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PAG 62:

Exercise 1:

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. B
8. C

Exercise 2:

1. Have to
2. Have to
3. Don’t have to
4. You
5. Have
6. Don’t
7. Have to
8. Have to

Exercise 3:

1. Subway
2. Helicopter
3. Motorcycle
4. Scooter
5. Ferry
6. Bus

Exercise 4:

1. Bicycle
2. Plane
3. Car
4. Van
5. Subway
6. Train

Page 63:

Exercise 1:

1. B
Exercise 2:

1. Feel / a
2. Do / b
3. Money / c
4. Best / a
5. Vanessa / b

Exercise 3:

1. (Answers in exercise 2)

Exercise 4:

1. I want to go on vacation with Vanessa next year

2. Vanessa maybe prefers relaxing vacation
3. We probably spend too much money
4. We’re possibly going on vacation next summer
5. I certainly enjoyed my vacation with her

Page 64:

Exercise 1:

1. Are
2. I’m not
3. Am
4. Not going
5. No, he’s not
6. Are
7. Are going
8. Are

Exercise 2:

1. Going
2. Not going to
3. Going to
4. Going to
5. Not going to
6. Going to
7. Going to
8. Going to
9. Not going to
10. Not going to

Exercise 3:
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. A

Exercise 4:

1. Vacation
2. Beach
3. Pool
4. Hiking
5. Camp
6. Visit

Page 65:

Exercise 1:

1. A
2. C
3. A

Exercise 2:

1. Checking
2. Reservation
3. Spell
4. Reserved
5. Id
6. Sign
7. Key
8. Password
9. Breakfast
10. Floor

Exercise 3:

1. Correct
2. Right
3. Are

Exercise 4:

1. F
2. I
3. N
Exercise 5:

1. G
2. R
3. R
4. R
5. R

Exercise 7:

1. Thanks, I’ll be there

2. Sure, here you are
3. That’s great
4. Oh, it’ too high
5. That’s good, I’ll go
6. Oh, perfect

Page 66:

Exercise 1:

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. T

Exercise 2:

1. A
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C

Exercise 2.1:

1. Oliver
2. Stefano
3. Kyra
4. Oliver
5. Kyra
6. Oliver

Exercise 2.2:

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. F

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