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Notice for Parents and Students - Conjunctivitis Awareness

Rapid Spread Alert:

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as "pink eye," is spreading rapidly. We need your vigilance to
contain it.
Conjunctivitis is highly contagious and can spread easily, especially in close-contact settings like

School Protocol:

Symptoms Identification: Watch for symptoms such as redness, itching, discharge, or excessive
tearing in your child's eyes.

Isolation: Any student showing symptoms will be isolated immediately and sent home.

Hand Hygiene: Emphasize regular handwashing with soap and water.

No Sharing: Remind your child not to share any personal items like towels or eye drops etc.

 Avoid close contact with infected individuals.
 Encourage good hand hygiene.
 Remind your child not to touch their eyes.

Symptoms Care:
 Consult a healthcare professional promptly if symptoms occur.
 Ensure adequate rest and hydration.
 Advise against touching or rubbing the eyes.

Cure Focus:
Early detection and strict adherence to our protocol are essential in preventing further spread. We
appreciate your cooperation in keeping our school community safe and healthy.

School Admin

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