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Music of the
Renaissance and
Baroque Period
Let’s Listen!

Canon in D - Pachelbel
1. How can you describe the music?
2. How was it used as background music?

Guess the Title…

3. Do you think they were used creatively? Was the music used
4. If you were one of the original composers, would you allow your
compositions to be used as they are used today? Why or Why not?
Medieval Period
Medieval Period
•Also known as the “Middle Ages” or the
“Dark Ages”
•The period in European History from the
Collapse of Roman Civilization in the 5th
Century CE.
•the Christian Church influenced Europe’s
culture and political affairs.
Music of the Medieval Period
Pope Gregory I
• Monophonic Plainchant also known as
the “Gregorian Chant”
• He made the approved music of the
Catholic church
Characteristics of
Gregorian Chants

• Monophonic
• Free-meter
• Modal
• Based on Latin Liturgy
• Use Neume Notation
Neume Notation Standard Notation
Troubadour Music
• Groups of Musician who performs
“secular music” or music which
was not bound by Catholic
• Usually monophonic
• Sometimes with improvised
• Tells of chivalry and courtly love
• Originated in France
• Written in the French language
Famous composer of the medieval period
Adam de la Halle
Famous Works:
1. Le jeu de Robin et de Marion
2. La Chanson du roi le Sicile
• Also known as Adam le bossu
or “Adam the hunchback”
• One of the oldest secular
composers whose literary and
musical works include
chansons and poetic debates
• He was a trouvere, a poet and
a musician
Renaissance Period
• Renaissance form the word “renaitre” meaning “rebirth”, “revival”
and “rediscovery”.
• The period of “looking back” to the Golden Age of Greece and
• renaissance music became popular as entertainment and activity
for amateurs and the educated.
• Lute was the prominent instrument of the renaissance era.
• The influence of the Roman Catholic Church started to decline as
the new music genre arose.
• This era was also known as the ―”golden age” of a capella choral
Characteristics of Renaissance Music
•Mostly Polyphonic
•Imitation among the voices is common
•Use of the word “Painting” in texts and
•Melodic lines move in a flowing manner
•Melodies are easier to perform because
these move along a scale with a few
large leaps.
Vocal Music of
the Renaissance
Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period
Mass Characteristics of Mass
• is a form of • Polyphonic
sacred musical • May be sung a cappella or with
composition orchestral accompaniment
that sets texts • Text may be syllabic (one note
of the set to each syllable), neumatic
Eucharistic (a few notes set to one syllable),
liturgy into or melismatic (many notes to
music one syllable)
5 Main Section of Mass

Sanctus and Benedictus

Agnus Dei
5 Main Section of Mass
Kyrie, Eleison
•“Lord Have
•The first
Sung prayer
of the Mass
5 Main Section of Mass
• Gloria Excelsis
• “Glory to God In
the highest”
• Meant to direct
our praises to
God in
celebration of his
5 Main Section of Mass


• “I Believe in one
• Nicene Creed or
Apostles Creed
5 Main Section of Mass
Sanctus and Benedictus

• “Holy, holy and

Blessed is He”
• An ancient
Christian hymn of
Adoration sung or
said immediately
before the prayer
of consecration in
traditional liturgies
5 Main Section of Mass
Agnus Dei
• “Lamb of
• Designation
of Jesus Christ
in Christian
Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period
•A secular vocal polyphonic music
composition which originated from Italy.
•It is written and expressed in a poetic text
and sung during courtly social
•It is the most important secular form
during the Renaissance period.
Vocal Music of the Renaissance Period
of Madrigal

• Polyphonic
• Sung a
• Through–
• Frequently in 3
to 6 voices
Famous Composers of
the Renaissance Period
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
• said to be the greatest master of
Roman Catholic Church music
during the Renaissance period
• Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass is
held up as the perfect example of
counter - reformation style.
• Kyrie is part of the first two sections
of the Pope Marcellus Mass.
• He received his early training and
spent the majority of his career in
various churches in Rome,
including the pope’s chapel.
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
• He was as an organist and choir
master at both the Sistine Chapel and
at St. Peter's which may have
influenced his distinctively pure and
restrained style in musical
• Palestrina has two sons but lost them
both during the plague epidemic that
struck Rome in 1570’s.
• He had planned to become a priest
but eventually changed his mind and
married a wealthy widow. This
improved his wealth and enabled him
to pursue a musical career for the rest
of his life.
Thomas Morley
• He was a singer in the local cathedral
from his boyhood, and he became
master of choristers there in 1583.
• Thomas Morley was the most famous
composer of secular music in his time.
• He was a singer in the local cathedral
during his childhood and was
believed to have studied music with
William Byrd, an Elizabethan composer
of sacred music.
• He received his Bachelor’s degree in
Oxford and became an organist at St.
Paul’s in London.
Thomas Morley

He tried imitating Byrd in his early works but

veered towards composing madrigals that
show a variety of color, form and
Most of his madrigals are light and easy to
sing with some aspects of Italian style.
Shortly after, he began publishing his own
collections of madrigals and made
significant contribution to the history of
1. Copy the “Salve Regina” in your notebook
2. Research about the Baroque Period.
3. Determine the characteristics of Baroque
4. Research about the life and famous works
of the following composers from the
baroque period
• Johann Sebastian Bach
• Antonio Vivaldi
• George Handel

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