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The Night read&share

Will there be In 2020, US President Donald Trump says

that bleach can stop COVID-19. Some
people believe the idea. They inhale
flying cars in bleach. Some even drink it. People believe
that bleach can cure many situations.

the future?
Examples are COVID-19 or arthritis.
Experts warn people not to do these
things. Bleach is very dangerous.
In the 1980s, the movie “Back to the Future” showed flying cars, and In 2020, officials arrest some sellers of
people thought that we might have flying cars in the 2000s. We didn’t, MMS. People can still buy it online. Even
but a company showed an early flying car at the 2023 Consumer some of the biggest sites like Amazon or
Electronics Show (CES). The car transitions from the ground to the eBay sell it.
air, and you can fly it in a simulation; the company hopes to finish the
car in 2026. CES is an important tech event, and this year, car
technology was a focus. People saw electric race cars, a large
remote-controlled dump truck, the flying car, a car that changes
color, an electric car with many sensors and cameras, a truck that
follows you if you get out, and new software to run devices in the car.

On friday, a man with three

guns killed six people in the
small town of Akabutla,
United States. The man killed
Experts predict that the International
his ex-wife and five other
Space Station will end by 2030, and it is
people in three different
necessary to think of a new concept for a
places. One of the places
space station. Several companies are
was a petrol station, where a
working on a new project for a space
young man wanted to stop
station. But these are not the usual
the man, but then he decided
places which we associate with space
to wait for the police. Officers arrested a 52-year-old man whose
travel, such as Florida or Houston. Sierra
motive was not clear. The sheriff said that fewer than 300 people lived
Space is a company based in Pittsburgh,
in the town, and there was not much violence for more than 20 years.
United States. It is working on a project
The incident was the 73rd mass shooting since the year started. US
for a space station, which will look very
President Joe Biden said that he and his wife were very sad. Once
different from the current International
again, he urged lawmakers to change gun laws in the United States.
Space Station. It will be more spacious,
and the company wants to make it
accessible not only for astronauts and
rich people. Scientists will do their

research there, which could mean
developing better materials or medicine.
ig hearts for
The company believes that its project will
eople bring new jobs for the people of
Pittsburgh where the steel industry used
to be the main livelihood in the past.
One year ago, American
David Bennett became the
first person who received a pig’s heart. Bennett was very ill, and
the surgery was the only thing which could save his life. At first,
the man was doing well and the doctors were excited. But
Bennett’s condition quickly changed and his heart was swelling.
The man died 60 days after the surgery. It took almost one year to
find out why the surgery wasn’t successful. Experts found out that
the heart was infected with a pig virus. The tests, which they did
before the surgery, didn’t detect the virus. Since the surgery,
experts developed more sensitive tests. Experts are also studying
monkeys with pig heart transplants. They want to learn more
about immune-suppressing drugs. These drugs reduce the
activation of a patient’s immune system, which helps the body
accept the transplant.

This is my newspaper. It’s my first news

• Will there be flying cars in the future?

•In the 1980s, the movie “Back to the Future”

showed flying cars, and people thought that we
might have flying cars in the 2000s.
•We didn’t, but a company showed an early flying
car at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
•The car transitions from the ground to the air, and
you can fly it in a simulation; the company hopes to
finish the car in 2026.

• My second news

• In 2020, US President Donald Trump says that

bleach can stop COVID-19.
•Some people believe the idea.
•They inhale bleach.
•Some even drink it.
•People believe that bleach can cure many
•Examples are COVID-19 or arthritis.
•Experts warn people not to do these things.
•Bleach is very dangerous.

• The next news is;

•On friday, a man with three guns killed six people

in the small town of Akabutla, United States.
•The man killed his ex-wife and five other people in
three different places.
•One of the places was a petrol station, where a
young man wanted to stop the man, but then he
decided to wait for the police.
•Officers arrested a 52-year-old man whose motive
was not clear.

• Another news is;

•One year ago, American David Bennett became

the first person who received a pig’s heart.
•Bennett was very ill, and the surgery was the only
thing which could save his life.
•At first, the man was doing well and the doctors
were excited.
•But Bennett’s condition quickly changed and his
heart was swelling.
•The man died 60 days after the surgery.
•It took almost one year to find out why the surgery
wasn’t successful.
•Experts found out that the heart was infected with
a pig virus.

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