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International Journal of Algebra, Vol. 5, 2011, no.

30, 1451 - 1458

On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Magnified

Translation in Rings
P. K. Sharma

Department of Mathematics, D.A.V. College

Jalandhar City, Punjab , India

Abstract. In this paper, we define intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation of

intuitionistic fuzzy (normal) subring and ideal of a ring. These concepts are used
in the development of some important results and theorems about Intuitionistic
fuzzy rings.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M12, 03F55, 08A72

Keywords: Intuitionistic fuzzy subring (IFSR), Intuitionistic fuzzy ideal (IFI),

Intuitionistic fuzzy normal subring (IFNSR), Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified
Translation (IFMT), homomorphism .

I. Introduction

The notion of fuzzy sets was introduced by Zadeh [13]. The concept of
Intuitionistic fuzzy set was introduced by Atanassov [1] and Atanasssov and
Stoeva [2], as a generalization of the notion of fuzzy set. , Kandasamy [4]
introduced the concept of fuzzy translation and fuzzy multiplication . The idea of
fuzzy magnified translation has been introduced by Majumder and Sardar [7]. The
notion of Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation and some of its properties in a
group has been discussed by the author [10] , [11]. Here in this paper, we
introduce a similar notion of intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation in rings and
obtained some results.
1452 P. K. Sharma

2. Preliminaries

Definition (2.1)[1] Let X be a fixed non-empty set. An Intuitionistic fuzzy set

(IFS) A of X is an object of the following form A = {< x , μA(x) , νA(x) > : x ∈X},
where μA : X Æ [0, 1] and νA : X Æ [0, 1] define the degree of membership
and degree of non-membership of the element x ∈X respectively and for any
x ∈X , we have 0 ≤ μA(x) + νA(x) ≤ 1 .
Remark (2.2): When μA(x) + νA(x) = 1 , i.e. when νA(x) = 1 - μA(x) = μAc(x) .
Then A is called fuzzy set.
Definition (2.3)[12] Let R be a ring . An IFS A = { < x, μA(x), νA(x) >: x ∈R}
of R is said to be intuitionistic fuzzy subring of R ( In short IFSR) of R if
(i) μA(x-y) ≥ μA(x) ∧μA(y) (ii) μA(xy) ≥ μA(x) ∧μA(y)

(iii) νA(x-y) ≤ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) (iv) νA(xy) ≤ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) , for all x , y∈R

Definition (2.4)[12] Let R be a ring. An IFSR A of R is said to be intuitionistic

fuzzy normal subring ( in short IFNSR ) of R if

(i) μA(xy) = μA(yx) (ii) νA(xy) = νA(yx) , for all x , y ∈R

Definition (2.5)[3] An IFS A = { < x, μA(x), νA(x) >: x ∈R} of a ring R said to be
(a) intuitionistic fuzzy Left Ideal of R ( In short IFLI ) of R if
(i) μA(x-y) ≥ μA(x) ∧μA(y) (ii) μA(xy) ≥ μA(y)

(iii) νA(x-y) ≤ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) (iv) νA(xy) ≤ νA(y) , for all x , y ∈R

(b) intuitionistic fuzzy Right Ideal of R ( In short IFRI ) of R if

(i) μA(x-y) ≥ μA(x) ∧μA(y) (ii) μA(xy) ≥ μA(x)

(iii) νA(x-y) ≤ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) (iv) νA(xy) ≤ νA(x) , for all x , y ∈R

(c) intuitionistic fuzzy Ideal of R ( In short IFI ) of R if

On intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation in rings 1453

(i) μA(x-y) ≥ μA(x) ∧μA(y) (ii) μA(xy) ≥ μA(x) ∨ μA(y)

(iii) νA(x-y) ≤ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) (iv) νA(xy) ≤ νA(x) ∧ νA(y) , for all x , y ∈R

Theorem (2.6)[3] If A = {< x , μA(x) , νA(x) > : x ∈R} be IFI of ring R , then

(i) μA(0) ≥ μA(x) and νA(0) ≤ νA(x)

(ii) μA(-x) = μA(x) and νA(-x) = νA(x) , for all x , y ∈R.

Definition (2.7) [5]:Let X and Y be two non-empty sets and f ; X Æ Y be a

mapping . Let A and B be IFS’s of X and Y respectively . Then the image of
A under the map f is denoted by f (A) and is defined as
f ( A ) ( y ) = ( μ f (A ) ( y ) , ν f (A )
( y) ) , where
⎧⎪ ∨{ μ A ( x) : x ∈ f −1 (y)} ⎧⎪ ∧{ ν A (x) : x ∈ f −1(y)}
μ f ( A) ( y) = ⎨ ν f ( A) ( y) = ⎨
⎪⎩ 0 ; otherwise and ⎪⎩ 1 ; otherwise
Also the pre-image of B under f is denoted by f ( B) and is defined as
f −1
( B )(x ) = ( μf −1
( B)
( x) , ν f −1
( B)
( x ))
w here μf −1
( B)
( x ) = μ B ( f ( x )) and ν f −1
( B)
( x ) = ν B ( f ( x ))
Remark (2.8) Note that for any x ∈ X , we have μf(A)(f(x)) ≥ μA(x) and
νf(A)(f(x)) ≤ νA(x)
Definition (2.9) Let R and R′ be two rings. Let f : R Æ R′ be homomorphism if
(i) f ( x + y ) = f ( x ) + f ( y ) (ii) f ( xy ) = f ( x ) f ( y ) , for all x , y ∈ R

Theorem (2.10) Let R and R′ be two rings with identities 0 and 0′ . Let f : R Æ R′
be ring homomorphism , then
(i) f (0) = 0′ , f (1) = 1′ , where 0 , 1 and 0′ , 1′ are identities of R and R′

(ii) f ( -x ) = - f ( x ) and f ( x -1 ) = { f ( x )} -1 , for all x ∈ R.

Proof. It is trivial .
1454 P. K. Sharma

3. Intuitionistic Fuzzy magnified Translation of Intuitionistic

fuzzy set:

Here we shall define the notion of Intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation

(IFMT) of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) and then studied its properties when the
IFS is replace with IFI of a ring R.
Definition(3.1)[10] Let A = (μA, νA) be an intuitionistic fuzzy subset of X and β∈
[0,1] and α∈ [ 0, 1– Sup{ μA(x) + νA(x) : x∈X, 0 < μA(x) + νA(x) < 1 }] .
Then the intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation (IFMT) T of A is an object of
the form : T = { < ( x , μ A( β ,α ) ( x) , ν A( β ,α ) ( x) (x) > : x ∈ X }or briefly as

{ < (x, μT(x), νT(x)> : x ∈ X }, Where the functions μ A( β ,α ) ( x) = μT : X Æ [0,1]

and ν A( β ,α ) ( x) = νT(x) : XÆ [0,1] are defined as :

μT(x) = μ A( β ,α ) ( x) = βμA(x) + α, νT(x) = ν A( β ,α ) ( x) = βνA(x) + α , for all x ∈ X.

Example(3.2): Let X = {1, ω, ω2 }. Let A = {< 1, 0.3, 0.4 > , < ω ,0.1, 0.25 > ,
< ω2 ,0.5,0.3 >} be an IFS of X . Then [ 0 ,1 - Sup{ μA(x) + νA(x): x∈X,
0 < μA(x) + νA(x) < 1 }] = [0, 0.2]. Take α = 0.1 and β = 0.2.Then IFMT of the
IFS A is given by T = {< 1, 0.16, 0.18>, < ω, 0.12, 0.15 >, < ω2 , 0.11, 0.16 >}
Theorem (3.3) Let T is an IFMT of an IFSR A of a ring R, then
(i) μT(-x ) = μT(x) and νT( -x) = νT(x)
(ii) μT(x) ≤ μT(0) and νT(x) ≥ νT(0), for all x, 0 ∈R
Proof: Easy proof
Theorem (3.4): Let T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R, then
(i) μT( x - y ) = μT(0) ⇒ μT(x) = μT(y).
(ii) νT( x –y ) = νT(0) ⇒ νT(x) = νT(y) , for all x, y, 0∈R.
Proof: Easy proof.
Theorem(3.5) : Let T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R, then T is an IFI of R.
On intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation in rings 1455

Proof: Assume that T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R. Let x, y∈R , we have

μT(x - y ) = βμA(x – y ) + α
≥ β{ μA(x) ∧ μA(y) }+ α
= ( βμA(x) + α ) ∧ ( βμA(y) + α )
= μT(x) ∧ μT(y)
also μT(xy) = βμA(xy) + α
≥ β{ μA(x) ∨ μA(y) }+ α
= ( βμA(x) + α ) ∨ ( βμA(y) + α )
= μT(x)∨μT(y).
also νT(x - y) = βνA(x - y) + α
≤ β{ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) } + α
= ( βνA(x) + α ) ∨ ( βνA(y) + α )
= νT(x) ∨ νT(y).
and νT(xy) = βνA(xy) + α
≤ β{ νA(x) ∧ νA(y) } + α
= ( βνA(x) + α ) ∧ ( βνA(y) + α )
= νT(x) ∧ νT(y).
Hence T is an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of R.
Example (3.6) : Let T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R, then
H = { x∈R : μT(x) = μT(0) and νT(x) = νT(0) } is an ideal of R.
Proof: Easy exercise
Example (3.7): Let T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R, then
H = {< x, μT(x) > : μT(x) = μT(0) and νT(x) = νT(0) } is a fuzzy ideal of R.
Proof: Easy exercise
Example (3.8) :Let T is an IFMT of an IFI A of a ring R, then
H = {< x, νT(x) > : μT(x) = μT(0) and νT(x) = νT(0)} is an anti-fuzzy ideal of R
Proof: Easy exercise.
1456 P. K. Sharma

Theorem (3.9): Let T is an IFMT of IFNSR A of a ring R , then T is also

Proof. Since T is IFMT of IFNSR A of ring R .
Let x, y∈R , then from Theorem 3.5 , we have
μT(x-y) ≥ μT(x) ∧μT(y) and νT(x-y) ≤ νT(x) ∨ νT(y)

Now μT(xy) = βμA(xy) + α

≥ β{ μA(x) ∧ μA(y) }+ α
= ( βμA(x) + α ) ∧ ( βμA(y) + α )
= μT(x) ∧ μT(y) and .
νT(xy) = βνA(xy) + α
≤ β{ νA(x) ∨ νA(y) } + α
= ( βνA(x) + α ) ∨ ( βνA(y) + α )
= νT(x) ∨ νT(y)
Thus T is IFSR of ring R.
Further , μT(xy) = βμA(xy) + α = βμA(yx) + α =μT(yx)
Similarly , νT(xy) = βνA(xy) + α = βνA(yx) + α =νT(yx)
Hence T is IFNSR of ring R.
Proposition (3.10): Let R and R‫ ׀‬be any two rings. Then the homomorphic
image of an IFMT of an IFI of R is an IFI of R‫׀‬.
Proof: Let R and R‫ ׀‬be any two rings and f: R → R‫ ׀‬be a ring homomorphism.
∴ f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y) and f(x y) = f(x) f(y) for all x and y ∈ R.
Let V= f (T), where T is an IFMT of an IFI A of R. We show that V is an IFI of R‫׀‬.
Now, for f(x) and f(y) in R‫׀‬, we have
μV[ f(x) - f (y) ) ] = μV[f (x - y ) ]
≥ μT ( x - y )
= βμA ( x – y ) + α
On intuitionistic fuzzy magnified translation in rings 1457

≥ β{ μA(x) ∧ μA( y ) } + α
= ( βμA(x) + α ) ∧ ( βμA( y) + α)
= μV(f (x) ) ∧ μV(f (y))
Thus μV[f (x) - f (y) ) ] ≥ μV(f (x) ) ∧ μV(f (y)) and
μV[ f(x) f (y) ] = μV[f (xy ) ]
≥ μT ( x y )
= βμA ( x y ) + α
≥ β{ μA(x) ∨ μA( y ) } + α
= ( βμA(x) + α ) ∨ ( βμA( y) + α )
= μV(f (x) ) ∨ μV(f (y))
Thus μV[f (x) f (y) ] ≥ μV(f (x) ) ∨ μV(f (y) ) also
νV[f (x) - f (y) ] = νV[f (x -y ) ]
≤ νT (x - y )
= βνA ( x - y ) + α
≤ β{ νA(x) ∨ νA( y } + α
= ( βνA(x) + α) ∨ ( βνA(y) + α)
= νV(f (x) ) ∨ νV(f (y))
Thus νV[f (x)- f (y)] ≤ νV(f (x) ) ∨ νV(f (y)). also
νV[f (x) f (y) ] = νV[f (xy ) ]
≤ νT (x y )
= βνA ( x y ) + α
≤ β{ νA(x) ∧ νA( y ) } + α
= ( βνA(x) + α) ∧ ( βνA(y) + α)
= νV(f (x) ) ∧ νV(f (y))
1458 P. K. Sharma

Thus νV[f (x)(f (y) ] ≤ νV(f (x) ) ∧ νV(f (y)).

Therefore, V is an IFI of a ring R‫׀‬.Hence the homomorphic image of an IFMT of
an IFI A of R is an IFI of R‫׀‬.
Remark(3.11): If we put β =1 ( respectively α = 0 ) in IFMT T , then it
reduces to a similar notion of Intuitionistic fuzzy translation ( respectively
Intuitionistic fuzzy magnification) as discussed in [ 8 ].


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Received: July, 2011

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