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Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1884-8


Morphometric analysis of Morar River Basin, Madhya Pradesh,

India, using remote sensing and GIS techniques
Prafull Singh • Jay Krishna Thakur •

U. C. Singh

Received: 21 June 2011 / Accepted: 29 July 2012 / Published online: 12 August 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Hydrogeological mapping and drainage analy- Keywords Drainage morphometry  GIS  Morar River
sis can form an important tool for groundwater develop- Basin  India
ment. Assessment of drainage and their relative parameters
have been quantitatively carried out for the Morar River
Basin, which has made positive scientific contribution for Introduction
the local people of area for the sustainable water resource
development and management. Geographical Information Water demand is growing as the world population is
System has been used for the calculation and delineation of growing and more and more urbanization is taking place
the morphometric characteristics of the basin. The den- worldwide. On the other hand, water resources are limited,
dritic type drainage network of the basin exhibits the increasing demand for various water uses and decreasing
homogeneity in texture and lack of structural control. The access to good-quality water as most of the nearby and
stream order ranges from first to sixth order. The drainage good-quality sources have already been overexploited
density in the area has been found to be low which indi- (Sharma and Vairavamoorthy 2009; Diwakar and Thakur
cates that the area possesses highly permeable soils and 2012).
low relief. The bifurcation ratio varies from 2.00 to 5.50 Urban sprawling and population growth in countries like
and the elongation ratio (0.327) reveals that the basin India, leads to increasing stress on water resources, because
belongs to the elongated shaped basin category. The results of growing demand for drinking, irrigation and industrial
of this analysis would be useful in determining the effect of needs (Singh and al 2011a). The increase in the usage of
catchment characteristics such as size, shape, slope of the water has affected both surface and groundwater supplies,
catchment and distribution of stream net work within the resulting in an acute water crisis (Thakur et al. 2011). In
catchment. addition, low-intensity and erratic monsoons create further
shortages of surface-water supply. As a result, the demand
for groundwater resources has increased tremendously
from year to year, causing a drastic decline of groundwater
levels. Over-exploitation of groundwater has led to the
P. Singh (&) drying up of the aquifer zones in several parts of the
Amity Institute of Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, country. It is, therefore, essential to increase the recharge
Amity University, Sector 125, Noida 201303, UP, India of the basin for the water management programme (Ellis
and Revitt 2010; Rao 2008; Eyquem 2007). Assessment of
J. K. Thakur the characteristics of the drainage basin using quantitative
School of Environmental Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, morphometric analysis can provide information about the
New Delhi 110067, India hydrological nature of the rocks exposed within the
drainage basin. A drainage map of a basin provides a
U. C. Singh
Schools of Studies in Earth Science, Jiwaji University, reliable index of permeability of the rocks and gives an
Gwalior 474011, MP, India indication of the yield of the basin. The significance of

1968 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

morphometric analysis of drainage pattern and their inter- correlation of actual groundwater conditions through the
relationship between rock type, structures and drainage study of hydrogeological conditions and their hydrological
network in different parts of India has been reported inferences are generally lacking in most of the previous
number of workers such as Vaidyanadhan (1962), Subra- studies. Finally, combined remote sensing and GIS
manyan (1974), Sankara and Rao (1985), Moeen and Babu approach is amenable to quickly evaluating drainage and
(1988), Raju et al. (1995), Rao and Babu (1995), Pakh- selection criteria as well as assessing post-implementation
mode et al. (2003), Sreedevi et al. (2005), John et al. outcomes for detailed hydrological studies.
(2006), and Manu and Anirudhan (2008). The development of computer-aided mapping tech-
The development of morphometric techniques was a niques for natural resources especially in mapping and
major advance in the quantitative description of the integration of wide range of geoinformation are the most
geometry of the drainage basins and its network, which important progress in natural science. The advantages of
helps in characterizing the drainage network, comparing this GIS-based approach over the conventional methods
the characteristic of several drainage networks, and are its ability to create, manipulate, store, display, ana-
examining the effect of variables such as lithology, rock lyze, and use spatial data much quicker and precisely. The
structure, rainfall, etc., (Esper 2008; Magesh et al. 2011; present study employed the same concept on a small river
Bali et al. 2012). basin and focuses on the physical characteristics of the
The drainage network generally expresses the prevailing drainage system in order to evaluate the linear, areal, and
climate, geology, relief, and tectonic framework of a basin relief characteristics. The consequences obtained in the
and the interrelationship between basic drainage parame- present study based on drainage basin analysis provide
ters (Thomas et al. 2012). Geology, relief, and climate are information for an enhanced perceptive of the hydrologi-
the primary determinants of running water ecosystem cal characteristics of the basin. The aim of present work is
functioning at the basin scale (Mesa 2006). Recently many to investigate and identify various drainage parameters to
researchers have attempted to generate more precise data understand the geometry of the basin for the conservation
using Geographical Information System (GIS) tools in and management of water resources in a sustainable
different part of the sphere for automated determination of manner through the use and application of GIS techniques
drainage basin parameters; it has been shown to be effi- in morphometric analysis. The main goal of the present
cient, time saving and ideal application of GIS technology. work is to evaluate the various hydrological parameters,
Some of the recent workers such as Grohmann (2004), which are important for the water resource management
Gangalakunta (2004), Godchild and Haining (2004), plan within the basin, and finds the alternative solutions
Grohmann et al. (2007), Korkalainen et al. (2007), Yu and for water harvesting in the study area through the con-
Wei (2008), Hlaing et al. (2008), and Javed et al. (2009) struction of various suitable structures (check dam, Stor-
arrived at the conclusion that GIS is a powerful tool for age tanks, Recharge shaft) based on observed calculations.
evaluating drainage characteristics and continuous moni- The present work also demonstrates the capability of
toring. Therefore, more and more data from drainage net- satellite-based data and GIS in river morphometry over
works of diverse lithology, climate, and tectonic conventional approaches.
frameworks are necessary for the meaningful interpretation
of the morphometric parameters.
In the recent past, many researchers have found that GIS Study area
is important tool for analysis of drainage characteristics
from different data sources (Thomasa et al. 2010; Pate and The study area lies between 26°500 to 26°2500 N latitude and
Dholakia 2010; Kar et al. 2009; Pankaj and Kumar 2009; 78°1000 to 78°2000 E longitude from 160 to 360 m average
Singh PK and Singh UC 2009; Das and Mukherjee 2005). mean sea level (AMSL) and is located in the northeastern
The foremost advantages of the GIS technique for part of the Gwalior district in the central India with an area
drainage analysis over conventional methods of analysis lie about 405 km2 (Fig. 1). It is covered in the Survey of India
primarily in the fact that the GIS is capable of managing (SOI) toposheet numbers 54J/3, J/4, J/7 and J/8 on 1:50,000
and processing spatial information in large amounts, effi- scale. The climate of the basin is extreme with hot sum-
ciently and accurately. They are often viewed as essential mers and cold winters. It experiences southwestern mon-
components for management enabling decision-makers to soon rains in June–September with an annual rainfall of
make more effective and useful decisions (Burrough and \600 mm. May is the hottest month with a maximum
McDonnell 1998). In the present an integrated application temperature of 45 °C and minimum temperature 4 °C.
of remote sensing and GIS techniques are used while the Gwalior is one of the erstwhile princely cities with popu-
analysis of drainage parameters field based hydrological lation of over 1.2 million having semi-arid climate marked
conditions are fully taken into consideration but the by extreme temperatures and erratic rainfall patterns. The

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977 1969

Fig. 1 Location map of Morar River Basin in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

climate overall is dry except during the south-west mon- like situations. The incessant water scarcity and the ever-
soon season (June–October). Bore wells are the major increasing demand for agriculture and industries have put
source of water supply for drinking, agricultural, and other immense stresses on the limited groundwater resources in
activities. Depleting groundwater levels are common and the area and have pronounced the need for locating addi-
the condition being further aggravated by frequent drought- tional sources.

1970 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

Hydrogeological frameworks Granite is the basement rock of the study area. The rocks of
the area are divided into two formations, the older Par
The intracratonic Gwalior Basin is situated on the north- formation and younger Morar Formation. This group of
western fringe of Bundelkhand massif. The Gwalior group rocks is overlain by upper Vindhyans that are the youngest
of litho units rest unconformably over Bundelkhand granite rocks in the region. Based on interpretation of satellite data,
and comprise basal arenaceous Par formation overlain by fieldwork and published geological map of the region, the
volcano-sedimentary sequence of Morar formation con- geological map of the study area has been prepared and
sisting of ferruginous shale with bands of chert, jasper and shown in Fig. 2. The geological succession of the basin is
limestone. Gwalior group of rocks are similar to the Bijawar shown in Fig. 3. Hydrologically the weathered and frac-
group. The sequence at Bijawar dips due south, whereas at tured zones form the principal aquifer in consolidated for-
Gwalior dips due north. Vindhyan strata also show the mations. The Gwalior Group of rocks overlie Vindhyan
Gwalior Basin like sequence (Singh et al. 2011b). These are group of rocks; they make the youngest rocks in the region
dominated by quartzites at the base, ferruginous shale with with Kaimur sandstone. The weathered zones of shale,
chert and Jasper pointing to shallow water conditions and sandstone, and alluvial deposits which are an aggregation of
rapid development of basin formation followed by trans- medium to coarse-grained unconsolidated materials form
gression. Gwalior group shows coarse to fine doleritic sills principal groundwater reservoir in the study area. The
and dykes at the base of the Gwalior Fort. The rocks in the thickness of this zone is generally more in the northern
study area belong from Archaean to Precambrian group of portion of the watershed and in undulating plains. In gen-
hard rocks consisting with Sandstone, shale, Quartzite. eral, 2–3 water bearing formations occur within a depth of
Doleritic dykes and recent group of alluvium deposits. 100 m in the study area. The water yielding capacity of

Fig. 2 Regional geological map of the Gwalior Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977 1971

Fig. 3 Geological succession Group Formation Lithology

of the Basin, Madhya Pradesh,
Recent Alluvium, Sand silt, laterites, clay, kankar, pebbles,
unconsolidated sediments etc
Kaimur group Medium to coarse grained sandstone.
--------------------------------------------------- Unconformity --------------------------------------------
Morar Formation Shales with limestone bands, ferruginous
chert with iron ore, dolerite dykes
Gwalior Group ------------------------------------- Unconformity -----------------------------------------
Par Formation Orthoquarzite and sandstone ,
sandstone with alternation of shale.
---------------------------------------------- Unconformity --------------------------------------------------
Archaean Bundelkhand Granite Granites and Granite
Gneisses with associated schist, pegmatite veins,
basic dykes and quartz reef

rocks largely depends on the extent of fracturing, openness, with drainage analysis, provide useful clues regarding broad
size of fracture, and nature of the interconnections between relationships among the geological framework of the basin.
fractures. The area is covered by alluvium, sandstone, and The different applied methods to evaluate drainage
shale terrains and the occurrence of groundwater in differ- parameters by remote sensing and GIS show an obvious
ent formations varies with the rock type. The thickness of discrepancy in results, in spite of the similarity in the used
alluvium varies between 10 and 30 m. It is the most techniques and tools. Thus, the review of past literature
extensive aquifer in the area. Only one, i.e., phreatic aquifer revealed that a standard methodology for drainage basin
comprising fine to medium and coarse-grained sand often delineation and their analysis. In the present an integrated
associated with clay having thickness of 2–3 m is encoun- application of remote sensing and GIS techniques are used
tered between 4 and 30 MBGL. The contact of alluvium while the analysis of drainage parameters field based
with shale or sandstone form productive yielding of 2–20 hydrological conditions are fully taken into consideration,
LPS. Isolated patches of shale and sandstone of Gwalior but the correlation of actual groundwater conditions
group are extending generally east west in the northern part through the study of hydrogeological conditions and their
of Morar block. Groundwater occurs mostly in unconfined hydrological inferences are generally lacking in most of the
conditions, but at places in semi-confined conditions also. previous studies. Finally, combined remote sensing and
The yield potential in this formation ranges between 1 and 8 GIS approach is amenable to quickly evaluating drainage
LPS. During survey in the area, three pumping tests have and selection criteria as well as assessing post-implemen-
been carried out on the dug wells and tube wells. The tation outcomes for detailed hydrological studies.
transmissivity in the alluvium area is sufficient to get 2–10 Therefore, the results reveal different levels of agree-
LPS yield. It is observed that specific capacity of wells in ment using morphometric analysis, which were supposed to
the area ranges from 1.93 to 29.70/min/m. be different from one region to another. Factors controlling
groundwater storage are different in space and time, and the
majority of these factors depend on the following parame-
Methodology ters: (1) rainfall availability as the source of water; (2)
drainage characteristics have a role in the distribution of
Assessment of the drainage network of a basin using the runoff and indicate an infiltration scheme and it governs the
quantitative morphometric analysis gives information about behavior of water flow on terrain surface vertically and
the hydrological background of the rock formation exposed horizontally; (3) rock type for which the lithologic character
within the drainage basin. Morphometric analysis of a basin governs the flow and storage management; (4) slope is
provides an indication about permeability, storage capacity of another influencing factor, and it controls water flow
the rocks and gives an indication of the yield of the basin. energy, which plays a role in facilitating water flow in the
Analysis of drainage basins involves the evaluation of drain- basin. The morphometric analysis can be achieved through
age parameters such as bifurcation ratio, length ratio, drainage measurements of linear, areal and relief aspects of basin.
density, drainage frequency, length of overland flow and The required necessary data sources for morphometric
stream frequency. Hydrogeological observations, integrated analysis were carried out through the use of Indian Remote

1972 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

Sensing Satellite (IRS-1C) LISS III and PAN merged data form factor, circulatory ratio, and elongation ratio, etc.,
and SOI Topographical Sheets (Table 1) of the area. The were calculated from these parameters. The methodologies
SOI toposheets and digital satellite data were geometrically adopted for the computation of morphometric parameters
rectified and georeferenced by taking ground control points are given in Table 2.
(GCPs) by using UTM projection and WGS 84 datum.
Further, all geocoded images were mosaic using Erdas
Imagine 8.6 image processing software. Results and discussions
Digitization work has been carried out for entire analysis
of basin morphometry using GIS software (Arc GIS Quantitative description of drainage network, basin char-
9.3).The order was given to each stream by following acteristics, and landform analysis has been carried out for
Strahler (1964) stream ordering technique. the Morar River Basin. Various parameters like the number
The parameters like the number and lengths of streams and lengths of streams of different order, drainage area,
of each different order; drainage area, basin perimeter and basin perimeter and maximum basin lengths were calcu-
total basin length, and width were calculated using ARC lated after cleaning and then topology building of the
GIS software, drainage density, drainage frequency, shape, drainage layer in GIS software, from these parameters
various drainage characteristics are calculated such as
bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (Dd), stream fre-
Table 1 Data used for morphometric analysis of Morar River Basin, quency (Fs) circulatory ratio (Rc), elongation ratios (Re) for
Madhya Pradesh, India
basin evolution studies.
Type of data/ Details Sources The understanding of streams in a drainage system
constitutes the drainage pattern, which in turn replicates
IRS-ID LISS III Path/row: 97/53 National Remote Sensing mainly structural/lithologic controls of the underlying
and PAN digital Date: 22 Center (NRSC), rocks. The study area possesses dendritic drainage patterns,
format February, 2008 Hyderabad, India despite stream lengths and other hydrological properties.
SOI toposheets Toposheet Nos. Survey of India (SOI), They are generally characterized by a treelike branching
54J/3, J/4, J/7 Dehradun, India system, which indicates the homogenous and uniformity.
and J/8
The designation of stream order is the first step in
Scale: 1:50,000
morphometric characterization of the basin. In the present
Geological Scale: 1:250,000 Geological Survey of India,
quadrangle map Hyderabad, India
paper, the stream ordering has been ranked based on
hierarchic ranking method proposed by Strahler (1964),

Table 2 Methodology adopted for computations of morphometric parameters

S. Morph metric Formula
no. parameters

1 Stream order Hierarchical rank

2 Stream length Length of the stream
3 Mean stream length Lsm: Lu/Nu where, Lsm = mean stream length, Lu = total stream length of order ‘‘U’’
(Lsm) Nu = total no. of stream segments of order ‘‘U’’
4 Stream length ratio RL = Lu/Lu – 1 where, RL = stream length ratio, Lu = the total stream length of the order ‘‘U’’, Lu - 1 = the
(RL) total stream length of its next lower order
5 Stream frequency Fs = Nu/A where, Fs = stream frequency, Nu = total no. of streams of all orders, A = area of basin
6 Drainage density Dd = Lu/A where, D = drainage density, Lu = total stream length of all orders, A = area of basin
7 Drainage texture Rt = Nu/P where, Rt = drainage texture, Nu = total no, of streams of all orders, P = perimeter (km)
8 Bifurcation ratio Rb = Nu/Nu ? 1 where, Rb = bifurcation ratio, Nu = total number of stream segments of order ‘‘U’’,
(Rb) Nu ? 1 = number of segments of the next higher order
9 Form factor Rf = A/L2b where, Rf = form factor, A = area of basin (km), L2b = square of the basin length
10 Elongation ratio (Re) Re = Re 2v (A/pi)/Lb where, Re = elongation ratio, A = area of basin (km2), pi = ‘‘pi’’ value, Lb = basin length
11 Circularity ratio (Rc) Rc = 4 9 pi 9 A/P2 where, Rc = circularity ratio, pi = pi value, A = area of basin, P2 = square of the perimeter
12 Relief ratio (Rh) Rh = H/Lb where, Rh = relief ratio, H = total relief of the basin in km, Lb = basin length

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977 1973

Fig. 4 Drainage map of Morar

River Basin, Madhya Pradesh,

from the digitized streams. The order wise stream numbers is a major change in the hydrological characteristics of the
and stream length of the basin is given in Table 4 and it is underlying rock surfaces over areas of the consecutive
designated as first to sixth orders, there is a decrease in stream orders.
stream frequency as the stream order increases and maxi- The relationship between the bifurcation ratio and the
mum frequency is in the case of first order stream. Figure 4 stream length ratio is determined by hydrogeologic, phys-
shows the drainage network map of the basin with stream iographic, and geological characteristics. Value of total
orders. The information of stream order number is useful in length, mean length, and length ratio of different stream
relating to the size of its contributing basin and based on a orders of the Morar Basin area are shown in (Table 4).
hierarchic ranking of streams. Streams orders of the basin The term bifurcation ratio (Rb) may be defined as ratio
were counted and their lengths from mouth to drainage of the number of stream segments of a given order to the
divide are measured with the help of GIS softwares based number of segments of the next higher. The bifurcation
on the law proposed by (Horton 1945). It is found that the ratio values ranging between 3 and 5 for the Morar River
total length of streams segment is maximum in the first Basin and are characteristics of minimum structural dis-
order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. turbances (Strahler 1964). The mean bifurcation ratio of the
This change in stream may indicate flowing of streams basin is observed as 3.72. This indicates that the drainage
from high altitude, lithological variations, and moderately pattern of the basin has not been affected by the structural
steep slopes. The length of streams in the Morar Basin is disturbances (Table 3).
about 479 km. The mean stream length (Lsm) and their ratio Stream frequency (Fs) or channel frequency is the total
have been also calculated (Table 3). The length ratio gives number of stream segments of all orders per unit area
a general idea about the relative permeability of the rock (Horton 1932). Fs values indicate positive correlation with
formations in a basin. More exclusively, it indicates if there the drainage density of the basin and suggesting that

1974 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

Table 3 Linear aspects of the

Stream No. of Bifurcation Mean Total length of Mean length of Length
drainage basin
order (w) streams ratio (RbF) bifurcation streams (km) the streams (km) ratio (RL)
(Nu) ratio (Rbm)

I 501 303.49
II 206 2.43 89
III 42 4.90 3.73 29.06 0.628 5.38
IV 11 3.82 8.88
V 2 5.5 9.41
Vi 1 2 39.50

Table 4 Areal aspects of the drainage basin

Basin area Perimeter Width Form Elongation Circularity Drainage Stream Drainage Relief
(km2) (km) (km) factor ratio (Re) ratio (Rc) density (km) frequency texture ratio

404.49 121.27 13.91 0.264 0.327 0.345 1.18 1.88 6.29 0.04

increase in stream population with respect to increase in (Table 3). The elongated basin with low form factor indi-
drainage density. cates that the basin will have a flatter peak of flow for
The observed stream frequency (Fs) is 1.88 for the basin, longer duration.
exhibit positive correlation with the drainage density value Schumm (1956) defined the elongation ratio (Re) as the
of the area, indicating the increase in stream population ratio between the diameter of the circle of the same area as
with respect to increase in drainage density (Table 4). the drainage basin and the maximum length of the basin.
Horton (1932) has introduced the drainage density as an The values of Re generally vary from 0.6 to 1.0 over a wide
expression to indicate the closeness of spacing of channels. variety of climatic and geologic conditions. Values close to
The drainage density of the study area have been calculated 1.0 are typical of regions of very low relief, whereas values
and the value is 1.18 (Table 4). The value of Dd suggests in the range 0.6–0.8 are usually associated with high relief
that area have low drainage density. The low drainage and steep ground slope (Strahler 1964). These values can
density is likely to result in the area of highly resistant of be grouped into three categories namely (a) circular ([0.9),
permeable subsoil material under dense vegetation and low (b) oval (0.9–0.8), (c) elongated (\0.7). The elongation
relief (Nautiyal 1994). High drainage density is the resul- ratio of the basin is 0.327, which suggests that the basin
tant of weak of impermeable subsurface material, sparse belongs to the elongated shape basin and low relief
vegetation and mountainous relief. (Table 4).
Drainage texture (Rt) is one of the important concepts of Miller (1953) defined a dimensionless circularity ratio
geomorphology which means the relative spacing of (Rc) as the ratio of the basin area to the area of circle
drainage lines. According to Horton (1945), RT is the total having the same perimeter as the basin. Rc influenced by
number of stream segments of all orders per perimeter of the length and frequency of streams, geological structures,
that area. land use/land cover, climate, relief and slope of the basin.
Smith (1950) has classified drainage density into five Circularity ratios range 0.4–0.5 which indicates strongly
different classes. The drainage density less than 2 indicates elongated and highly permeable homogenous geology and
very coarse, between 2 and 4 is related to coarse, between 4 the observed circularity ratio of the basin is 0.345 (Table 4)
and 6 is moderate, between 6 and 8 is fine and greater than which indicates that the basin is elongated in shape, has
8 is very fine drainage texture. The observed, drainage low discharge of runoff and is highly permeability of the
texture is 6.29 indicates the moderate drainage texture. The subsoil condition.
moderate drainage texture and lower value of drainage The elevation difference between the highest and the
density (1.18) indicates the presence of highly resistant lowest points on the valley floor of a basin is known as the
permeable material with low relief (Table 4). total relief of that basin. The relief ratio (Rh) of maximum
According to Horton (1932), form factor (Rf) may be relief to horizontal distance along the longest dimension of
defined as the ratio of basin area to square of the basin the basin parallel to the principal drainage line is termed as
length. The observed form factor value of the basin is 0.264 a relief ratio (Schumm 1956). It measures the overall
suggesting that the shape of the basin is elongated steepness of a drainage basin and is an indicator of the

Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977 1975

intensity of the erosion processes operation on the slope of dendritic type, which indicates the homogeneity in texture
the basin. In the present study, the Rh value of the basin and lack of structural control and to understand various
0.04 shows the major portion of the basin having gentle terrain parameters such as nature of the bedrock, infiltration
slope (Table 4). capacity, runoff, etc. Lower drainage density and stream
frequency indicates high permeability rate of the subsur-
Hydrological inferences face formation. The observed drainage parameters reveal
for recharge-related measures and areas where surface-
The quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters is water augmentation measures can be undertaken for the
found to be of immense utility in river basin evaluation, water resource management.
soil and water conservation and natural resources man- Observations derived from the morphometric analysis of
agement. The morphometric analysis carried out in the Morar River Basin gives up-to-date information about
Morar River Basin shows that the basin has low relief and various factors such as morphological characteristic of the
elongated shape. basin and important hydrological parameters such as
The linear pattern of the graphical representation indi- bifurcation ratio, elongation ratio, drainage density, relief
cates the homogeneous weathering erosional characteristic ratio, and circulatory ratio which are responsible for the
of the study area. Elongation ratio, circulatory ratio and form river basin evaluation, watershed prioritization for soil/
factor values show that the basin has an elongated shape, water conservation, natural resources management and
which indicates the low runoff and flatter peak of flow. groundwater potential targeting for efficient planning and
Drainage network of the basin exhibits as mainly den- management.
dritic type, which indicates the homogeneity in texture and This analysis can be used for site suitability analysis of
lack of structural control. The linear pattern of the graph- soil and water conservation structures development and
ical representation indicates the weathering erosional subsequently, these parameters were integrated with other
characteristics of the area under the study. The morpho- thematic information viz., land use/cover, land forms,
metric parameters evaluated using GIS helped us to drainage, slope, and soil in the GIS domain to arrive a
understand various terrain parameters such as infiltration decision regarding a suitable site for having soil and water
capacity, runoff, etc. Similar studies in conjunction with conservation structures (nala bund, check dam, and per-
high-resolution satellite data help in better understanding colation tank, recharge shaft, etc.) in the area for ground-
the landforms and their processes and drainage pattern water development and management.
demarcations for basin area planning and management. The study reveals that GIS-based approach in quantita-
The morphometric analysis provides information on the tive evaluation of drainage parameters and their influence
variation in the permeability of the aquifer units exposed in on landforms characteristics at the basin level are more
within the river basin. Artificial recharge and runoff har- appropriate than the conventional methods. Thus, the study
vesting in the area for groundwater development manage- shows that GIS techniques have efficient tools in delinea-
ment are selected based on small-scale topographic maps. tion of the drainage pattern to understand terrain parame-
Recharge sites are particularly unsuccessfully located or ters such as the infiltration capacity, surface run off, etc.,
because of these sites are often located in natural ground- which helps in better understanding the status of land form
water discharge areas. Drainage analysis form positive and their processes, drainage management and evolution of
contribution through the advantage of remote sensing and groundwater potential for watershed planning and man-
GIS-based tool in selecting artificial recharge sites. These agement. This will be useful for soil and water conserva-
analyzed drainage parameters provide comparative indices tion and is a positive scientific contribution for the people
of the permeability of rock surfaces in various parts of a of Morar River Basin area. This work will be useful for
drainage basin. If these information are integrated with the natural resources management at micro-level of any terrain
others hydrological characteristics of the drainage basin, for the sustainable development by planners and decision-
the strategy of siting recharge and water-harvesting mea- makers.
sures provides better groundwater development and man-
agement plan. Acknowledgments Authors are thankful to the Head of Depart-
ment, School of Studies in Earth Science, Jiwaji University for pro-
viding working facilities. The first author expresses his gratefulness to
the Founder President Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan; Group vice Chancellor
Conclusions Gen. K.J. Singh and Vice Chancellor Dr. Balvinder Shukla, Amity
University, Noida for constant encouragement. The first author also
thankful to Dr. Madhulika Singh, Director, Amity Institute of Geo-
The morphometric analysis carried out for the Morar River informatics and Remote Sensing for her valuable suggestion and kind
Basin confirms that the basin has low relief and elongated cooperation. Thanks are also due to the anonymous reviewers for their
shape. Drainage network of the basin exhibits as mainly many helpful suggestions.

1976 Environ Earth Sci (2013) 68:1967–1977

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