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Writing 2

There are four English Policeman wearing yellow jackets outside.

If I have free time in the afternoon, I would go out to the street and listen to
the beautiful sounds created by the men with an instrument on the side of the road.
On the river, are many boats lining up along the waterway.
In order to get a plate of delicious food, tourists are lining up outside under hot
On the street, is an elderly man looking at a big fabulous motorcycle parked on the
side of the street.

Dear Ben,

Thank you for sending this email. I'm greatful for what you have put into for our
business. However, our sales number has dropped by 20%, so I have decided to change
things a little bit to see if it's any better. I also think that the style of your
City Life magazine is a bit out of trend. Our products are designed for young
people and it doesn't seem fit with your magazine's target audiences. I would
recommand you to publish a new series for young adult only. If you do that in the
near future, please note me for it. Thank you for your understanding.


Jake Frost

Hi Jill,

It's great to hear that you can finally come visit! After we talk about business, I
will take you to the best restaurant in town. It serves the best steak with the
most delicious fries, I gurantee you. And then, we can go to the tea shop next
door. What's better than a great meal? It's a cup of bubble milk tea right after
that, so we will definitely try it out, right? Finally, I know you are a big fan
for outdoor activities, so we can head down to the central park to see the art
exhibition that is only avaliable for this couple of months. I am looking forward
to see you. Have a nice flight.

Best wishes,


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