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Table of Contents

1.) Scientism: The One World Religion You've Been Waiting For
(Witness 1)

2.) In Defense of Genesis (Witness 1)

3.) The Invisible College: The Origins of Scientism in the Church

(Witness 2)

4.) When Giants Walked the Earth (Witness 1)

5.) In Defense of Creationism (Witness 1)

6.) God's Image in Creation (Witness 2)

7.) An Unavoidable Dichotomy (Witness 1)

8.) The Occult Foundations of Scientism (Witness 2)

9.) The Teleological Argument (Witness 1)

10.) The Tragedy of Atheism (Witness 1)

11.) Scientism: Global Worship at Last (Witness 2)

12.) Closing Exhortations (Witness 1 & Witness 2)


Witness 1: Scientism - The One World Religion You've Been Waiting For
Chapter 1

Do you believe in miracles? Here’s an interesting case study:


Case report of instantaneous resolution of juvenile macular degeneration

blindness after proximal intercessory prayer


• A young woman presented with sudden bilateral vision loss and atrophy in each
• She was diagnosed with juvenile macular degeneration and was blind for 12
• After a brief proximal intercessory prayer (PIP) experience she regained her
• Her eyesight has remained 20/40 or better for over forty years since the PIP

What we find here is a scientifically documented miracle in a peer-reviewed case study. The
woman in question was blind for 12 years, learning braille and using a cane, with multiple
doctors confirming her eyes were visually yellowed and atrophied, causing full legal blindness.

On fundus examination of the eye there were dense yellowish-white areas of

atrophy in each fovea and the individual was diagnosed with juvenile macular

Her pastor husband prayed one night with her that God would heal her, and at that very moment
she saw for the first time in 12 years, a blurry vision of her husband kneeling before her. Her
condition miraculously and immediately resolved itself, and she retained perfect vision for the
rest of her life. There is strong Biblical precedence for the miracle of healing the blind, leading to
the explanation that this case study shows an irrefutable and entirely un-scientific act of
divine intervention - the supernatural, if you will.

In summary, the patient was blind for thirteen years because of a condition that
appeared to be a severe form of Stargardt's disease. Following a PIP [proximal
intercessory prayer] event, her vision was spontaneously restored and remains
intact to date, 47 years later. Symptoms were resolved in the context of PIP with
a notable aspect: theological acceptance of healing prayer with specific belief
recognized through authority of Jesus (beliefs held by the intercessor, consistent
with other studies 17,32)

The atheists and materialists provide no answers for this one example of many, which contradict
a purely scientific worldview. No matter how much evidence you show them, they stubbornly
refuse to acknowledge the presence of a greater reality, content with the idea that mankind is
simply a blip in an eternal, empty universe, so anthropologically meaningless over the vast
reaches of time that there can be no other conclusion than that which tells us mankind simply
does not matter.

Darwin himself, the demi-God of the scientific worldview, said this regarding the eye:

To suppose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the
focus to different distances, for admitting different mounts of light, and for the
correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by
natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.

Absurd, indeed. Humanity stands unique among animals in its ability to contemplate its place
in the cosmos and rationalize the concept of a higher purpose. For most of human history belief
in a God was almost universal, with modern scientific discoveries, some as recent as the last
century, rocking the foundations of that belief by apparently exposing a universe that is
seemingly too ancient and vast to notice whether we live or die as a species.

This vast, uncaring universe doesn’t disprove the Biblical God or the account of creation in
Genesis, as there are many interpretations of Genesis 1 that conform to these scientific
observations, and a universe as vast and ancient as one described by science is certainly
suitably majestic for an omnipotent God. However, not all are convinced - 40% of Americans
believe in Creationism, holding the belief that God created humans in their present form at some
time within the last 10,000 years. Clearly, the debate rages on.

It’s important to consider whether science’s old life theory and its subsequent timetables have
become, or always were, simply a competing mythology to the Bible, an attempt by forces at
work in this world to silence the Bible once and for all, and to convince the majority of the world
that they are merely insignificant specks of dust in a vast, unseeing universe. If that were the
case, they have succeeded greatly, as even the Church and most Christians unanimously affirm
the truth of Scientism, evolution as the origin of life, and a humanity that simply evolved over
large enough periods of time. The modern Christian, as usual, conceded the high ground
intellectually when they allowed science to dictate the terms of Creationism.

This was unwarranted, as atheists and materialists cannot offer any good explanations for the
origin of the universe, and cannot compete with the well-rounded ability of the Bible to answer
deep questions and provide ontological and epistemological solid ground. Furthermore, their
methods can be called into question, and much of their worldview must be taken on faith alone,
reliant upon extrapolation and interpretation to provide what evidence for their beliefs exists.

For most of its history, the Bible stood in contrast to the natural sciences, which posited a
steady state, or eternal universe. The Bible triumphed in its clarity that “God created the
heavens and the Earth” with the widespread acceptance of the Big Bang theory, likely the most
comprehensive and accurate model of the creation of our universe that science will ever
provide, and one that intuitively matches a singular creative act as the origin of the universe.

However, here the Bible and scientific theory take wild divergences, presenting time spans of a
billions of years old Earth and humanity that has existed in its present form for 100,000 years or
more, contrasted with a Biblical account of the creation of man that appears to have taken place
only around 6,000 years ago.

Witness 1: In Defense of Genesis

Chapter 2

So, let’s look into this further. In Genesis 1, the word “day” in the concordance is defined as

1) day, time, year

1a) day (as opposed to night)
1b) day (24 hour period)
1b1) as defined by evening and morning in Genesis 1
1b2) as a division of time
1b2a) a working day, a day's journey
1c) days, lifetime (pl.)
1d) time, period (general)
1e) year
1f) temporal references
1f1) today
1f2) yesterday
1f3) tomorrow

We find a wide range of definitions, such as “time period”. However, we also find a definition
specifically for our reading of Genesis in which it is defined as “morning to evening”. The
Genesis debate hinges upon this word - could “day” mean something analogous to the vast
reaches of time necessary to create the allegedly ancient universe we inhabit, or is it literally
implying a rapid creation event only, if the Bible is to be believed, about 6,000 years ago?

Unfortunately for the atheist, it’s just not possible to completely disprove the literal events of
Genesis. The oldest tree in the world is 5,000 years old. Without a lot of extrapolating, much of
humanity seems to have rapidly burst onto the scene in just about that same time frame, with
proto-civilizations like Babylonia and the Indus Valley rising, seemingly out of nowhere, about
6,000 years ago.

The Washington Post agrees, stating, Humans dramatically changed how nature works —
6,000 years ago, and Berkeley News reports that humans “began altering the natural world
6,000 years ago.”

Clearly, something happened 6,000 years ago. Most artifacts that can be reliably dated fall
within this range of dates, and any record of known civilizations roughly fits this
timetable. Anything that scientists can date without resorting to extrapolation can be
shown to fall within this range.

Now, there’s a lot of evidence on both sides of this debate. However, the scientific community
has almost universally coalesced behind a universe that is about 13.7 billion years old, and an
Earth that is 4.5 billion years old, and there are a lot of convincing observations that support

This seems odd to the Creationist - are these time scales really provable, or are they just
another form of theology for the new-age religion of Scientism? If these vast time stretches did
happen, what occurred during them, and can they be framed through the lens of Genesis?

There is the option, of course, that the “day” terminology should be interpreted as a “length of
time”, which would reconcile the issue, known as Day-Age Creationism. This is a simple,
effective, and obvious solution to the Genesis question that nicely conforms to scientific
observations, giving indeterminate amounts of time for each step of creation.

It’s also possible that just as Adam and Eve were created instantly, fully grown, the universe
itself was created in the middle of its natural life, bearing all the hallmarks of growth and middle
age that Adam and Eve themselves did. This means that just as someone in the Garden of
Eden would see an aged Adam and Eve, rather than two infants, we apprehend an aged

Additionally, there is the Gap Theory, which posits that there is an indeterminate amount of time
between the first creation of Genesis 1 and the “day” periods of later creation. While this may
appear to be squeezing Christian Theology in an attempt to conform to the geological record
and scientific observations, it’s rather the other way around - it fits nicely with Christian theology,
as we know there was enough time after God “created the heavens” for an entire war to be
fought in heaven, with Satan having risen and fallen from grace before the events of Eden.

There’s some other good evidence to think that this theory is true:

o The Masoretic Text contains a small mark at the end of Genesis 1:1, referred to as
a rebhia, which acts as a "disjunctive accent", indicating that the reader is to pause
before proceeding to the next verse. It is one indication, among others, that
the waw which introduces verse 2 should be translated "but" rather than "and".[16] [This
punctuation mark indicates the Hebrews would have seen them as separate periods]

o The word "was" in Genesis 1:2 for some adherents is more accurately translated
"became". Such a word choice makes the gap interpretation easier to see in
modern English.[14][17][18]

o God is perfect and everything He does is perfect, so a newly created earth from the hand
of God should not have been without form and void and shrouded in
darkness. Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 45:18 1 John 1:5[13][14][18]

o The Holy Spirit was "renewing" the face of the earth as he hovered over the face of the
waters, noting that the water-covered planet already existed. Psalms 104:30[14][18]

o Angels already existed in a state of grace when God "laid the foundations of the Earth",
so there had been at least one creative act of God before the six days of Genesis. Job

o Satan and his angels caused the war in Heaven (Revelation 12:7–9) and had fallen from
grace (Isaiah 14:12) (Luke 10:18) "in the beginning" which, since
the serpent tempted Adam and Eve, had to have occurred before the Fall of man. Isaiah
14:12–15, Ezekiel 28:11–19, John 8:44[13][14]

What this theory leaves us with is the theory of the creation of the physical universe, time, and
space, as well as the heavenly realm, inhabited by angels, in Genesis 1: 1. Time passes, and
the angel's kingdom experiences the rise and fall of Lucifer from grace. He is cast down to Earth
about 6,000 years ago, and God’s redemptive plan for humanity and the rest of creation, the
“days” period, is ready to begin.

However, at a certain point, you’re going to have a tough time fitting the events
described in Genesis to a coherent scientific narrative, seeing as how Genesis 1
describes plants being created before the sun. While the old universe is easily solved by any
of these workarounds, Christians seem obligated to believe in, at the very least, a literal creation
of mankind, supernaturally from the dust, around 6,000 years ago.

Of course, scientists will tell you that there is plenty of good evidence that plants, animals, and
humans have been around for far longer than 6,000 years. And yet, if animals and plants, or
even the Earth itself, were only 6,000 years old, would we be able to tell simply by observing it?
To us, it would look the same in everyday life as the alleged billions of years old Earth. Only
through close examination and some extrapolation can we attempt to discern more closely, by
using technical methods like the analysis of radioactive decay rates and mitochondrial mutation

These methods are imperfect, however, and the question is far from solved. Scientific theories
begin with the assumption that the universe is billions of years old, and evidence is found that
fits this pre-selected conclusion. Scientism chose, a priori, to dismiss any timeframes besides
its own, and all evidence is viewed only through this lens.

Can we trust carbon dating and other methods used in an attempt to prove Scientism’s

Science Daily’s article, Inaccuracies in Radiocarbon Dating, reads:

Radiocarbon dating is a key tool archaeologists use to determine the age of plants and
objects made with organic material. But new research shows that commonly accepted
radiocarbon dating standards can miss the mark -- calling into question historical


Since 1947, scientists have reckoned the ages of many old objects by measuring the
amounts of radioactive carbon they contain… But it is already clear that the carbon
method of dating will have to be recalibrated and corrected in some cases.

The Silicon Republic, Carbon dating accuracy called into question after major flaw discovery:

Though one of the most essential tools for determining an ancient object’s age, carbon
dating might not be as accurate as we once thought. When news is announced on the
discovery of an archaeological find, we often hear about how the age of the sample was
determined using radiocarbon dating, otherwise simply known as carbon dating.

But new research conducted by Cornell University could be about to throw the field of
archaeology on its head with the claim that there could be a number of inaccuracies in
commonly accepted carbon dating standards.

These analytical methods provide compelling evidence, but there remain persisting questions
about whether changes on the Earth over time could affect their accuracy. While they are widely
accepted as accurate, their results don’t constitute concrete evidence, as the data sets and
techniques utilized are subject to interpretation, extrapolation, and uniformitarian assumptions
about the Earth. At the end of the day, no one can absolutely, concretely prove to you that
Earth, the universe, or life itself is billions of years old.

This link discusses the various methods used by scientists to analyze radioactive decay and
reach their conclusions on the ancient age of the Earth:


Clocks in the Rocks

Let's quote from this article:

Ages determined by radioactive decay are always subject to assumptions about original
concentrations of the isotopes... They are not always the same, so some uncertainties
arise in these processes.

To the intriguing question "How old is the Earth?" we can of course only provide models
and model calculations based on the best data we can get. While there are numerous
natural processes that can serve as clocks, there are also many natural processes that
can reset or scramble these time-dependent processes and introduce uncertainties.

However, there are two obvious problems with radioactive dating for geological
purposes: 1) uncertainty about the composition of the original sample and 2) possible
losses of material during the time span of the decay.

Clocks in the Rocks presents a lot of positive evidence; however, it is subject to these
surprisingly uncertain disclaimers, which state that all of the conclusions drawn are based on
estimations, assumptions, or modeling. These experiments and hypotheses are compelling, but
those interpreting the results can never prove 100% that they are correct.

Like the diviners and seers of old, the priests of Scientism attempt to peer into the past and
future, using these radioactive and mineral elements as modern-day seer stones, revealing
arcane knowledge of an unimaginably ancient universe that is accepted as unquestionable
Gospel by the common man.

Even if these dating hypotheses are correct, there are several exegeses of Genesis that can
account for these time scales in various ways, like the Gap Theory. However, when we look at
the evidence critically, we find that both the Scientific and the Biblical worldview require some
sort of leap of faith to believe in. At the end of the day, accepting Scientism's cosmology
requires trust, interpreting evidence, and weighing the balance of various arguments -
just like accepting any other theology.

Now, the historical age of living things is usually calculated using the rate at which mutations
build up, often in the mitochondria, which tells us that we descended from one common
ancestor in the past, the Mitochondrial Eve.

Analyses of this genetic mutation buildup is also subject to interpretation when it comes to the
time scales involved. Take this article, for example, Calibrating the Mitochondrial Clock:

But Parsons doubts that hot spots account for all the mutations he has observed. He
says that some of the difference between the long-term and short-term rates could be
explained if the noncoding DNA in the control region is not entirely immune to selection
pressure. The control region, for example, promotes replication and transcription of
mtDNA, so any mutation that interferes with the efficiency of these processes might be
deleterious and therefore selected against, reducing the apparent mutation rate.
Regardless of the cause, evolutionists are most concerned about the effect of a faster
mutation rate. For example, researchers have calculated that "mitochondrial Eve"--
the woman whose mtDNA was ancestral to that in all living people--lived 100,000
to 200,000 years ago in Africa. Using the new clock, she would be a mere 6000
years old.

Additionally, research by qualified geneticists using Y chromosome pedigree-based mutation

analysis performed a study presenting evidence based on different genetic biomarkers, another
“molecular clock” that fits a 6,000 year-old humanity:

Pedigree-based mutation rates act as an independent test of the young-earth creation

and evolutionary timescales. Currently, evolutionists use published Y chromosome
pedigree-based mutation rates to argue for an ancient origin of humanity. However, their
published studies rely on low-coverage sequence runs. We show that pedigree-based
mutation rates from high-coverage sequence runs are hidden in the evolutionary
literature, and we demonstrate that these rates confirm a 4,500-year history for human
paternal ancestry.

On the timescale of human origins, the young-earth creation (YEC) and evolutionary
models contrast by orders of magnitude. According to Scripture, the first humans—Adam
and Eve—lived only about 6,000 years ago (Hardy and Carter 2014). Current
evolutionary thought puts the origin of modern Homo sapiens upward of 200,000 to
300,000 years ago (e.g., see Karmin et al. 2015). Scientifically, this difference in orders
of magnitude should be easily resolvable in multiple scientific fields, especially in the
field of human genetics.

Science supports a singular ancestor for all humanity, the only question for the Christian is the
timing. Who can be trusted?

When you look closely, you can indeed find evidence that supports a young humanity, and even
matches other specific Biblical markers like a genetic bottleneck around when the flood would
have been and a population size that can be extrapolated backward comfortably to fit this

Additionally, those who believe in a younger origin for life point to the Biblical flood as a
mechanism of action for creating the fossil record, as well as the unreliability of geological strata
as an analytical mechanism. There are many good reasons to believe that the Bible is a solid
historical record, as there’s been plenty of archeological discoveries that support the Biblical
narrative, but never one that contradicts it.

By contrast, the evidence used to build the evolution hypothesis, such as the famous Lucy
fossils, is subject to confirmation bias and interpretive reconstruction work, and many scientists
question the validity of the claims made about these so-called "missing links".

We've been conditioned to think of "Lucy" as a human-like ancestor, walking upright and
standing roughly as tall as us. The truth is far from that - Lucy was only three feet tall, spent
most of her time in trees (dying from a fall out of a tree), and there's no provable evidence she
walked upright at all. In other words, she was a monkey, which makes sense given this article
about her fossil mistakenly containing bones from a baboon. In fact, a quick read of Lucy's
Wikipedia page reveals the often glossed over fact that the shin and femur bones that
evolutionists imaginatively claim "proves" she walked upright were found over a mile away and
200 feet deeper than the rest of the skeleton:

First find

In November 1971, near the end of the first field season, Johanson noticed a fossil of the
upper end of a shinbone, which had been sliced slightly at the front. The lower end of a
femur was found near it... The site lay about 2.5 kilometres (1.6 mi) from the site where
"Lucy" subsequently was found, in a rock stratum 60 metres (200 ft) deeper than that in
which the Lucy fragments were found. [10][11]

NBC News reports that even Lucy's gender remains up for debate, which this study confirms:

Now, how's that for a title?


Clearly, the methods used to affirm the old age of life and support the theology of
Scientism are really just inaccurate at best, pure guesswork at worst, and are nowhere
near as rock solid as academia, the media, or any other institution wants you to think.

These scientific measurements are presented as the divine miracles of the Gospel of
Scientism, intended to stand as the unquestionably Holy Scripture of the ancient universe
and a mankind that is so anthropologically obscure, the Bible’s grasp on his meaning and
morality is diminished.

To question them is to commit the unforgivable sin of Scientism - to question the

prophets and priests of this religion themselves.

Presented to young minds in schools as infallible doctrine, the un-special creation of mankind
through billions of years of trial and error has become the de facto state religion of the modern
world, enforced zealously through institutional power and close social scrutiny. “Oh, I’m not
one of those Christians! Of course I believe in evolution.”

When nothing else in the atheistic, materialistic, government-sponsored worldview makes

sense, it’s time to question whether the very fundamental tenets of Scientism are valid, or
whether they are part of the same overarching thought control mechanisms used to subjugate
the population into believing that lies are the truth.

At the end of the day, there’s too much evidence both for and against these claims to say that
the argument has been decided conclusively. There’s always a way to introduce reasonable
doubt, and just like in court, the whole thing must be evaluated and thrown out if you suspect
that there’s reason to believe it might not be fully truthful. Measurements that depend on
speculation and extrapolation to elucidate results are an ineffective way to prove that
things we observe here and now existed hundreds of millions of years ago.

When you look into it, the evidence for the old life theory doesn't contain rock-solid conclusive
evidence, but is merely the assumptive theology of a scientific worldview which has already
decided its answer and looks backwards to fit the evidence into it.

Gareth Nelson is a scientist and professor who worked for decades at the Natural History
Museum in New York. In 1978, he said the following quote based off of his research:

The idea that one can go to the fossil record and expect to empirically recover an
ancestor-descendant sequence, be it of species, genera, families, or whatever, has
been, and continues to be, a pernicious illusion.

The Christian should not have conceded the intellectual high ground to the materialists, but
sadly, almost all Christians today believe in an ancient humanity created through evolution over
hundreds of millions of years. To take this, at least, as a fact, contradicts the Bible and
constitutes a betrayal and a rejection of what it says.

Genesis is key within the Bible, and without it being literal, many other thematic elements within
it, like Jesus’ sacrifice for original sin, are weakened. While many Jewish and Bible scholars
hold that the creation account in Genesis 1 can be interpreted allegorically, the Christian is
obligated to believe in a literal Genesis when it comes, at least, to its other events. Christians
should reject evolution as the genesis of humanity and stand in favor of a literal Adam and Eve,
Noah’s Ark, Tower of Babel, and everything else contained within Genesis, in the time frames
described. To do anything less is to compromise with the world and fail in our duties as

Witness 2: The Invisible College - Origins of Scientism in the

Chapter 3

So, why did Christians give up the intellectual high ground, especially in churches? While
unbelievers will claim it is because science is simply "the truth", I believe we need to look
deeper at the history of science and its relationship to the church.

Before the Royal Society began largely dictating the terms of modern science, the western
world (17th-century England) largely viewed the truth through “intellectual paradigms which
rested upon ancient Christian doctrine, Aristotelian philosophy, and other classical

The author further explains how a group of 12 Englishmen went on to establish “revolutionary
scientific theory” in direct conflict of worldviews at the time, specifically Christian, and that they
“invented modern science.” In other words, if you want to understand modern science, it is
important to start with this intriguing and enigmatic society.

Many reading this will not see a problem at first, claiming it is all seemingly innocent and
necessary for our lives today. However, it is important to explore the origins of this society and
their core ethical and moral tenets, or what they truly believed in as a group.

To start, you have to understand The Royal Society, and how it has impacted what is viewed as
truth on a global scale. From the article, The Royal Society, the making of ‘science’ and the
social history of truth, we read:

Shapin (1996), taking a leaf from Foucault, elaborates the links between being a
gentleman and a certain kind of truth-telling. As he says, he is unfolding a story
about ‘the gentlemanly constitution of scientific truth’ (p. xxi). This is a narrative
of the ‘gentle’ in the formation of the emerging culture of science. In the section,
‘The Argument Summarised’ he writes:

Knowledge is a collective good. In securing our knowledge we rely on others, and

we cannot dispense with that reliance. That means that the relations in which we
have and hold our knowledge has a moral character, and the word I use to indicate
that moral relation is trust. (p. xxv)
Social knowledge (of persons) underwrites and upholds ‘natural’ knowledge. The
cultural paradigm of the gentleman defines who ‘we can trust to speak the
truth’ (p. xxvi).

To simplify this, the founders of this society had a widely held belief that only a small,
esoterically enlightened group of elites were qualified to understand and tell the truth to society,
subtly denigrating the ‘common man’ as incapable of this role. In other words, you, reading this,
would likely not be trusted to be part of this society promoting truth and knowledge. Sounds
dangerous, doesn’t it? Should the definitions of scientific knowledge and truth be limited to the
few successful applicants to The Royal Society?

In contrast, the Bible presents a universally accessible truth through which all can find
salvation. The Bible is so complex that you could study it for lifetimes without fully
understanding it, and it's simultaneously simple enough that even children can grasp its themes
and ideas. The Bible is for everyone, not just a small group of elites. Now, let’s go back to our
original question: Why did the church give up its intellectual high ground to this modern view of
science, and I think the first conclusion we can draw is:

Money and power.

However, that's not all. A deeper look into this society shows hidden motivations, intent, and
mystery. Yes, money and power are always a factor in most institutions, but a deeper
exploration of The Royal Society's origin shows occult, or some would say, Luciferian,

In The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, Chapter 60: The Invisible College, we get a clearer view of the
true intentions behind this society, specifically their anti-Christian motivations:

Freemason Robert Boyle first called the Royal Society “the Invisible College.” Boyle, as
you will recall, was a Stuart loyalist and a Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. The Royal
Society is the oldest and most respected scientific society in the world, according to
author and Freemason Robert Lomas.

Lomas goes on to note the Royal Society founders were the first scientists and
the last of the sorcerers. The founders of modern science were all occultists
practicing magic, alchemy, and astrology.

According to Freemasonry records, The Royal Society was organized to be a society or

club to cultivate the science. They sought to advance the experimental philosophy
introduced by Sir Francis Bacon. The Invisible College/Royal Society is the founding
cornerstone for modern science; all its genitive, scientific organizations pay tribute to the
Royal Society. The term Invisible College was first made famous by the Rosicrucian

Because of the Royal Society’s mystical and anti- Christian beginnings, and anti-
Christian beginnings, the Royal Society’s ongoing opposition to Christian positions
such as Intelligent Design, and noting that the science community pays tribute even to
this day to the Royal Society Fellowship (Fellowship generally denotes a secret society)
that includes 1400 of the world’s most eminent scientists, I conclude science
communities are still governed by doctrines emanating out of the founding Royal Society
occultism, which took instructions from ancient Snake Societies and the Seven Liberal

Now, if we look at prominent members of The Royal Society, such as Charles Darwin, we begin
to form a theory:

The Royal Society was an elite group with occultic Luciferian and Freemasonic
ties originally initiated to demolish Christian views of global truth in society.

To summarize:

1. The Royal Society was in direct conflict with the largely held Christian worldviews
of the time.

2. They redefined truth to the ‘gentleman’s truth’, or the idea that truth comes from
the elite, powerful, small, hidden, and wealthy group of society. Today, only a
small group of elite scientists can take part in this society, yet they have a great
influence on modern scientific project funding.

3. They produced radical scientists like Charles Darwin to take on the large task of
deconstructing largely held beliefs and paradigms and replacing them with views
such as evolution.

Still not convinced? Francis Bacon, one of the founders of The Royal Society, had deep ties to
Rosicrucianism, an esoteric, anti-Christian doctrine, as well as freemasonry. As Wikipedia
notes, Rosicrucianism is built on esoteric truths of the ancient past. In fact, freemasonic lodges
played a key role in the enlightenment, the spread of these new scientific ideas, and the
destruction of the Christian worldview.

The point is, why should any “scientific” secret society that has any ties to esoteric and
“spiritual” wisdom be trusted? Why should we trust the spiritual beliefs of the founders of The
Royal Society over the truths of the Bible? In other words, does the average unbeliever who
“trusts science” understand the true origins of their beliefs, paradigms, and worldviews?

The modern paradigm of “trust the science” is shrouded in lies - a history of secret beliefs and
mysticism that most people are not aware of. Even worse, the average person is led to believe
that this society is trustworthy and elite, and therefore, they should not be questioned.

The Royal Society replaced the church with the new high priests to be worshiped by the public:
scientists. But remember, these scientists have to support and maintain the views held by this
society, or they simply will not be accepted, funded, or promoted on a large scale.

So, it is up to the reader to decide who or what to trust. Before the infiltration of this society, the
most widely held belief in the world was Christian creationism, and it was only a small, elite,
occult group that seemed to have a problem with that. Hmm…

Later, in Chapter 8, we will explore more about the occult roots of The Royal Society.

Witness 1: When Giants Walked the Earth

Chapter 4

Let's take a look at a simple and obvious facet of our world and see which worldview provides
more explanatory scope - Scientism or the Bible?

One truly remarkable part of the world we find ourselves in is the existence of stone megalithic
architecture that we still can’t reliably explain. From the great pyramids, to Peru’s stone walls, to
a temple carved out of a mountain in India, one observation we can clearly make is that there
existed, before us, a culture that had the ability to work with stone in a way that we can only
dream of.

Take the Ba’albek megalith. (Named after the infamous Biblical deity Ba’al). From the New

Its provenance is more shadowy than one might expect of a three-million-pound

megalith. Nobody seems to know on whose orders it was cut, or why, or how it came to
be abandoned.

Testimony to Baalbek’s flummoxing properties can be found in the 1860 diary of the
Scottish traveller David Urquhart, whose mental capacities were “paralyzed” by “the
impossibility of any solution.” …But archaeologists are still trying to solve the riddles that
he posed.

But perhaps the biggest mystery is the question of size. Nothing puzzles archaeologists
so much as impracticality, and although the karst topography of Baalbek demands
strong foundation stones, and although one big stone is easier to move than many
smaller stones, the pillars holding up the temple’s podium, van Ess says, are bigger than
they need to be.

In fact, Baalbek is one of a series of ancient projects that are under rigorous study by the
Germans for being unnecessarily large. Van Ess and her colleagues are currently
working to determine “the border between a ‘normal’ but expensive project”—a palace,
for example—and a “giant one.”

Genesis 6:4
King James Version

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became
mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The silence on this obvious fact and profound mystery from the scientific community is
deafening. According to them, the three-million pound stone seen in the image on the right was
excavated by hand and rolled along by simply putting logs underneath it. With the absence of
any real explanation from the materialist viewpoint, the scientific community largely ignores
these issues - writing them off as anomalies that need no further explanation.

However, this is not a satisfactory response. The Bible tells us exactly what happened - fallen
angels came to Earth, bred with humans, and created a race of incredibly strong giants, the
Nephilim, described as “mighty men of old, men of renown” and "giants". The Bible provides the
explanation that this powerful race was the creative force behind these megalithic stone worship
sites and temples, and that they were destroyed in the flood.

On this count, at least, the Bible clearly provides more explanatory scope.

The Jerusalem Post reports on archeological evidence found of this race, including evidence for
Goliath himself. Myths and stories about giants abound throughout history, with researchers
presenting credible evidence that the Mound Culture of North America is related to "giants". For
those with eyes to see, the evidence is clear.

Now, there are plenty of rational religious people who can reconcile vast, evolutionary time
scales, and events like Noah’s Ark and the Garden of Eden. God could have used the vast time
scales and natural processes that science claims to observe to carry out his will and manifest
the events described in the Bible.

Likewise, it’s similarly possible to rationalize a God that used evolution to carry out creation, and
processes like massive earthquakes or asteroid impacts, all built in by design, to cause events
like a global flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. In this way, you can
conceptualize a Biblical history without even needing God to interfere physically, looking at him
as a divine watchmaker that set the universe in motion, carrying certain properties and attributes
that led to the development of humanity and the unfolding of his plan as He wills it.

However, this writing is a defense of those that do take the Bible literally, and believe that
Genesis tells a faithful and true account of the supernatural, rapid creation of life in the time
scales described. The Christian should believe in a God that supernaturally intercedes in the
physical universe to perform miracles and actions that no one else could do.

To deny this, and to accept the deterministic materialist conception of the cosmos in which God
is nowhere to be found, is to accept the new faith of Scientism, where God is only tangentially
involved with an infinitesimally small, 6,000-year period of humanity, but appears to be clueless
about the billions and billions of years before and after that small, strange period.

Witness 1: In Defense of Creationism

Chapter 5

The question here becomes, at its core - do you think that God personally formed man
with his hands, or not? And since that does seem to be what the Bible describes, at what
point do those who deny this idea start to fall astray from the Scripture?

Of course, to believe this worldview is to stand in opposition to mainstream science and the
widely accepted consensus. However, the leaders of society and mainstream thought have
shown themselves to be unreliable, dishonest narrators, and it’s reasonable to have a healthy
skepticism of any institutions or beliefs, including the belief in old life.

This old life theory requires billions of years and some incredible acts of chance to happen. Let’s
look at evolution as a theory briefly. The probability of life randomly evolving by chance
overwhelmingly dictates that the evolution of organic life is so unlikely as to be impossible.

We read in The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey:

Mathematicians have calculated that the odds against a single DNA gene forming by
chance is equal to 1 chance in 10 followed by 155 zeros…If one counts the number of
trial assemblies of amino acids that are needed to give rise to the enzymes, the
probability of their discovery by random shufflings turn out to be less than one in

Researcher and mathematician I.L. Cohen:

At that moment, when the DNA/RNA system became understood, the debate between
Evolutionists and Creationists should have come to a screeching halt. …the implications
of the DNA/RNA were obvious and clear. Mathematically speaking, based on probability
concepts, there is no possibility that Evolution was the mechanism that created the
approximately 6,000,000 species of plants and animals we recognize today.

David A. Kaufmann, Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville:

Evolution lacks a scientifically acceptable explanation of the source of the precisely

planned codes within cells without which there can be no specific proteins and hence, no

Dr. William Lane Craig states:

In their book, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, Barrow and Tipler lay out 10 steps
necessary to the course of human evolution, each of which, each of which is so
improbable, that before it would occur the sun would have ceased to be a main
sequence star and would have burned up the earth. Now it seems to me that if evolution
did occur, then it would have had to been a miracle. In other words evolution is literally
evidence for the existence of god!

There’s more than enough evidence against evolution as a theory for the origin of life
that it is mostly accepted on dogmatic and ideological grounds as a form of religion -

To believe in the big bang theory and evolution as the origin of life means that you accept that
everything came from nothing, for no reason at all. And on top of that, it all somehow came
together from a primordial ooze into the extraordinarily complex, self-reproducing organisms we
see today, containing DNA coding that is indistinguishable from codes written by an
intelligent being.

Now, here’s a good question: how, exactly, did Noah understand how to make an Ark with
the dimensions of 30:5:3, the exact dimensions still used to keep cargo ships afloat today, while
in a desert where no one had ever seen a ship that large?

In Genesis 6:15, God instructed Noah to build an ark that was 300 cubits long, 50
cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. This is a ratio of 30 to 5 to 3 (length to breadth to
height). Until about 1858, the ark was the largest floating ship ever created. In terms that
we understand better, the ark was about 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. In
1844, a man named Isambard K. Brunnel built his giant ship, the Great Britain. He used
almost the exact ratio of the ark—30:5:3. As it turns out, these dimensions are the
perfect ratio for a huge boat built for seaworthiness and not for speed.

While we’re at it, how did Moses come up with an almost perfect, rudimentary but advanced
medical treatise in Leviticus?

The primary Egyptian medical document prior to and during Moses' life was the Papyrus
Ebers. There are also several other Papyri that have similar content. Wouldn’t you
expect the Papyrus Ebers to look something like Leviticus when it speaks to medicine?
Let’s see what it says about some basic medical care. The treatment for a splinter: worm
guts and donkey dung.. My personal favorite is the treatment of eye diseases.
Glaucoma? Cow Urine. Cataracts? Cow Urine. Macular degeneration? You guessed it,
cow urine.

This is just touching the surface of medical ideas that today are considered
preposterous. While these ideas may seem crazy today, the Egyptians were no medical
slouches. They were considered the most medically advanced culture of that time and
provided the foundation for Greek medicine, but their ideas in no way mesh with modern
medical knowledge. In contrast, Leviticus describes medical care that, although
primitive, is sound even by today’s standards.

So given that it is drastically different from Egyptian knowledge, where does Leviticus
come from? Within Leviticus we see medical concepts that aren’t realized until 3000
years later. Leviticus 15 describes personal hygiene, wound care, and precautions that
are standard for medical personnel today. Chapters 13 and 14 give diagnostic criteria
that are essential for determining the presence of a contagious infection. They further
describe the need for isolation while confirming a diagnosis and quarantine once it is
established. While the Egyptians might have shared some of these practices, it is
clear from their literature that the ideas presented in Leviticus were drastically
different and much more medically sound when viewed from a modern

The answer is quite simple - God supernaturally intervened and communicated with Moses and
Noah, just like the Bible says. However, to believe in a literal Moses and Noah, you have to
accept their genealogy, which leads directly back to Adam in a few steps, declaring that
Adam was the son of God, as the first man.

Coincidentally, this genealogy also contains the very gospel itself within it:

Further demonstrating its trustworthiness, the Bible made many predictions, and there’s
never been a Biblical prophecy that has been conclusively shown to be false.

Fulfilled Prophecy:

1. Ezekiel's prophecy of the creation of the State of Israel in 1948

2. Messianic Prophecies
3. Daniel’s Little Horn and Beast prophecies
4. Nahum’s Ninevite prophecy
5. Jeremiah’s Edom prophecy
6. Prediction of the destruction of Tyre
7. Joshua’s Jericho prophecy
8. Isaiah’s prophecy of King Cyrus
9. Nine prophecies of the end times fulfilled

Above are nine extremely strong Biblical prophecies, with further proof of each available here,
spanning a range of timespans from deep in antiquity, to the time of Jesus Christ, up to the
present day. Prophecies are one of the most important tools we can use to discern the
veridicality of the Bible, as they can never be faked or replicated through human means.

In fact, Biblical scholars note that the Bible contains exactly 1,817 predictions covering over 700
separate subjects, found in 8,352 verses. These predictions make up a full 27 percent of the
31,124 verses in the Bible. So far, many have come true, none can be shown to be false,
and the remaining ones are well on their way.

No other religion, person, or worldview on Earth can claim to have accurately predicted the
future even one time - only Biblical prophets empowered by God are able to perform this
miraculous and improbable feat.

On top of its successful prophecies, the Bible also contains demonstrably supernatural
Equidistant Letter Spacing codes that have never been replicated in any other texts. The
extraordinary thing about these codes is their relevance and close appearance to words with
contextual significance.

Take this segment of Isaiah 53, for example, a key Messianic prophecy:

He was despised and rejected by mankind,

a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain

and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our transgressions,

he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

This verse, written over 700 years before the life and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, predicted
his manner of death exactly, a clear example of supernatural prophecy. Amazingly, that’s not all
this verse is notable for. Researchers have discovered that this passage contains over 40
relevant ELS codes supernaturally hidden within it, which can be found by laying the Hebrew
out in a grid, starting at a letter, and skipping a certain number of spaces at particular intervals.
This type of contextual relevance cannot be duplicated or shown to exist within any other
text, and it’s just one example of the many ELS codes contained within the Bible.

Grant Jeffery provides the following graphic demonstrating this discovery in The Signature of

Jeffery provides the following important context:

Yacov’s discovery of more than forty names of individuals and places associated with
the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth in Isaiah’s “Suffering Servant” messianic passage is

In my 1997 book The Handwriting of God I issued a challenge to the critics who reject
the Yeshua Codes to find any other passage of similar length (only fifteen sentences as
in Isaiah 52:13 to 53:12) in Hebrew literature outside the Bible that contains forty
meaningful ELS codes, including the names of Jesus, the Nazarene, Messiah,
Passover, Herod, Mary, and the names of Christ’s disciples, etc.

If they cannot discover these names encoded in any passage outside the Bible, and we
believe it will be impossible, we will have additional evidence that these codes about
Yeshua the Nazarene, and His disciples, are truly unprecedented.

To make the task easier for our critics, we challenge them to find any fifteen-sentence
passage in any language or literature outside the Bible that contains forty or more ELS
words related to people, places, and events concerning a historical event.

If our critics can accomplish this feat, I will be willing to admit that our discoveries in
Isaiah 53 are not as significant as we claim. Over six years ago I made this challenge.
I am still waiting for their answer.

More information on the series of challenges and successful rebuttals to the Bible Codes can be
found here, with Jeffrey and other researchers ultimately proving their theories correct beyond
question, in light of a concession from their challengers, Brendan McKay and Dror Bar-Natan.
After their failed attempt at debunking, they made the remarkable statements that they were
“harming their careers”, they miss the “good old times”, and they “have better things to do than
codes.” They conclude their attempt to debunk divine authorship of the Bible by stating, “It is a
good time to quit.”

Witness 2: God’s Image in Creation

Chapter 6

It is intriguing to note that many cultures have some type of great flood story that relates to the
one told in scripture. According to Wikipedia, these “myths” share a commonality of a
catastrophic flood, on a global scale, sent by a deity, usually to cleanse the world of some kind
of evil.

There is scientific evidence for the flood story in Genesis 6:9:

"...the fountains of the great deep [were] broken up, and the windows of the heavens
were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights."

This quote from the Book of Genesis is part of a familiar tale — the story of Noah's flood.
Scholars have known for a long time that the Bible isn't the only place this story is found
— in fact, the biblical story is similar to a much older Mesopotamian flood story in the
epic of Gilgamesh.

Scholars usually attribute things like the worldwide occurrence of flood stories to
common human experiences and our love of repeating good stories, but recently
scientists have started to uncover evidence that Noah's flood may have a basis in some
rather astonishing events that took place around the Black Sea some 7,500 years ago.

ABC News reports that quite simply scientists cannot dismiss the evidence that the Biblical flood
may have actually happened. For those interested, here is more geological evidence for a
global flood from the University of North Carolina.

The idea that a rapid global flood happened supports another view that many scientists try to
stifle. Today, most scientists hold the view that structures and formations in nature are attributed
to slow and gradual erosion processes over vast scales of time, supporting the 4.5 billion year-
old Earth model.

However, why is it that we were never taught the possibility of quick and rapid erosion
processes in our science classes?

The Grand Canyon is a perfect example of flawed theories of slow erosion. This article contains
a list of problems with the claims of a millions of years old Grand Canyon.

There are scientists that support this view, but you just don’t hear about them. Ryan McGillivary
writes about Dr. Steve Austin, a scientist who believes the Grand Canyon was created quickly
after the global flood:

It is generally held by the scientific community that the Grand Canyon formed by the
slow erosion of the Colorado River over millions of years. Dr. Steve Austin, however, has
proposed an entirely different theory on the age and formation of the canyon and wrote a
book explaining his theories titled Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe. Dr. Austin
believes that the canyon was formed extremely rapidly during the period immediately
following the global flood of Noah in the biblical book of Genesis. Dr. Austin proposed
that the canyon is thousands, not millions of years old. This fits into the larger field of
Creation Science, in which people try to prove with scientific evidence that the world is
only 6,000 years old.

You can find out more about Dr. Austin’s views here, but the question is, why do we never hear
about these alternative views, even in college courses that are supposed to be open to critical
thinking and discussion?

In college, one of my favorite classes was Geology. Though I wasn’t going into a scientific field,
I was fascinated by the processes for the formation of our Earth. I vividly remember a lecture
regarding how to date geological layers, and the professor explained the principle of
Uniformitarianism in science.

According to Britannica, Uniformitarianism is “the doctrine [interesting word choice!] suggesting

that Earth’s geologic processes acted in the same manner and with essentially the same
intensity in the past as they do in the present and that such uniformity is sufficient to account for
all geologic change. This principle is fundamental to geologic thinking and underlies the whole
development of the science of geology.”

Now, interestingly, I went to college during a time when criticism of scientific principles was at
least partly allowed. I remember her briefly covering a slide offering one argument against this
principle, and that criticism was that it used circular reasoning.

It is so strange because I was not Christian then in any regard, but that slide truly stuck out to
me. She didn’t address it very deeply, but she offered it. Until then, I really never saw teachers
offer criticism of accepted theories in science, and this professor was in no way a Christian.

Anyway, now that I am a Christian, one of the arguments against the Bible is often circular
reasoning. Basically, they cite the line: The Bible is real because the Bible says it is real.
However, this is far from the case. There are many valid reasons Christians believe the Bible is
divinely authored, valid, and credible, and you can find that all here. To reiterate, however,
those who worship scientism fail to see the hypocrisy in their own worship of certain doctrines in
their Scientism books, including Uniformitarianism.

So, how is Uniformitarianism circular reasoning? It's an assumption based on assumptions.

There is no way at all to prove that geological processes have always acted in the same
manner, way, and intensity throughout Earth’s history, and there is not even enough evidence to
assume so. In fact, there are many valid, scientific criticisms of this theory, yet you will not hear
any of these in your science textbooks, and probably no longer in your college lectures.

The basis of this theory is that “The present is key to the past” - literally backwards thinking -
something you see much of in modern Scientism.

However, when we seek the agenda against Christianity in science, the past is the key to the
present. Matt Rosenburg writes,

In the mid-seventeenth century, biblical scholar and Archbishop James Ussher

determined that the earth had been created in the year 4004 B.C. Just over a century
later, James Hutton, known as the father of geology, suggested that the earth was much
older and that processes occurring in the present were the same as those that had
operated in the past and that will operate in the future.

This concept became known as uniformitarianism and can be summarized by the phrase
"the present is the key to the past." It was a direct rejection of the prevalent theory of the
time, catastrophism, which held that only violent disasters could modify the surface of
the earth.

James Hutton happened to present his new geological theories to none other than The Royal
Society. How shocking! Earlier in the section of this writing called The Invisible College, I
explained the connections between modern scientism and The Royal Society, and how the
ultimate goal was to establish an elite group to destroy and infiltrate any facet of science that
advocated or supported God or creationism. According to the American Museum of Natural
History, “In a paper presented in 1788 before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a newly-founded
scientific organization, Hutton described a universe very different from the Biblical cosmos.”

To reiterate, this is all seemingly innocent, until one examines the history of The Royal Society
and their intentions. Quite simply, their goal was to erase any inkling of God from any aspect of

Interestingly, though, their wisdom and philosophy is not objective or neutral like one would
assume. Rather, it is rooted in occult beliefs and mysticism, the Kabbalah, and Satanism itself.
We will discuss this more in Chapter 8.

Without Excuse

Did you know that 99% of the population can no longer see the Milky Way naturally in the sky?
Besides the evidence we are providing in this post for Creationism, no one can deny the
manifest evidence for God in creation itself. Romans 1:20 states,

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and
divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so
that people are without excuse.”

This is a powerful verse because it quite frankly says that humans have no excuse for denying
God’s invisible qualities in the brilliant creation that surrounds them. Is it any wonder that Satan
has done everything he can to keep people out of nature in crowded cities, while the beauty of
the skies is clouded with light pollution? There are many studies on the benefits of being
exposed to nature regularly, and access to nature reduces depression and obesity. Is it any
wonder the beauty of the oceans is hidden with trash? Is it any wonder that Satan has led more
and more people to spend all of their time indoors, on their screens, away from God’s lovely

For anyone taking this reading seriously, if your mind is feeling clouded, try to seek nature as
soon as you can. Put your phone on airplane mode as you walk, and say a prayer. There is no
doubt that nature brings us closer to God.

As we already discussed, the design of the eye is further proof of God’s amazing creation. If you
look deeper inside our bodies, the “glue” that holds us together is actually shaped like a cross -
Laminin. You can learn more about the scientific aspects of Laminin here and simply admire its
structure in the following image:

The point is, humans are without excuse.


Witness 1: An Unavoidable Dichotomy

Chapter 7

At a certain point, you just have to choose what you believe. An ancient universe, or
ancient life, doesn’t rule out the Bible, as there are plenty of ways to make it fit. And yet, a face-
value reading of it seems to strongly suggest that humanity is only about 6,000 years old. At the
end of the day, we can only choose what feels right for us, from our limited vantage point.
Trusting in the Bible is an act of faith, and it takes a lot of courage to stand up in the heavily
materialistic modern world and say that you literally believe every word in the Bible is true.

Could this one Theology be the answer to mankind’s hopes and dreams? This one strange
God of a small desert tribe, communicating through ancient prophets like Abraham and Moses,
culminating in the life of Jesus of Nazareth and his crucifixion?

Or are the scientists right, and humanity is merely inhabiting a brief speck of time in the sea of
vast nothingness, staring down eons of absolute emptiness, a universe doomed to
meaninglessness forever? Our very planet, and each of us individually, doomed to inevitable
destruction in a universe that will carry on, without notice, for billions of years after we are

The Bible stakes a bold claim on your soul and seems so improbable at first. However, many
skeptics have set out to debunk the Bible, only to find it an impossible task.

William M. Ramsey was an archeologist and New Testament scholar, considered one of the
leading authorities in the world on the history of Asia Minor and the study of the New Testament
in the early 20th century. He famously started his academic journey hoping to disprove the New
Testament narrative, but surprisingly, found so much evidence for it that he actually became a
Christian. Regarding the accuracy of the Gospels and the New Testament, he stated:

Luke is a historian of the first rank… this author should be placed along with the very
greatest of historians

A French monarch in the 1700s proposed persecution of Christians, to be met with the reply,
“Sire, the Church of God is an anvil that has worn out many hammers.”

Voltaire once declared, "In 100 years, there will not be a Bible in the earth except one that is
looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity seeker." This was around 300 years ago, and his
prediction was... less than accurate.

In fact, there's a whole host of people who tried and failed to stop the Bible throughout history,
from psychotically violent Roman Emperors like Diocletian and Nero, to King Antiochus IV of the
Seleucids. Their bones turn to dust in graves, their spirits waiting for inevitable judgement, while
Christianity is the most popular religion on the planet, growing steadily worldwide.
In the book A Scientific Investigation of the Old Testament, Princeton professor of Semitic
philology Dr. Robert Dick Wilson makes the following statement:

After forty-five years of scholarly research in biblical textual studies and in language
study, I have come now to the conviction that no man knows enough to assail
the truthfulness of the Old Testament. When there is sufficient documentary
evidence to make an investigation, the statement of the Bible, in the original text,
has stood the test.

Indeed, the Bible has stood the test of time, containing a cohesive, unified, and compelling
narrative despite not having a singular author or consolidating authority until well after the texts
were complete. Try collaborating with others on writing a book, and you will find how difficult it is
to keep everyone on the same page - and the Bible did it with over 40 different authors writing
throughout 1,600 years. There has never been, and will never be, a credible debunking or
disproving of the Bible as the supernaturally authored Word of God. The Bible is perfect and is
the only complete explanation for the existence and complexity of everything as we know it.

Take the argument from moral values and duties - have you ever asked an atheist where right
and wrong come from? To be an atheist or materialist is to condemn yourself to moral
relativism, a plane in which our everyday understanding and apprehension of moral experiences
are negated, where right and wrong serve merely as biological markers on a Darwinian
evolutionary herd morality. The atheist can, of course, be good, but they will never be able to
explain where these concepts come from or what they are grounded upon.

Though this Scientific, old life worldview is accepted by the vast majority of people today, it is an
absurd belief, contingent on order appearing out of chaos, and of something coming from
nothing. It answers no real questions, and provides no explanation for the logical, ordered, and
intricate universe we observe, and it has no answer for why this universe should be inhabited by
moral, emotive, and intentional organisms like humans. Only the Bible presents sufficiently
explanatory scope to explain our world and all that we observe, think, or feel.

The scientific universe takes humanity out of its place given in the Bible as a moral actor,
above the animals, and lowers him down to be one of them. When you reduce the Bible to make
it fit within billions of years, and a humanity that is simply part of hundreds of millions of years of
evolution, it reduces its potency and replaces its narrative with that of Scientism. On some level,
the events described in Genesis contradict a purely scientific worldview. That's why we must
make our choice - is the Bible telling the truth, or are the scientists?

Witness 2: Foundations of the Occult in Modern Scientism

Chapter 8

Earlier in the section The Invisible College, I discussed how the original members of The Royal
Society were not just “neutral, objective, scientific” men seeking the truth. Rather, they came
together with their own preconceived notions of the universe, and when we dive into their lives,
we will find the occult, mysticism, and the Kabbalah behind many of their motivations. Later in
this section, I will explain how all of this is tied to Satanism itself, with the ultimate goal of
destroying or twisting any evidence of God as the creator of this universe.

First, before I prove my thesis, I would like to present information about some of the founding
and notable members of The Royal Society and their core beliefs. Remember, many of these
men claimed to believe in God or even Christianity, but their core beliefs contradict Christianity
on many levels. This is a reminder to those reading that not all who profess to believe in Christ
truly do believe in Christ, and we will know them by their fruits. In the chart below, you will find
prominent people who shaped The Royal Society, as well as their core, but sometimes, hidden
beliefs. As for the controversy column, that is up to the reader to explore and investigate for
truth in the age of internet censorship.

Royal Society Status Core Controversy


Christopher Wren (Founder) Freemasonry Mainstream news articles link him to

“The Great Fire of London.”

Robert Boyle (Founder) Alchemy While modern historians will try to

say Robert Boyle moved away from
alchemy, it is better said that they
redefined it, claiming that it is no
longer seen as an occult practice.

Sir Robert Moray (Founder) Freemasonry This biography indicates Moray was
associated with Alchemy and even
incestuous relations.

Samuel Hartlib (Founder) Freemasonry and He was indebted to Francis Bacon

Rosicrucianism and shared in “Baconian” beliefs,
which are deeply rooted in the

Francis Bacon (Prominent Freemasonry and According to some sources, he had

Influencer) The Royal Society Rosicrucianism a secret, hidden life that
was founded after his death, encompassed Kabbalah.
but his beliefs had heavy
influence the society and its

Isaac Newton (Prominent Occult beliefs and Isaac Newton was deeply invested
Member) Alchemy in the occult on many levels.

Charles Darwin (Prominent Eugenics Charles Darwin is said to be a

Member) massive, Satanic fraud. Charles is
said to have had both racist and
sexist views.

Albert Einstein (Prominent Pantheism Einstein has been accused of

Member) plagiarism and a variety of other

Clearly, it would be impossible to cover all prominent members of The Royal Society here, but
there are some patterns and connections we can make regarding their belief systems:

• Some professed to be Christian but had hidden beliefs or works that directly contradicted
Christianity, which we will cover in a moment.

• None of these men were neutral, objective scientists without flaws. They all had their
own views that likely shaped their science.

• All, in some way shape or form, are associated with Satanism, which I am about to prove
in a moment.

Freemasonry, Alchemy, Rosicrucianism, Baconian Beliefs, Eugenics, Jewish Mysticism, and

Pantheism are all connected to these men, and they are all directly tied to Satanism in different
ways, and ultimately, an anti-Christian agenda - one that hides God, His creation, and the

Remember, Satan is the father of lies, who disguises himself as a being of light or illumination.
Satan is clever, and he will rarely infiltrate an organization directly with his true intentions
known. Rather, he will manipulate movements, such as science, and fill them with men to do his
dirty work, either knowingly or unknowingly. The point is, there isn’t going to be a 666 tacked on
to every part of Scientism, but if we dig into the roots of modern Scientism, we are able to see
the traces of Satanic belief. So, let us begin.

1. What is the occult and how is it tied into modern Scientism and Satanism?

Occultism is everywhere today. Think of nearly any Disney movie you watch - there is almost
always some sort of magic, and magic in all forms is Satanic. Those who practice it will burn in
the Lake of Fire. In this post, just to note, I am defining Satanism as any belief which opposes
the truth of Christ. Why? There is only ONE way to God, and that is Jesus. Any theory or
philosophy that contradicts Jesus Christ as the truth is simply a Satanic deception, though these
deceptions may go by many different, more pleasant names.

So, then, how do we define occultism? Merriam-Webster defines the occult as, “supernatural
powers or practices and the things (such as gods, ghosts, and magic) that are connected with
them.” As a reminder, the first commandment of the Bible states clearly that we are to have no
other gods (not capitalized) before the God of the Bible. So, any practice where a person
appeals to other gods in any way is considered the occult and is in opposition to Christianity.

When looking at the occult beliefs and origins of modern Scientism, it may not appear occult-like
at first glance. Most were not openly practicing magic or praying to other gods. However, the
western tradition of occultism is defined as a “secret philosophy” or hidden knowledge, and is
not advertised by those practicing it. According to Britannica:

Occultism derives ultimately from Hellenistic magic and alchemy on the one hand and
from Jewish mysticism on the other. The principal Hellenistic source is the Corpus
Hermeticum, the texts associated with Hermes Trismegistos, which are concerned with
astrology and other occult sciences and with spiritual regeneration.

Throughout this section, we will explore some of the components of this western definition of
occultism, specifically Jewish mysticism.

Before moving on, however, there is one major contrast to note between the truth of Christ and
the lies of the occult. The truth of Christ is for all, but the occult is only for some. This is a theme
that we saw in The Invisible College and will later investigate in groups such as Freemasonry.
This belief, founded in its root of occultism, is that those who have access to “hidden
knowledge” are “special” or “elite” in some way. In reality, these special people are working with
demons and Satan himself.

The absolute beauty of Christ is that anyone reading this can come to him - no matter your sins,
your level of intelligence, your wealth, your appearance, your race, or the flaws you see in
yourself. Christ died for ALL of us on the cross.

To conclude this section, anything with occult roots is directly tied to

Satanism automatically.

2. How is Freemasonry tied to Satanism?

Freemasonry is the center of many conspiracies, but for this section, we will keep things simple.
Going along with the theme of “secret knowledge”, the Freemasons are one of the most
widespread and powerful secret societies in the world. According to this source, the doctrines of
the Freemasons are in direct opposition to Christianity, and these include:

• Works-based salvation
• Omitting the name of Jesus in biblical texts and rituals
• Claiming the name of God to falsely be JAHBULON
• Promotion of Universalism
• Promotion of pagan and occult texts and doctrines

This is just the beginning of the darkness associated with this secret society, as many who are
reading are already aware, but here is somewhere to start, just in case.

3. How is Alchemy tied to Satanism?

Alchemy has had a direct influence on modern science, but what is it exactly?

As you can see, alchemy is considered “a magical process” that is linked to sorcery. Alchemy
has a fascinating history, and it was made illegal by King Henry the IV for the possibility of
disrupting financial systems. For Christians, alchemy is considered evil because it is directly
connected with sorcery, occult wisdom, and paganism - Satanism. Just a reminder, Isaac
Newton, a scientist many worship today, was heavily involved in alchemy, but secretly, of

4. How is Rosicrucianism tied to Satanism?

According to Britannica, a Rosicrucian is a

“member of a worldwide brotherhood claiming to
possess esoteric wisdom handed down from
ancient times… Rosicrucian teachings are a
combination of occultism and other religious
beliefs and practices, including Hermeticism,
Jewish mysticism, and Christian Gnosticism.”

Again, a central principle in this occult group is

“secret wisdom.”

5. How is Francis Bacon or Baconian beliefs tied to Satanism?

According to this source, here is a summary of Francis Bacon’s general beliefs:

Bacon’s method for permeating his philosophical ideas into the collective unconscious of
the age can best be summarised in his motto: bene visit qui bene latuit – One lives best
by the hidden life. Bacon resurrected the Rosicrucian Mystery school and the
Freemasons, and injected new life into these secret fraternity societies so they became
vehicles for the new Baconian philosophy of reason and scientific enquiry. Bacon, like
Goethe, scorned knowledge that did not lead to action and also scorned the denial of
evil in ourselves. Bacon was grateful to Machiavelli for his frank appraisal of the shadow
side of human nature in politics: “We are beholden to Machiavelli, and writers of that
kind, who openly and unmasked declare what men do in fact, and not what they ought to
do; for it is impossible to join the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove,
without the precious knowledge of the nature of evil.” 13 Bacon’s works touch on all
aspects of humanity – politics, religion, theology, scientific method, but his most brilliant
observations are psychological. Foreshadowing the discoveries by Carl Jung about the
nature of the unconscious and the shadow side of man, Bacon recognised that the
baseness of man should be recognised and dealt with openly, not repressed and
personified as the devil.

As you can see, many of these philosophers, like Bacon, try to anthropomorphize and
undermine Satan or treat him as a metaphor, when in reality, Satan is a real being, a fallen
angel, in direct opposition to God himself. Remember, Bacon had a strong influence on The
Royal Society and many scientists throughout history, as well as the foundations of many of our
currently held beliefs.

6. How is Eugenics tied to Satanism?

The Bible does not support Eugenics on any level.

According to this article,

Eugenics is a social movement that supports the supposed improvement of the human
population via selective breeding and other means. It was originally developed by
Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, and based upon Darwin’s theory of
evolution. The word eugenics literally means “good birth” and comes from a Greek word
meaning “well-born, of good stock, of noble race.” The goal of eugenics is to make the
world (or at least a country) a better place by guiding the course of human reproduction
and “purifying” the gene pool.

Remember, God made us just the way we are, and He loves us as He made us.

7. How is Pantheism tied to Satanism?

Albert Einstein was a pantheist, which identifies God as the universe or nature itself. God
created nature and the universe, and although His image is in these things, He is more than
that. Here is an article on God’s 15 attributes and why they are important to understand. The
closer you grow to God, the more you will want to worship the Creator’s absolute perfection, not
just the creation.

8. How is Jewish Mysticism linked to Satanism?

Jewish Mysticism is directly linked to the Kabbalah, which is based on the Zohar - mystical
commentaries on the Torah (First five books of the Old Testament). To keep things simple, it is
a direct vehicle for delivering Satanism today. Many scientists, both past and present, are
connected with this Satanic doctrine.

The Tree of Life is a major part of Kabbalistic beliefs, as we can see from the image results
when we search for “Kabbalah”:

On the Wikipedia article, we see that the Kabbalistic Tree of Life is a subset of the Thelema
occult secret society founded by the infamous Aleister Crowley, progenitor of the most Satanic
ethos of them all - “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Aleister Crowley has been
called, “The most wicked man in the world”, “the occultist who horrified early 1900s England”,
and “a Messiah to anti-Christianity”.

So, let’s go back to my original thesis in The Invisible College:

The Royal Society was an elite group with occultic Luciferian and Freemasonic ties
originally initiated to demolish Christian views of global truth in society.

Now, let’s add to the original thesis based on our new findings:

Science has roots in the occult and direct influence on people’s view of truth today,
which is actually the one-world religion that the world has been waiting for - Scientism.

When you travel far enough down any path except the one laid down by Jesus Christ,
you’ll find Satan waiting, ready to devour you.

Witness 1: The Teleological Argument

Chapter 9

According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “life could not have existed for the vast
majority of other forms of the laws of nature, other values of the constants of nature, and other
conditions in the very early universe.”

As an example, it states:

If gravity had been absent or substantially weaker, galaxies, stars and planets would not
have formed in the first place. Had it been only slightly weaker (and/or electromagnetism
slightly stronger), main sequence stars such as the sun would have been significantly
colder and would not explode in supernovae, which are the main source of many heavier

What we observe in our universe is an incomprehensibly fine-tuning. Scientists worldwide agree

that the physical constants that underlie our universe and the ratios between them are incredibly
precise, and the conditions for a life-permitting universe are unlikely to form spontaneously. This
is known as the Argument from Design, or the Teleological Argument.

William Lane Craig, in his book Five Arguments for God, writes:

Scientists have discovered that the existence of intelligent life depends upon a complex
and delicate balance of initial conditions given in the Big Bang itself.

This is known as the fine-tuning of the universe. This fine-tuning is of two sorts. First,
when the laws of nature are expressed as mathematical equations, you find appearing in
them certain constants, like the constant that represents the force of gravity.

These constants are not determined by the laws of nature. The laws of nature are
consistent with a wide range of values for these constants. Second, in addition to these
constants, there are certain arbitrary quantities that are put in just as initial conditions on
which the laws of nature operate, for example, the amount of entropy or the balance
between matter and anti-matter in the universe.

Now all of these constants and quantities fall into an extraordinarily narrow range of life-
permitting values. Were these constants or quantities to be altered by less than a hair’s
breadth, the life-permitting balance would be destroyed, and no living organisms of any
kind could exist.

Forbes has a list of 26 of these constants, with some lists including up to 50. Not only these
unchangeable constants must be just right to allow life to form, but the ratios between them
must be balanced precisely as they are. This piles improbable acts of chance upon more
improbable acts of chance, until the probability of this specific, life-permitting universe forming
by chance is essentially impossible.

There are only three explanations for this miraculous fine-tuning: chance, necessity, or
design. Science has ruled out necessity, as the laws of physics depend on these
constants, and not the other way around, and statistical interpretations distinctly rule out
probability as a cause.

Therefore, we are left with only design as the cause for this inconceivably improbable situation,
short of fanciful explanations offered by materialists like “multiverses” or a universe that
“bubbled into existence from random fluctuations in the quantum foam.” The arguments offered
from the atheists, like these, are truly pathetic - ad hoc, meaningless conjecture.

Atheists' attempts to explain the origin of the universe are spurious, consisting of pure
imagination, with as much evidence to back up their beliefs as a child writing a fairy tale.

By contrast, evidence for design is all around us. Take the moon for example - The Solar
Eclipse Coincidence:

It is an interesting coincidence that the Moon should so nearly perfectly blot out the
Sun, since there is really no physical reason why this has to be the case. The Moon
happens to be about 400 times smaller than the Sun, but the Sun happens to be
about 400 times further from the Earth than the Moon is.

The truth of creation is laid out in plain sight - for those with eyes to see.

Groundbreaking astronomer Fred Hoyle, once an agnostic, became a creationist when he

comprehended the overwhelming evidence for design, saying:

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has

monkeyed with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no
blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers one calculates from the facts
seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question."

Now, this problem of apparent intelligent design has never been answered by materialists and
atheists. The accepted response from the scientific community, as put by Richard Dawkins in
Craig’s Five Arguments book is:

1. One of the greatest challenges to the human intellect has been to explain how the
complex, improbable appearance of design in the universe arises.

2. The natural temptation is to attribute the appearance of design to actual design itself.

3. The temptation is a false one because the designer hypothesis immediately raises the
larger problem of who designed the designer.

4. The most ingenious and powerful explanation is Darwinian evolution by natural


5. We don’t have an equivalent explanation for physics.

6. We should not give up the hope of a better explanation arising in physics, something
as powerful as Darwinism is for biology.

7. Therefore, God almost certainly does not exist.

Let’s look at this response. The scientific community's response to the Teleological Argument
hinges on four assertions:

1. That God needs a designer.

2. That large enough periods of time are sufficient to lead to “Darwinian evolution”

3. That these time scales give an accurate account of the universe's age.

4. The hypothesized future appearance of a scientific prophet who will finally elucidate
all the answers science is deaf, dumb, and mute on.

The conclusion that “God almost certainly does not exist” demonstrates Dawkins' bias and fails
to follow from the “complex improbable appearance of design”. It’s so out of nowhere in the
logical chain that it appears absurd, as we would expect from a worldview that violates the most
fundamental thermodynamic law in physics and philosophy: out of nothing nothing comes.

The God of the Bible, obviously, needs no designer, as He has always existed. It’s unfortunate
that Dawkins misunderstands Christian Theology as badly as he does, as even a child could tell
Dawkins that God, assuming He exists, is an eternal, uncreated being. Ironically, Dawkins has
supported the panspermia theory, the belief that aliens or asteroids brought life to Earth, thereby
committing the same genetic fallacy he uses to discredit God to a much higher degree.

Now, you can accept the old universe, but we’ve seen quote after quote from credible scientists
that evolution lacks sufficient explanatory scope for the actual origin or creation of life. Even if
we accept the theology of Scientism and its corresponding vast timescales, it requires an act of
pure imagination to say that this conclusively leads to life just developing out of nowhere from
a primordial ooze in an ancient sea.

These Scientific High Priests keep telling us that one day they will provide a Messiah who will
finally reveal their long-awaited “Theory of Everything.” Maybe one day they will, but until then
they offer no plausible alternative to Theism - merely a subjective, irrational, uncaring, and
unseen universe. The universe of the atheist is monstrous: a meaningless void where justice is
nowhere to be found, evil deeds go unpunished, and the grave has not been conquered.

Witness 1: The Tragedy of Atheism

Chapter 10

The tragedy of atheism is that it provides no realistic, cogent explanation for the origin of
life or the universe, leading deterministically and inevitably to a meaningless universe
and mankind without a higher purpose. If atheism could provide that, it could bring the
world the reason, purpose, and salvation that can only be found in the Bible and Jesus

The fruits of this worldview, in which mankind is viewed as just a transient, animal guest on a
billions of years old planet, can be seen all around us - 10,000 children dying of starvation daily,
global wealth equivalent to half the world’s population coagulated into the hands of only eight
people, and socio-political frameworks collapsing in front of our very eyes.

The scientific, atheistic worldview has left the planet a desolate wasteland, polluted beyond
repair, with greedy robber barons plundering the world’s resources and creating systems reliant
upon destruction to succeed. Exponential, continued growth at all costs, and the destruction of a
planet worth living in, are the fruits of Scientism. Progress, or Social Darwinism in disguise,
became a mantra, with government and world leaders always pushing for more “progress” -
away from the norms and guidelines of the Bible, a runaway progressive train on a track headed
straight for destruction.

Christianity's main stronghold was the European Christian Monarchic system of rule. Having
stood for centuries, this system was targeted for destruction by atheistic powers at work in the
world, with World War I playing a devastating role in reducing their power and relevance.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Exhausted and defeated, most of the great dynasties in continental Europe were swept
away by 1919.

Since then, there's been a worldwide acceptance of democracy and government based around
secular values and beliefs, rather than an inherited "divine right of kings" and legalistic systems
and rulers that at least attempt to conform to Biblical standards. Interestingly, the last century
also saw genocides by the millions, unprecedentedly horrific acts of warfare and state
sponsored terrorism, and the transfer of the vast majority of the world's real wealth into the
shadowy hands of less than .01% of the population.

The nihilistic values imposed by Scientism have created a life that is cynical and meaningless
for many people worldwide. Overlooked by most, billions around the globe languish in poverty,
slavery, and despair, as wealth inequality facilitated by atheistic governments and corporations
has turned the world into a plantation that is theirs to pollute or exploit at will. Without the Bible's
statements on the value of the human soul, mankind retains all the dignity of a beast of burden
on a farm with cruel owners, destined to slave forever - sacrificing our very bodies and souls in
the hopeless pursuit of one day overthrowing our despotic, psychotic rulers. Without the
accountability promised by the Bible, those in charge have no incentive not to exploit the world
and those at their mercy for all they are worth, leading to a hostile, cold, and bureaucratic world
that seems designed only to benefit the few over the many.

This clash of worldviews will certainly be decided once and for all eventually, as the Bible
promises that before humanity is extinguished, God will open the heavens and conduct the
events of Judgement Day before the Great White Throne. On the other hand, science tells us
that the universe will live on long after any conceivable humans are gone, likely extinguishing
itself in a cold, dark heat death, where all matter is too still and silent to ever permit life again.

Under this worldview, nothing mankind can ever do could end the universe; on the other,
mankind is the only thing that ever mattered in the universe. Only time will tell which
ending comes true.

God gave us verifiable proof of His trustworthiness, He told us our purpose and our meaning, as
well as our ancient history. Society chose to reject this worldview, and instead, adopted the
nihilistic, incomprehensibly vast time scales of the old life theory, and even the religious sector
largely accepts evolution as the origin of life. Abandoning Creationism was one of the first
huge mistakes that society made, and the religious should never have conceded so
much intellectual territory to atheists, forced to rely unrealistic theories like panspermia,
abiogenesis, and other such flights of fancy.

Clearly, creationism is the more rational worldview.


Witness 2: Scientism - Global Worship at Last

Chapter 11

One World Religion

When diving into Revelation, there isn’t one specific Bible verse that directly says “one world
religion.” In other words, people often have a view of Revelation that is based on narratives
found in Hollywood or false churches over what is actually given.

So, we are going back to the concordance to analyze some verses, in order to help us gain an
understanding of where this concept of the “one world religion” comes from and how it relates to

Let’s look into Revelation 13, for the first mention of a one world type system:

13:1 And 2532 I stood 2476 5681 upon 1909 the sand 285 of the sea 2281, and 2532
saw 1492 5627 a beast 2342 rise up 305 5723 out of 1537 the sea 2281, having 2192 5723
seven 2033 heads 2776 and 2532 ten 1176 horns 2768, and 2532 upon 1909 his 846 horns
2768 ten 1176 crowns 1238, and 2532 upon 1909 his 846 heads 2776 the name 3686 of
blasphemy 988.(name: or, names)

13:2 And 2532 the beast 2342 which 3739 I saw 1492 5627 was 2258 5713 like 3664
unto a leopard 3917, and 2532 his 846 feet 4228 were as 5613 [the feet] of a bear 715, and
2532 his 846 mouth 4750 as 5613 the mouth 4750 of a lion 3023: and 2532 the dragon
1404 gave 1325 5656 him 846 his 846 power 1411, and 2532 his 846 seat 2362, and 2532
great 3173 authority 1849.

The 10 horns likely represent the original G10 countries: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Many countries have since joined ranks with these countries, but there is no doubt the original
G10 has had a great influence on what is happening in the rest of the world. I believe the 7
heads are simply the 7 continents, indicating that this beast has taken control of the heads of all
continents on Earth, but through the 10 crowns, it has distributed its power.

Another interpretation of this comes from this article: “Explaining the G7 and G10’s influence on
World Bank’s Decisions: The Role of Formal and Informal Rules of Governance.” The point is
that the seven crowns and ten horns are united on some level, and they are connected with the
“beast” system.

As for the next verse, the United Nations (UN) is a likely candidate. Why? It has a statue in New
York that looks just like the end times beast explained in Revelation 13:2:

So the beast takes control of the systems of the 7 continents (7 heads) in the world through
its 10 crowns (prominent country leaders) and works through the 192 countries of the UN
(beast). There are only two places not in the UN: Palestine (who has applied many times), and
the Vatican City. When or if Palestine resolves their conflicts in the way the UN wants, I am sure
they will join. As for the Vatican City, it is operating in a different way in Revelation.

The point is for those waiting for the beast system, it is already in place in different ways. The
UN, for example, has powerful influence on the systems in place in the world, as well as uniting
people with contrasting cultures and beliefs.

So, though there is no “one world religion” noted in the Bible, it is clear there is a beast and a
system of the beast that is “trusted” and “worshiped” by billions. Though this system is not
exactly united by a religion that we hear about openly, it is united by a belief system that the
majority of the world, even so-called Christians, adhere to: Scientism.

To expand, there is a verse that “all” who dwell on the earth worship this beast. In the
concordance (3956) “all” can mean some of all types, and it states:

“The whole world has gone after him" Did all the world go after Christ? "then went all
Judea, and were baptized of him in Jordan." Was all Judea, or all Jerusalem, baptized in
Jordan? "Ye are of God, little children", and the whole world lieth in the wicked one".
Does the whole world there mean everybody? The words "world" and "all" are used in
some seven or eight senses in Scripture, and it is very rarely the "all" means all persons,
taken individually. The words are generally used to signify that Christ has redeemed
some of all sorts --some Jews, some Gentiles, some rich, some poor, and has not
restricted His redemption to either Jew or Gentile ... (C.H. Spurgeon from a sermon on
Particular Redemption)

13:8 And 2532 all 3956 that dwell 2730 5723 upon 1909 the earth 1093 shall worship
4352 5692 him 846, whose 3739 names 3686 are 1125 0 not 3756 written 1125 5769 in 1722
the book 976 of life 2222 of the Lamb 721 slain 4969 5772 from 575 the foundation 2602 of
the world 2889.

This is important for those who think every single person has to worship the beast, whereas, it
seems, MOST of all people worship the beast, with some figuring out the truth - those whose
names are in the Book of Life.

In Revelation 19:21, it speaks of the “remnant” or “remaining”, and Revelation 20:4 explains that
there are those who did not worship the image or take the mark. So, those waiting for
EVERYONE to get on board with the beast system and its mark aren’t reading Revelation in its

This is important because many say the anti-Christ or mark has not come yet because all have
not bowed down. In reality, Revelation makes it clear that there is a remnant that refuses to bow
and worship, and they will likely be slain.

COVID, Worship, and Scientism: Just “Trust the Science”

What is Scientism?

Google’s definition of Scientism is perfect, as excessive belief is equivalent to faith:

So, to define Scientism using the two above definitions:

Scientism is excessive faith or confidence in science knowledge and techniques.

However, you might be wondering, where does worship come into play? How is the word
worship used in Revelation 13?

Word: proskunew

Pronounce: pros-koo-neh'-o

Strongs Number: G4352

Orig: from 4314 and a probable derivative of 2965 (meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his
master's hand); to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in
homage (do reverence to, adore): --worship. G4314

Use: TDNT-6:758,948 Verb

Heb Strong: H2111 H3766 H5401 H5456 H5647 H7812

1) to kiss the hand to (towards) one, in token of reverence

2) among the Orientals, esp. the Persians, to fall upon the knees and touch the ground
with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence
3) in the NT by kneeling or prostration to do homage (to one) or make obeisance,
whether in order to express respect or to make supplication
3a) used of homage shown to men and beings of superior rank
3a1) to the Jewish high priests
3a2) to God
3a3) to Christ
3a4) to heavenly beings
3a5) to demons

While many consider “worship” a positive word that can only be used for God, this is far from the
case. Worship can be done toward evil things, even demons, and the word we want to explore
is reverence - deep respect for someone or something. There is no doubt that scientists today
are treated with deep reverence by the majority of the population.

So, again, worship isn’t just about prayer or bowing down - it can come in many forms.
Something that takes over your mind as an idol above God can be worshipped (sex, drugs, your
husband or wife, your children, celebrities, scientists, food, entertainment, etc.). God warns
strongly against idols all throughout the Bible, and this is a reminder that idols are not just
statues, but can come in many forms.

Now, scientific processes in and of themselves are not evil. Scientific findings and studies were
used throughout this entire writing. Rather, the problem lies in the people who put full trust and
confidence in the processes of science, as an act of faith, and worship scientists as the high
priests of modern society.

In order to get a better grasp of this, all we have to do is examine the acts of worship of
Scientism during the Covid-19 “pandemic.”

“Trust the Science” was a slogan touted throughout the entire pandemic, and the whole world
was expected to put their faith in what was being said and reported about Covid, vaccines, and
treatment with no doubt or questioning. Anybody who questioned what the gods of mainstream
media said were labeled immediately as ‘conspiracy theorists’ and were often condemned by
the high priests, the scientists themselves.

Now, these same people are asking for a “pandemic amnesty”, meaning we should just forget
everything that happened because it was a difficult and crazy period.

However, anybody who is reading to this point in this book likely has not forgotten the excessive
acts of faith and worship of public figures like Anthony Fauci, who even has his own action
figure! Some became obsessive in their worship of the Covid pandemic itself, which contributed
to rises in hypochondria, even leading to families breaking apart.

While people were worshiping the mainstream media, Fauci, Trump, and even Covid itself, the
world was missing the fact the rider on the white horse was riding, conquering the world.
According to Revelation 6:2:

6:2 And 2532 I saw 1492 5627, and 2532 behold 2400 5628 a white 3022 horse 2462: and
2532 he that sat 2521 5740 on 1909 him 846 had 2192 5723 a bow 5115; and 2532 a crown
4735 was given 1325 5681 unto him 846: and 2532 he went forth 1831 5627 conquering
3528 5723, and 2532 to 2443 conquer 3528 5661.

In other words, the white horse used a crown (Corona) to conquer the entire world.

Covid-19 didn’t just change a few countries, or even a few continents - it changed, or
conquered, the entire world. Our lives will never be the same, and this conquest was largely
psychological. People learned to social distance, wear masks, stand 6 feet apart, break their
families apart, trust the government and scientists at all costs, and developed constant anxiety
and fear about getting sick. Of course, there is more that I could say here, but the point is, most
were psychologically traumatized by this pandemic, and rest assured, if any pandemic were to
happen again, it would be much easier to follow Covid-like protocols, as we have already all
been conditioned.

People came together through Scientism. It didn’t matter if they were Christian, Hindu, Atheists,
or Satanists - they trusted the scientists and the science with faith in their hearts.

Now, this is not to lay judgment on anyone, as I am not the judge. Rather, we should all be
reflecting and repenting for our actions during that time. When it first started, I was fearful, not
trusting in God, and not thinking straight. I have come to God about this and have repented.
God has great love and mercy for us all.

The problem is that MOST have not reflected or repented about their actions during this
pandemic, yet they are requesting “amnesty” - not even forgiveness, but a pardon of sorts. This
implies they have no guilt for what they have done, but rather, they just want to move on, and
when the next catastrophe happens, they will be the ones putting their complete faith in
Scientism again.

Scientism is the perfect one world religion because it unites everyone, even Christians. Since
most Christians today have been trained to “compensate” their beliefs for science (evolution,
ancient universe, etc.), they have no problem compensating their faith for Scientism. In the
same way, anyone who is not Christian has no problem putting their faith in Scientism, and
these scientists present their beliefs and philosophies as 100% truth, with no room for
questioning or doubt.

This worship of Scientism has had severe consequences for the world, and it isn’t over.

Consequences of Scientism

Before Covid, Scientism slowly infiltrated our schools, work places, and all areas of our lives.
This didn’t happen overnight, but rather, it took hundreds of years, and we can even see its
beginning, going back to The Royal Society and their contribution to modern views of truth in the
world. In other words, it was a scaffolded, careful process leading to where we are today: The
End Times.

While there are many consequences of Scientism, the moral and ethical consequences will be
the focus of this section. Since people put their faith in Scientism, and not the laws and rules
laid out in the Bible, moral relativism abounds.

Happiness is directly connected with objective morality, or the belief in an objective right or
wrong. The 10 Commandments, objective views of right and wrong, have largely influenced
morality throughout the world on every level, even amongst non-Christians.

Yet, as the great falling away is happening (or I believe, has already happened), we are left with
“anything goes” in society. There is really no “true right or wrong”, and we are all just
meaningless products of evolution.

Is it any surprise the immense amount of moral decay and destruction we have seen in our
societies, with Scientism as the main religion being worshiped, even amongst so-called

To quote Aleister Crowley, “In one sense Magick may be defined as the name given to Science
by the vulgar”.

In other words, magic is equivalent to vulgar science, and that is exactly what we see today - a
society that worships vulgarity, with science defending it on every level.

Scientism has led directly to the manifestation of “Do what thou wilt” or “Thelema”, so literally
anything goes, and because there is no right or wrong, there are no allowed judgments or
consequences (for now…)

Scientism, then really, is just Satanism in disguise. The one world religion is the denial of God,
his son Jesus Christ and the true word of God - the Bible, which has been replaced with the
philosophy of do anything you want, because there is no right or wrong, and it can all be backed
by science!

Scientism in the New World Order

In one of the most incredible acts of blasphemy seen in recent history, world religious leaders
have gathered on Mt. Sinai to issue the “Climate Justice Ten Commandments.” The article

Some 40,000 attendees have flocked to the Sinai Desert including over 100 world
leaders as well as leaders in business and other sectors. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and
other religious figures will participate in a UN conference on climate change that is taking
place this week and next. In conjunction with the UN event, a group of faith leaders is
taking an alternative approach, seeking a faith-based solution to the ecological crisis by
promoting the “Ten Principles for Climate Justice” in a global initiative.

How could it be possible that all of these different religious and cultural perspectives are united?
Scientism! Instead of warning people about the end of the world and impending judgments from
God, they have chosen to convince people they can save the world from climate change
through these new commandments, which are stated here. Let’s examine how they are in direct
opposition to Christianity.

1. We are stewards of this world: While it is true we should take care of the world, the
Bible warns time and time again that this world, as we know it, will come to an end, and
that our only salvation is in Christ. I think Romans 1:25 says it best:

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created
things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.

Instead of focusing on our spiritual salvation and souls, the elite will push people to
worship the Earth and “fix” it, even though Satan is the god of this world. It is likely that
“climate change” will be used as justification for all types of actions, including lockdowns,
loss of freedoms, and strange, new laws. They will even likely explain new pandemics
through climate change, which they are already doing. Anybody who does not support
their measures, all proposed through Scientism, will be labeled as a danger to society.
After all, they will say, “Don’t you trust the science?”

2. Creation manifests divinity: This is pure blasphemy, as noted above in Romans 1:25.
Note here that it says “creation” and not the “creator”, again showing their worship for
the world rather than God.

3. Everything in life is interconnected: This is a view generally accepted among

Buddhists, Hindus, Occultists, Kabbalists, etc. While on first glance this statement
appears harmless, it is actually a deep tenet of the occult. Another way to word this
statement is “all is one”, or, in another sense, everything, even evil and good, are
interconnected. This goes back to blurring the lines of morality, on some level. In a
Christian sense, good and evil are direct opposites, and anything that even has a tinge
of darkness, is not connected with goodness. According to John 11:10,

But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.

4. Do no harm: This verse is so broad and completely irresponsible. Because of our

subjectively moral society, anything can be deemed harmful these days, and they will
likely use this tenet to instigate harsh and unfair rules and laws. The 10 Commandments
did an awesome job of explaining the types of harmful behaviors we should avoid, and
there is little to no room for interpretation. For example, “Thou shalt not steal” is pretty
straightforward, though people may still try to justify any type of thievery. This “do no
harm” tenet will be used to justify new Scientism rules and laws, especially on climate

5. Look after tomorrow: This goes back to my argument for number one. Why are the
religious leaders of the world telling us to look after a fleeting world, which is wasting
away, instead of looking after their souls? James 4:14 states,

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You
are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

This is not to say we should be careless or trash our world; however, we are in the end
times, and our number one goal should be focusing on getting right with God and
cleansing our spiritual garments. In direct contradiction to this tenet, Jesus says in
Matthew 6: 34:

Don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.

6. Rise above ego for our world: Many scientists believe we should “silence” our egos,
and many different religions and spiritualities believe in ego death. Again, they all want
people to be one and interconnected, so that no one is different, or special, or unique.
Now, I’m not saying one should not humble themselves or limit their egos, but this
should be done for God - not our world! The wording is important here, isn’t it? James
4:4 says,

You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity
with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself
an enemy of God.

Scientism promotes love of our world, not God.

7. Change our inner climate: Like number four, this is intentionally broad. They want you
to change your inner self to whatever they view as acceptable in their New World Order,
and let’s be frank - this will have nothing to do with Christian values. They will continue
to promote Greta Thunberg-like models to show what your inner climate should be like.
In reality, our inner selves should reflect Jesus, not the world.

8. Repent and return: This is another intentionally broad one, and the questions we have
to ask are “Repent for what to who or whom?” and “Return to what?” Should we repent
for the climate sins of the billionaire elite? Well, just 100 companies are responsible for
about 71% of global emissions that contribute to climate change, but somehow the
blame is being placed on the average citizens of the world, and we, not they, should

9. Every action matters: Yes, this is true, but our actions should be dictated through the
holy spirit in our walk with Christ.

10. Use mind, open heart: I am going to break formality here and write that I am laughing
as I write this. “Use mind” sounds so robotic, and quite frankly, just stupid. Yes, we
should use our minds on a daily basis. Is there really a needed commandment for this? I
will say this - I am not going to open my heart to the Satanic Scientism commandments
they are proposing.

In the end, they are rewriting the book of Revelation and taking out God. This is their secular
book of Revelation, where instead of God coming to judge the world, they are. Instead of God
destroying the world and rebuilding a new earth in His image, they are going to destroy the
world and rebuild it in their evil, Satanic image. When climate disasters strike, they will blame
us, the common people, and they will ignore the warnings in Revelation about severe climate
events as part of God’s judgment. Their Secular Book of Revelation based on Scientism will
ultimately lead many to Hell.

Witness 1 & 2: Closing Exhortations

Chapter 12

Conclusion - Witness 1:

Climate Change: The Scientific Book of Revelation

No matter which worldview you believe, the future is not bright. For Christians, we have the
further unfolding of the events of Revelation guaranteeing a sudden and unexpected ending for
humanity, with a rough landing for many people. On the other hand, Scientism offers its own
apocalyptic vision, that of a planet ravaged by climate change, searing temperatures, and
escalating natural disasters until billions of people either enter starvation or become migrants in
search of food.

Take this article from the New Yorker, for example, What if We Stopped Pretending?

“The Climate Apocalypse is coming.” It’s clear from the image that no matter what you
choose to believe, the future ends in fire - with most of humanity meeting a sudden, untimely,
and unfortunate end. The article continues:

Today, the scientific evidence verges on irrefutable. If you’re younger than sixty, you
have a good chance of witnessing the radical destabilization of life on earth—massive
crop failures, apocalyptic fires, imploding economies, epic flooding, hundreds of
millions of refugees fleeing regions made uninhabitable by extreme heat or
permanent drought. If you’re under thirty, you’re all but guaranteed to witness it.

Now, this catastrophe is coming, and climate change is real and will have serious effects if
humanity lasts that long. Either way, science or the Bible, it’s the end of the world as we
know it. However, the Christian eschatological clock began ticking immediately after the
foundation of Israel, ushering in the conditions necessary to fulfill Jesus’ prophecy that the
generation that witnesses the “fig tree budding”, symbolic of modern-day Israel, will also witness
His return and the end of the world. While we are certainly on the path to a climate change-
based collapse in the coming decades, humanity has a previous date with destiny that will take
precedence - the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord, or Judgement Day.

Now, this climate apocalypse has been created and planned intentionally by the international
criminal syndicate that has controlled the world since at least the 19th century, the Synagogue
of Satan. Mass industrialization polluted the planet and imprisoned humanity in a synthetic
cage of petroleum plastics, coal, electricity, and all the other ways the modernization of life has
poisoned and infiltrated the natural world.

The collapse of miniature and global ecosystems is readily apparent to anyone who used to go
outside frequently and paid attention to their surroundings. Take the Windshield Phenomenon:

The windshield phenomenon (or windscreen phenomenon) is the observation that fewer
dead insects accumulate on the windshields of people's cars since the early 2000s. It has
been attributed to a global decline in insect populations caused by human activity.[1]

Amphibians like frogs are disappearing at a rate of 3.79% per year. Scientifically, insects and
amphibians represent bellwethers, or a canary in the coal mine for the rest of life on Earth.

Washington Post:

We’re risking a mass extinction of frogs — and they’re the ‘canary in the coal mine’

Thus, the data suggest that a runaway train of extinction is now likely to produce what
would be seen as a global mass extinction on the ultimately more important landscape
of geological time,” Alroy writes in the paper.

Psychology Today:

Insects Are the Canaries In Our Coal Mine

A recent study out of northwest Germany from the Krefeld Entomological Society found
that in the period of 1989 to 2013, the biomass of insects fell 76%.

Many different species were affected. In peak summer populations, the overall decrease
was 82%.

Lots of us would be happy to see insects disappear. The problem is, we might, too.

We read that between 70 to 80 percent of total insect biomass on the planet disappeared in a
period of just over 20 years, between 1989-2013, due to unknown effects possibly related to
pesticides, cell phone towers, microplastics, or any other forms of toxic pollutants and wastes
from humanity. The rapid collapse of these ecosystems and subsequent larger ones are
currently happening, and will have devastating effects on humanity.

This year, the world population hit 8 billion people. If you were born in 1970, you would be
about 50 years old, and when you were born, the world population was about 3.7 billion
people. In your lifetime up until middle age, the population has more than doubled. Let’s look at
this growth on a chart:

This is an unsustainable curve. The scientists are right about one thing - humanity won’t
survive what’s coming. With the populations of India, China, and Africa topping one billion
each and rising, the world’s resources will hit a pressure point, orchestrated by the Synagogue
of Satan, and all economic bubbles will pop simultaneously. These boom and bust cycles are
manipulated by the banking cabal controlling world affairs, in order to snatch up real-wealth like
property and factories at rock bottom prices, while the average person suffers, dies, or loses
everything in the collapse.

In fact, this seven-year cycle is so organized, we can plot it out in a simple graph:

We can further continue this graph all the way back, at least, to the great depression. Starting
in 1959, where the graph begins, and going backwards seven years each step:

• Recession of 1953 (effects first felt in 1952)

• Recession of 1945
• Recession of 1937-38
• Great Depression (1929-1930)

Once again, we must ask ourselves - Coincidence or Conspiracy?

The theologies of Scientism are weak and disorganized, facing a “reproducibility crisis” where at
least 65% of peer reviewed scientific studies can’t even be reproduced accurately. If it’s not
reproducible, it’s not science - meaning that many of Scientism’s core foundational beliefs are
based on nothing more than fantasy - or extrapolation, interpretation, and guessing:

The problem with science is that so much of it simply isn’t. Last summer, the Open
Science Collaboration announced that it had tried to replicate one hundred published
psychology experiments sampled from three of the most prestigious journals in the field.

Scientific claims rest on the idea that experiments repeated under nearly identical
conditions ought to yield approximately the same results, but until very recently, very few
had bothered to check in a systematic way whether this was actually the case.

The OSC was the biggest attempt yet to check a field’s results, and the most shocking.
In many cases, they had used original experimental materials, and sometimes even
performed the experiments under the guidance of the original researchers.

Of the studies that had originally reported positive results, an astonishing 65

percent failed to show statistical significance on replication, and many of the
remainder showed greatly reduced effect sizes.

From the Baltimore Sun:

Increased competition for funding has led science to drift from an emphasis on
rigorous reproducible research to flashy high impact studies, which in some cases
have been subsequently found to be erroneous or exaggerated. This has led to a
perceived reproducibility crisis, in which the credibility of scientific findings is
increasingly questioned.

Humanity has a rough century ahead. The daily news trumpets concerns over climate
change, extreme weather and droughts, new infectious diseases, a faltering green
revolution and continued environmental degradation. Each of these problems may
contribute to social and political instability. The 21st century will test our species, and
some challenges will threaten our way of life and even our survival.

Regardless, scientific successes and miracles have led us to great achievements, enabling the
astronomical population growth seen on this chart comparing the rise of humanity with its
technological development.

As we can see, science has taken us on a radically divergent path than what would have been
possible otherwise, the only question is - where are we going?

Satan rules a Kingdom of Darkness, needing technology to achieve his goal of a one world
religion and government, attempting to become omniscient and omnipresent like God. In
pursuit of this, he helped us with technological developments and information theory, leading to
the modern age of technology as we know it.

Weaving this scientific web of deception required resources on a mass scale and new forms of
energy that would necessarily result in a polluted and destitute planet. Technology became the
ultimate Faustian bargain for mankind, brought to us by fallen angels and sold to us as a savior,
but in the end a deal with the devil.

We now live in a world where it’s normal to spend trillions on war every year while normal
people languish and die in misery, poverty, and despair. There’s a never-ending supply of
freshly printed money and black budget surpluses for military and intelligence operations all
over the world, but the average person would be hard pressed to name even one thing the
government has done to actually improve their lives.

At the end of the day, the Synagogue of Satan is taking a bet - that they can implement their
technological prison, population control, and worldwide governance of humanity - the ultimate
global surveillance state - before God enacts his final day. Ultimately, many humans that
helped this plan succeed had good intentions, but they were led astray by our ultimate enemy
Satan and a Luciferian banking cabal that has been buying and selling governments for

However, Satan’s plan, you can be sure, involves the absolute genocide of the human race. No
one is safe from betrayal, and when you make a deal with the Devil, your end always comes
due. There is no happy ending on Earth except for those who chose to put their faith in
Jesus, or lived righteously enough by His standards if they never heard of him.

Everyone’s a Victim but Jesus

Indeed, Jesus’ commands are quite simple: Love God, and Love your neighbor. It can all be
summed up in the verse where Jesus says, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink”:

Matthew 25: 35-36

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me
something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you
clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit

In this verse, God’s standards for salvation are very plainly laid out. In essence, it is about how
you treat those who are worse off than yourself. So, those who are far better off than most

people, like the ultra-rich, have a higher standard to live up to, as their obligation to God
encompasses the entire mass of humanity below them. However, for those who are far worse
off than most people and have very unfortunate lives, there are less people below them to hold
them accountable for.

Luke 12: 48

From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required

That being said, no one really knows about Judgement Day more specifically than that.

We hear it so much it loses its full meaning: Jesus died for our sins. It’s truly a theology like no
other - instead of a conquering God or warlord, we have a humble man of sorrows, so unlike
what his fellow Jews expected the Messiah to look like that he was found guilty of blasphemy
and judicially murdered.

Because of a preset narrative, the leading scholars and priests at the time completely missed
the eschatology unfolding at hand, and yet, their inability to resist murdering the Son of God was
a necessary act, built into the world before creation. No other religion has a God who suffered
so intensely, in a way that is documented so well historically.

In fact, the Wikipedia article for Historical Jesus reads:

Virtually all scholars of antiquity accept that Jesus was a historical figure, and attempts to
deny his historicity have been consistently rejected by the scholarly consensus as a fringe

Historians have reached a consensus that Jesus of Nazareth came on the scene with an
unprecedented sense of Divine authority - the ability to stand and speak in the place of God
himself, and suffered crucifixion around 30-33 A.D. under Pontius Pilate at the request of the
Jewish Sanhedrin and Pharisees.

In a society where everyone wants to be a victim, Jesus gets way too little respect. Jesus was
one of the few characters in history with enough courage and conviction to actually put his life
on the line and die for his right to speak truth to power. Jesus is the only person in history who
laid down his life for you, when everyone else on this planet seems to want you to lay down
your life for them.

He is the only leader who actually followed through with his promise of martyrdom and was
murdered by systematic power structures operating on the corrupt and demagogical whims of
the state. Everyone else just wants to cash the checks and live an easy life, but Jesus put his
money where his mouth was in a way that no one else can claim to have done.

Jesus would be labeled a conspiracy theorist today, telling his disciples that the power
structures in Jerusalem would conspire with the Romans to have him killed. In the Gospels, we
find that his companions did not take him seriously and repeatedly denied that he would be

No one before or since has made such a compelling and convincing case to be the Messiah,
and those who reject him only do so not because the evidence isn’t there, but because they
don’t like what he says. Most people want a world where you can essentially do whatever you
want, as long as you don’t harm others, and carry the assumption that people are generally
decent and want good things. The mainstream perception of life after death is that as long as
you are good enough, you’ll go to whatever afterlife exists.

Jesus, in contrast, tells us that there is no one worthy of salvation. Only by willingly accepting
the free gift of his death can we enter through him into the presence of God. We know that
God’s nature is Good, and no one else has demonstrated as much goodness and love as
Jesus. Through his blood, he sanctified his chosen ones, destined to be in complete unity with
Him and God for all eternity.

John 17: Jesus Prays for All Believers

9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for
they are yours.

20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through
their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I
am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are
one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity.
Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved

This complete unity with God is a profound mystery, only

obtainable through Jesus Christ, the anointed Son and
Revelator of God. Only His blood, willingly shed, and
sinless life, allows us to join this complete, perfect, and
holy union with God after we die. Through Him, at His
discretion, we will immanentize the eschaton once
and for all.

John 5: 22

Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has

entrusted all judgment to the Son. Jesus is the
perfect judge, because he lived as one of us.

Mankind is Monstrous Without Jesus Christ

Mankind, as a whole, makes very poor decisions. The amount of people committing depraved,
violent, and unintelligent actions on a daily basis truly staggers the imagination. Worldwide,
there’s about 1000 reported murders per day on average, and in the United States there’s
another approximately 1000 rapes of people above 12 per day, with another 200 or so child
rapes thrown in there. Many more per day happen and are covered up, or happen in countries
that don’t report statistics as well as others. This level of suffering is almost unimaginable, but
who is to blame - the Devil, God, or humanity?

The human psyche is depraved and capable of all kinds of horrific acts. Although Satan has
lied to us and influenced us, as far as we know, all the rape, torture, and murder on planet Earth
has been committed by human hands. All we need is a devilish whisper in our ears, and our
innate ability to commit violent, unspeakable actions takes control. Looking deep into the
human psyche reveals a deep Biblical truth - man has animalistic tendencies, due to fallen and
corrupted genetics combined with psychotic and disorienting worldviews.

Only through Jesus Christ can we be released from this curse of the flesh, and find true
freedom, peace, and unity with God. Jesus looks for those who “fed the poor”, whether
spiritually, literally, with knowledge, or through any other service for those less fortunate than
themselves with no expectation of anything in return and with divine love in their heart. Indeed,
mankind also has great capacity for goodness within himself, along with evil. All you have to do
is believe in the reality and truthfulness of Jesus Christ, place your trust in him, and repent of
your sins, and you can find salvation.

Without this possibility and hope of repentance, mankind is doomed to an obscure, unpleasant,
and unfortunate demise, destined to live but a brief moment in the sun while sitting on the brink
of an eternity of nothingness. Assuming all scientific timescales and theories are correct and no
divine intervention, Planet Earth has around 1-1.5 billion years left to support life before the sun
grows too hot and large for organic growth to exist on the surface of the planet.

Given their time scale of a currently 4.5 billion year-old Earth, that means the planet is about ⅘
of the way through its lifespan. In other words, this is it - by the evolutionists own calculations,
there’s not enough time for another species to evolve to the point we have reached, to say
nothing of the way we have ravaged the planet of all easy-to-access resources and energy

Humanity might be the universe's only shot at sentience, and given their calculations of the
expansion rate of the universe, 94% of galaxies are already permanently out of reach, with the
distance only increasing exponentially over time. If evolution is correct, it took too long, and
created some critical flaws in us - the propensity to elect psychopathic leaders that continuously
betray us, the inability to stop murdering each other, and an apparent allergic reaction to the
Ten Commandments.

This lack of an innate moral code will lead to the destruction of humanity. Already, the
super-elite of the world have the rest of the population in a stranglehold, a checkmate of
monopolized power in government, media, and corporations. With the world at their mercy and
a well-practiced roster of false flags and state sponsored terror acts, the military-banking
complex war machine will continue to feed until its only remaining choice is cannibalism.

Humanity’s time is short. A universe without God is monstrous, a morally relative playground for
bad actors to manipulate and abuse others seemingly at will. Without justice on a cosmic
scale, the physical universe we inhabit is a feverish madhouse of suffering on an
incomprehensible scale, a world where death, forgetfulness, and suffering reign
supreme, marching ever onward in time with no regard for the living, sentient beings it
leaves in its wake.

Humanity without God is a universal homeless man, a wanderer forever doomed to obscurity
and his iniquities. Our legacy will be one of plastic, pollution, forever chemicals, oil, blood, and
war. Never in human history has there ever been an era where we were able to stop killing
each other systematically through warfare. While there were bad actors behind the scenes
manipulating these wars, the ultimate decision and responsibility rests on the populations who
allowed, and continue to allow, blatantly deceptive and evil people to rule over them.

There will be no revolution on the farm - the animals will continue to be slaughtered, and
the only hope is a new owner taking over from the old. Only Jesus Christ is the Good
Shepherd who is qualified, capable, and entitled to bring us into salvation.

What is the Gospel? It’s as simple as ABC:

A – Accept that you are a sinner in need of salvation and repentance

B – Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again

C – Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord

Once you understand these three easy steps, all you have to do is pray this simple prayer:

Dear God,

I am a sinner, a fallible human.

I accept the Lordship of your Son and Revelator, Jesus Christ.

I repent for my sins, and ask You to take charge of my life.

I want to follow Your commandments, but I can’t do it without you.

I confess with my mouth that I am Born Again and cleansed by the blood of Jesus;

And I declare myself a child of God, whose name is I AM, forever.


Conclusion: Witness 2

I believe that 2 Timothy 3:7 sums up the people of this last generation best:

Always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.

There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom, with many thinking that they are the
same thing. This error in reasoning leads to this next verse, in Romans 1:22:

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.

So let’s expand on a few concepts regarding intelligence, wisdom, and foolishness here.

1. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge at some level. In our society,
intelligence is often correlated with the money you make or your rank in society.

However, the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Do you think
our society has a healthy fear of the Lord? No, that is far from the case. The name of Jesus is
often mocked openly, especially in entertainment on programs such as Family Guy. While I can
point out the many examples of mockery of the Bible and our Lord, Jesus Christ, I do not want
to glorify that. Instead, I want to make a point: the beginning of knowledge starts with God - not

In fact, according to 1 Corinthians 1:25, “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom,
and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.”

2. Now, where does wisdom come from?

Does it come from reading stacks of books by Richard Dawkins? No, it comes from God. True
wisdom can only come from God, and that comes from your relationship with Him: fasting,
prayer, repentance, forgiveness, serving others, etc. In other words, to gain wisdom, it starts with
the knowledge that Jesus is the truth, and then, asking God to guide you toward wisdom and
understanding. However, you cannot come to any wisdom at all if you do not first accept the
knowledge of the truth: Jesus Christ.

3. So, what is foolishness? Paul says it perfectly here in 1 Corinthians 2:14:

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him,
and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

Quite simply, a foolish person is not concerned with the things of the Spirit of God, but rather,
they are consumed with the world.

Society is more godless than it has ever been, though many proclaim that they believe in Jesus
Christ. There is no doubt that many have given into their “itching ears” and the “doctrines of
demons” in these end times.

Many have come to false conclusions that they will somehow never suffer, and that becoming a
Christian is an easy task that requires no effort. This prosperity gospel is leading many straight
to hell. In addition, many have created their own wild interpretations of the Bible, straying off the
path of truth into personal, esoteric philosophies that add to, change, or take away parts of the
Bible. This is a pathway to destruction.

The Bible explains that when we become Christian, and we truly try to walk the path of Jesus
Christ, we will have difficulties, especially in the end times. We must take the advice of Luke
21:36 seriously:

Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to
happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.

Now, there is one important statement I want to say to all the readers of this book. The more
you gain wisdom from God, the more pain and suffering you will experience. According to
Ecclesiastes 1:18:

For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

I am certain many readers have come to understand this. The more you understand about the
world and the truth, the more you grieve. Why? You grieve for those who are lost. You grieve
because you may feel isolated. You grieve because you can’t help everybody. You grieve for
your family and friends who cannot come to the truth. You grieve for their destiny. You grieve
about the former way you lived. You grieve for what is to come.

Now, this isn’t meant to depress anyone. Rather, I hope it gives solace to those who are
grieving right now, who feel alone in this world.

What can you do? You must take refuge in God - that is all you can do. Things are going to get
harder, and I am not saying this to frighten anyone, as there is no fear in the Lord. Rather, fear
is a tool of Satan.

If you are truly putting God first in your lives first, you have nothing to fear. Now is the
time to truly seek God, repent, and ask Him what you need to do to get “right” with Him. He will
answer you.

In return, he will give you His mercy, His Love, and His refuge. He will offer more than you can
ever understand at this very moment. He will help you get through the persecution to come.

Because as you are reading this, the persecution against the true remnant is slowly ramping up.
I give a strong warning to all reading.

No man can save you: not Donald Trump, not Elon Musk, not your husband or wife, not your
children, not your favorite YouTube preacher, not your celebrity idol, not Ben Shapiro, not
Candace Owens - you get the point - not any man.

Only Jesus Christ can save you.

So, I will end with a verse for readers, that God sent me in prayer the other day. Say this daily
because things are about to unravel:

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