesgaden to discuss a
possible voyage to Aldebaran to meet the Aliens by the construction of Nazi ufos. Notes on
this space mission are discussed in a recent detailed analysis of Nazi Occultism entitled
'Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity:
'Maria claimed to have received mediumistically transmissions in a secret German Templar
script - a language unknown to her - containing technical data for the construction of a
flying machine. Vril documents mention these telepathic messages had their origin in
Aldebaran, a solar system 68 light-years away in the constellation Taurus'[1]
Quoting: vril-lover 2580726

My great grandmother was a member of the Vrilerinnen Society, and an apprentice

of Maria.

Maria first established contact with humans claiming to be from Aldebaran

through trance and automatic writing. They transmitted the knowledge on how to
construct an entanglement communicator, and where to find a stone from their
planet to use for connection.

Once we had full communication, the Aldeberani taught us many other techniques.

The moment the communicator came online is regarded as the breaking of the

Maria was transported to Aldebaran during one of our first interstellar Haunebu
craft tests, and chose to remain there.

OP what do you feel is the key to bringing world peace to this planet?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216

The elimination of scarcity, the "need to work" paradigm and money.

Yes. My point exactly.

You lack the insight to understand that the kind of response most humans would
make to an assumed "higher being" is, in a word, "WHY?!"

I wrote that response to get a reaction out of you. You proved to have the
intellectual maturity of an average human being that has and average education.

And, please, stop with the "you number in the billions, rise up." If what you say is
true, then YOU rise up and do something. After all, YOU are the one with all the
superior techs and knowledges and stuffs.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9611809

We will not interfere unless it affects us, or will cause an ELE.

That is all.
I will not take further questions from you.

his makes sense, if the resource is limited, then wars can be fought for survival, for this
scarce amount.

A major problem I see right now is with Muslims, and their their beliefs, which is like a
computer virus.

By this I mean, even if people didn't need to work, and resources are plentiful for everyone,
their religious beliefs is to spread their religion with the sword.

Qur'an (8:39) - “And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e.
worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in
the whole of the world].

What do you feel is the solution, for people with these types of exclusive views?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216

As stated, I will not discuss race, politics, or religion.


I understand, and no problem. However, I feel this is a major issue, that will prevent peace
on a massive scale.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216

It would not be an issue if humans knew their origins and history, instead of
having to merely have faith.

Op, thanks for your reply and your openness. Would you like me to provide you with an
email so you can pass on to me further instructions on how to build one of these
communication devices?
Quoting: ChickenInACan

I would never transmit that information over the internet.

As stated, I will personally supervise the construction, if you have the means.

Do you have suggestions, regarding how humans can without doubt know their origins?
Since there are so many various belief systems, about our origin.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16204216
The vatican keeps much from you.
As the ice melts, it will be revealed without doubt.

Very interesting.
I should however warn you, abduction or possession is considered a high crime
where I am from...
Quoting: Antarctican

This body was taken over by the reptilans and Greys and modifications begun before birth.
At about age 3 the Nordics joined in on research with the other two species, infusing some
of their dna and modifications. Their modifications start to be challenged after about 25%,
are pushing it at 30%. This body was at 35% after the Nordic infusion. Not a good future

I stepped in at the beginning of age 6, freed the individual of the program. That the natural
inhabitant of the body wanted me to remain with them is not a decision forced by me, but
perhaps by David's understanding of the future consequences. He couldn't be
reprogrammed, but would face hardships due to the 35% dna difference. His choice for us
to stay together worked in ways neither could quite imagine. I took David's name back with
me when I would leave. He had full access to my knowledge as his compensation plus
keeping him alive. The agreement with the off-world species came only recently when their
complete knowledge of what changes they had made became necessary. David was part of
that decision and negotiation. He is still free of their influence. He and I are together as
though married only it is more immediate and I hope, continuing to be better. I do not
abandon him as long as he wants me to stay.

As an aside, I've repaired most of the accumulated damage to him. That largely involved
the modifiable endocrine system I mentioned in an earlier post. His body is the healthiest it
has been in a long time. I've been with David for decades, pretty easy when you are ID

Consider all of this before think me a criminal. David shares with me, travels with me when
he wishes. Last year he went back to my system with me for two months. He loved it.

OP, I hope you get to travel in the future. It is so very special. I also hope you get to go
home if that is your wish. I would campaign with your people for that if you thought that the
thing to do. Be happy wherever you find yourself. Your path is fortuned.
Quoting: We Who Watch

What you describe is neither possession nor abduction. Thank you for clarifying.

You should really get your own bio-suit however.

End Of Part 1.

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