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Technical Know-how Developed by

Centre for Applied Research & Development (CARD),

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
(A Government of India Enterprise)
NEYVELI 607 807
Cuddalore District, TamilNadu

Commercialized by


(An Enterprise of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of
Science & Technology, Government of India)
Registered Office : 20-22, Zamroodpur Community Centre
Kailash Colony Extension
NEW DELHI 110 048
Regional Office : 107, 8th Main, Malleswaram


Humic acid is derived as an end product of organic matter decomposition in soil.

The decaying of plant matter and organic manures by biological activity results
in the formation of humus which consists of humic acid, fulvic acid, etc. In
general, forest soils are rich in humic acid (about 3 %) whereas the cultivable
soils are found to have traces of humic acid. Lignite contains about 3-5 % of
humic acid. To extract humic acid from lignite, CARD/NLC Ltd, Neyveli has
developed a novel process and has obtained patent protection in India. The
patent and accompanying know-how for the production of potassium humate
from lignite has been assigned to M/s.NRDC, New Delhi for commercialization.

 The application of humic acid helps to build up soil organic matter

in soil. Humic acid is a plant growth stimulant helps to improve the yield
of various crops.
• Stimulates seed germination, viability and root formation, respiration and
• Applications on the plant surface have favorable effects on plant tissues,
nutrient balance and, crop yield and quality for large variety of field and
horticultural crops.
• Its applications to soil acts as a storehouse for retaining the nutrients from
fertilizers and release them slowly with better cation exchange capacity and
prevent soil leaching.
• It is fully soluble in water, ideal for supplying along with nutrients
through fertigation. It enhances the uptake of plant nutrients and trace minerals.
• It increases the water holding capacity and helps plants to tolerate drought
• It enhances the aeration of soil, permeability and provides favorable
environment for soil microorganisms’ development.
• It is ideal for all types of crops viz., cereals, pulses, vegetables, oil seeds,
cash crops, fruit trees, orchards, spices, plantation crops, lawns etc.

Potassium humate a water-soluble salt of humic acid has distinct beneficial

properties which are clarified under this Chapter of FAQs.
What are Humic Acids?

Humic acids are complex organic molecules formed by the breakdown of organic
matter in soil. They are the main fraction, the biological center, of natural humic
matter. It is the collective term for humic acid and fulvic acid.

What are the sources of Humic Acids?

Humic matter is formed through the chemical and biological humification of

plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms
(See Figure). The biological center, the main fraction of natural humic matter is
the humic acids, which contain humic acid and fulvic acid. Humic acids are an
excellent natural and organic way to provide plants and soil with a concentrated
dose of essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. They are complex
molecules that exist naturally in soils, peats, oceans and fresh waters. The best
sources of humic acids are the sedimentation layers of soft brown coal, which
are referred to as lignite.

Lignite is organic matter, which has not reached the state of coal and differs
from soft brown coal by its high oxidation degree, a result of the process of coal
formation (bog>peat>coal), and high humic acids content as well as higher
carboxyl groups.

What is Lignite?

Many thousands of years ago large bodies of water existed where huge quantities
or organic matter were deposited and began to slowly decompose. Over the
years, giant peat bogs were formed. Through geologic activity many of these
bogs were buried. After burial, the organic material began to lose oxygen and be
transformed in coal under heat and pressure. Those deposits that were never
buried deep enough to undergo the complete transformation into coal became
lignite. Today these lignite ores exist as stratified layers of brown to black coal-
like material underneath an overburden of inorganic soil or rock.

Lignite as a source of humic acids for crop production was discovered in the
1960's. Researchers at the US Bureaus of Mines began to experiment with
applications of crushed lignite to agricultural soils. They found that applications
of the material at rates of 100 to 2,000 kg per acre increased yields of potatoes,
sugar beets and other crops. Various agricultural universities began to
experiment with the use of lignite based soil amendments and fertilizers. It was
apparent that lignite was more biologically and chemically active. The positive
responses of plants and soils to humic acids derived from lignite have been
demonstrated by many researchers throughout the world. There is abundant
evidence from field trials with humic acids from lignite that prove the value of
lignite as a humic acids source.
What are Humates?

The sodium, potassium and ammonium salts of humic acids derived through
alkaline extraction are referred to as humates. While sodium humates have usage
in various industries such as printing inks, potassium humates are used
extensively in agriculture.

Only potassium humates are approved for organic agriculture by Organic

Materials Review Institute (OMRI) ( OMRI, a non-profit
organization, provides organic certifiers, growers, manufacturers, and suppliers
an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic
production, handling, and processing. Certifiers in India also refer to the OMRI
certified organic products as reference standard.

What do Humic Acids do?

Humic Acids stimulate and promote plant development, resulting in higher

yields. Humic Acids improve the structure of soil and increase water retention,
seed germination, root growth and quality of yields. For soils to remain fertile,
humus must either be replaced or added. Applying Humic Acids does this and
increases the natural fertility process in the soil.

How is this accomplished?

The most important feature of Humic Acids is their ability of binding ions which
produces bio-chemical reactions known as chelation. This makes the nutrients
more readily available to the plants for the proper growing process. As a result,
Humic Acids produce three types of effects on soil and plant: They physically
modify the structure of soil, they chemically change the fixation properties of
the soil and they biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of

Are Humic Acid Products Fertilizers?

No, they are not fertilizers, but complement normal fertilizers and a well
balanced fertility program. Humic Acids do not supply nutrients in the
conventional sense, but increase their availability. They are not a solution in
themselves, but part of a balanced program.

When Humic Acids enter plants at early stages of development, they result in
increased cell division, root development and eventually dry matter, they act as
respiratory catalyst, act as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline
conditions, convert nutrients into forms available to plants, protect plants from
chlorosis and increase the permeability of plant membranes. They also decrease
plant stress and increase the quality of yields.

What crops will Humic Acids help?

Tests have shown that Humic Acids benefit all types of agricultural crops and
horticultural plants. As in nature, results will of course vary according to soil
and weather conditions. In general the first results are observed in one growing
season for field crops and vegetables as well as in landscaping. Naturally,
weather and soil conditions also play a role in the outcome of the results.
Growers will definitely see an improvement in soil fertility and this fertility is
likely to increase by regular application of Humic Acids.

Will Humic Acids harm the soil?

DEFINITELY NOT. Humic Acids are organic and free of any harmful
substances. They will not contaminate groundwater or soil and are
environmentally safe. On the contrary, Humic Acids reduce the availability of
toxic substances in the soil, prevent that nitrate and pesticides mix in with
ground water and decrease the use of fertilizers. They also reduce the over-
salination problem in the application of water soluble mineral fertilizers and are
an effective means in erosion control.

What are the benefits of Humic Acids?

Humic acids physically modify the structure of the soil:

• Improve the structure of soil: Prevent high water and nutrient losses in
light, sandy soils. Simultaneously convert them into fruitful soils by way of
decomposition. In heavy and compact soils, aeration of soil and water retention
is improved; cultivation measures are facilitated.
• Prevent soil cracking, surface water runoff and soil erosion by increasing
the ability of colloids to combine.
• Help the soil to loosen and crumble and thus increase aeration of soil as
well as soil workability.
• Increase water holding capacity of soil and thus help resist drought.
• Darken the color of the soil and thus help absorption of the sun energy.

Humic acids chemically change the fixation properties of the soil:

• Neutralize both acid and alkaline soils; regulate the pH-value of soils.
• Improve and optimize the uptake of nutrients and water by plants.
• Increase buffering properties of soil.
• Act as natural chelator for metal ions under alkaline conditions and
promote their uptake by the roots.
• Rich in both organic and mineral substances essential to plant growth.
• Retain water soluble inorganic fertilizers in the root zones and reduce
their leaching.
• Possess extremely high cation-exchange capacities.
• Promote the conversion of nutrient elements (N, P, K + Fe, Zn and other
trace elements) into forms available to plants.
• Enhance the uptake of nitrogen by plants.
• Reduce the reaction of phosphorus with Ca, Fe, Mg and Al and liberate it
into a form that is available and beneficial to plants. The productivity of
particularly mineral fertilizers is increased considerably.
• Liberate carbon dioxide from soil calcium carbonate and enable its use in
• Help to eliminate chlorosis due to iron deficiency in plants.
• Reduce the availability of toxic substances in soils.

Humic acids biologically stimulate the plant and the activities of micro-

• Stimulate plant enzymes and increase their production.

• Act as an organic catalyst in many biological processes.
• Stimulate growth and proliferation of desirable micro-organisms in soil.
• Enhance plant’s natural resistance against disease and pest.
• Stimulate root growth, especially vertically and enable better uptake of
• Increase root respiration and root formation.
• Promote the development of chlorophyll, sugars and amino acids in plants
and aid in photosynthesis.
• Increase vitamin and mineral content of plants.
• Thicken the cell walls in fruits and prolong the storing and shelf time.
• Increase germination and viability of seeds.
• Stimulate plant growth (higher biomass production) by accelerating cell
division, increasing the rate of development in root systems and increasing the
yield of dry matter.
• Increase the quality of yields; improve their physical appearance and
nutritional value.

What are the economic benefits of Humic Acids?

Humic acids chelate nutrient compounds, especially iron, in the soil to a form
suitable for plant utilization. Thus, the nutrient supply of plants is optimized.
High increases up to 70% in yield, accompanied by a reduction up to 30% in the
use of fertilizers and pesticides, as well as better and healthier growth of green
grass, ornamentals, agricultural crops and woods can be attained with the
regular application of first-quality humic acids. Furthermore, water holding
capacity of soils is increased considerably, which means that the use of water
can be reduced substantially.
Best economic results can be obtained in light and sandy soils poor in humus as
well as on re-cultivation fields. The diverse positive impacts of humic acids are
to be observed particularly in such soils. This is true for almost all soils in dry
and warm regions. As a result of the high mineralization rate of organic
substances, providing these soils with stable humic acids is indispensable for the
maintenance and improvement of soil fertility.

To what crops it can be used?

It can be used to ornamental plants, grass lawns, cereals, pulses, oil seeds,
vegetables & commercial crops like sugarcane, cotton, fruit trees, orchard, green
house, nurseries etc.

Cereals Paddy, maize, ragi, sorghum, cumbu, wheat,

Pulses Cowpea, Soya bean, green gram, black gram,
red gram, Bengal gram, Lab Lab
Oil seeds Groundnut, gingelly, sunflower, castor,
Rapeseed, Mustard, Lindseed, Safflower,
Cash crops Sugarcane, cotton, coconut, cashew.

Vegetables Tomato, brinjal, bhendi, Onion, Capsicum,

Radish, Drum stick, Amaranthes
Tuber crops Potato, Tapioca, Sweet potato,
Cole crops Carrot, beet root, cabbage, cauliflower, knol,
Fruit crops Guava, mango, citrus, sapota, jack fruit,
Banana, Pomegranate, amla, Water melon,
Papaya, Grapes, Apple, pear, plums, peach
Forest trees Teak, casuarina, eucalyptus, bamboo.

Flower crops Rose, jasmine, marigold, Crythanthyum,

Crossandra, tuberose, Nerium, Golden rod,
Condiments & Pepper (Black), Chillies, Ginger, Turmeric,
Spices Cardamom, Betel nuts, Curry leaf
Fibre crops Cotton , Jute, sunhemp, mesta
Drugs, Narcotics Opium, Tobacco, Cinchona, Indian Hemp, Tea,
& Plantation Coffee, Betel leaves, Rubber, Mulberry
Medicinal Stevia, Safed musli, Ashvaghandha
Green House Gladiolus, Dahlia, Gerbera, Carnation,

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